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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Luckily for the holidays and with the decreased amount of students over the winter vacation, the strict house seating rules at dinner at Hogwarts were lifted. That meant that Aaron and Xavier could sit together and eat, and Aaron couldn’t be happier about this. He was looking forward to sharing a nice Christmas feast with his best friend. The two eventually entered the Great Hall and the aroma of the delicious food entered Aaron’s nose. The smell caused Aaron’s stomach to growl and his mouth to water as he became even hungrier. He could see succulent slices of Christmas ham and all sorts of other good looking foods. “Come on! I don’t think I can wait any longer!” Aaron said as he quickly grabbed Xavier by the arm and led him to a table.
Xavier laughed, letting his friend lead him to the table. He could see the different foods and his stomach grumbled again, demanding food. Once they'd reached the table, Xavier couldn't stop himself from grabbing some of pretty much everything. He eating the ham he'd put on the plate first, loving the flavors of it. "This stuff is so good" He said, after he'd swallowed his bites. "I knew I was hungry but not this bad" He laughed.
Once they had sat down, Aaron grabbed a plate and quickly began loading slices of ham onto it as well as mashed potatoes and some other tasty sides. Of course, no vegetables, but his mother wasn’t here so he was in the clear. Aaron wolfed down his meal, barely savoring any of the bites he was so hungry. Aaron nodded after swallowing, “Yea! Guess that’s what we get for skipping lunch!” he said. “This Christmas feast is amazing- even better than the usual food they serve here!” Aaron said, “And I wouldn’t wanna be sharing this meal with anyone else but you!” he told Xavier with a smile.
Xavier had finished the ham slices and moved onto the potatoes with a grin, the plate that was once mounded looked normal now. He looked over at Aaron with a grin. "I know, they have really good house elves! So good" He said, taking another bite of the potatoes. "I don't want to share it with anyone else aside from you either mate!" Xavier responded with a laugh.
Both boys did a pretty good job of finishing off what was on their plates. Aaron was beginning to slow down his eating pace now as his hunger became more and more satisfied. “Blimey- I’ve still yet to open my present from my parents!” Aaron said as he noticed the fact after swallowing what was in his mouth. “You reckon they secretly got me my own broomstick that I don’t know about?” he asked with a cheeky grin and a laugh.
Xavier had smiled when he finished his plate. His stomach was full and he looked over at Aaron. "Oh yeah, I never opened mine either!" He had just realized that. "Probably not but gotta have dreams mate!" Xavier said with a laugh. "One day maybe you can have fancy broom" He added with a grin on his face.
Aaron was getting pretty full now but the food was just too good to not eat. In his mind, they were only getting one Christmas feast so he might as well make the most of it. “They’ve just got to get me a broom one of these days!” Aaron insisted. “How are they going to expect me to be a great Quidditch player without a broom of my own?” he asked, scooping some delicious mashed potatoes into his mouth.
Xavier smiled, listening to his friend as he talked. "Maybe next year? When you make the team?" He said with a grin. "Besides, at least in school they'll let you use their brooms, even if they aren't the greatest" He added content at the moment. "And good flying skills matter just as much as any broom you use, school or your own"
“Yea but I don’t want a school lended broom,” said Aaron, “I want a broom of my own! A top model!” he said with a grin. “That way when I make the team,” he said, confident he’d be on the Gryffindor Qudditch team next year, “I’ll be able to fly in style!” he told his friend. “No use in being good but not looking cool while doing it,” he added.
Xavier rolled his eyes playfully at his friend. "You're hung on looks again mate. Skills matter too" He said, crossing his arms as he shifted himself a little. "You'd look like great flyer on a toothpick, you don't need the most expensive broom to prove that you're good and look cool" He'd have to watch his friend, he seemed too concerned with fitting in and looks sometimes. Oh, if he could see himself as Xavier did sometimes.
Aaron chuckled and blushed ever so slightly, brushing Xavier to the side. “Oh stop it you,” he said with a giggle. “But still, I want a nice looking broom,” he said. “But at least I know if I don’t get one, one person will be in the stands thinking I look the coolest,” he said with a soft smile, poking Xavier playfully.
