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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier smiled at the boy, his mood looked to be improving again. The excitement was back. "I enjoy spending time with you too Aaron" He said with a smile. "We're wizards, maybe it poofed there" Xavier chuckled, before hearing if he did check, he'd have to leave him. The rules that houses can't be in other common rooms was silly. "We can go back to the room instead" He suggested. "We'll only be 17 Aaron, I'd hardly call that old" He laughed, his chocolate brown eyes twinkling as he looked at the other boy.
Aaron smiled as Xavier said that he too liked to spend time with him. He then jabbed Xavier in the side with his pointer finger and laughed. “Back to the SECRET room, not just any room!” he clarified. “And seventeen seems old to me!” he giggled. “Although it’s way off far into the future. We won’t be seventeen for like ever!” Aaron said. “I don’t mind what we do- we can either go back to our secret room, or, back to our dorms to open any presents we never got to, although this we’d have to do apart from each other,” he said. “But you have that red haired fellow, don’t you? Roger? Or was his name Roy?” Aaron asked unsurely. He never bothered to remember the name of Xavier’s Hufflepuff roommate.
Xavier felt the jab but ignored it, he'd felt worse. "I'm not gonna lie mate, I'm kinda tired still. Perhaps we should do our presents and compare what we got at breakfast?" He asked the boy. He felt bad because he didn't want to stop spending time with Aaron. He heard him mention Ryan and rolled his eyes. "His name is Ryan, and no he went back home for the holiday. His younger brother missed him." Xavier said.
“Fair enough. You know, now that I think about it, I’m beginning to get quite tired too,” said Aaron. He nodded and smiled as Xavier suggested they compare Christmas presents in the morning at breakfast. “Oh right- Ryan. I knew that,” he said quickly, lying. “Help me up,” grunted Aaron, “I’m so full,” he whined, over exaggerating his complaints.
Xavier stood up from the table, stretching real quick. He heard Aaron say he was tired too, before he heard him ask for help. "Oh you are such a pain, be glad that I love ya" He said, taking the others hand and helping him up from the table. "Maybe you shouldn't have had so much then silly" Xavier added with a chuckle.
Aaron couldn’t help but blush as the boy said he loved him. Again, it was clearly fully platonic in nature, but it still made his heart flutter to hear those words come out of the Hufflepuff boy’s mouth. “Whatever,” he giggled as Xavier took his hand and helped him get up, even though he truly didn’t need the assistance. “It was totally worth it though. That food was so good!” Aaron said with a satisfied smile rubbing his belly. “Alright, I’ll walk with ya until we’ve got to part ways,” he told the other boy.
Xavier smiled at his friend, appreciating the offer even if it was just outside of the Great Hall. "The food was fantastic as usual" Xavier agreed. He sent a thankful look at Aaron as they walked to the entrance of the Great Hall. The kitchens ventured off to the right whereas Gryffindor tower was the other way. He paused before hugging Aaron once more. "Thank you for a wonderful Christmas" He said, before pulling back. "I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast ya?" Xaie asked the boy before he left for the Hufflepuff common coom.
The two boys left the Great Hall together and eventually came to a stop just before they had to part ways, Aaron to go to Gryffindor Tower and Xavier to the Hufflepuff dormitory. Aaron blushed as Xavier suddenly gave him a hug. He smiled and returned the favor, giving his friend a quick hug back. As they broke, Aaron nodded and smiled. “Absolutely mate- I’ll cya then! Breakfast!” he said. “Bring your appetite, yourself, and your presents!” Aaron said with a grin before waving and bidding Xavier a final good night, turning around and heading off to the Gryffindor dormitory.
Xavier smiled back, content with the hug. "Alright! See you tomorrow. Don't forget your own!" He called back. He turned and headed down to the Hufflepuff Common Room. He entered the room and grabbed his two presents before heading up to his room. He'd open them in the morning before he headed down for breakfast. He set them on his truck before changing into comfy clothes, Xavier took a sleeping pill and laid down, wrapping the blanket over himself and soon fell fast asleep.
Aaron headed back to Gryffindor Tower, quickly saying the password to the painting of the Fat Lady as she swung aside to let the boy into the common room. There were a few Gryffindors winding down for the night in the common room and even a boy napping on one of the couches. Aaron went up to his room and enter. Jacob was already inside getting ready for bed. Aaron went over to the small Christmas tree in their room and began to unwrap the few presents from his parents. Unfortunately, just as he had suspected, there was no broomstick to be found. But, his mother had sent him some nice warm socks for the winter- although Aaron was rather disappointed with this gift. He was also sent some various candies- some muggle and some wizarding like peppermint toads. Aaron would be sure to share these with Xavier at breakfast tomorrow. With a big yawn, Aaron headed off to bed for the night, changing into his pajamas and slipping quietly into his nice warm bed, falling asleep.
It had roughly six months, and Xavier's classes had been going great. Well if you didn't count the flying class. He and Aaron had been closer than ever, the Hufflepuff had taken to helping the boy when he needed it in classes such as Charms. It was starting to get warm out and summer was creeping up. In fact, summer vacation was scheduled to begin the day after the House cup was awarded to the house with the most points. As much as he wanted his house to get it, he'd be happy if Aaron's house got too. Nothing against Ravenclaw, he'd met a few students from that house that seemed nice enough. He definitely didn't want Slytherin to win, especially with Draco and Pansy in the house. He'd heard stories from other students that those two were mean and he believed it.

