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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

The month of November passed by rather quickly. Aaron was becoming better and better at flying and was even doing quite well in charms class, very much thanks to Xavier’s assistance. Potions class was a bit of a struggle and Aaron had been caught not paying attention more times than he’d like to admit by the strict potions master Professor Snape, who he had grown to resent. Jacob was right- the potions master did seem to have a disdain for Gryffindors. He was particularly brutal to poor Harry Potter, and Aaron felt quite bad for the boy. He’d yet to talk to Harry but very much wanted to meet him. Despite his fame, he seemed nice. Before anyone knew it, December had arrived.

Quidditch season was in full swing and luckily for the house of the lion, Gryffindor had been doing quite well. Their opening day victory against Slytherin had set the tone and the team seemed dominant. They’d even beaten Hufflepuff, which was something that Aaron refused to let Xavier forget for at least two weeks. The weather got colder as December went on and it wasn’t too uncommon for it to be snowing outside. Unfortunately many flying lessons were canceled due to the snow, which had Aaron a bit sad, despite not really needing the lessons himself. But at long last, the end of December had approached. The night of December 24th, Aaron had went to bed excited after staying up all night chattering with Jacob, each boy saying to each other what they desired for Christmas most.

Eventually, it came- December 25th. It was Christmas morning now at Hogwarts and a blanket of white snow covered the grounds, flakes still peppering it. A few days before this, Aaron had managed to write home via owl to his parents to ask them for an assortment of British chocolates. It would be this that he hoped to give as a Christmas gift to his friend. Everybody loved chocolate, especially British chocolate, so Aaron assumed he couldn’t go wrong with that. Both Jacob and Aaron had stayed at Hogwarts to spend the holidays while others went home. It wasn’t too crowded due to the decrease in students but there were still quite a bit that lingered. That morning, Aaron awoke very suddenly as he was practically ripped out of whatever dream he was having.

Aaron grunted as he felt something jumping up and down on him, his bed squeaking with every leap. “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! It’s Christmas!” Jacob shouted loudly. “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” Jacob repeated, giggling with glee as he bounced on top of Aaron. Aaron rubbed his eyes as he sat up in bed. For once he wasn’t tired or even slightly irritated at Jacob for the manner in which he had woken him up. Jacob’s eyes lit up as he saw that his roommate was awake. “Merry Christmas mate!” Jacob said with a grin, the boy still in his pajamas. Aaron smiled back, “Merry Christmas, lad,” he replied. “Get your arse out of bed! I’m hungry! Let’s get breakfast and then we can open presents!” Jacob said excitedly as he leapt off of Aaron’s bed and went to go get changed.

Aaron couldn’t wait to see what his parents had gotten him for Christmas. Most of all, he was excited to spend some time with Xavier, as the Hufflepuff boy had stayed back at Hogwarts with him for the winter holidays. Aaron got changed into his uniform and robes as quickly as he could and was practically dragged out of the room by Jacob. As they traversed through the halls of their dormitory, many boys and girls were emerging out of their rooms. Jacob waved and said hello to many Gryffindors, a lot of whom he had befriended over the few months. Jacob was certainly much more amiable and outgoing than Aaron. “Merry Christmas!” Jacob would wish the passing Gryffindors, and they would wish it back to him.

