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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

The rest of charms class was more of Aaron frustratedly trying to do the charm and blast open his box but failing. Jacob couldn’t really do much to help or comfort Aaron, and admittedly nor did he really try, and Aaron ended up not being able to do it successfully even once by the time the class ended. Aaron shoved his hands in his pockets and furrowed his brow bitterly as the class was dismissed and he left the room with Jacob, going to the Great Hall. As they approached the Great Hall, the Gryffindor boy put an arm around Aaron. “Oh don’t be so down mate, it’ll be alright. You’ll get it eventually,” said Jacob as the two entered the Great Hall. Aaron just grunted and mumbled. Jacob’s words didn’t do much to comfort him.
Xavier looked up when he saw Aaron walked in, he seemed defeated. Xavier knew that charms was a tough class for the boy. He saw Jacob walk in right beside him. He sighed heavily, a reassuring pat from Ryan and he stood from the table. Xavier felt nervous, his hands were sweating and he rubbed his palms on his robes. The boy started to walk from where he’d been sitting, heading around the table and towards Aaron and Jacob.
Jacob kept his arm around Aaron’s shoulder as the two boys walked over to the Gryffindor table. But before they could sit down they were intercepted by a certain Hufflepuff lad. It was Xavier coming towards them. Jacob didn’t even let Xavier get in a word as he quickly stopped and put a hand out in front of him, his palm flat- the universal sign for “stop.” It was then that Aaron could see Xavier and he had to admit that he perked up quite a bit, his heart rate increasing. Was Xavier finally here to apologize?

But before anything could be said by the Hufflepuff boy, Jacob jumped in, his arm still around Aaron. Aaron noticed he seemed to hold him in tighter as Xavier appeared. “Woah there bud, stop right there and don’t even think about it,” said Jacob to Xavier, making sure to keep him at an arms length distance. “Why don’t you go sit with your own people, eh?” Jacob suggested forcefully. Aaron wanted to talk but couldn’t find anything to say. Plus, Jacob was doing all of the talking for him.
Xavier had almost made it to Aaron when Jacob had held his hand out. Xavier froze his heart pounding harder. He felt his face fall as Jacob put his arm over Aaron’s shoulders, holding him tight. “I want to speak to Aaron” His voice was tight, emotions right below the surface. He didn’t want to back down, but he wasn’t going to force the boy right now. After a moment, his eyes dropped to his feet, and he let out a rough sigh. “Fine, I’ll go sit with my own.” He forced out. The boy turned away, heading off.

He made it back to his original seat, a tear dropped from his eye as he groaned, head dropping to the table. Ryan sighed, he’d watched the other boy take over the conversation. “You’ll have to get him alone I think.” He rubbed Xaie’s back while the boy munched on a sandwich half heartedly.
Jacob shook his head as Xavier request to speak with Aaron, as if he were Aaron’s own personal bodyguard. Aaron didn’t really know if he liked Jacob speaking for him very much but he remained silent. Jacob simply grinned and nodded as Xavier gave up rather easily. “That’s right, move along,” said Jacob softly as Xavier turned around and went away. Aaron felt bad for the Hufflepuff boy. Xavier clearly wanted to talk to him and perhaps make things right. Jacob dragged Aaron over to the Gryffindor table and sat down with him. Suddenly Aaron didn’t have much of an appetite anymore. He just wanted to talk with Xavier too.
Xavier finished the single sandwich, waiting for Ryan to finish so they could get to their next class, transfiguration. Soon Ryan finished his lunch and the two got up, Ryan leading the way with Xavier moving slowly. He looked back at Aaron, all he wanted was to explain himself but that Jacob just had to intervene. He hadn’t like the boy in the beginning and disliked him more now. He let out a sigh, turning around and headed out to the classroom with Ryan.

They entered in the classroom, taking a table near the front. It sat three students but only Xavier and Ryan were two of a handful of students were there. A few moments passed and Hannah joined them. He crossed his arms and rested his chin on them.
Eventually the day went on and classes passed by. The last class of the day was flying class and that worked to somewhat improve Aaron’s mood as he always did well. He also very much enjoyed flying so at least during lessons he could keep his mind off of the situation with Xavier. Eventually the class was dismissed and it was getting dark. It was approaching dinner time and a growl from Aaron’s belly told him it would be best to start heading down to the Great Hall for something to eat. Jacob was talking with some other friends of his so it was just Aaron alone as he left the courtyard and entered the castle.
Xavier hated flying class the most. He’d talked to Madam Hooch early on that he got very ill going high up. She allowed him to learn around the courtyard while the others flew around the castle. He was currently walking down the halls and spied the storage room. Ah perfect. Xavier stayed by the door, and waited. There he was! Xavier spied Aaron walking, coming closer to the door. He reached out and snagged the boys arm, pulling him into the storage room and locking the door. He released the boy, his own back to the door. “Hey” He said, nerves on fire all over again.
Aaron walked down the halls of the castle, sighing as he put his hands in his pockets. Suddenly, he felt something grab him. His eyes widened and before he could even process what was happening, he was quickly pulled into a room. Aaron blinked and realized where he was and who had done this. He saw Xavier there locking the door. They were in the storage room. Still a bit stunned and confused, Aaron blinked and tilted his head curiously at the Hufflepuff. “Xavier?” Aaron asked. “Err, w- what’s up?” he asked nervously, his heart rate beginning to increase.
Xavier rubbed his hand on his arm nervously. “I need to apologize and explain myself. I, I didn’t mean to yell at you and I’m sorry about that.” He said at first, his heart rate increased. “Ever since Eric attacked me, I’d been having nightmares, and so I wasn’t sleeping much if at all. The headache I had that day was caused by the sleep issue. A-and t-the crowds were so loud and it h-hurt but I tried to hide it and make it through so you could e-enjoy your first quidditch match” He finished, his eyes watering as he stood there.

