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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Aaron laughed at this, because he knew it was true. Even his mother was always telling him he didn’t worry enough and wasn’t cautious. He went into things with not a care in the world. Some would say happy go lucky, others would say reckless. Perhaps he was both. Aaron quickly slapped another hand on Xavier’s shoulder as the boy doubted that he was the top of their class. “What?! Nahhhh! You’re totally the top of our class, lad! Of our year!” Aaron insisted. “Granger’s got nothing on you. Sure she’s smart, but you’ve got the smarts and the skills!” Aaron said with a proud smile. “You’re also not a suck up teacher’s pet,” he snickered, taking a jab at Hermione.
Xavier blushed hard as he felt the hand on his shoulder. Listening to Aaron, it was hard not to feel his heart swell as he listened to the boy. He was so convinced that Xavier was smart and skilled, more than Hermione. He smiled as his cheeks flamed red. "Thank you Aaron. I-I really appreciate having someone like you in my corner as my best friend" Xavier said with a bright smile. "I've never found the appeal of being a teachers pet though, it draws too much attention to yourself." He added with a laugh.
“No one ever said that I couldn’t be your biggest fan too, right?” Aaron asked with a giggle. “If you’re going to be my biggest fan in Quidditch, then I’m your biggest fan in charms!” Aaron said with a big grin. “Like I said- I’ll be with you by your side, supporting you forever and ever- through the end!” Aaron said with gusto. “And I totally agree. The last thing I want is teacher attention,” replied the boy. “But student attention is a different story- I want to be loved and adored, at least in Quidditch!” he said with a smirk.
Xavier snorted a laugh as he listened to his friend. "Sounds like a pretty great deal to me" He said with a grin. "Us against the world" Xavier agreed, smiling at the boy. He heard the boy's comment about being loved and adored, and smiled. "No matter what others think, you've got my love and adoration as your biggest fan!" Xavier said with a soft smile and a little giggle. He looked at the time and blanched "Um, we should get going to Charms" He said, realizing how long they'd been talking.
Now it was Aaron’s turn to blush as Xavier stated he’d always love and admire him no matter what. Aaron was glad for Xavier checking the time and changing the subject because Xavier’s sweet words had left him speechless and light headed. “Oh, right, charms…. Probably should get a move on I reckon,” he said softly, pushing aside his plate of barely eaten food. “Let’s go together,” he said, giving Xavier’s shoulder a little squeeze.
Xavier smiled at his friend. "You got this, I promise." Xavier said with a smile as Aaron squeezed his shoulder. Xaie stood from the table and stretched real quick, before waiting for his friend. He gave Ryan a smile over Aaron's head as a good luck and the other boy nodded back.
Aaron gulped nervously as he got up from the table and tried to flash Xavier a smile. But he was very clearly uncomfortable and uneasy. Who knew what would happen if he failed his final exams- perhaps he’d have to take his first year curriculum all over again- without Xavier. That was a scary thought. “Thanks mate, and you’ve got this too- you’re gonna do really well,” he said, and Aaron truly believed that. Xavier was a bright kid.
Xavier smiled at Aaron, though he could see the lad was uncomfortable. He grabbed the boys hand and squeezed it reassuringly as they started to head out. "Thanks Aaron" Xavier said, brushing his shoulder against the other boy's shoulder. He truly believed that Aaron could pass all his exams and in no time they'd be done with the exams.
Aaron blushed as Xavier grabbed his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. He felt butterflies in his tummy but at the same time, renewed sense of confidence. With Xavier having faith in him, anything seemed possible now. The two boys eventually got the charms classroom and Aaron gave Xavier a last look before heading inside. His heart was pounding in his chest, and it was only the first of many examinations today.
Xavier sighed, the charms exam was one person at a time, so he waited for his turn. He saw Ryan coming up and smiled at him. "Thanks for earlier. I don't know why he's doing that." He'd noticed too that if Ryan sat beside Xavier, Aaron usually squeezed himself in between them. It became easier for them to leave a space. "Its fine, I don't mind" Ryan added. "Aaron just went in for his charms exam. I know we were told it was one on one with the professor" Xavier said.
Aaron’s heart only began to pound louder as he went into the classroom for his one on one examination with Professor Flitwick. Aaron had ended up impressing the short man with his mastery of the first year charms curriculum. It was all thanks to Xavier, in Aaron’s mind. During the whole test, Aaron kept thinking of Xavier’s little tips and pointers the whole way and that helped him to perform the charms very well. By the end, Flitwick was pleased- Aaron had passed with flying colors.
Xavier took his exam after Aaron, also passing and the professor commented that he'd seen the turnaround in the boy after November and he thanked him for helping Aaron. Of course, the professor only knew of the times in class, not outside of class. Xavier suffered through the potions exam and astronomy was super simple. Eventually he found himself seated at the Hufflepuff table, right beside Ryan. "How did your exams go today Xavier?" Ryan asked. "Good, I passed potions which shocked me. The other two were much easier and less stressful. How about yours?" He asked Ryan, while filling his plate. He was still nervous for the other four exams, but his stomach was rumbling and no amount of nerves was taking away the hunger. "Good, I passed mine too" He said with a grin, loading his plate also.
Potions, as expected, was a bit of a different story. Snape as per usual was harsh and unforgiving, and his exam was exactly the same. Even worse, the potions master seemed to be in more of a sour mood than he typically was. It made for quite the unpleasant experience for all of the poor first years taking the potions exam. Aaron had done ok on the written portion and barely squeaked by on the brewing part of the test, but he managed to just barely pass. The cold glare and I’d from Snape as he passed Aaron was probably the nicest and happiest the boy and ever seen the professor- and even still Snape looked miserable and full of hate.