Xavier opened his eyes that morning. Charms exam was first for the two of them after breakfast. He had been studying all weekend for the harder classes he had which was Potions, not surprising considering the professor, and Astronomy. It was a great class, even held in the early morning, but it was tougher for him. The boy yawned, stretching his arms out and got up off the bed. He slipped on his robes, looking over at the lump in the other bed. "Ryan, wake up" He said. Ryan groaned, removing the blankets and yawning. "Time for breakfast mate" Xaie added, as he adjusted the little pin on his robes, opposite the patch of his house. His parents had gotten him a pin of the Hufflepuff name over broomsticks like Aarons for Christmas, along with a new golden and black sweater. He loved the matching idea with his best friend and he wore it proudly each day.

He heard Ryan get up from his bunk and get his robes on too. "You ready for exams this week?" Ryan asked, adjusting his tie. Xavier looked over at Ryan as he did his own tie. "All but Potions. Its not hard but its just a lot that you have to focus on." Xavier responded. "Makes sense, the Professor doesn't help either" Ryan laughed as the pair of boys headed out of the room. "No, he's so serious that it throws me off every time, I don't think he has a sense of humor at all" Xaie laughed as they left the common room. "Did you have a good year Xavier?" Ryan asked with a grin. "Yea! A few hiccups here and there but with help from my honorary brother and best friend, I made it to June" He said with a wide grin. "How about you mate?" He asked Ryan who nodded himself. "I got a new brother so I call this year a good one" He said with a happy smile. As the two boys chatted, they entered the Great Hall and Ryan took a seat with a space between them, where he conveniently put his leg over it to keep it open for the boy's friend and Xavier sat on the other side of the space. Ryan would rather leave the space then be shoved, he'd learned that quickly enough. Xavier looked around for Aaron so they could have breakfast together.
The time really did fly by after Christmas. Aaron had blinked and before he knew it, his very first year at Hogwarts was coming to an end towards the beginning of summer of 1992. As for his performances in his classes, he absolutely excelled in flying lessons. He, along with Harry Potter, were among the best flyers in the class by far. With the help of Xavier, Aaron was able to fair quite well in charms class. In History of Magic he received average marks as he often found it difficult to pay attention to the boring old ghost who lectured, Professor Binns. Then of course there was potions which Aaron would’ve liked to be doing better in. Professor Snape was an intimidating man, cold and unfeeling. The head of the Slytherin house certainly didn’t make that class any easier. But all around, Aaron’s grades were good and he very much enjoyed his first year at Hogwarts, which was almost finished. All the students had left were to complete their final exams.

