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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier shook his head at the memory. “I’m never staying out past curfew ever again. Don’t you worry” Xavier laughed. He smiled over at Aaron. “I try” He shrugged with a laugh. He sighed, knowing they had to part. “Definitely!” He affirmed. And then a sheepish look came over his face. “I will try to eat something Aaron. I don’t want to be a short eleven year old forever!” He laughed. He let go of Aaron’s hand reluctantly and patted his shoulder with a smile before walking over to the Hufflepuff table, sitting down beside Ryan.

“Hey Xaie, you look happy” He said looking at the boy. “Yeah! I managed to get Aaron alone after flying class and we talked. Everything is all better!” He said with a smile. He did grab a few wings to munch on, he wasn’t super hungry but he needed to eat something Aaron was right. “I’m glad to hear it buddy” Ryan said, brushing their shoulders together as he filled his own plate. Xavier looked up from his wing to see if he could see Aaron again.
Aaron went to the Gryffindor table to go join Jacob, who of course already had a plate loaded full of food. Aaron sat down next to his roommate and grabbed a hearty portion of dinner. “Ello mate,” said Jacob, munching on a chicken leg. “Hullo Jacob,” replied Aaron, a bright smile on his face. “You seem in much better spirits than I’ve seen you all week!” Jacob said. Aaron was indeed noticeably happier. He wasn’t moping around anymore. “What happened? One of those older hot Gryffindor lasses ask you out on a date?” Jacob asked with a smirk. Aaron widened his eyes and blushed, shaking his head. “No! I just made up with Xavier, that’s all,” he clarified. “I told you, you really should only be hanging with Gryffindors,” said Jacob. “But suit yourself,” he added with a shrug, going back to nibbling on his chicken.
Xavier had actually managed to eat a few more wings than he’d originally put on his plate. His stomach was slowly starting to heal. Of course, wings were lighter than the potatoes or larger meat cuts they had too like steak and chicken.

He and Ryan talked on and off, he was glad to hear Xavier sounded much more lively, even looking closer to the boy he was when he’d arrived, if not a little leaner. Xavier finished his plate, his stomach comfortably filled and finished the drink in his chalice. “Are you coming back to the room?” Ryan asked curiously. Xavier shook his head. “Me and Aaron are gonna go for a walk I think or just somewhere and talk.” He told the other boy who nodded.

As most of the students finished dinner they all packed up and headed out, many back to common rooms. Ryan and Xavier stood up and they had both walked to the entrance where Ryan gave Xaie a quick hug “see you in the room later” He said, turning away and walking towards the kitchen. Xavier smiled, waved and turned back to find Aaron.
Aaron had finished his dinner rather quickly and quietly. With a full belly he was ready to see Xavier and hang out with him for as much as he could until it was time for curfew. Aaron got up and bid Jacob goodbye, telling him that he’d see him late, and then went to go find Xavier. Aaron’s face lit up and he smiled as he saw Xavier and approached him. It had only been about twenty or thirty minutes but still, Aaron couldn’t be happier to see his Hufflepuff friend. Aaron quickly went over to Xavier and gave him a tight squeeze before letting go of the short hug. “Hello mate!” Aaron said, “Did you end up eating something?” he asked.
Xavier smiled as he saw Aaron come over. He blushed a little at the hug but did squeeze one back. “Hey buddy!” Xavier said before nodding “I even ate more than I started with!” He was so happy that it had stayed down too. “So what do you want do to?” He asked his Gryffindor friend with a grin on his face. He was super happy that Aaron had accepted his apology and they were friends again. It had only been a few days but for him it felt like eternity.
“Excellent. Maybe you’ll grow a foot or two over me now,” said Aaron jokingly with a playful smirk. “I don’t know but I want to make the most of the time we’ve got before curfew,” he said, as if seeing Xavier wasn’t something he got to do on a daily basis. “Countless stuff we could do!” he said, although he didn’t really offer any ideas. “Just err, can’t think of any right now,” he admitted with a shrug.