Astronomy wasn’t hard at all and Aaron was happy to have passed that easily. Finally, all exams for that day were done with and now it was dinner time. The hunger had surely come back for Aaron, and although he was still nervous for the final exams tomorrow, his stomach groaned in longing to be filled with some delicious food. Aaron made his way down to the Great Hall with his appetite renewed and sat down at the Gryffindor table for dinner, settling in right next to Jacob, who had already began to eat.

“Hullo mate!” Aaron said cheerfully, having just come off of passing the Astronomy final exam. “‘Ello Aaron,” replied Jacob softly in between bites. “How’d ya do on your exams lad?” Aaron asked curiously as he grabbed some dinner. “Just dashingly I suppose,” replied Jacob with a shrug. “Passed Astronomy and charms pretty easily but almost bloody failed that potions exam. Passed by the skin of my teeth,” said Jacob. “I reckon that won’t be good enough for mum and dad though…” huffed Jacob.

“Well that’s great that you passed them all!” Aaron replied with a big proud grin, giving Jacob a pat on the back. Jacob seemed not too happy with himself though and remained rather stoic. “I’ll tell you what- I too just barely passed Snape’s exam. That was incredibly difficult!” Aaron said. “But hey, as long as you passed! Doesn’t matter how ya do it!” Aaron said, grinning optimistically. This gained a little scoff from Jacob. “Well yea, easy for you to say,” he began, “That’s good, for a half-blood like you I suppose,” he said with a shrug.

Aaron paused, wondering what that was supposed to mean. What did it matter that he was a half-blood? “When you’re a pure blood like me, more is expected of you. It’s not just good enough to pass. You have to pass convincingly,” Jacob went on softly, staring down at his plate and not eating. “Or else they’ll see you as a disgrace to your family- unfit to be a wizard- especially if a mud- I mean muggle born or half blood beats ya,” said Jacob bitterly. Aaron fell silent. He didn’t really have the words to reply with anything right now.

