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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier’s words were of some comfort to Aaron, but Jacob had been making this out to be a very dire situation. He didn’t know who to believe but his gut wanted him to fully trust Xavier. Maybe Xavier and even his own mother were right- Aaron didn’t worry enough. “Well, I agree with that,” said Jacob, surprised to even be saying this to Xavier. “But unfortunately You-Know-Who and his crazed followers don’t think it’s stupid. They think it’s serious,” said Jacob. Xavier’s touch on his knee was much needed- he needed to feel the comforting physical presence and contact of his best friend. “They’ll target half blood, and mudbloods too,” said Jacob, accidentally letting the derogatory term slip from his mouth. While Jacob personally didn’t buy into the whole blood status superiority ideas, he was a pure blood himself raised in a pure blooded wizarding family home. He grew up around families that believed in blood supremacy, even though his own family did not support this. But as a pure blood, there was still much expected of him by his parents. Jacob’s parents wanted him to out shine his classmates and anything less than that was seen as a failure to them. He was a pure blood, so although ironically they didn’t find all pure bloods superior, they very much wanted their son to be superior to all the others. It was why Jacob valued hard work and his grades- he needed to impress his parents and make a good legacy for the Cromwell family name, since it was all they had left. The Cromwell’s had been unfortunately stained by many other pure blooded families due to the fact that they did support half bloods and muggle borns practicing magic. It was complicated, but growing up around boys from more extremist pure blood families had caused Jacob to pick up a few things- one of them being that harmful word “mud blood.” He didn’t believe in any of the silly blood status ideals, but he still recognized his place as a pure blooded wizard boy from a pure blooded magical family.
Xavier thought he was going to have a heart attack hearing Jacob agree with him. Then his eyes flashed as he heard the word, his temper flared. He hated that word. "Watch your vocabulary" Xavier said, trying not to let himself get angry. He kept his hand on Aaron's knee still, while glaring at Jacob. "I know who he'll target, and I know who I'll be protecting should he ever make his way to the school" Xavier's words were sharp, not aggressive, but the tone basically meant that no one was allowed to mess with Aaron, dark wizard or not.
Jacob widened his eyes, gulping as he realized his slip up. It was a good thing Aaron didn’t know what the slur meant and that it was derogatory because it probably would’ve hurt him to hear his own friend saying this about his own kind. Jacob kept his lips tight and remained silent for a little while now. Aaron let himself be comforted by Xavier’s words and his gentle touch. Clearly Xavier was determined to protect them. With Xavier protecting him, Aaron felt safe. Unfortunately, both of the pure blooded wizard boys in the compartment, Jacob and Xavier, had forgotten to account for another group of victims targeted by the Dark Lord and his followers- those that were considered blood traitors. To the dark wizards, blood traitors were those who were pure blooded yet associated with, protected, and advocated for those who were not of pure blood. To many, these blood traitors were just as worse as the mud bloods staining the wizarding world and corrupting magic. Xavier and Jacob were the perfect definition of young blood traitors, unbeknownst to them both.
Xavier smiled at Aaron "Better?" He asked the boy after a few minutes. He would sit leaned forward the train ride if he had to. Ryan sat beside him, fuming. He'd heard the word, he knew what they'd been talking about and none of it sat right with him. He was upset but he kept himself quiet. The train car had dropped into silence as they drove through the countryside.
Aaron had a million worries and questions running around his head but he looked over at Xavier and nodded quickly, trying to forget about all of them. “Yea,” he replied softly, flashing a small and admittedly forced smile over at the boy. Jacob felt rather guilty for not only scaring Aaron unintentionally but also for letting my such a terrible word slip. Jacob thought he was better than that- better than all of the other pure bloods who believed in such trashy harmful ideals. Yet here he was, using the same words as them. The same words as the boys back at home. Jacob felt terrible and simply remained silent, not looking at any boy in the compartment. And so, the train rolled along across the tracks as silence befell the compartment.
Xavier had nodded, leaning back into the seat. He looked out the window at the countryside. He sighed, his mind whirling with emotions, as he felt his eyes closed for the remaining trip. No one wanted to talk and so he took the time to cycle through his thoughts, and then he passed out.
He woke a little bit later and saw the train station in view. "Home" He said, sighing lightly. Here came the goodbyes, which he wasn't looking forward to.
Jacob had kept his head bowed, a solemn and guilty look on his face the entire few hours of the train ride. The compartment was quite for pretty much the rest of the way. Finally, once they had arrived at King’s Cross Station, Platform 9 3/4, Xavier broke the silence by proclaiming that they were finally home. Aaron knew that this meant they had to say goodbye. Aaron gulped and frowned as he looked over at Jacob and then Xavier. At least he hadn’t killed or even tried to hurt Ryan the entire ride, he thought. “Guess this is the part where we start saying farewell, huh?” Aaron asked.
