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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier looked at Aaron when he elbowed him, and he bit his tongue. Aaron didn't need any grief so he plastered a fake smile and let out a small yell and cheer. "Better?" He asked, looking at him. The headache returned then and he ground his teeth, sitting down once again and rubbed his temples with his head at his lap. He heard that Gryffindor was doing well and he smiled, good for them.
Aaron laughed, “A bit,” he replied. Xavier was too adorable for his own good in his opinion. As Gryffindor scored, the whole Gryffindor section of the crowd erupted into cheer and everyone was on their feet as they opened the scoring. As they sat back down again, Aaron looked to his side and noticed that Xavier didn’t seem to be enjoying himself. “Oi, everything alright mate?” Aaron asked the Hufflepuff boy with concern.
Xavier had heard the scoring and the crowds went nuts. His headache increased tenfold, like his brain was pounding to get out of his skull. He looked at Aaron and suddenly it snapped. "I'm fine!" He yelled, before slapping a hand over his mouth with wide eyes. He'd done the one thing he never wanted to. He had yelled at Aaron. The boy's eyes watered, great here comes the emotionally upset mood. He all but ran from the stands, ran into the castle and straight to his common room. Anyone could come in, if they knew the special tap, and he hadn't told anyone not even Aaron. He tapped on the right barrels with the tune to 'helga hufflepuff' and the barrels swung open. He had slowed down due to sheer exhaustion once he'd gotten inside the castle. Of course, the door stayed open for a few minutes in case there were a large group of students..
Aaron was not expecting to be snipped at by Xavier. His eyes widened as he leaned back, stunned at his friend’s reaction. Xavier had never snapped at him like this before. He gulped and felt his heart hurt as his friend yelled at him. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve such a reaction, he was only concerned for his friend. He was left stunned as suddenly, Xavier got up and left, running away. The crowd loudly roared by Aaron remained silent, feeling a lump form in his throat. He felt hurt but he also wanted to run after Xavier and find out what was wrong. Aaron sat, frowning. He felt as if he wanted to cry.
Xavier had made it up into his room, grabbed his teddy and thanks to the mood swings, began bawling like a baby. He was mad at himself, mad at Eric, mad at these stupid nightmares. It was then that he knew he needed some kind of help. Hiding it was not working but Madam Pomfrey was busy with the Quidditch match. He'd go see her tomorrow and see if she could do anything. He also knew he'd need to apologize to Aaron as well and explain everything.
The rest of the Quidditch match raged on and it was a back and forth affair between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Eventually, Gryffindor came out on top. The Gryffindor crowd roared as loud as it ever had today once their team won. Aaron found himself wanting to cheer but not being able to. He couldn’t bring himself to shout with joy, even though he was happy that Gryffindor had won. His heart was hurting too much right now. Aaron was one of the first to leave once the match had ended, practically running back into the castle and going back to Gryffindor Tower. He wanted to be alone in his room and cry. Surely Jacob wouldn’t be back for a while since he was no doubt celebrating with the rest of the Gryffindors.
Xavier had been falling asleep on and off, a sniffle coming from him occasionally. He heard voices and realized that the match must be over. He knew that some of the Hufflepuffs didn't celebrate with the winning team, and apparently Ryan was one of them. What Xavier didn't realize was that Ryan had seen him run off, but couldn't move to exit to follow after his friend. "Xavier?" A small knock on the bed frame. Xaie blinked away the dried tears in his eyes, looking up at the boy. "Hey Ryan" He whispered. He was so defeated at this point that any anger changed to sadness and his headache was quieter without the loud atmosphere. "What happened? What's going on" Ryan asked, he had concern for Xavier like a brother, even if his Gryffindor friend thought he was apparently a threat to their friendship.

