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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

"That might be true, but I know the size of your ego mate!" Xavier laughed. He had met the players on his houses team after their win earlier this year and none of them had real big egos, they seemed like normal students. "Oh, I believe it because you wouldn't want it any other way Mr. Has-To-Be-Great" He said with a chuckle. He sat down on an old office chair he'd found one time they'd searched and he'd claimed that and the desk he found the first time.
“I’m a Gryffindor, Xavier. Of course I’ve got to be great!” Aaron said. “Plus we’re the most passionate house when it comes to Quidditch, no offense, so a lot will be expected of me,” said Aaron, so confident that next year he’d make the team. Aaron walked over to the old desk that Xavier had pulled his chair up to and sat on top of it, facing the Hufflepuff boy. “And face it- you love me and my big ego,” said Aaron with a grin and a snicker as he leaned forward towards Xavier.
Xavier leaned against the chair, his legs propped up on the table with his arms crossed. "Greatness comes in many forms Aaron, and besides you'll live up those expectations no problem mate." He watched as Aaron sat up on the desk, facing him. He hummed and rubbed his chin as he listened to his friend. "Do I though? I might have to think on that." He said teasingly, his eyes narrowed playfully.
“Oh come on!” Aaron laughed, tilting his head back. “Just admit it! You love me and can’t get enough of me!” he teased, leaning forward again, his face very close to Xavier’s. “I’m not letting you leave here until you do,” smirked Aaron playfully, fluttering his eyelashes.
Xavier tried really hard not to laugh or smile at the boy, trying to keep the straight face. "I still don't know. It's foggy, I think I did but I'm not sure anymore" He schooled his features as Aaron got closer, causing Xavier to blush. "No, No, I don't remember saying that I can't get enough of you by the way" He said, taking his feet off the desk, letting them hit the floor with a thump. "That sounds like a challenge mate" He added, his eyes watching Aarons, noticing the little shifts in color inside the hazel.
As Aaron got up close to Xavier, he could analyze each and every little feature of the boy’s face. Every little thing about it seemed perfect to Aaron, and he couldn’t help but blush ever so slightly as he looked into Xavier’s eyes with his own stunning hazel ones. As Xavier took his feet off of the desk, Aaron stood up. “Still not budging, eh?” he asked with a mischievous smirk and a glint in his eyes. “Looks like you don’t get to leave,” laughed Aaron as he suddenly snatched Xavier from his chair, hugging him tightly from behind and giggling as he refused to let Xavier free from his grasp. “Now will you admit that you love me and I’m the greatest?” Aaron said, laughing as he trapped his friend close to him.
Xavier was studying the other boys face when he stood from the desk. "Nope" The boy shook his head but didn't like the look he caught in his best friends eyes. He was going to move away from his friend, before he was pulled from the chair and held from behind in Aaron's arms tightly. He tried to wiggle free but Aaron was stronger than he looked. Xavier relaxed, dropping his head against the Gryffindors chest and looked up. He felt his face heat up but he smirked back and shook his head. "Nah, still don't think I wanna say that" He said, trying so hard not to laugh. He was having too much fun with this to wanna give up easily, besides he was naturally a stubborn boy anyway.
Aaron laughed as Xavier tried to struggle and wriggle free from his grasp. But Aaron was stronger than Xavier so his efforts worked to no avail. Aaron felt his heart flutter as Xavier dropped his head back against his chest. He was rather glad Xavier wasn’t going to budge because he quite liked being able to have an excuse to hold to boy here close to him like this. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to stay here like this forever then,” grinned Aaron, snickering as he squeezed Xavier tighter. In reality, Aaron didn’t care if they stayed like this forever. He’d probably like it best that way. Aaron then put his chin on the top of Xavier’s head, the boy’s hairs tickling him.
Xavier heard Aaron's words and he rolled his eyes and he squeezed Xavier tighter. The boy just stayed absolutely still, he was fine with Aaron holding him like that. He felt the boy rest his chin on top of Xaie's head and the boy blushed. He let out a dramatic sigh, "Okay, you might be greater then others and I might love you" Xavier pretended to bite out the words even though his tone clearly showed the playfulness behind it. He wasn't sure if Aaron would keep holding him, not that Xavier really wanted him to stop doing so, or stop satisfied.