The past few weeks had consisted of studying hard. Even Aaron, who disliked studying and didn’t do much of it throughout the year, had hunkered down and found himself going over notes and books in the library late at night. Unfortunately, the weather getting nicer made it hard to focus. The previous night, Aaron had stayed up making sure he knew his charms and potions class materials backwards and forwards. This morning would be the time of their final examination for charms. Potions and Astronomy were to follow. That morning, Aaron awoke to a gentle shake of his shoulder. As he slowly opened his eyes, he saw none other than his roommate Jacob, who he had gotten quite close with but of course, not as close as he was with Xavier.

“Wake up mate,” said Jacob softly, not in his usual loud voice that he typically woke Aaron up with. “We’ve got that charms exam,” he said. He looked a bit nervous as he walked over to his bed and fiddled with the buttons to his pajama shirt. Aaron groaned before rubbing his eyes and stepping out of bed. “Then potions…” muttered Aaron, feeling his stomach drop as he thought of the difficult exam coming up. As both boys got dressed into their uniform and robes, Aaron had noticed that Jacob seemed quieter than usual today. There was a solemn silence that fell between the two boys as each finished doing their ties before finishing getting dressed for the day.

“C’mon,” said Jacob softly as he gestured for Aaron to follow. “Can’t take these exams on an empty stomach,” said his roommate as Aaron followed him out of the room. The two boys made their way to the Great Hall and Aaron set his sights on looking for Xavier. He then spotted the boy but was not thrilled to see Ryan with him. Aaron approached Xavier over at the Hufflepuff and tapped on the back of his shoulder to get his friend’s attention.
Xavier could almost feel the nervous quiet energy in the Great Hall which definitely didn't improve his own nerves. He'd spent more time in the library over the potions exam than he had spent on any of the other exams combined. He had been picking at the waffle on his plate for the last minute when he felt the tap on his shoulder. Ryan had noticed the Gryffindor and dropped his leg down, leaving the seat between him and Xavier open. Xaie looked up and smiled. "Good morning Aaron" His voice was happy, but he wasn't as excited, not because he didn't want to see Aaron of course, just nervous. He patted the empty seat between him and Ryan for his friend to sit. "Come sit and eat something" He put another piece of waffle in his mouth.
Aaron remained standing for a moment near Xavier, even as Ryan lifted his leg off of the seat in the space between the two boys. “Morning,” replied Aaron softly. Everyone had a quiet and nervous energy about them today. Aaron was happy to see Xavier, sure, but final examinations weighed heavy on his mind. The Gryffindor boy simply nodded as he finally took a seat, sitting down right in between Ryan and Xavier. He had ample space this time so he didn’t feel the need to shove poor Ryan out of the way.