"I-I haven't been sleeping well the last two months and I-i y-yelled at my best f-friend today" He said, fresh tears streaming out of his eyes. Ryan sighed. "May I hug you?" He asked gently. His older sister had this issue once and he'd seen how sometimes a hug can help, but usually some kind of sleep treatment or pills. Xavier nodded, moving himself closer to the edge of the bed. Ryan wrapped his arms around the boy tight and let him cry everything out. "We need to get you help bud" He added looking at the boy. Xavier nodded before he ended up passing out from exhaustion. In his mind, he pictured Aaron even if the boy beside him didn't have that same smell that Aaron had, usually like a piney smell.
Aaron wanted to be a big boy in that moment. He was eleven, and eleven year olds didn’t cry. But he couldn’t stop the waterworks as he ran away and up into his room. He was the first one back at the Gryffindor dorm rooms and he rushed into his room, slamming the door behind him and hopping onto his bed, crying into his pillow. He eventually cried himself to sleep. Jacob was out the whole rest of the morning and into the afternoon celebrating the win with the rest of the Gryffindors. It was almost dinner time when Jacob finally came back. The door to their room opened and it woke Aaron, who lifted his head up from the pillow where he had fallen asleep on and looked in the door way.

There was a rosy cheeked Jacob, his brown hair messy and his robes tattered. Clearly he’d been celebrating quite a bit. He seemed to stumble into the room, almost falling over. It looked comical and Aaron would laugh if he wasn’t in such a miserable mood. “Oi mate? Where were ya?” Jacob asked, leaning on his desk as he attempted to regain his balance. His words were slurred. “A few of the older boys snuck in some butterbeer! Got to have some,” he said, hiccuping. “Well maybe more than some…” said Jacob. “That stuff is good! You should really try it!” he said, letting out an obnoxious belch.

Aaron wasn’t very much in the mood for any of this. His eyes were stained with tears from crying earlier. “Not now, Jacob…” muttered Aaron, frowning. Jacob, who seemed to be in a sort of drunken state, seemed to suddenly become sober as he realized his friend was sad. A concerned frown came across Jacob’s face as he stumbled over to Aaron’s bed. There he saw that Aaron’s eyes were red and stained. He had been crying earlier. “M- mate… a- were you crying? Are you ok?” Jacob asked very softly. Aaron shook his head in denial but the waterworks started flowing.

Jacob frowned and took off his scarf, throwing it to the floor as he went over to comfort Aaron. The boy wrapped his arms around Aaron tightly and pat his back. His embrace was warm and soothing, gentle and soft, but nothing like Xavier’s. Plus, Jacob reeked of butterbeer in that moment. “There there mate, now tell me what happened,” said Jacob. “Xavier- my best mate- h- he just snapped at me,” whimpered Aaron through tears, “Yelled at me out of no where for no reason,” he cried. Jacob sighed and shook his head, “Told you- you should be hanging with your own kind- Gryffindors,” said Jacob.
Xavier had woken up almost six hours later, still wrapped up in Ryan's arms, but apparently he'd moved them onto Ryan's bed so they were laying down. It was certainly much more comfortable. His head was still in Ryan's chest and he sniffled as he opened his eyes. He moved his head to see Ryan wake up too. "Hey, morning. Feeling better?" He asked. Xavier nodded, it was amazing that sleeping more than two or three hours had helped so much. He blushed before he smiled. "Thank you Ryan!" He said with a smile on his face. "Any time. You're like my brother mate. I have a younger brother at home who gets nightmares but he always had someone to run to. Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked.