“I’d been suffering from mood swings and irritability. Which d-didn’t help. I-I am so sorry mate” He covered his chest with his arms, looking at the ground, a little sniffle escaped from him as he waited to hear anything from the boy.
Aaron stood still and remained silent as he listened to Xavier speak. As expected he was apologizing, which felt good, but Aaron wasn’t expecting there to be more. He wasn’t expecting to learn of the fact that nightmares had been plaguing his friend recently. Aaron swallowed hard and frowned as he looked at Xavier as he apologized. Aaron felt a bit bad himself for not knowing how bad Xavier was feeling on the day of the Quidditch match and found it sweet that Xavier had went along with him to make him happy. But the Gryffindor boy saw the Hufflepuff’s eyes watering and it tugged at his heart.

Once Xavier was done, Aaron didn’t say anything and simply took a step forward and wrapped his arms around the Hufflepuff, giving him a tight and comforting squeeze. Aaron closed his eyes as he hugged Xavier close to him, enjoying the warmth of his body. “It’s ok, Xavier. I forgive you,” he whispered. “And I’m so sorry you’ve been having nightmares,” he added sadly, giving Xavier a quick little squeeze as he hugged him. “I didn’t realize…” he added quietly, frowning as he kept them in that hug.
Xavier had been so nervous that Aaron would brush him off and go back to Jacob. That he’d never wanted to see Xaie again. He had been so wrapped in his head that he jumped at the contact at first before he relaxed, hearing the boys words. He moved his arms and wrapped them around Aaron. His head was buried in the boys chest. “Thank you.” He mumbled, enjoying the warmth and the pine smell wrapped around him. “I didn't want to burden anyone” He whispered, not wanting to move.
Aaron held Xavier close to him as his friend buried his head in his chest. He hoped that the soft sound of his breathing and his heart beating calmly would be soothing to Xavier. “I didn’t like being away from you so long,” he mentioned softly. “Just remember I’m always here for you,” he whispered tenderly. “You’re never a burden to me,” said Aaron, still holding Xavier and putting a hand on his head, holding it close to his chest.
Xaie could hear Aaron’s steady heartbeat and let out a long sigh. He had been fighting this battle silently for two months, not opening up until it had consumed him like fire. His shoulders dropped as he relaxed, his breathing regulating. “I missed you too. I wanted to tell you so many times but I just couldn’t.” He felt a hand on his head, holding him there, steady. When Aaron said he wasn’t a burden to him, he relaxed the rest of the way. “I was going to talk to you yesterday afternoon but I didn’t see you.” He said slowly.
Aaron was content to just stay there holding Xavier close to him for the whole night. He felt at peace and he was glad to finally have his friend back. He also wanted nothing more than to be there for his best friend in his time of need. “I’m sorry, I just guess we haven’t really had much time to talk alone like this,” he said quietly. “But it’s ok now, finally we’re by ourselves,” he said. “I’m glad you managed to kidnap me from the halls like this,” said Aaron with a little giggle.
Xavier was fine to stay right where he was. He was wrapped in a blanket of security with his best friend. Xavier didn’t want to say anything about that. Jacob had made sure to send him away and Aaron hadn’t said a word then. But Xaie knew it was on him to make the move first, not Aaron.

“I figured it was perfect, not many people know of it so no would really be able to interrupt” Xavier said, well and he locked the door too. He blushed at the giggle from Aaron and smiled into his chest. Too bad they didn’t have blankets and pillows in this storage room Xavier thought, then again they only explored so far in the last time. Maybe, Xavier could find some, this could their little secret room, just them. He wondered if he should bring that up to Aaron.
“It’s nice and secretive!” Aaron said with a smile, “No one knows about it but us,” he said. “And we haven’t really explored this room too much so there’s probably other stuff in here we don’t know about,” he said with a grin, looking around. “Just don’t touch that weird mirror though. That tarp is clearly on it for a reason,” he chuckled. “We could have secret meetings in here if we wanted to,” he giggled.
“It could be our secret room! Just us” Xavier agreed. He was glad that this had gone the way it had. He reluctantly picked his head up as he talked, looking at the boy, before blushing realizing just how close their faces were again.

