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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Why settle for great when we can be the greatest?” Aaron said with a grin. He then became curiously as Xavier mentioned that he had never told him the story of Harry Potter and why the boy was so famous. Aaron moved in even closer to Xavier and leaned forward curiously, his face just inches away from the Hufflepuff’s. “Yea tell me! I wanna know!” he said, the aroma of breakfast still fresh in his breath. “Tell me about the story of this Harry Potter boy, I must know!” he said eagerly.
Xavier shook his head at the boy. He smiled as the boy moved in closer, blushing deeply when their faces were inches away. He ignored the breakfast smell with a small smile. "Well, it started when a wizard, years ago wanted to be great and powerful, seeking immortality and he was the one that started the first wizard war ages ago. We do not say his name, only call him He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or You-Know-Who if you have to talk about him. Anyway, when Harry was born, he tried to kill the boy but instead Harry had ended up killing him instead. They call him the Boy who lived and considering that he was faced, as an infant mind you, against a wizard who aimed to kill him because Harry had been apparently been prophesied to kill him, had someone survived and You-Know-Who was vanquished instead, it makes him pretty popular in the wizard world." It was a lengthy summary. "My point at the end, we shouldn't seek power for power or to be the greatest, but be able to survive in our world and do what we love. Like honestly, I could see you as a professional Quidditch player" He added at the end. "And before you ask, yes there is professional Quidditch. They have matches during the summer I think" He said.
Aaron widened his hazel eyes with wonder as he sat in awe of Xavier’s story. He was slightly fearful of this He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-Wizard but it seemed like this dark wizard was long gone. Harry Potter had defeated him after all, like Xavier said, and only as an infant! “Woah…” whispered Aaron. “I see why everyone doesn’t stop talking about him…” he said. “Now I kinda wanna meet him. Can’t believe he’s in my house,” chuckled the Gryffindor. “Ok I guess my plans to become the greatest and most powerful wizard can be put on hold for now,” he giggled, “Being a professional Quidditch player sounds super fun! I can’t believe they have that!” Aaron said eagerly. He suddenly had a new dream job. “But this He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named guy…. He’s gone, right? Sounds like he’s pretty dead… right?” Aaron asked, slightly worried. A wizard who wanted to be immortal and started a whole war seemed like a pretty dangerous guy and one that Aaron didn’t want lurking around in this world.
Xavier saw the widened eyes and sighed, he didn't want to say a word but with Harry in their year, anything could happen. "Yeah. Lucky you getting Harry in your house" Xavier said with a smile. "I'd leave those plans in the past bud" He said with a laugh, looking at him. "Maybe we can go to a professional game this summer?" He asked. He didn't know where the boy lived but it didn't hurt to ask. He then heard a worried tone in the boys voice about You-Know-Who and being gone. He gave the boy another side hug, squeezing his far shoulder gently. "Yeah, he's gone. Don't worry" He said with a grin, hoping to reassure the boy beside him. He didn't want Aaron to be scared, but knowing what's out there was better than it showing on your doorstep. "Also, Hogwarts is the safest place, we'll be fine" He added.
Aaron let out a sigh of relief and smiled, comforted by Xavier’s words and the little side hug and shoulder squeeze. “Phew ok that’s good,” he said, his worries floating away. He was glad he didn’t have to worry about getting hurt or attacked at Hogwarts from some dark wizard. His face then lit up as Xavier suggested they see a professional Quidditch game over the summer. “Bloody hell mate! I’d love to do that with you! I just hope my parents would let me! I’m sure they would- my dad’s a wizard so surely he’ll understand!” Aaron said with an excited grin. “Have your parents ever taken you to a game?” he asked.
Xavier smiled at Aaron, hearing the sigh of relief from the boy. He looked over at Aaron as the boy got excited over the offer to see the games. He smiled, it was a pretty awesome experience. "I hope they let you too! I always go to at least one game over the summer with my parents. Its the only time we leave our little village" He said. "There's so much excitement in the air in these games too, though we only go to the earlier division ones, I've always wanted to go to the Quidditch World Cup Final but my parents could never afford those tickets" He said. "I think you'd love it!" He added with a grin.
“Count me in if you ever go! I’d love to go to a game with you!” Aaron said happily. “I’m just excited thinking about it,” he said, standing up and grinning. “And there’s no one I’d rather go to a game with but you too, buddy,” he told Xavier. “Now c’mon, we’d best be getting inside,” he said.
Xavier was once again pushed against the headboard of his bed, teddy in his arms. It had been two months since the accident, two months since he'd come to Hogwarts. He had nightmares every night, getting about 2 or 3 hours a night, and it was beginning to take a toll on the boy. It's not healthy the amount of sleep he's actually managed to get but he couldn't face the nightmares. Eric's laugh echoed in his brain every time, the blows felt real once more and he could remember the metallic taste of blood in his mouth.