"I've been having nightmares about the fight I was in on my first day. It's always so vivid that I can't really sleep. I just tried to cope." He admitted, having someone know is better than having no one know. Ryan nodded "And you tried to protect Aaron? But it eventually came to a head?" He prompted. Xavier nodded again, his eyes teared up again. "First thing you need to do is go see Madam Pomfrey and get some sleep medications." He suggested and the boy sighed "I know" He didn't want to admit that he'd given into the nightmares this badly. "Second thing is you need to sit with Aaron and talk to him. I'm guessing with how you ran, you yelled and felt bad, before taking off?" Xaie nodded again. "Y-yeah" He agreed. He was too tired to much else and he still wasn't hungry. Ryan moved away from Xavier, and then off Ryan's bed and took off his jacket. He looked at the boy with a sad smile. "I'll be back, I'm gonna get some food. Try to relax and you can hold my jacket if it helps" He added, handing the jacket to Xaie. "Thanks Ryan" He told the boy. "You're the brother I never had" He said softly, holding the jacket to his chest / face. The cedar smell wasn't the same as Aarons, but it helped. He found himself drifting off again.
Aaron sat there in Jacob’s arms for a while before the smell of butterbeer became too strong for his nose. He eventually gently pushed Jacob away and thanked him for his help. “Any time mate, we’re Gryffindors! We’ve got to be there for each other! And we’re roommates!” Jacob said, patting Aaron on the back before stumbling over to his bed. Aaron quickly changed into his pajamas. “I’m going to bed early tonight, have a good night…” said Aaron softly as he slipped under the covers. Later that night, Aaron could hear gagging and hurling noises from the bathroom. Poor Jacob was vomiting.

The next morning, Aaron awoke feeling groggy. To his surprise, Jacob was not up yet. Aaron hopped out of bed and gently shook Jacob awake. “Jacob? Psst, mate! Time to get up for breakfast!” Aaron whispered. Jacob simply grunted and didn’t move. “Go without me…” he muttered. Aaron frowned and shrugged. Jacob was probably still recovering from the excessive amount of butterbeer he had drank last night. If he knew the older boys who gave the butterbeer to the first years he’d yell at them, that was for sure. Poor Jacob.

This morning was the Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw Quidditch match. There was an excited buzz around the castle although not nearly as exciting as the one yesterday for Gryffindor against Slytherin. Aaron made his way to the Great Hall, alone. He was not in the mood to sit with Xavier and figured the boy was probably mad at him, so he didn’t want to go to the Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw game with him. Aaron grumpily sat at the Gryffindor table and grabbed a plate of food and began eating breakfast by himself.
Xavier had woken up that morning feeling much better than yesterday. He managed to get 9 more hours of sleep. He woke up to a body pressed by him, back to back. The jacket was still tightly wrapped in his arms as he blinked open his eyes. He could hear all the cheering Hufflepuffs and knew today was his house's game. He turned and saw Ryan, sleeping opposite him and poked him. "You awake?" He asked. The other boy nodded, stretching himself and turned. "I am. How'd you sleep? I didn't hear any whimpers or anything at all last night." The red head said. Xavier nodded, "I slept great thank you" and handed back the man's jacket with a smile. As the two got up from the bed, he gave Ryan a hug. "Thank you for yesterday." He said.