As they reached the common room, Jacob waved over to two boys sitting on the couch. One had red hair and the other, jet black hair. “Merry Christmas Ron! Merry Christmas Harry!” called Jacob over to the two boys. They both turned around and smiled, waving back. “Merry Christmas to you lads,” said Harry Potter to the both of them. Aaron simply nodded and smiled back. He and Jacob then went down to the Great Hall and entered. There was an excited buzz amongst the students who were inside. A group of Jacob’s friends called him over and he quickly dashed over to them, leaving Aaron to go to Xavier. Aaron bolted to the Hufflepuff table where Xavier was sitting and hugged the boy suddenly and tightly from behind. “Merry Christmas Xavier!” Aaron shouted joyfully.
Xavier had been munching on a cinnamon muffin when he felt arms around him and he laughed. His smile had widened as he set his muffin down, turning his head to see Aaron. "Merry Christmas Aaron!" He said, placing a hand on one of the arms around him. "Sit down! They have so many delicious foods for breakfast right now!" He said, looking at his friend with a wide grin. His appetite had pretty much returned to normal finally, he could handle full meals without upsetting his stomach. He was thankful for that because for a while, he had to have small meals when his hunger returned but his stomach couldn't handle it. He thought back on last seven weeks and smiled, everything had been going fantastic. He still hovered in flying class but he loved the Quidditch matches every weekend, Hufflepuff had eventually been pushed out of the Quidditch inter house tournament, but he cheered for Gryffindor with Aaron instead.
Aaron giggled as he let go of Xavier and went to sit down next to the lad. “Hogwarts always out does themselves with the food, eh?” he said with a chuckle as he began taking some French toast and lathering it with an excessive amount of maple syrup. “Excited for presents?” Aaron asked with a grin as he practically drained the bottle of syrup on his French toast.
Xavier smiled as he ate the waffles he'd stacked along with the muffins. "Yeah they do!" He said after he'd swallowed his bite. When Xavier brought up presents the boy's eyes widened in excitement. "Yes! How about you mate?" He said, he knew his parents had sent him something, he just didn't know what yet. He also couldn't wait to give Aaron the little one in his pocket.
“Oh I can’t wait! I wonder what my mum and dad sent me! There was something under the little tree in our room, although I’m hoping it’s not just all Jacob’s presents,” laughed Aaron. He still had his gift to give to Xavier but he’d wait for the right moment to do so. “I was hoping for a broomstick of my own but I don’t think that any of the presents under the tree were broom shaped,” he said with a snicker. “Mum probably wouldn’t approve of it anyways. She doesn’t understand any of it,” he said with a shrug as he grabbed a fork and knife and began eating his soaking wet with syrup French toast.
Xavier listened to his friend, the excitement in the room was nearly tangible and he couldn't stop smiling. "Many Hufflepuffs went home so there wasn't many under the tree. I'd be happy for anything honestly." He said, his parents weren't the richest in the world, but every Christmas he usually got two presents. "I can't wait to see what my parents me either." Xavier said before looking over at Aaron. "I bet if she saw you fly, she'd change her mind. You were born to be up there" He told the Gryffindor boy with a grin as he finished his waffles.
“Yea, I’m hoping I can convince my dad to get me a broom so I can really show them how good I’ve gotten at flying on one!” Aaron said with a smile. Xavier’s words were touching, and he felt like the greatest flyer in the world since Xavier thought he was a natural on a broom. Aaron was making quick work of his French toast and was almost done. He was very eager to open presents and more so to give Xavier his gift. “I’m beginning to think I put a bit too much syrup on this,” he said with a giggle.
Xavier had noticed the huge amount of syrup and had to look away. He wasn't a big fan of the stuff personally. "I bet you can do it" He said with a smile. and then he couldn't help but nod. "Maybe a little bit there mate" He said with a laugh.
Aaron laughed as he finished the rest of his French toast. Now that he was done he eagerly stared at Xavier and waited for him to finish, practically leaning over and staring a hole into the boy. His excitement was tangible.
Xavier finished his last waffle and smiled at Aaron. "You ready bud?" He asked with a laugh, standing from the table. He could feel the excitement and he was just as ready to see what his parents had gotten him, and he couldn't wait to see Aaron's face when he gave him his present. He really hoped the lad liked it.
“More than ever lad!” Aaron said as he quickly got up from the table and practically jumped as he waited for Xavier to do so as well. Last night, Aaron had stored Xavier’s Christmas gift in the storage room, or their secret little room as they liked to call it. He managed to cover it with a sheet in case Xavier should be snooping around in there for whatever reason. Aaron couldn’t wait to tell Xavier that he had gotten him a present. He just hoped the boy liked London chocolate.
Xavier smiled at the boy, his eyes taking in how excited the boy was. He laughed, grabbing the boy's hand and started walking. "Well, come on then!" He said with a giggle. He really couldn't wait to see his reaction to the present Xavier had for him, so now that he was full, he was ready to give it to him.
Perhaps filling up on sugary syrup wasn’t the best idea for an already excited eleven year old boy but nonetheless, Aaron smiled and grabbed Xavier by the arm. “Come on! Let’s go to our secret room first! I’ve got something to show you!” he hinted at with a smile as he dragged Xavier out of the Great Hall with him.
Xavier laughed and let the other boy drag him out of the Great Hall and down to their secret room. When they got there, he opened the door and let them both in, before shutting it. Xavier laughed breathlessly, he probably shouldn't have moved that fast after eating. He felt in his pocket and the present was still there and he sighed in relief. "Okay, what have you got for me mate?" He asked Aaron after he'd caught his breath.
Aaron quickly took Xavier to their secret room and shut the door behind them. He wore an excited grin that practically hurt his face as he turned to Xavier. Perhaps it would be only a matter of time before the sugar wore off, but for now, Aaron was practically bouncing off of the walls. “Alright mate, well, since it’s Christmas, I’ve gotten you a present!” Aaron told his Hufflepuff companion. “I- I hope you like it,” he said shyly, looking over at the box of chocolates under the sheet in the far corner of the storage room.
Xavier couldn't help the blush that showed on his face when Aaron said he had gotten him a present. "I, I got you one too" Xavier admitted with a shy smile. "Um, did you want to go first Aaron?" The lad asked, curiosity in his voice. He saw Aaron look but he didn't see anything so he redirected his attention to Aaron.
Aaron widened his eyes, not expecting that Xavier had gotten him a present too. “You did?” he asked. “Xavier! Damn you! You know you didn’t need to do that for me!” he said. “I’ll go first though,” he told the boy. “Hang on a sec,” he said as he quickly went to fetch the box of chocolates. He lifted it up and presented it to Xavier, the sheet still covering it. He then handed it to the Hufflepuff boy and smiled. “Here,” he said, “I really do hope you like it…” he said softly and shyly, blushing a bit.
The boy laughed at Aaron's surprise. Of course he did, that was his best friend. He watched as the boy grabbed something, still covered in a sheet. Xavier took the item carefully and looked up at Aaron with a smile. He pulled off the sheet to find a box of London chocolates. "No way! I haven't had these in years! We never get to London anymore." Xavier shouted, his eyes wide in excitement. He set the chocolates down gently, pulled the little present out, setting it near it so it didn't get squished before he ran over to Aaron and gave him a hug. "I don't like it, I love it! Thank you!" He said, pulling away to dash back and grab the little one he had for Aaron. He came back and put the small box in his hands. "I hope you like yours!" He said shyly, holding out for the boy.
Aaron gulped nervously as he walked for Xavier to open his present. It was a simple gift- chocolates, but one that had come from the heart. His face brightened though as Xavier seemed to light up at his gift. Aaron grinned from ear to ear, ecstatic that Xavier liked and was appreciative of his gift. “I’m glad you love it mate! We love rather close to London so I had my mum go out and buy you an assortment of chocolates. They’re delicious! No place makes ‘em like London does!” Aaron said proudly. A big blush came to Aaron’s face as Xavier hugged him and told him how much he loved his present. “Aww it was nothin’ mate,” said Aaron humbly.