“Well I still think ya did well, lad,” said Aaron very quietly and almost timidly. “If only you were my mum and dad, eh? But alas you’re not some kid from a storied family of pure blooded witches and wizards…” he grumbled. Aaron decided not to say anything more. Clearly, Jacob wasn’t in the mood. He was saying all of these weird things and Aaron didn’t have any time for it. He returned to eating his dinner and his focuses fell on meeting with Xavier after his meal to check in on him and see how he did on his exams.
Xavier worked away at the food he'd put on his plate. He wanted to finish quickly so he could talk to Aaron and see how he did. He knew how nervous the boy was at the beginning of the day. He looked over at the Gryffindor table before working on his food again. He really wanted to know if the boy had passed his potions exam that he was so nervous on.
Aaron quickly finished his dinner and got up once he was full. He didn’t feel like saying goodbye or anything to Jacob since he seemed to be in a weird mood right now. Perhaps it was just exams season having everyone in a funk, he thought. But he couldn’t deny that Jacob’s words regarding the whole silly blood status business had rubbed him the wrong way a bit. As he got up from the table, Aaron headed over to Xavier at the Hufflepuff table.
Xavier had finished his food and had stood up about the time that he saw Aaron headed his way. He went to meet the boy with a smile on his face. "Hey Aaron" Xavier said, "Wanna go for a walk and talk about our exams?" He asked.
The Gryffindor boy was very glad to see his best friend. Aaron grinned as he met up with Xavier once they had both finished their dinners. “Xavier! I’m glad to see ya!” he said. “Yea let’s go! I wanted to ask you all about them since I haven’t gotten a chance to really be with you for too long with these exams going on,” he said. “Come,” he said, gesturing for Xavier to follow him out of the Great Hall.
Xavier smiled at his friend. "Lead the way mate. I know, its been crazy trying to study for these" Xavier said. He was happy to follow his Gryffindor friend wherever he wanted to lead them. His smile was wide as they walked side by side.
Aaron grinned and nodded, gladly obliging. He walked through the many halls of Hogwarts with Xavier, with no particular destination in mind- just winding the many halls inside of the big castle. “I’m just glad to have those over with,” he began. “Astronomy was a piece of cake! Thanks to you and remembering your tips, I passed charms with flying colors!” Aaron said happily. “And I barely squeaked by with a passing grade for Snape’s tests…. Potions wasn’t easy…” he said, shaking his head.
Xavier smiled listening to the boy talked about his exams. "I'm glad you passed all of them! You listened so its also your victory because I can help but if you don't listen it doesn't work" Xavier said with a smile. "I'm glad you passed potions, I know you were worried about that one the most" Xavier added.
“Nah mate, I owe it all to you. Without your help all the time in class and in our secret room, I’d have never passed the charms exam!” Aaron said, putting an arm around his best friend’s shoulders. “Give yourself some credit lad- you’ve passed two people in that class- yourself and me!” he said with a chuckle. “I’m glad you did well on all of them though,” said Aaron.
Xavier smiled as Aaron put his arm over Xaie's shoulders. "I guess so" He said with a shy smile. "I'm just glad we both passed these exams mate" He said happily. "Only a few more to go then we find out who won the house cup!" Xavier said, on Friday was when they would announce it. Saturday was move out day and they were heading home. It was crazy to him that this year was pretty much over.
Aaron grinned and nodded, happy that most of his exams were done with, and of course that he had passed them all. He then smirked, his eyes twinkling as the house cup competition was mentioned. “Oh you’re going down mate! Hufflepuff has nothing on Gryffindor!” Aaron playfully teased. “Gryffindor’s winning the house cup- no question. We’re gonna smoke you guys,” said Aaron. Currently, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were fighting for the lead and either house were favorites to win the cup. As for Quidditch, Gryffindor, after a dominant season, had fallen short to Ravenclaw who ended up winning the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup. Their star chaser was injured and next year he wouldn’t be available, as he was a graduating seventh year.
Xavier snorted listening to the confidence in his friends voice. "Hufflepuff will pull it out from under you, we deserve it" Xavier laughed, playing along with the boy. "I kinda want us to win, it might put a dent that ego of yours mate" He said with a grin, looking at the boy. He'd been sad to see that Ravenclaw had won the Quidditch cup, especially since Gryffindor had been doing such a great job.
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“Gryffindor’s really earned it this year mate, sorry to tell you, but you’ll be very disappointed when Hufflepuff loses,” said Aaron with a cheeky grin. “I’ll tell you this though- once I’m on that Gryffindor team, we’re winning the Quidditch Cup!” Aaron boldly proclaimed. “I’m going to lead that team to victory. We’re not gonna fall short like we did this season,” he said, determined.

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