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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier smiled as he saw the seats and heard Aaron commenting on the size of the pitch. "These games can be crazy! They need the extra room that us students don't" Xavier said with a laugh. James watched the two interact and he smiled at how excited Aaron was about where he'd managed to snag them seats, considering its front row. Xaie had asked for front row tickets and he wanted to bring Aaron. James was more than happy to spend a little more this year.
“Maybe one day I can be playing in the pros league like this!” Aaron said with a smile. “Thank you for taking me to this,” he said gratefully to Xavier. Aaron then turned to Xavier’s dad and smiled politely. “Thank you for bringing me along, Mr. Collins,” he said nicely.
Xavier smiled at his friend. "I think you'd make a great professional player, you're welcome, there is no one I'd rather share this experience with than you" He smiled. James looked up when Aaron spoke to him. "You're very welcome Aaron, it's nice seeing Xavier with a friend" He said with a smile as the trumpets started playing announcing the teams that will come on stage.
Aaron blushed slightly and smiled sheepishly at Xavier’s nice words. “Thank Xavier- if I make it big I’ll be sure to get you free tickets! And really good seats too!” he told the boy with a grin. Aaron then looked over at Xavier’s dad. “Xavier’s my very best friend sir!” he told him. Soon Aaron’s attention was captured by the fanfare of trumpets and his eyes went to the pitch. They were beginning to announce the teams and players. Aaron sat eagerly on the edge of his seat as the crowd roared.
Xavier watched as a few moments later the players flew onto the field as they were introduced. Once they were introduced, he saw the balls go in the air and the whistle blew. The game was on!
The crowd grew even louder as the teams were announced and the players took to the field. The players were introduced and Aaron clapped and got excited as he partook in the pre-game festivities. The players on the pitch then all got into position to start the game and Aaron sat on the edge of his seat, leaning forward eagerly, ready for the match to begin. The various balls flew into the air and the whistle blew. The crowd cheered as the game finally commenced.
Xavier watched as the two teams battled for points, cheering as the Kestrels got scored a goal and kept the other team from getting the Quaffle again. It was exhilarating to watch the two teams go back and forth. He had forgotten how high energy these matches can become and quickly. He laughed, eyes following the Kestrel player's intently.
Aaron sat on the edge of his seat for the whole game. He cheered loudly every time the Kestrals scored. Occasionally he’d excitedly stand up out of his seat and grab Xavier, hugging him as the Kestrals scored.
Xavier watched as the Kestrals scored goal after goal, beating the other team. He cheered each score and smiled as he got a hug from Aaron. He'd hug him back and his father observed the boys. He could sense some kind of connection but it didn't surprise him. His son had picked a fine young boy to be his friend.
Aaron had really been getting into the game and he was loving every second of it. Xavier was right- it was a thousand times more fun and loud than the Quidditch games at Hogwarts. “This is bloody amazing!” Aaron yelled, grabbing Xavier by the shoulders and shaking him violently and excitedly. There was a very happy look in Aaron’s beautiful hazel eyes.
Xavier felt his heart swell, even as Aaron shook him both excitedly and violently. "I'm glad you're having an awesome time mate! Told you they were fantastic!" He smiled, seeing the happiness in Aaron's hazel eyes.
“I believe you but like I didn’t know it was going to be this fun and electric!” Aaron replied. “And the Kestrals are winning! Everything’s going right!” he said with a joyful laugh. “Hopefully the Wasps go crying hole to mummy!” he teased.
Xavier laughed as he felt so happy to be able to share this experience with his best friend. "The Kestrals have a great team this year, the Wasps don't have any hope of winning" The points were so uneven that even catching the golden snitch wouldn't help them.
Eventually, the game came to an end and the Kenmare Kestrals had won a convincing and decisive victory over the Wimbourne Wasps. Aaron practically leapt out of his seats as he joined the Kestral fans in cheering for the big win. Aaron grabbed Xavier again and shook him aggressively by the shoulders before pulling him in for a tight hug. “We did it! We’ve won!” he said happily.
Xavier was thrilled his favorite team had won and he could tell Aaron was just as excited if the aggressive shoulder shake into a tight hug was any indication. He smiled as he hugged the boy back just as tight. "Those Wasps didn't stand a chance!" Xavier agreed before pulling out of the hug. His father cleared his throat gently, as a reminder to the boys that they should get going to the car.
Aaron laughed as he let go of Xavier and looked back onto the field. The victorious Kenmare Kestral players waved to the crowd from the pitch and Aaron stood in awe. Maybe someday he could be doing that, he thought. He then heard Mr. Collins clear his throat and looked at the man. Although he wanted to stay and celebrate the win some more, he didn’t want to keep Xavier’s father waiting. “What a game!” he said. “I suppose it’s over though and we should be getting back,” he shrugged.
Xavier nodded. "Yeah, Dad doesn't typically stay for the celebration. He claims its 'to stay ahead of traffic' or something" Xavier did air quotes around the traffic part. His dad laughed, looking at the two boys. "It's true" He said. Xavier rolled his eyes, looking at Aaron. "It was a great game for sure! One of the best I've been too" He said with a grin.
“Oh I see, fair enough,” said Aaron with a nod of acknowledgment. Aaron happily followed Xavier and his dad as the group of three made their way out of the stands and to exit the arena. “I’ll tell you what mate, that’s got to be one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had in my life!” Aaron said.
Xavier smiled as they exited the arena and approached the car. "Its really the best. I'm glad I got to experience it with you this year!" Xavier said with a grin as they climbed into the car.
“I wouldn’t have wanted to experience this with anybody else lad!” Aaron said with a big grin as he climbed into the car and sat next to Xavier. Surely this was going to be a memory he cherished for a long time. “Just me and my best mate! Living the life!” he said.
"You and me, having fun and living" He said with a grin, sitting in his seat. "I kind of wish this day wouldn't end. I won't see you again until the train station" Xavier said softly, speaking what no one really wanted to out loud.
“Yea, I wish it didn’t have to end either,” said Aaron with a brief frown. But it was quickly replaced with a smile at the thought of seeing Xavier again on the train at the start of their next year at Hogwarts. “But you’re right- I’ll see ya for our second year!” Aaron said eagerly. “We just have to wait for the rest of summer,” he said.
It had been a crazy end of summer. Xavier had bought all his new books, and he had just packed his trunk up and was put in the back of the car. He'd left teddy at home this year. He was 12 now, he didn't need it. His birthday was actually August 3rd. He had finished breakfast with his parents before they all loaded into the car. He was buzzing with excitement, he was going to get to see Aaron again, and Ryan! He missed his 'honorary' brother. The red head had helped him realize he needed to talk about his issues and to talk to Aaron. Aaron, he couldn't wait to see him. It had been a pretty boring summer for the Hufflepuff, not much had happened other than him turning 12 years old.