Xavier snorted. "My parents were short too, so I doubt that I'll reach higher than like 5'7" or something" He laughed. "Hmm, would you like to practice that charm from earlier? I saw you had trouble with it and I want to help you" Xavier said quietly. They could use their secret room if he wanted, there was probably countless boxes they could open in there or pick one and keep closing it after. "Or we could go find a bench and chat?" He threw two ideas out there for his friend.
Aaron raised his eyebrows, both a little embarrassed and surprised that Xavier had caught him having trouble with the box blasting spell earlier today in charms class as well as touched that he had noticed and wanted to help. A shy smile came across Aaron’s face. “Yea, I did have trouble with it…. Guess you saw that,” he said with a shrug and a chuckle, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “Err, well, umm, if you don’t mind, I’d really like to learn how to do it correctly,” he said softly, blushing as he asked Xavier for help.
Xavier only nodded a smiled on his face. "I, um, yeah." He blushed, realizing that he had been glancing at Aaron more than he'd realized during the class. "I don't mind! Imagine Professor Flitwick's reaction when you come in the next and he asks you about it, you can show him!" He said with a grin. "We have two hours before curfew and a room to use!" He added enthusiastically and took Aaron's hand to head to the storage room.
Aaron grinned eagerly and nodded his head. “Right then! Let’s go!” he said enthusiastically, happy to finally get some good tutelage from his friend. Really though, he was more thrilled for an excuse to spend some more one on one time with Xavier alone- completely to himself. He blushed as Xavier took him by the hand and dragged him along through the halls to the storage room, their new little secret hideout.
Xavier smiled as they made it to the storage room. He opened the door and let Aaron come through, before shutting it behind them. He went further in, looking for a box or two that seemed safe. He found one that felt empty, he couldn't open it so he couldn't tell but it seemed light enough. Nothing rattled around when he picked it up either. He brought it over to the clearer area up near the front of the room. "Okay, so this is the box we're gonna work with. Did you want to go first or watch me?" He asked Aaron.
Aaron slipped into the storage room with Xavier as the Hufflepuff boy closed the door behind them and they were now safely hidden and alone together. Luckily, Xavier managed to find a small box for them to work with. “Erm, I’d prefer if you go first, just so I can have a demonstration, ya know?” Aaron asked, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably. He hated not knowing how to do something and it felt weird asking for help.
Xavier looked at Aaron, noticing him rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, it's okay. You'll get tonight, I just know it!" He said, smiling. He turned his attention back to the box and he began moving his hand in the horizontal '3' while saying "Cistem Aperio" The box popped open with puff of smoke. He did check the box first but it was indeed empty. He resealed the box and stepped back to the center. "Alright, you ready?" He asked. He had to see how Aaron did it and how he could help.
Aaron flashed a soft smile back at Xavier. Xavier’s kind words and sweet smile helped to comfort Aaron. Aaron watched carefully as Xavier performed the charm and uttered the box blasting incantation. Keeping the way in which Xavier had said it in his mind, Aaron drew his wand and took a deep breath, ready to try for himself now. “I think so,” said Aaron with a nervous gulp as he pointed his wand at the box. “Cistem Aperio!” Aaron shouted, making a jabbing motion with his wand towards the box. Nothing happened. Aaron grunted frustratedly. “Ugh! What am I doing wrong? It’s like this spell is impossible!” he cried out.
Xavier watched how he jabbed his wand. He walked over to the boy's wand arm placing his arm over his friends. The enunciation was correct, but the motion looked forced not fluid. "I want you to say the same way, but let my hand guide you and your wand, okay?" He said, looking at Aaron. "You're making a jabbing motion, needs to be more fluid." He added hearing the frustration in his friends voice.
Aaron’s expression softened as Xavier gently guided him on the correct way to do it. His wand motion was too aggressive of a jab. It needed to be much more fluid and graceful. Aaron nodded, blushing slightly as Xavier placed his hands on him. “Ok, show me how it’s done, Professor Collins,” said Aaron with a playful smirk.