The Gryffindor pulled over and plate and took a singular pancake and a small portion of scrambled eggs for breakfast. He had a foreboding sinking feeling at the bottom of the pit of his stomach and honestly didn’t have much of an appetite as he began to pick at his food. “D- do you think you’re prepared for today?” Aaron asked Xavier softly.
Xavier watched as his friend seemed very nervous and that made him feel for his friend. He brushed his shoulder against Aaron for comfort as he noticed the boy hadn't taken as much food as he normally did. Xaie didn't blame him, he'd managed down some eggs before the waffle he'd been picking apart. The atmosphere wasn't all that great, the nervous energy pouring through the Hall. "I-I think I'm as prepared as I can be. How about you?" He asked his friend. He was fairly confident on the Charms exam, but the potions one was draining on his nervous system. He had no idea what to expect and so he'd studied everything he possibly could. All the notes, the different potions and their ingredients and how they work.
Aaron was usually a big eater so him not scarfing down large amounts of food at meal time was a very uncommon occurrence. Aaron sighed in response to Xavier’s answer. “I was up all night studying for charms and potions- I’m so tired because of it,” he grumbled. “I just know that stupid Professor Snape is going to try his very hardest to make this bloody test impossible!” whined Aaron. “At least with Professor Flitwick I know he will be fair,” he said.
Xavier nodded, listening to his friend. Especially being a Gryffindor, Aaron was already at a disadvantage with the professor as was everyone else in his house. "I can't tell you how many hours I've poured over the potions book, basically all night every night this week. You'd think they wouldn't let him be so mean to the students" He said, frustration in his own tone. "Professor Flitwick is much better, I think his exam will be easier than Snape's" Xavier agreed, finally finishing his waffle.
Aaron sighed again as he put his fork down. He didn’t feel very much like eating. The nervous sinking feeling at the pit of his stomach made him lose any sort of appetite. “It’s bloody insanity- and we’re only in our first year,” he said. “You’d think they’d ease us into all of this but no- straight to these lengthy exams stuffed with so much content,” he ranted. “And it’s only going to get harder as the years go on,” moaned Aaron dreadfully. “Bloody Snape…” he muttered angrily, “He’s been nothing but an arse this year…. Especially to Harry,” said Aaron. By this point, you didn’t even need to say the full name of “Harry Potter.” When you said Harry, pretty much everyone knew who you were referring to.
Xavier listened to the boy rant beside him. He knew exactly what Aaron meant too. They were flung into it right off the bat. Xaie waited for his friend to be finished before he spoke. He put a hand on the boy's shoulder and turned to look at him. "The amount that they're having us do is kind of crazy I'll admit. I had no idea how much they'd make us learn so early on." He said. "But, hey, we've got each other and I can always help if you need it." Xavier said with a small smile. He thought of Harry and shook his head, the professor was so mean to him. "I know, he can't do anything right in that man's eyes honestly." Xavier said.
“Damn it mate,” began Aaron, slamming his fist on the table. “I thought learning to be a wizard was going to be a challenge but I didn’t know it would be this difficult, and right off the bat too!” he rambled. “But you’re been a big help to me, especially in charms,” he said to Xavier with a brief soft smile. He then huffed and rolled his eyes, “Wish they taught us a potion to make Snape disappear…” he muttered childishly.
Xavier couldn't help but flinch from the sudden action of Aaron slamming his fist on the table. He tried to not let the fight from the beginning of the year take over, and so he let out a breath and looked at Aaron while he continued to rant. "If this stuff was easy, it probably wouldn't give us the skills to save ourselves if we get attacked by bad wizards though" He pointed out. "That's what I'm here for mate" He said with a smile. "Besides, we have to learn everything so we can make one" He joked.
“Well, like you told me at the beginning of this year, there’s no bad wizards anymore so we should be safe,” said Aaron naively. “Perhaps we could learn on our own,” giggled Aaron with a mischievous smirk, the first time he had shown any sign of joy or excitement that day. “I just can’t believe Snape teaches ALL potions class for years one through seven students!” Aaron said, throwing his hands up in the air.
Xavier smiled, whatever he felt before had melted away. "I did, but that's why they teach how they do, just in case" He responded. All it takes one bad apple to try and jumpstart something bad all over again. "I don't think I could be a potions professor for you too mate" Xaie laughed as he saw his friend's old self coming back. "I know! It stinks, really" He said with a huff, crossing his arms. "It's crazy though mate, I originally was excited for Potions, but now my favorite class is Charms." Xavier laughed amused at difference between the first day of school and the last week.
“Whatever,” shrugged Aaron dismissively, “You worry too much my Hufflepuff friend,” he said, seemingly unbothered by the thought of a dark wizard potentially rising. He smiled as he listened to Xavier talk about how much he loved charms class. The boy was passionate about charms and clearly had a natural talent for it- Aaron could see that. He remembered back on the train when Xavier had expressed he was most excited for potions class. Boy, how times had changed. “Well it’s no wonder- you’re bloody brilliant at charms! Top of our class!” Aaron said with a big grin, patting Xavier on the back.
Xavier rolled his eyes as he looked at his friend. "You don't worry enough sometimes, its how we balance each other out" He said with a grin. It was true, Xavier was always prone to worry, it was one of his weaknesses. He heard Aaron's words and blushed, looking down embarrassed. "I, I don't think I'm the top of the class, that Hermione girl is pretty smart too" He said, rubbing his arm. He felt the boy pat him on his back and looked up smiling at him. "But th-thanks mate" He said.

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