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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier bumped his friend's shoulder with a laugh. "We'll see, anything can happen" He said with a grin. "I have no doubt that Gryffindor will win the Quidditch cup each year if you're on the team" He smiled, seeing his friends determination. They still had about an hour before curfew which was nice because Xavier was enjoying walking the halls with his best friend.
Aaron blushed slightly as Xavier expressed his confidence that a Gryffindor team with him on it would surely win the cup. “Well, that’s the goal,” he said, “I sure am excited for next year,” he said with a smile.
Xavier smiled and nodded himself "I know, so am I! Its exciting. We should probably make our way back to our dorms though" Xavier said sadly, looking at Aaron.
Aaron nodded and frowned slightly as they realized they had to part. “Right,” he replied softly. They had a big day of finishing up final exams tomorrow. “I’ll see you at breakfast then?” he asked. Aaron then bid Xavier a good night and turned, heading off to go to the Gryffindor dorm rooms.
Xavier looked down at the trunk on the bed in front of him. It was all packed and ready, but he wasn't. It had been such a crazy year but he had a lot of fun. It was better than he thought even though the fight had been unexpected. Ryan cleared his throat behind him and Xaie turned. "You ok?" He asked softly. The sadness was tangible in the air, but Xavier still shook his head. Ryan wrapped his arms around Xavier as both boys hugged, he could hear sniffles from Ryan and sighed.

The two finally broke apart and finished packing their trunks. Xavier thumbed the pin on his robe gently as they walked down to the common room. The two followed the rest of their house out and to the front grounds of the school. Carriages lined the area for everyone to take to the train. Xavier looked around for Aaron, his heart heavy knowing it was their last day.
Luckily for Aaron, he didn’t have to worry about the next and last day of final exams at all. He’d easily passed the rest of his exams and had successfully completed all of his required first year courses, and he could move on like normal to his second year classes next September when school started back up again. But now, with finals out of the way and worries about grades faded, it was time for the students of Hogwarts to leave the great castle. Finally, the semester had come to a close and with that, another year at Hogwarts had ended. Aaron had an amazing first year at Hogwarts. His favorite part of the whole year by far had to be meeting his best friend Xavier and spending lots of time with him over the school year. It was a bittersweet ending to the first year. While Aaron was very excited to go home and see his parents, he sure was going to miss Xavier and even his roommate Jacob dearly.

Today, the students were all expected to be leaving Hogwarts and headed back home on the train to King’s Cross Station. Everyone in Gryffindor Tower was scrambling to do some last minute packing as there was a mass exodus from the dorm rooms. Nobody wanted to be late to the train back home. Aaron grunted as he slammed his overly full trunk shut, closing it. Jacob seemed to be in no rush, carefully folding his pairs of underwear and squaring them neatly away. “Come on Jacob! We haven’t got any time to sit around and dilly dally!” Aaron complained. “Just stuff the rest of your clothes in and let’s go!” Aaron urged him on. Jacob simply rolled his eyes, “Don’t rush perfection,” he replied softly.

Eventually Jacob had closed his trunk after packing everything and the two boys were ready to head out the door, saying goodbye to Gryffindor Tower until next year. Jacob and Aaron walked together out of the Gryffindor common room with a crowd of Gryffindor students, eventually leaving the castle and walking outside to the front doors where many students were gathered, waiting for the carriages to take them to where the Hogwarts Express was waiting for them at the platform. Aaron still proudly wore his Gryffindor pin on his robes that Xavier had gotten him for Christmas. He adjusted it proudly as it glimmered and shone in the summer sun. Aaron looked around for a certain Hufflepuff boy and miraculously, despite the big crowd of many students, found him.