As Xavier finally caved in and said what Aaron wanted him to say, or at least partially, Aaron loosened his grip on Xavier but didn’t quite let him go. But now if Xavier wanted to, he could easily break free as he so pleased. Aaron couldn’t help but blush as the word “love” came out of Xavier’s mouth in reference to him. Sure it was meant strictly platonically but still, it caused Aaron’s heart to swell with joy. “Much better,” he said softly with a smile, his head still resting on top of Xavier’s. He wondered if the boy would break free or not. He honestly hoped he wouldn’t.
Xavier felt Aaron loosen his grip and thought he'd let him go, but then he didn't. Xavier didn't mind, he stayed there too even though he could get free. The boy found he didn't want to be free. When Aaron spoke, he blushed hard, his heart fluttered in his chest. He was more than comfortable right where he was, it was peaceful and quiet. No one around, just him and his best friend. "I love the quiet" Xavier said softly, he was always one for the quieter atmospheres, with only a few things he liked that was loud, which included Quidditch matches.
Aaron simply smiled, satisfied and happy as Xavier stayed right where he was. He was very content with his friend close by him. His body warmth was much appreciated too, now more than ever as the winter weather made it quite cold. He was glad that they had this secret room. It was just him and Xavier- no one else. He could hug the boy and have him all to himself for as long as he wanted. A peaceful silence befell the two boys. Outside the wind could be heard and perhaps if you listened closely, the soft beating of the two boys’ hearts. “For as much as I like the loudness of Quidditch, the roar of the crowd, or even the talking of students in the Great Hall, sometimes it’s nice to have little quiet moments like these,” said Aaron, smiling softly. “You could hear a pin drop in here when I’m not talking your ear off,” he chuckled.
Xavier could feel the chill in his bones too, but Aaron helped him too. The wind whipped outside but it was like the room was in a bubble and that bubble was separate from the world. Just him and his best friend. He heard the boy talk about the louder aspects of being a student here, Xavier could only smile at the last part. "Quiet moments can be the best" He agreed, before he let out a small laugh. "Yeah, you do tend to talk a lot, but I don't mind." And it was true, he could sit and listen to Aaron talk for hours and be quite content. He let out a soft happy sigh, this was probably the best Christmas the lad had, had in a few years.
“Really?” Aaron asked softly. “You really don’t mind that I talk so much?” he asked. Aaron knew he could be a bit talkative at times and even loud. It made him unpopular with a few boys back at his school in his home town. “The boys back at home find me annoying…” said Aaron quietly with a frown as he looked down into Xavier’s hair. “They say I talk too much…” he added sadly.
Xavier felt his heart shatter hearing the boy. He twisted himself so he was facing the lad instead. He looked up at him with a smile. "I don't mind at all for one, and for two, those boys clearly don't know the lad I do" He said with a grin wrapping his arms around the boy and gave him a hug, not pulling away though, still quite comfortable. "I don't think you talk to much either" He added, his head sideways on Aaron's chest.
Aaron’s frown was quickly replaced by a smile as Xavier said sweet things to him and turned around to wrap him in a hug of his own. Xavier’s head was now sideways on his chest and the boy quite liked this. He liked the feeling of closeness and especially liked having Xavier’s head so close to his chest- so close to his heart. Xavier could probably hear Aaron’s heart beating quite rapidly due to all of the sugar that was still in his system. Aaron was rather calm now but his heart still pounded at a fast rate. His breathing though was relaxed as he slowly inhaled air into his lungs and then out again. Slowly but surely though thanks to Xavier’s comforting presence, Aaron’s swift heart rate would steadily come down. “Thank you, Xavier,” he whispered softly, closing his eyes and smiling as he put a hand on the boy’s head to keep it close to his chest.
Xavier could hear Aaron's quick heart rate and he frowned, not sure why it was that fast. Certainly it wasn't normal, but as he heard Aaron breathe slowly, the heart rate came down. Xavier smiled as he heard Aaron's words. "You're welcome Aaron" He said back softly. He felt a hand on his head and sighed, he wasn't moving anytime soon. In fact, the boy could feel himself kind of sleepy? weird. He never took naps, not since he was 4. He was so relaxed though, so content that it was doing exactly that, lulling the boy into wanting to nap right where he was. He found it odd, but didn't question it, it was safer to just enjoy it.