“Probably” he agreed, smiling at the Gryffindor. His own eyes were bright like they were back during the first week of school. He looked over to the mirror and shook his head. “I’m not touching it.” And then he gently backed up. “If we want to search, we should probably separate huh?” He didn’t want to, he loved the comfort but he wondered what they’d find further in.
Aaron’s face lit up at the idea of them having their own little secret room that nobody knew about but them. “Yea! That would be great!” Aaron said with a smile. The two boys’ faces were just inches from each other. He then looked around the room. There was still quite a lot of things they hadn’t explored yet. “Well we could search stuff later,” he said. “I don’t wanna explore the whole room now and not have stuff to find later because we’ve done everything,” he said. “Plus, it’s dinner time soon so maybe we can save exploring this room some more for another time,” he said. Aaron still kept Xavier in his arms, tightly against him, their bodies close to each other. Aaron would gladly skip dinner if he could be here with Xavier like this for the whole night.
Xavier stepped closer to Aaron, putting his head to the boys chest again. Aaron didn’t want to let go and neither did Xaie. “You have a point. We can’t reveal all the secrets of the room right away.” He said softly. He didn’t really want food, he just wanted his friend back and he had him. Xavier didn’t want to let him go again. “I’m not really hungry, are you?” He asked. “My appetite was also affected by the sleep thing. Madam Pomfrey said my stomach actually shrunk a little because it wasn’t being filled. Isn’t that crazy” He said, his head was sideways on Aaron’s chest, and he was looking at the room.
“Exactly,” he said with a grin and a little wink. They’d have much to explore in their new secret room and Aaron didn’t want to explore it all so quickly. He wanted them to be able to explore it over the span of a few weeks, maybe even months. His thoughts then turned to food as Xavier mentioned not being hungry despite dinner time fast approaching. His eyes widened as he looked at Xavier. “Your stomach actually shrunk?! It can do that?!” Aaron asked in disbelief. “Bloody hell…” he said quietly, astounded, shaking his head.

Aaron looked at the top of Xavier’s head as he had it sideways on his chest. He didn’t want this feeling to end- he didn’t want to stop hugging Xavier and he didn’t want to stop being so close to him. “Err, no, I’m not really that hungry either,” replied Aaron, lying. If Xavier wasn’t hungry then Aaron was going to suck it up and not go to dinner. He was very much content to stay here like this. But Aaron’s body didn’t do him any favor’s in backing up his lies.

Just after saying that he wasn’t hungry, the sound of a loud growling sound emitted from down in Aaron’s empty stomach, filling the quiet room. Aaron’s eyes widened as he blushed. Xavier no doubt heard that noise from his gut. Not only was the room quiet but Xavier’s ear was directly to his chest so the sound of his grumbling belly was probably amplified. Aaron cursed his stomach internally for being so loud and hungry. He didn’t want to break up this tender moment with his friend to go eat. How silly would that be?
Xavier had actually felt his eyes closing as he heard Aaron’s disbelief that his stomach shrunk. “It’s weird but yea. I don’t remember the entire reason but I just don’t eat as much.” He said. He let out a contented sigh, hearing Aaron’s words.

Then he heard the grumble from his stomach. He laughed. “Mate, I think you might be a little hungry or your stomach wasn’t communicating to you right.” He said moving his head to look at the boy. He didn’t care about what was probably a white lie. He wanted Aaron to be happy too. He broke from the hug, unlocked the door and grabbed Aaron’s hand. “I might not be hungry, but I’m not letting your stomach shrink too.” He laughed.
Aaron blushed from embarrassment but he couldn’t help but laugh at what Xavier had said. Xavier had broke from the hug first which was honestly a relief because Aaron didn’t know if he’d ever be able to do so himself. He smiled as the other boy took his hand and opened the door, leading him out of the storage room. “Ok fine,” sighed Aaron. “And good point. Wouldn’t want a shrunken stomach,” he chuckled as the two boys made their way to the Great Hall together, just like they always did. “Guess I can’t deny hunger,” he laughed as they walked. “Curse my belly for interrupting that,” he said jokingly. But, as much as he wanted to still be hugging Xavier, he was undeniably very hungry so dinner was a welcome idea.
Xavier smiled over at Aaron as they ventured closer to the Great Hall. “Hey, it’s our secret room. We can go back there after dinner or whenever we want right?” He said excitedly. He meant basically anything that had happened in their secret storage room.

“I’d rather you be happy than hungry anyway” Xavier added with a hum. They had reached the Great Hall and he sighed, knowing that they’d have to separate again for dinner, but they were friends and Xaie was more than happy with that. He felt a blush as he remembered the hug, it had felt so warm and cozy. Ryan was right, their friendship was strong and had only gotten stronger.
“Right, but let’s not stay in there too late. Wouldn’t want to be out past curfew. Not again… that was scary,” shuddered Aaron as they entered the Great Hall together. “How kind of you,” laughed Aaron. Really anyone would want a happy Aaron over a hungry one. A hungry Aaron was grumpy. As they got there, Aaron frowned slightly as he realized they’d have to part for dinner due to Hogwarts rules. “Hey, I’ll see you as soon as I’m done, yea?” Aaron asked, turning around to Xavier and giving him a smile. “And try and eat something for me, will ya? You’ve gotta eat. My mum says you can’t grow if you don’t eat,” said Aaron.

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