He then watched on curiously as Xavier presented to him his gift in a very small box. Aaron took the box and opened it, peering inside. His eyes widened as he saw something shiny. Aaron then pulled out a small pin with the word Gryffindor over two brooms behind it. Aaron gasped with glee. “Bloody hell mate! Where’d you get something like this?” Aaron asked in disbelief. “This is wicked!” Aaron said with a big smile. He quickly put the pin in his robes and proudly showed it to Xavier. Aaron was going to wear this pin every single day now. “I don’t know how you managed to find something like this but it’s amazing! Thank you!” Aaron said gratefully as now he wrapped Xavier in a hug.
Xavier blushed as he saw how happy Aaron was when he saw the pin. "My mum and dad, I told them a little bit about you and they found it. I thought it was so you." Xaie said happily. His smile grew wide as he pinned it on his robes. He blushed harder as the boy wrapped him in a hug this time. He wrapped his arms back around the boy and couldn't help the feeling of happiness that was welling around his entire body. He'd been so nervous that he wouldn't like it, but was so happy that he did. "You're welcome, I'm glad you like it!" He said.
Aaron had smiled sheepishly and blushed as Xavier told him that he had informed his parents about him. Aaron had only briefly told his parents of his new best friend, hinting that he had a good friend that he wanted to give some chocolates for Christmas. Aaron’s parents were happy to oblige, glad their son had a friend at school. “That’s very nice of you mate,” he said, very happy with his cool Christmas gift. “And of course I like it! It’s going to look absolutely fantastic next year when I’m soaring through the air on a broom playing Quidditch for Gryffindor!” Aaron claimed with a big grin.
It was Xavier's turn to blush as he heard the boy. "You'll the best looking one out there with that fancy pin" Xavier told him. "And I'll be cheering you on from the stands every game" He added with a laugh. He couldn't wait till next year to see the lad play in the Quidditch games. He was gonna be a great player Xavier believed. Xavier was a bookworm that thought solid ground was the best thing ever and didn't belong in the air, but Aaron did.
“Well I’m already the best looking one,” he said, smirking as he bragged playfully and ran a hand through his soft light colored hair. “I’ll just look even better with this cool little pin here,” he said, proudly adjusting it on his robes. “Just make sure to actually pay attention to me when you’re watching me in the stands, ok?” Aaron’s said with a grin. “I know flying and stuff makes you uneasy,” he chuckled.
Xavier looked at his friend and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and the player with the biggest ego too." He joked. "Flying itself makes me uneasy, watching you fly is fascinating. I can't do it, but you do it so well" He told the boy. "Besides, I can't miss that ego and the pin" He added playfully, nudging the boys shoulder with a laugh.
“Well to be fair all of the other Gryffindor players have big egos! I’d just be blending in!” Aaron said, often admiring the older boys who played for Gryffindor’s Quidditch team. They all had large egos but were beloved by all. And of course, they always pulled the ladies. “Believe me, I’m going to be the greatest chaser that this house- no, school has ever seen!” Aaron claimed boldly.

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