"You're welcome. After the match though, I'm taking you straight to Madam Pomfrey" He said, acting like a brother now, all stern and serious. "Okay" Xavier nodded, knowing it would have to be done sooner or later. "And if you get anymore nightmares, let me know. I can either hand the jacket or you can jump in bed like Lucas does when he has them." Ryan stated, crossing his arms and looking at the boy who smiled sheepishly. He nodded before getting dressed in fresh robes, his scarf and jacket in his hands. Ryan led the boy through the bustling common room, many of the house had already made it to breakfast and then out to the field. He let Ryan lead him, Ryan's arms over his shoulders into the Great Hall, and immediately his eyes caught on Aaron sitting alone and his heart clenched, tears in his eyes. "Do you want me to grab something and we can head to the field instead?" He asked, seeing the boy's discomfort. Xavier could only nod, his throat tight. "T-Toast" was all he was able to utter. Ryan nodded, walking to his house's table to grab some quick breakfast foods that they could eat on the way. Xavier kept his head down, eyes pointed at his feet.
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Aaron wished he had forced Jacob out of bed now because he was extremely lonely at the Gryffindor table. Sure there were some people there but no one he knew, not even Neville Longbottom. Aaron decided that he was not going to show up at the Quidditch pitch and he was going to go right back to sleep. Perhaps he’d check in on Jacob. He seemed pretty hung over- if you could even get hung over from butterbeer.
Ryan could see Aaron at the other table and pointedly ignored him. Xavier simply stood in the entrance to the Great Hall, nervously wringing his hands and shifting his posture. He wasn't sure if he wanted Aaron to see him or not, which Ryan obviously had picked up on. The red head looked at the table, grabbing a napkin, placing a piece of toast, and a couple muffins for himself on it. He strode back to the entrance and smiled at Xavier. Yes Ryan was indeed a protective person, and in this case, a protective brother. He handed Xavier the toast who took it gratefully. "Thanks" He said softly. Yes, the headache was gone and he felt much better, but now instead his heart hurt. Ryan gently turned Xavier around, to redirect him, and he put his arm over Xaie's shoulder, moving them down to the Quidditch pitch.
Aaron didn’t end up finishing everything on his plate, which was a rarity for the boy. He simply pushed it to the side as he got up and left the Gryffindor table. He tried his best not to look in the direction of the Hufflepuff table and hurried out of the Great Hall, bumping into a few Ravenclaw fans. He rushed up to his room where Jacob was still sleeping, buried under the covers. Today was going to be miserable. His best friend hated him and his roommate was sick.
Xavier and Ryan made their way to the pitch, both of their breakfasts finished. He led the boy up to the Hufflepuff stands and they stood in the front. He cheered his house on but his heart wasn't in it because he still missed Aaron. He never realized how much he enjoyed hanging out with him until he wasn't. What was worse in this case, was they had all the same classes. He watched the game with as much excitement as he could and when they won, he'd cheered just as loud as the others had. After the game ended, Ryan kept his word and led Xaie to Madam Pomfrey. She didn't have any players in, it was a relatively clean game. "I'll meet you back in our room" Ryan said. Xavier nodded and told Madam Pomfrey everything. There wasn't much she could do for the nightmares, but she did have sleep medication. A small sleeping drought that was pressed into pill form for ease of admission. She gave him a bottle and sent him on his way telling him to take one each night. Xavier thanked her and headed to his room.

"Well?" Ryan said as he came up into the room. "I have to take one each night, they should help with sleep but she didn't have anything for the nightmares." He said, looking at the boy before sitting on his bed. He took off his robes and jacket, slipping into his pajamas. He needed to start eating more too, and he'd mentioned it. She told him to increase little by little and over time everything should be back to normal. Ryan had already gotten into his comfy clothes too. "If you have that nightmare again, remember. You can come over here" He said "Or my jacket is on my trunk" Ryan added. Xavier nodded, content to just lay in bed at the moment. He needed to talk to Aaron and explain everything but he was afraid the boy wouldn't listen to him.
Aaron ended up skipping the Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw Quidditch match and stayed couped up in his room all day. Jacob remained sleeping and at one point, Aaron hopped up onto the boy’s bed and comfortingly rubbed the boy’s back as he slept. It felt nice to be next to the lad and to be there for him, even if he didn’t know he was there. Aaron missed Xavier now more than ever. He wished the boy wasn’t mad at him and he wished he hadn’t hurt him so badly. Aaron was left wondering what he had ever done to deserve being yelled at like that yesterday.

Aaron ended up skipping dinner that night and went to bed early. Jacob had slept through the whole day. The next morning, it was once again Jacob who woke up first, like usual. This time, the brown haired and brown eyed boy gently shook Aaron awake. “Hey mate, time for breakfast,” said Jacob softly. “Oh and uhh, thanks for last night. I knew you were there comforting me. Thank you,” he whispered. Aaron gave Jacob a tired smile, “My pleasure, mate. That’s what friends are for,” he replied.