Aaron’s heart rate had slowed down significantly as the two boys stood there hugging. Eventually Xavier seemed to fall asleep in his arms there and Aaron carefully leaned against something in the room. But then the sugar rush was starting to come down and now Aaron felt himself getting very tired. With a yawn, Aaron maneuvered the two boys carefully down to the floor. Despite the uncomfortable feeling of the floor, being close to Xavier overcame the rough, cold, and hard floor. Aaron let out one last yawn before falling asleep in the storage room, his arms still around Xavier, holding the napping boy close.
A few hours had ended up passing as the two had laid in the storage room. Xavier could feel the warm around him, the pine smell in the air and the calming heartbeat under his head. He started stirring slowly, at first his mind began to wake up, remembering that he'd ended up falling asleep while Aaron had been hugging him. He remembered the playful teasing earlier in the day, the presents opened. His eyes slowly opened next, blinking up at the ceiling of the storage room. He felt the arms wrapping him in a hug still, and slowly turned his head to notice they were on the floor. He turned his head the other way and looked to see Aaron passed out right next to him both boys were still very much locked together. He blushed deep, he was quite content to stay where he was. His head had leaned back again, against Aaron's chest.

Xavier didn't want to move, but then he heard his stomach rumbling, they had very clearly missed lunch, and it was probably much closer to the Christmas dinner. Xavier moved one hand to gently tap Aaron's shoulder, "Aaron, wake up" He said. He didn't his friend to miss out on the feast that night. He was sure the other boy was probably hungry as well. Xavier gently went to move out of Aaron's arms, pulling a little as well. He sighed and tried to use his own hands to move his best friends but that didn't work either. "Aaron" Xavier shook the boy's shoulder this time.
Aaron didn’t know for how long he was sleeping but it must’ve been a while. He honestly didn’t really remember winding up on the floor either and was surprised to find himself there. The Gryffindor boy slowly awoke, opening his hazel eyes as his best friend gently woke him. As evident by the empty cavernous feeling in his stomach, they had slept through lunch. The last thing he remembered, he was holding Xavier tight to his chest, letting his soft heart beat calm the Hufflepuff boy he considered his very best friend. Aaron blinked and rubbed his eyes as he looked up at Xavier. “Oh man…” he grumbled, “How long was I out?” he asked softly, slowly sitting up and brushing himself off.
Xavier looked at the boy with a smile. He'd been kneeling once he'd gotten up. "We were both out for like four hours I think? I'm not sure though" He said, shrugging his shoulders. Xavier stood up from the floor and stretched his body out. "I think they're serving Christmas Dinner soon, at least I hope it's soon. I'm starving" The boy laughed, even as he yawned once more. "We both know you got us on the floor, so thanks for not letting me fall by falling asleep standing up mate" Xavier said with a chuckle. He held a hand out for Aaron a moment later. "Want a hand up?" He asked the Gryffindor boy with a wide grin.
“Blimey,” said Aaron, blinking and scratching the back of his head. He then yawned and stretched his arms high above his head as he continued sitting on the floor, looking up at Xavier. His stomach grumbled loudly and angrily at the mention of a Christmas feast. Clearly Aaron’s body wasn’t a fan of skipping lunch. He quickly smiled and nodded, “Yea mate, I’m so hungry I could eat a horse,” he said with a chuckle. He then looked at Xavier as he asked if he needed some help up. Aaron blushed ever so slightly and nodded, smiling as he reached a hand out and up towards Xavier. “Yes, if you don’t mind,” he said.
Xavier laughed at his friends analogy for his hunger. "I don't think they have horse but I think they have goose or turkey" He said with a small giggle. "I don't mind at all mate" He said and grabbed Aaron's hand, and helped the boy to his feet, when his own stomach let its loud complaint. "I guess we shouldn't have skipped lunch" Xaie said with a laugh. "But that nap was great, I needed it." He added with a smile.
“You’re a goof, you know that?” Aaron said with a laugh. “Obviously I didn’t mean a real horse,” he giggled. He blushed as he grabbed Xavier’s hand and the boy helped him up to his feet. “Thanks,” he said with an appreciative smile. “And yea I needed that nap too, but skipping lunch wasn’t the best idea,” he chucked. “C’mon let’s get some grub,” he said, feeling his stomach growl again as they left the secret storage room. “Or else I think I might actually go out looking for horses to eat,” he joked.
Xavier had laughed when he said that, pink hues on his face. As they left the room, Xavier smiled over at him. "Yeah, a real horse would knock you out first" He said with a giggle. They headed down towards the Great Hall. Xaie could smell the different meats and foods the closer they got and vacations meant that they could share dinner at the same table too!

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