Aaron quickly grabbed Jacob by the arm, who wasn’t expecting it as he scrambled to grab his luggage and go along with his roommate. Aaron dashed over to where Xavier was standing and waiting for a carriage, a big and excited grin on his face. He noticed that Ryan was there with him too but tried not to pay the red headed boy any mind. Aaron let go of Jacob’s arm and Jacob caught his breath, brushing his robes off. “Xavier! Mate! There ya are!” Aaron said, thrilled to see his best friend. He was hoping they could sit together for the ride back home on the train.
Xavier and Ryan were chatting about summer plans when Aaron popped up beside him. "Hey Aaron!" Xavier said with a wide grin. He smiled at him and saw that he'd brought Jacob over with him and tried not to pay attention to the boy. "Wanna sit with me and Ryan on the train?" Xavier asked with a wide grin, hoping that Aaron would at least be open for that.
Aaron’s smile briefly faded as Xavier asked if he wanted to sit with him AND Ryan, but it came back as he didn’t want Xavier to sense anything was wrong. Even though it had been a whole year and Aaron barely knew Ryan, and Aaron was clearly Xavier’s number one best friend, he was still jealous of the fiery haired Hufflepuff boy. Aaron nodded and quickly pulled Jacob in close to him by the arm, his roommate not expecting this either and glaring a bit at him. “Yea! As long as Jacob can come too!” Aaron said with a grin. “Bloody hell Aaron, you’re really ought to warn me if you’re going to pull me in like that,” grumbled Jacob. Aaron just laughed, “Don’t be such a downer- it reminds me too much of Snape!” he joked.
Xavier swallowed the words he wanted to say before a smile crossed his face. "Sure, Jacob can join us too" He didn't want to Gryffindor boy there with Aaron, his best friend, but he wanted to hang out with Ryan one last time till next year. "I think they're loading up carriages, lets grab this one." Xavier said, pointing to the one behind Aaron and Jacob. He grabbed his trunk and so did Ryan.
Aaron nodded and smiled, glad that he’d be able to spend some last minute time with both Xavier and Jacob before they all went back home, even if much to his chagrin Ryan did have to tag along. Aaron quickly followed Xavier into one of the free carriages, which sat four people comfortably. Jacob followed, sitting next to Aaron.
Ryan sat on the other side, beside Xavier as they all got into the carriage. They hadn't gone in the carriages before so this was a new experience for the four of them. He'd heard about the carriages and was kind of excited to be in them. To him, they looked like they were moving on their own, even if they weren't. "This is pretty neat huh?" He said to Aaron.
Soon after all four boys had boarded the carriage, it began to move on its own. Aaron’s eyes widened and he was astounded, looking stunned as he grinned and nodded at Xavier. “Wicked! That’s crazy that they move on their own!” he said. Jacob let out a yawn and looked less than impressed. “It isn’t really that wild,” he said with a bored shrug, “It’s just the invisible spirits of dead horses that are pulling us along,” said Jacob casually. Aaron looked even more shocked than before.
Xavier rolled his eyes at Jacob, before focusing on Aaron. "They are called Thestrals and they aren't spirits of dead horses, they are invisible skeleton horses that you can only see if you have seen death" He hoped that would be a little more reassuring than dead spirit horses to Aaron. He also sent a small glare towards Jacob for his words.
Jacob now looked stunned as he was corrected by Xavier. He shot a glare back over at Xavier. Jacob hated being corrected and proved wrong. He knew Xavier was a fellow pure blood like him but still, being out shined by him made him feel bitter. Jacob was also at the top of their charms and other classes that year but Xavier seemed to be just a bit better than him. It was aggravating and Jacob’s parents expected better. Xavier was the better pure blood wizard and this fact Jacob deeply resented. The only thing worse would be if a half blood like Aaron were to best him in anything or correct him. That would be a disgrace to the Cromwell family. Jacob simply scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I knew that,” he snipped, lying. “Woah,” said Aaron in an awe struck whisper.
Xavier returned the glare with a little hmph before he felt a knee bump his and he looked over at Ryan who shook his head. Xavier deflated and looked away. "I'm sure you did" He snipped back, crossing his arms and leaning back into the carriage seat. He hated people like that, he could tell he'd upset Jacob by correcting him, but he didn't care. They were halfway to the train by now and Xavier was already regretting allowing Jacob to join them.
Jacob growled quietly and gritted his teeth as Xavier snipped back at him. A combination of the boy just being more gifted and talented than him, a slightly better student than him, and most of all, seeming to have such a grasp on his roommate and friend Aaron, made Jacob dislike the Hufflepuff boy. The only reason he didn’t act out any further was because he didn’t want to upset Aaron. But Aaron could clearly sense the tension hit opted to ignore it and move on like everything was ok. They were approaching the platform where the Hogwarts Express was waiting for them. “Look lads! The train!” Aaron said excitedly as he pointed out in front of them to the bright red steam engine locomotive.
Xavier heard the growl and glared back. He looked over at the train and sighed, it was a happy sight because he missed his parents, but a sad sight because he'd be leaving Aaron for the summer. Ryan could see how Jacob acted and he glared at the boy, feeling protective over his honorary brother. The carriages stopped and Xavier grabbed his trunk, exiting first with Ryan behind him with his trunk. The two walked a little bit away so that the others could get off too.
Once the carriage had arrived and come to a full stop, Ryan and Xavier got off first. Aaron and Jacob followed suit. Jacob looked rather irritated, gritting his teeth silently. Taking his trunk, Aaron looked over at Xavier and smiled. “Come on! Let’s board the train! We can get a compartment and all sit together!” Aaron said excitedly.
Xavier smiled at Aaron. "Lets get one before they all fill up!" He agreed, him and Ryan made their way to the train with the other two. Climbing up into the train, Xavier looked for the first free compartment and dove into it, Ryan right behind him. Xavier sat to the right side of the door. Ryan sat beside him, it was probably safer than sticking himself next to Jacob, he probably would've hit the boy before they made it back to Kings Cross. Their two trunks were slid under the seat.
The group of four boys walked together and boarded the train along with a crowd of students, both of younger years and older more senior years. The four managed to easily find an empty compartment that would sit them all comfortably. Xavier entered first and then than Ryan, who sat next to him. Aaron didn’t like this at all because he very much liked to be so close to Xavier he was touching him, so he settled for the next best thing and entered the compartment, sitting across from his best friend. Aaron quickly put his trunk under his seat so he had some leg room. Ryan was the last to enter and he silently plopped down into his seat across from Ryan, putting his luggage underneath the seat. Aaron grinned as he looked across at Xavier. “Isn’t this great? We get to sit with each other and spend some time before we go back home,” he said, but really by “we” he meant him and Xavier.
Xavier grinned back at Aaron, "It's super great. All four of us spending time together." The next few hours was gonna be something. Ryan looked over at Xavier "Hey, Xaie, did you hear the rumors flying around after the exams were all done?" Ryan asked the lad beside him. "No, I hadn't. Have you?" He asked, before looking at the others. "Something has returned or something is what I heard" Ryan said, unsure completely of the exact specifics.
Aaron didn’t necessarily like Xavier’s wording and including all “four” of them in this but he’d have to settle for now. It was then that Ryan sparked a conversation as he looked over at Xavier and asked him if he had heard any rumors about something big supposedly returning. Aaron looked very confused and Jacob leaned in, suddenly intrigued, looking like he knew everything and had something to say about it. “I’ve heard he’s returned,” said Jacob vaguely. Aaron scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion. “What? Who? Who has returned?” Aaron asked, clueless.