Xavier looked at the three boys, but his gaze stayed on Aaron longer. "I guess so" He said, looking down at the ground of the compartment. As the students started leaving the compartments, Ryan reached over, hugged Xavier and smiled. "I'll see you in the fall" He said with a grin, grabbing his trunk, nodding to the two and leaving. The others didn't like him as much so he didn't say much as he left. Xavier looked at the boy walking away sadly. He would miss Ryan that's for sure. He turned back to the other two. He wanted a moment with Aaron alone.
Aaron squirmed a little as he saw Ryan go to hug Xavier. He said nothing as Xavier said his goodbyes to Ryan and Ryan left. Aaron then turned to Jacob and gave him a big hug. Jacob too wrapped his arms around Aaron and gave him a hug bag. “Goodbye mate. I’ll see ya next year, yea?” Aaron said. Jacob nodded, “Right. I’ll see ya next year lad. Have a great summer,” said Jacob. “Oh and try not to miss me too much,” chuckled the boy lightly. Aaron laughed and gave Jacob a pat on the back before the boy waved and turned away, leaving. It was now just Aaron and Xavier.
Xavier had looked away when Aaron had said goodbye to Jacob, not wanting to see the hug. He waited until he heard the boy leave. "I can't believe our first year is over already. Its crazy, seems like just yesterday we were here heading to the school. I uh, I wanted to say that I've never had friend like you Aaron, you've been a great friend, great support and I wish this year hadn't ended so quickly" Xavier finally finished his words, tears brimming under his eyes as he looked across the compartment at his best friend.
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Now that Aaron was alike with Xavier in the compartment, he could finally say his goodbyes in privacy. Aaron frowned as he looked over at Xavier as he mentioned that their first year was over. He was right, it had passed by fast. In an instant, here they were in summer time, ending their first year. Aaron’s heart was touched by Xavier’s sweet words. A blush came to Aaron’s face as his heart practically melted. “Xavier, you’ve been the best friend anyone could ever ask for,” said Aaron gently with a fond smile. “You’ll always be my best mate and I’ll always support ya and be there for you. And in turn I’ll know you’ll do the same,” he said, looking over at Xavier across from him. He could see the Hufflepuff boy had tears welling in his eyes and now he too felt some coming on but did his best to choke them back.
Xavier took a deep breath, his attempt at holding back the tears was poor as one slipped down. He stepped forward, closing the distance. His heart was swelled in joy at Aaron's words. He wrapped his arms around Aaron's back, pulling the boy to him in a hug. "I'll miss you this summer" Xavier said, his head tucked into Aaron's chest as he hugged his best friend tight. Eventually this would have to break, but he'd take the few moments of just them, like back in their secret room during Christmas.
As Xavier leaned forward and wrapped his arms around him, Aaron hugged him back and the tears began to swell within his eyes. They were getting harder and harder to hold back. Aaron closed his eyes shut in an attempt to make sure the tears didn’t leak through. “I’m going to miss you this summer too mate, so so much,” he said as they were locked in their embrace. He wished he could stay in this hug forever but of course, they had to get off the train and no doubt both boys’ parents would be wondering where their sons were.
Xavier relished in the feeling of being in a warm hug with his friend. He sniffed before he stepped back finally. He swallowed back his tears and smiled. "We should uh, we should probably get off huh?" He said softly, going over to grab his trunk, and made it to the compartment door and led the way to the door of the train.
Aaron gulped, choking back tears as they broke their hug. His hazel eyes were watering as he looked across from his seat at Xavier. He sniffled and nodded as Xavier suggested they get a move on. Aaron pulled his trunk out from underneath the seat and stood up. He then followed Xavier out of the compartment and off the train onto the platform.
Xavier stepped on the platform and looked around to see his parents over to the right. They waved at him and he got the best idea after looking at Aaron stepping off the train. Before he gave the boy a chance to search for his own parents, he grabbed his hand and dragged him over. "Hi Mum, Dad!" He dropped Aarons hand for a moment as they hugged first. "Who is this adorable boy" His mum asked with a smile. "Mum, Dad, this is Aaron! Aaron I really wanted to you meet my parents" He said smiling. "Oh Dad, can we invite Aaron to the professional Quidditch match with us?" He asked, remembering the conversation they'd had at the beginning of the year. "I don't see why not, as long as his parents are okay with it" His dad said as Xavier smiled.
Aaron followed Xavier off of the train. The platform was crowded with countless students looking for and/or being reunited with their families. Aaron didn’t even have a chance to try and look for his parents as suddenly, his hand was taken by Xavier as he ran over to his parents, dragging him along. Aaron didn’t have much time to process what was happening as he was quickly brought in front of two adults, both of whom Xavier had features from. They were Xavier’s parents.