He was awake this morning, sometimes he dozed off right before he had to get up which led Ryan to wake him up. Every time Ryan had gone to touch him to wake him up, Xavier had flinched so the boy learned to use his words instead. Today the entire dormitory sounded like a cheering zone. It was the first Quidditch match and everyone was excited to see who would win. He knew he was going with Aaron, heck it was all the male could talk about these last few weeks. Xavier on the other hand barely made it through most days, usually on auto pilot. His work in classes started going down, some spells that would've been easy became hard and he'd began snapping at other students. One day he'd be happy and cheerful, another he'd be upset, one day he was so angry that he couldn't speak because he was worried he'd say the wrong thing to anyone, especially Aaron.

He tried his hardest to shield his issues from the other boy. This was his burden and he didn't need to bother the lad with it. He set the teddy down, stood up, wobbled for a second and Ryan looked over concerned. "Are you o-" Xavier's head snapped up. "I'm fine!" He snipped, grabbing his black jacket, robes and Hufflepuff scarf. Ryan looked taken aback but given what he heard at night, the whimpers and the touching issue, he knew better than to pursue it. Xavier changed quickly, moving past the man and headed down into the common room. Ignoring all the others, he headed out of there and went to the Great Hall where he knew Aaron was. Aaron always made him feel a little better which was why he tried to keep this issue away from him. He entered the Great Hall and looked around.
It was finally November and with the start of that month meant the start of the Quidditch season. Although today it was Gryffindor playing Slytherin, the whole castle was buzzing excitedly. Even the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were excited for the match up. No one in the castle was not hyped up for the Quidditch match that would be held that morning. Early classes had been canceled and even the teachers were excited. Well, everyone except for Professor Snape. He didn’t get excited and Aaron was pretty sure he’d never seen the man smile. That morning Aaron was sleeping soundly when suddenly he was woken up by the sound of a horn. Aaron opened his eyes wide and jolted awake.

“Get up mate! It’s Quidditch game day!” Jacob yelled very loudly, blowing his red vuvuzela again. Aaron cringed from the loudness of the horn and Jacob’s voice. It was much too early for this. “Bloody hell, w- what time is it?….” Aaron groaned softly. “What time is it? Mate! It’s time for Quidditch! Get your lazy arse up! We’ve better get to breakfast! The Quidditch match starts in an hour!” Jacob said loudly and excitedly. “Can you at least lower your voice, lad?” Aaron asked quietly as he rubbed his eyes and stepped out of bed. “Not at all!” Jacob said with a grin. Jacob was decked out in head to toe with red and golden colors.

His roommate was not in his pajamas. Instead, Jacob wore a big red jacket, his red and gold striped Gryffindor scarf, and he even had red and golden lines of face paint beneath his eyes. It really was a bit of an eye sore that early in the morning seeing the boy decked out in those bright yellow and red colors. Outside of their dorm room, Aaron could hear the excited chatter of other Gryffindors. Clearly, everyone was excited for the upcoming match up. “Come on! We haven’t got any more time to dilly dally!” Jacob said, rushing Aaron. Aaron got changed out of his pajamas as quickly as he could and put on his robes. He didn’t have as much Gryffindor merchandise as Jacob had so he opted to just bring his Gryffindor scarf.