Xavier smiled at his friend. "I was just saying mate" He smirked playfully. "I hope you get it" Xavier told his friend honestly. He wanted his friend to have the world, he deserved it. "Yep, I'll be your biggest fan" He said as Aaron poked him. "You'll hear me screaming over everyone else" He added with a grin.
Aaron laughed at this. “Really? You’ll be my biggest fan even though you’re a Hufflepuff and I’m a Gryffindor?” he asked. “Will you scream at the top of your lungs like a fan girl for me?” he asked with a playful smirk and giggle. “Will you bring big signs with my name on it?” he asked, laughing.
Xavier looked at his friend with a groan. "Yes I will, even with the different houses. I will not fan girl for you nor will I bring big signs with your name on them. Now who's the goof" He said with a grin, nudging the boy's shoulder.
“Aww, ok,” said Aaron with an exaggerated but clearly fake frown. “I guess you don’t love me anymore…” he lamented jokingly as he looked at Xavier with his big hazel eyes. “How could you not love this face?” he asked, doing his best impression of a cute sad puppy dog.
Xavier huffed a sigh, rolling his eyes sarcastically. "Oh for the, of course I do!" He said with a grin, wrapping an arm around Aaron's shoulders. "Will you stop being so weird?" He asked with a laugh, looking at the boy with a wide smile on his face.
“Nope!” Aaron replied with a laugh as he too put an arm around Xavier’s shoulders. “I’ll never stop being weird,” he said with a proud grin. With his other hand, he quickly shoveled a slice of Christmas ham into his mouth and chewed. “And if anything,” he began with his mouth full, “You’re the weird one!” he said before swallowing.
Xaie just shook his head with a laugh. "Why did I pick you as my best friend" He asked with a laugh as he watched the boy eat, talk and then swallow. "I guess we're just a pair of weirdos in this strange world huh?" He said with a giggle.
“That we are my friend!” Aaron replied enthusiastically. “But like I said, it’s me and you against the world!” he said. “We stick together, and I’ll always have your back,” he said, giving Xavier’s shoulder a little squeeze. “You and me, forever mate,” he said with a smile. “I personally think you made an excellent choice of best friend,” he said with a boastful smirk.
Xavier smiled at his friend as the boy talked. He squeezed Aaron's shoulders when he squeezed Xaie's. Xavier blushed as he heard him talk. "Yeah, you and me forever, so I guess I did make a pretty great choice" He said with a laugh. He couldn't argue that point at all, he'd gotten so lucky meeting Aaron, especially when he'd been so nervous about not making any friends in the new school, and he found his best friend the first day.
Aaron then took his arm off of Xavier’s shoulders and ate a few more bites of ham before putting his fork down and signing, thoroughly full now. His stomach couldn’t fit anything else in it. “Oh man, I’m stuffed,” he said, briefly closing his eyes. “I couldn’t eat another bite,” said Aaron as he put a hand on his abdomen. “Did you enjoy your Christmas dinner?” he asked his friend.
Xavier pulled his arm down after Aaron moved his and nodded. "I'm crazy full but it was so good, I definitely enjoyed it" He said with a grin. "I take it that you enjoyed yours as well?" Xaie laughed looking at the boy with a grin.
“I did,” he replied with a smile. “I just don’t want this night to end,” he said, his smile fading away now. “I wanna stay up with you all night- I don’t wanna go back to my dorm room,” he said, absentmindedly rubbing his belly. “I wish Christmas would never end…” said Aaron.
Xavier could understand that a lot. "Hey, we got two weeks before everyone comes back. Two weeks of no classes, just here all day. We've got the room we can hang out there as well" He didn't like seeing Aaron look so sad. He placed a hand on the Gryffindor boy's shoulder. "Don't you wanna see if there's a new broom waiting for you?" He was trying everything in his book to get the boy to cheer up a little bit. "We'll have the next six Christmas' together anyway" Xavier added.
“Right, holiday isn’t over yet,” he said, a smile returning to his face. “I just really like spending time with ya, Xavier,” he said to the boy. “I am curious to check, but last time I saw there was nothing broomstick shaped under the tree in our room,” said Aaron. “Plus if I checked now I’d have to leave you, since it’s in the Gryffindor dorm rooms,” he mentioned. “And the next six Christmases? Blood hell mate- we’ll be old men by then!” he laughed.

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