Aaron was extremely hungry, his stomach feeling like it was caving in. Skipping dinner last night was not the best move, and Aaron stomach growled loudly and harassed him as he got dressed. “Sounds like your tummy is going to eat itself, let’s get going,” said Jacob as the two of them, now changed for the day, went down to the Great Hall. They entered and Aaron’s first instinct was to immediately look for Xavier. “I assume this is where you go off to that Hufflepuff boy?” Jacob asked. Aaron paused before answering and shaking his head. “No, I’ll sit with you today…” he said quietly.
Xavier woke up that morning, he'd slept with no trouble, no nightmare again. Those sleeping pills were the best thing ever. He yawned, swinging his feet off the bed. "Ryan? You awake?" He asked the other bed. Hearing a groan, Xavier smiled. "Come on, I'm hungry" He was hungry for once. He knew he couldn't handle much still, maybe a muffin and some toast, but the feeling of hunger had returned. It was amazing how getting that sleep had solved a lot. "You're hungry? Wow, I guess all that sleep paid off huh" Ryan said, sitting up. Xavier nodded as the two got dressed in their robes and headed out of the room. He felt 100x better than Saturday and was ready to get back to classes.

The pair headed through the common room and out. Walking past the bustling kitchen, the pair entered into the Great Hall. His first instinct was to look for Aaron, but then his friend probably didn't want to talk to him. He sat down on the other side of the Hufflepuff table, the side that didn't parallel to Gryffindor. He saw Aaron with that boy Jacob and sighed. Good job, you sent him right into the arms of new friend He thought, sitting down at the table beside Ryan, grabbing a muffin and piece of toast and putting it on his plate.
Jacob grinned as the two Gryffindors sat down together at the table for breakfast. “Looks like you’ve finally took my advice to heart, eh?” Jacob said as he grabbed a plate and loaded it with some eggs, bacon, sausages, and a muffin for good measure. “Gryffindors are meant together. It’s why they separate us into different houses. You’re not really meant to be mixing ya know,” said Jacob as he began to eat. As much as Xavier was mad at him and Aaron was hurt, that didn’t really sit right with him. “Jacob, that’s not how that works…” he said softly.

“No it’s true,” insisted Jacob. “That Xavier fellow from Hufflepuff let you down. That friendship was never meant to be,” he said so casually it made Aaron’s insides squirm. He couldn’t imagine not being friends with Xavier. “People from the other houses, they’ll always let you down. Stick with us Gryffindors and you’ll be alright,” said Jacob with a grin as he slapped Aaron on the back. “Oh and whatever you do, don’t talk to any Slytherin at all costs. They’re all evil. You know Slytherin was the house of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,” added Jacob, munching away.
Xavier finished his breakfast and waited for Ryan, thankfully the boy had Charms with him as well, it would certainly be a little less tough. Ryan looked over at Xavier as he finished his own breakfast. "Ready?" He asked. "Yeah" Xavier said, getting up from the table. He followed Ryan out, heading to the Charms classroom. "Did you decide when you're going to talk to him?" Ryan asked as they walked. "I'm gonna try at lunch time" Xavier said with a smile. He hadn't truly smiled in a long time.