Once he was changed, Jacob quickly wrapped an arm around his shoulders, causing Aaron to blush as his roommate quickly led him out of the room. Outside, there were plenty of Gryffindor students all dressed in lots of Gryffindor gear coming out of their rooms and going into the common room. In the common, there was already a loud celebration. Everyone couldn’t wait for the game. Xavier was right, Quidditch really was a big deal here. People were hooting and hollering, chanting all sorts of things, Jacob even joining along too. Both boys eventually left the loud common room and headed down to the Great Hall which was already buzzing with excitement.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin tables seemed most excited but even the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables were chattering about the much anticipated Gryffindor vs Slytherin match. Everyone at the Gryffindor table was all dressed in Gryffindor gear and they too were breaking out into chants, supportive of their Gryffindor team. It made Aaron want to be a Quidditch player even more. The Quidditch players were like local celebrities. “You going to sit with your fellow Gryffindor brothers and sisters or are you going to be a square and go sit with that Hufflepuff boy you’re always hanging out with?” Jacob asked him. Aaron rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You go ahead without me,” he said, making his way over to the Hufflepuff table.
Xavier was quickly getting a headache with all the cheering and whooping from the Gryffindor table and he groaned, his appetite had diminished the less he slept so he had just crossed his arms and lowered his head in the empty space between them and his body. Xavier felt Ryan sit beside him, brushing against his left shoulder, leaving the empty space on his right for his friend. Xavier didn't care about much right now, his body was slowly shutting down on him. He sighed into the table not feeling hungry whatsoever, instead just wanted to sleep. But sleep brought nightmares so that was a no go.