The car turned onto the main road towards the center of the city. King's Cross loomed ahead and Xavier felt himself bouncing in place, too eager to wanna wait. He had on his golden and black sweater with some simple black pants. He was going to slip on his robes on the train. The brown haired brown eyed boy looked out the window at the passing cars before they pulled into the station. He didn't even wait for his parents, he grabbed his trunk and dragged it into the station.

He ran towards the wall and through it no problem, stepping onto platform 9 3/4. The gleaming Hogwarts Express sat there majestically. He saw the sheer amount of students and his face fell. How would he find Aaron in this mess of students? Maybe he should start walking the compartments? He had to say good bye to his parents who finally arrived through the post. "Xavier Collins! Don't run off like that" His mother scolded. Xavier lowered his head "Sorry mum" He said. His mother sighed, knowing her son was just excited. "Well, give us a hug and then you can go find that adorable Aaron" She said. He hugged both his parents. "Love you guys!" He said, before heading to the train.
If he was being honest, Aaron had a relatively boring rest of his summer. To be fair though, it wasn’t like anything was ever going to top going in person to attend a professional Quidditch match alongside his best buddy. But, the summer ended with no problem. Sometime in July, the 20th day of the month to be exact, Aaron had turned twelve years old. With another year came a couple of increased inches in height as well. He was only twelve so his voice was still rather high pitched. He wasn’t a teenager yet, so those changes would come with time. Most of Aaron’s summer consisted of relaxing, but when he wasn’t doing that, he was begging his dad to get him his very own broomstick.

For most of the summer, Aaron’s father Andrew would continuously deny his son’s request, seemingly insistent on not purchasing Aaron his very own broomstick. But finally, after a month or two of convincing, in the very late days of August, Mr. Hoskins eventually caved in and allowed Aaron to have one. He ended up buying the Nimbus 2001- the newest model of broomstick that was out. Mr. Hoskins could see how passionate his son was about Quidditch so he wanted to get Aaron the very best broom of the highest quality. It also helped that the broom looked super cool. Aaron couldn’t wait to show Xavier.

Finally, September 1st, 1992 had arrived and it was once again time to go back to Hogwarts. Now twelve year old and insignificantly but slightly taller Aaron Hoskins found himself back at King’s Cross Station on the magical Platform 9 and 3/4. His mother had stayed home that day but Aaron had made sure to give her a lengthy goodbye, which was full of loving hugs and kisses from mother to son. It was his wizard dad that took him to the platform today. “Don’t get yourself into too much trouble this year, son,” chuckled Mr. Hoskins as he ruffled Aaron’s light brown hair. Aaron giggled, “No promises!” he replied with a cheeky grin and a playful wink. Mr. Hoskins just shook his head, but remained smiling.

Eventually, the Hogwarts Express had arrived and Aaron couldn’t be happier to see the freshly painted red and black train. Even more exciting was the fact that he’d get to see Xavier after the long few last months of summer that never seemed to end. In the past, Aaron had loved summer. It was a nice break from school. But now that he had Xavier, he hated every minute he was out of school, because at Hogwarts, that’s where he would be able to spend his time with his best friend. Aaron turned around to say goodbye to his dad, giving him a big hug as Mr. Hoskins gave his son some last minute words of encouragement. With that, Aaron took his luggage and headed towards the train that was waiting for all of the students. This time he wasn’t a first year in blank unmarked robes. He was a proud Gryffindor in red and gold robes. Aaron even wore the pin that Xavier had gotten him for Christmas last year, proudly displayed on his robes.
Xavier had made it into an empty compartment, looking eagerly at each student passing to see if he could see Aaron. He had slid on his Hufflepuff robes with pride the moment he'd stepped into the compartment. The matching pin to Aaron's was proudly on his robes. He watched student after student pass but not hazel eyed light brown Gryffindor. He did see firey red hair and smiled "Ryan!" He grabbed the lad and dragged him into the compartment. His friend hadn't changed much. Ryan smiled "Xaie" He said with a grin, both of them embraced the other with a silly grin. "How've you been?" Ryan asked. "I've been good, you?" Ryan smiled. "It's been good. Anyway, my little brother is here this year, so I'm gonna go sit with him, see you there!" Ryan called, walking out and heading down the aisle. Xavier looked at the hall away, waiting and watching.

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