They entered the classroom and took their spots at one of the tables. They noticed that each table had four boxes, each sealed but no lock on them. Must be for the lesson. "Wonder what charm we're learning today that requires boxes" Xavier asked, looking at Ryan who shrugged. "I'm not sure honestly."
Aaron didn’t know whether Jacob had a point or not. He simply picked at his food, for once not inhaling it down his gullet. “Oi Aaron,” said Jacob, “Why don’t you sit next to me in charms class instead of that arse of a Hufflepuff boy, eh?” Jacob asked. Aaron wasn’t pleased that Jacob had called Xavier an ass but honestly he was so hurt he couldn’t come to his defense right now. “I’d be happy to,” replied Aaron. Eventually the two boys finished breakfast and headed to Professor Flitwick’s charms classroom. Jacob grinned, thrilled to have Aaron finally sitting by him as they took a seat towards the front of the room. Today, there were little boxes on each of the tables. Jacob picked one of them up and squinted, analyzing it, doing that thing where he slightly stuck out his tongue. Aaron always found it adorable and he found himself staring and blushing. “Not sure what use this is for us,” said Jacob. “Wonder what that tiny man’s got up his sleeves,” said Aaron’s roommate.
Xavier saw Aaron and Jacob walk in and he looked away. He couldn't wait for class to be over, though he was nervous. He knew it was on him to mend this but that didn't make it any easier. The rest of the class filtered in and a few moments later Professor Flitwick stood up at his podium. "Good morning students, today we will be working on the box blasting charm. This is used to open trunks, chests, boxes and other containers. The incantation is 'Cistem Aperio' SEES-tem a-PAIR-ee-oh" He said, pausing for a moment before grabbing his own box. "Remember enunciation is key when casting charms. Now when saying the incantation, your wand is going to make what looks like a horizontal three." Flitwick demonstrated on his own box and it popped open with a little puff of smoke. "There are two boxes per student, go ahead" He got down from his podium to walk the room.

Xavier grabbed his wand and said "Cistem Aperio" while making the motion and he popped open the first box. He felt on cloud nine, he'd been having issues with charms lately, but it seemed like sleep was the biggest issue. Ryan tried beside him twice before getting it with a grin. "Great job mate!" Xavier said with a laugh.
Professor Flitwick entered the room and informed the students that this morning, they’d be learning to do a box blasting charm. Aaron paid close attention to the lecture, making sure to remember the correct incantation. When it was the students’ turn to try, Aaron took out his wand and pointed it at the box. To his side, Jacob drew his wand and immediately said the incantation. Effortlessly, the box blasted open for Jacob on his first try. Aaron tried for himself, uttering the incantation, but to no avail. The box remained closed. He sighed. It was going to be a long class, and he wished he had Xavier by his side to help him. Xavier was great at charms- he always knew what to do.
Xavier tried his charm one more time and grinned when he did it again the second time. Ryan also completed his second box on the first try and Flitwick had noticed on his way through. "Nice job Mr. Collins. You seem to paying more attention now" He said before walking on. The professor had noticed that the two boys weren't sitting together and he did get worried as Aaron seemed to be doing not as well with the charm. Xavier smiled at the professor when he'd spoken to him and thanked him. If today had been a normal day, he'd be helping Aaron if he needed it, but today was definitely not a normal day for them.
Aaron continued to struggle with the execution of the charm and grew increasingly frustrated. It was made even worse by the fact that Jacob seemed to do it with such ease, repeatedly succeeding at performing the spell. Aaron huffed and gritted his teeth, gripping his wand tightly. Noticing his roommate and friend was struggling, Jacob looked over at Aaron and raised an eyebrow.

“It’s really not that hard, you know,” said the boy. “You’ll get it eventually,” said Jacob with a shrug. This wasn’t much help at all. Xavier would know how to help, thought Aaron, making him only more bitter. “Easy for you to say,” muttered Aaron, rolling his eyes. Jacob closed up the box and performed the charm again, of course, his box blasting open. Aaron’s remained shut and unmoving even after multiple attempts.
Xavier had done the charm twice more after shutting his boxes again. He was slowly starting to feel better. He was glad that Ryan had helped him with this. He had tried for so long to keep it to himself and it had exploded horribly in his face. Eventually the class ended and they were dismissed to lunch. Xavier swallowed hard, now was the time he was waiting for.

Ryan placed a hand on Xavier’s shoulder, feeling the boys nervousness. “It’s okay, you two have a strong friendship. Deep breaths, and let’s get moving” He said, the pair walked to the Great Hall. They walked into the hall and sat at the side opposite the Gryffindor table, Xavier waiting for Aaron to show up.

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