He heard Aaron's voice and his head came up, looking down the row to see him coming this way. Xaie gave a small wave, but he didn't say a word, overall he seemed more withdrawn that he had been two months ago. It had been a slow progression but he tried to keep it contained. He wanted to be as excited as his housemates and his best friend but it was hard. He didn't have the mental capacity to really care. He threw on a fake smile and kept his head up, waiting for Aaron. "Good morning mate" He finally said, his voice was sounding more and more tired and unused the longer he was without sleep. He let out an accidental yawn after he talked.
Aaron made his way over to the much quieter but still loud Hufflepuff table. He gritted his teeth as he saw the red headed boy Ryan sitting next to a very exhausted looking Xavier. Aaron quickly went over to Xavier and once again, shoved himself in between the two boys, a bit aggressively pushing poor Ryan to the side like he didn’t matter or even exist. “Morning mate!” Aaron said, trying to remain positive. As Xavier let out a yawn, Aaron frowned slightly. “Tired?” he asked. “Me too…. Bloody Jacob got me up at the arse crack of dawn to get ready for this Quidditch game and all the Gryffindors have been so loud today,” he said. “You were really right- this place does go crazy bonkers for Quidditch!” Aaron said. Aaron grabbed a plate of food, accidentally elbowing Ryan as he did so, and started to eat.
He looked at Aaron who'd slid himself in between the two boys again. Hearing a little grunt from Ryan, Xaie slid over a little so that there wasn't a fight so early in the morning. He heard Aaron ask if he was tired and Xavier wanted to say 'more than anything but I can't sleep' instead he said "A little bit" with a small shrug. He frowned at the mention of Jacob, but he knew the other Gryffindor boy was just excited. "Told you" He said, munching on a piece of toast. He still wasn't overly hungry, in fact because he'd been eating less, he couldn't handle much food anyway. This piece of toast would probably be enough. He had looked at himself in a mirror in the dorms earlier in the week and noticed he'd begun to look thinner around his stomach and his cheeks were a little more sunken then they should be. His sleep issues were causing some symptoms of depression but because he was around Aaron every day, those symptoms were as severe as the mood swings and loss of interest in classes. He'd taken naps in history of magic, those were peaceful, but that was probably his biggest piece of comfortable sleep and he got an hour maybe.
“Well I didn’t doubt you, but blimey! This is a bit much, isn’t it? Never seen kids get so excited for something!” Aaron said as he smiled, eating some bacon and egg. He paid no attention to Ryan and scooted over closer to Xavier as he noticed him move over to make room for him. As he ate, he noticed that Xavier wasn’t really touching his food. “Not hungry mate?” he asked, pointing at Xavier’s plate. “If you’re not going to finish that mind if I have it?” he asked.
Xavier heard Aaron and couldn't help a chuckle escape his mouth. "Yeah, you should see professional matches. Adults are crazier" He said. He felt Aaron scoot closer to him and heard him. "Nah, not really. Here ya go" He slid the full plate over, finishing the toast he'd started picking at. He felt the headache increase and that led to worry that he'd do something he'd regret when they were in the stands watching the game. As long as he didn't faint, he'd be fine.
“Alright mate,” shrugged Aaron, “Appreciate it,” he said as he took the contents of Xavier’s plate and loaded it onto his. He was always in the mood to eat. “You sure you’re alright, Xavier?” Aaron asked, concern in his tone of voice.
Xavier looked at his friend and smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes like it used to. "No problem mate" He said, before he cast his eyes to his hands. "Yeah, I'm just fine. A little headache is all!" He said, playing off his issues to prevent Aaron from being worried.
Aaron eventually finished eating and patted his stomach, his belly full. “Alright I’m all ready to go,” he said with a smile. Right around then a lot of students were getting up and heading out of the Great Hall to go to the Quidditch match that was starting soon. Aaron got up and purposely gave Ryan a little push out of the way as he did so, grinning at Xavier. “Ready to go?” he asked his best friend.
Xavier stood up when Aaron did. His reflexes were a little slower than normal and he felt himself sway as he stood up. He righted himself before looking at Aaron. "Yep! After you!" He said with a grin.
Aaron quickly took Xavier by the arm as the boy stood up and led him out of the Great Hall with him, quickly getting away from Ryan. They followed the massive crowd of students and went outside, going to the Quidditch pitch. It was already very loud outside and there were tons of people in the stands. “Want to sit in the Gryffindor section with me?” Aaron asked him.
Xavier felt himself being brought along with Aaron, a blush on his face. As the noise grew louder, the headache got worse. He saw all the kids in the stands and sighed. He didn't know how he was going to handle this with the massive headache he had. Combine that with the sleeping issues and mood swings. Today was not going to be as fun as both boys had originally intended. "Okay, lead the way" He said, he felt steadier when Aaron was holding him. He always felt safe with Aaron and little did the boy know but the naps during history of magic was peaceful because he had Aaron beside him. He never made the connection.
The noise of the crowd got Aaron excited and he quickly dragged Xavier along up to the Gryffindor section of the stands. It was louder up there with all of the cheering Gryffindors. Even Aaron got involved, screaming and shouting in support of the Gryffindor team. The teams hadn’t even taken to the pitch yet and already, everyone was so hyped up.
Xavier felt like his head was going to explode due to all the noise. He sat down on the bleachers that each stand had and rubbed his temple with his head lowered. He needed to push through, make it through the game for Aaron. He stood up and while he didn't shout and scream, he did little arm wave cheer things instead. He'd have to sit down several times to bring down the headache before continuing.
Eventually the announcer hyped up the already very excited crowd and announced the entrance of both teams. Aaron cheered louder than ever before and the crowd did so too as both the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams came flying out onto the pitch. The Gryffindor players were announced first and the Gryffindor section of the crowd went wild. The Slytherin section booed them. The same thing happened but in reverse as the Slytherin players were announced. The Gryffindors booed them and the Slytherins greeted them with cheers.
Xavier watched, wincing at the loud noises, as the players were brought out. He wasn't really paying attention but he wouldn't say a word to Aaron. This was his first exposure to Quidditch and his house was playing. He saw the players fly in and the stands erupted louder. He had to sit down once again, head in his hands as he rubbed his temple. The headache subsided for a few minutes and so he got back to Aaron, watching as they started the game. The referee, Madam Hooch, bewitched the bludgers and the seeker, allowing them to fly up and then threw the quaffle, whistled and the game began.
As the game began, the crowd roared, as did Aaron. He elbowed Xavier to get him into the game as he didn’t seem to be cheering as wildly as him and the rest of the crowd. “Come on mate!” yelled Aaron to be heard over the noise of the audience, “Get excited!” he laughed.

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