Jacob looked over at Aaron and raised an eyebrow at him. “Does your wizard dad tell you anything mate?” Jacob asked. “They’re saying HE’S been seen,” he said, putting extra emphasis on the word “he’s.” Still, this didn’t help clarify anything for Aaron. Seeing that Aaron still looked confused, Jacob looked around the room as if he were being watched and then leaned forward towards the middle of the four boys. “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named…” whispered Jacob. Aaron’s eyes widened and his heart leapt.

That couldn’t be! Xavier had told him the story of Lord Voldemort’s defeat at the hands of an infant Harry Potter! The Dark Lord was surely dead! Xavier had told him he had nothing to worry about! Aaron quickly looked over to Xavier with big widened nervous hazel eyes. “It’s true,” began Jacob quietly. “I’ve heard Harry and a few of his friends encountered You-Know-Who,” said Jacob ominously. “He’s supposedly in a weakened state, but rising and gaining power, as well as gathering back up an army,” said Jacob. Now poor Aaron was thoroughly scared.
Xavier really wanted to kick Jacob out of the compartment so bad right now. He wasn't helping Aaron's obvious state of fear. Xavier leaned forward, placing a hand on the boy's knee. "Aaron, breathe, we'll be okay. It could be ages before he's ready to fight" He said, rubbing circles on the boys leg. He didn't know if he spoke the truth, but he also knew that this wouldn't be a good thing, and the first thing he'll do is come after Harry and inevitably Hogwarts itself. They would definitely have a lot to learn to defend themselves against this.
“Ready to fight?!” Aaron yelped. “So l- like you mean he’s going to be ready to fight eventually?” Aaron asked, Xavier’s words inadvertently leading to him being even more fearful. Jacob shook his head and looked over at Xavier. “You can’t blame the lad,” said Jacob with an all too casual shrug. “He is a half blood after all. He’s not pure like you and me,” said Jacob to Xavier. Aaron was too panicked to even think twice about what any of that blood stuff meant. “You do know He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named targets mudbl- I mean muggle borns and half bloods,” said Jacob. Aaron was very scared now, especially considering that he was apparently a prime target for the Dark Lord just because he was a half blood.
Xavier glared at Jacob. "Blood status is the stupidest thing in the world" He snorted before looking back at Aaron. "Remember when I said we had to learn in case bad wizards came? That's why they start so heavy on the curriculum? And you have us too, we'll all protect you" He looked over at Jacob with a glare "and he won't get you" He continued to rub the boy's knee, trying to comfort him.

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