Aaron widened his eyes and blushed suddenly as Xavier’s mother called him adorable. He smiled shyly and waved politely at Xavier’s parents as Xavier excitedly introduced him to them. He had to admit that he felt a bit honored that Xavier wanted to show him to his parents and wanted him to meet them. Aaron cleared his throat and nodded over at Xavier’s mum and dad.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Collins,” he said politely, “It’s very nice to meet the both of you,” he said formally, trying to make his best impression on Xavier’s parents. Surely they only wanted their son being friends with the best of boys and well behaved too. His eyebrows raised eagerly as Xavier asked his dad if he could come along to a professional Quidditch match that summer.

The Gryffindor grinned and tried to contain his immense excitement as Xavier’s father agreed. Aaron didn’t want to freak out too much and wanted to play it cool in front of Xavier’s parents, but internally he was ecstatic. “Oh wow! Really? Thank you Mr. Collins! I’d be honored to come along!” Aaron said happily. “I’m sure my parents would be absolutely fine with it,” he said with a smile.
Cora, his mum, smiled at the young boy. He was so polite and he seemed like he was a great friend to her son. James, his dad, let out a small laugh seeing how excited the boy had gotten when he'd said that Aaron could come with them. James could tell that Xavier had found a great friend in this young lad. Cora smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Aaron" James nodded along with the statement. "Any friend of Xavier's is welcome anytime" He said, watching the excited boy.

Xavier smiled at his parents, they were the greatest. He looked over at Aaron with a grin. "I can't wait for you to see your first professional Quidditch game mate! They're even more exciting than the school ones" He added. "Though, you're parents are probably worried about you. I'll send a letter with the information to you once we know more!" Xavier swallowed back the tears as he finished speaking.
Aaron smiled from ear to ear and kept his composure as he simply nodded politely at Xavier’s father. “Thank you so much sir! It really is an honor!” he said. “I’ve never been to a professional Quidditch game before! In fact, I only learned about Quidditch at the beginning of this year because of Xavier,” he told the man with a smile. Aaron then looked over at Xavier, still grinning with excitement. He couldn’t wait to potentially go to see a professional Quidditch game with his best friend. He just needed to ask his parents. Aaron nodded, “Right then. That sounds good!” he replied. His parents were probably wondering where he was so he did need to get going. Without thinking he quickly stole a brief hug with Xavier and waved goodbye before turning around and going off to find his parents.
Xavier had been bouncing up and down the entire ride to the pitch. He had Aaron beside him and his dad was driving them to the match. The boy had only been away from Aaron for maybe 6 weeks but he was so happy to have his friend back again. Xavier was glad that his parents let the boy come with him and his father to the match today. He kept looking out the window as the large pitch showed up as his dad pulled them into a parking spot. "You boy's ready?" His father asked behind him and Xavier smiled excitedly "Yea!" He said with a laugh.
Luckily for Aaron, when he did eventually ask his parents if he could go see a professional Quidditch match with a good friend he had made that year at school, they had both agreed. His parents were clearly happy that he had a friend and were certainly going to encourage the relationship. When Aaron had originally asked though, his mother Mary was confused as she didn’t really know what Quidditch was. His father Andrew of course did, and they both supported him going to see the match with his friend, even if his mother didn’t exactly understand what Aaron was going to go see.

A few weeks of the summer passed and finally, it was the date of the much anticipated Quidditch match. Aaron had been excited all summer for this and now it was here. He couldn’t wait. Today he was with Xavier and his dad as they travelled to the pitch. As they arrived, Aaron noticed just how large the arena was and certainly how much bigger the pitch was than the one used at Hogwarts. As Xaiver’s father asked them if they were ready, Aaron responded with a quick nod and a big grin. “Very ready! Born ready!” he replied excitedly.
Xavier's father laughed at the two boys' excitement as they got out of the car. Xavier couldn't help but bounce on the back of his heels before running to the front of the car so he and Aaron could walk side by side to the stands which Xavier's father watching them, staying behind them. When Xavier had talked about Aaron in his letters, he could tell the two had a special friendship and Xavier's parents were not going to say no to their son having a friend to help him through school. He'd been bullied when he was in elementary school and so they'd brought him home to homeschool until he was old enough for Hogwarts.
It seemed like nothing was going to ever wipe the big excited grin from ear to ear on Aaron’s face. He was practically jumping with each step as he walked beside Xavier with the boy’s father to the pitch. “Bloody hell I think I’m going to explode!” Aaron said, his eagerness and excitement tangible.
Xavier could feel the excitement in the air and radiating off his best friend. "I told you! It's so much fun!" Xavier said laughing as he watched his friend just as excited as he was. This match was between Xavier's favorite team; The Kenmare Kestrals versus the Wimbourne Wasps. He saw the stands coming into view and Xavier's dad looked to see which stands they were in. He found them and led the boys up and to their seats, front row in the stand they were in. They were perfect seats to see the match.
Aaron didn’t know any of the teams but Xavier had told him his favorite team was the Kenmare Kestrals, so that was going to be the team he cheered for too. Aaron certainly had a pep in his step as he walked into the stadium and the group of three found their designated seats in the stands. Aaron couldn’t believe how good their seats were- they were in the front row of their section in the stands. Aaron sat down but bounced excitedly as he looked out into the pitch. The game hadn’t started yet so the players weren’t there yet but just the grand size of the pitch compared to the one at Hogwarts was amazing. “These seats are so good!” Aaron said, “And look at how big the pitch is! It’s huge!” he commented.

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