Xavier heard the title and felt a blush cross his face. He gently guided Aarons hand and wrist in a horizontal three that was much better than his prior try. "I'm no Professor" He blushed again even as he saw the playful smirk. He nudged the boy's shoulder gently with a laugh. "So that's the motion. I would like you to try the charm again" He said, stepping back and waiting.
As Xavier gently guided Aaron’s hands through the motion, Aaron looked over at the Hufflepuff boy and smiled softly when he had finished. “No,” he said quietly, “You might not be a professor…” he said, “But I think you’d make a bloody brilliant one,” said Aaron, blushing a bit as he said this. He then drew his wand once more and tried to do the charm without Xavier’s direct help. “Cistem Aperio!” uttered Aaron, this time swishing his wand more fluidly. In an instant, the top off the box blasted off with a great big puff of smoke. Aaron’s eyes widened with joy and his face lit up. “Blimey! I did it! You’re a bleedin’ genius mate!” Aaron said as without thinking, he quickly turned to Xavier and wrapped him in a very tight hug, squeezing the Hufflepuff boy’s abdomen as he brought him in close to his body.
Xavier felt a blush creep on his face as he heard the compliment. He'd never considered it, but maybe he should. "Thanks mate" He said with a grin. Xaie watched as Aaron tried the spell again and the box blasted open like it was supposed to. A wide grin came onto Xavier's face as he watched how excited Aaron got. He laughed as the Gryffindor boy wrapped him up on a tight hug. Maybe a little too tight since he'd just eaten. "A-Aaron, loosen up a little bit mate." He didn't mind the hug but it was a little bit too tight for a full boy with a stomach issue.
“Oh! Sorry!” Aaron said, quickly letting Xavier go and blushing. “Just got a bit excited there,” he chuckled, shrugging shyly. He hadn’t meant to squeeze the poor boy too much. He had a full stomach from eating- Aaron should’ve known better. But the excitement he felt in that moment came so quickly and without warning. “Finally I think I can knock Professor Flitwick’s socks off!” Aaron said proudly with a grin, “And it’s all because of you, Xavier!” he added.
"I didn't mind the hug mate, just not quite so tight" He said with a chuckle, placing a hand on his friends shoulder with a smile. "I did notice that" Xaie said. "I think Professor Flitwick will be super impressed with you!" Xavier said, he was proud of his friend too. "Oh, I just helped with the motions" He said, trying to downplay the helpfulness. He had dropped his hand a moment ago and now it was rubbing the other arm slightly. It was a coping mechanism he'd come up with years ago and it worked for him.
Aaron quickly put his wand back into the pockets of his robes and suddenly grabbed both of Xavier’s hands, grinning at the boy as he pulled him in, their faces getting quite close. “No lad, you’ve helped more than that!” Aaron told him. “You’re single-handedly saving me in that class!” he said. “I can’t thank you enough,” he said, his face just inches from Xavier’s now.
Xavier blushed as the boy grabbed both of his hands and pulled him closer. The blush on his face deepened as he looked at his friend. They were quite close as Aaron told him how much he'd helped the lad in the class. "I.. You're welcome mate" He couldn't think of anything to say. He noticed how close they were but he didn't care. He had his friend back. "Um, Aaron. As much as I don't want to leave this, we should probably head back to our rooms soon" He told the boy. He didn't want Aaron caught out after curfew.
Aaron then stepped back from Xavier to give him some room as the boy mentioned that they’d better get going back to their dorms. Aaron nodded. “Right,” he said. Curfew was fast approaching and Aaron did not want to have to go in a secret mission to avoid being detected after hours. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Aaron asked as he turned around and opened the door to the storage room. The two bid each other a good night and headed to their respective dorm rooms.
Xavier's eyes opened, it was Christmas day! He was wide awake instantly. He threw on a sweater over his golden lounge pants. Ryan had chosen to go home for Christmas, but he'd left the jacket behind if Xavier needed it. He'd been doing well for a while, every now and then he'd end up in the others bed, the comfort chased those little nightmares away. He grabbed a small present box and tucked into his sweater. He'd kept in touch with his parents like he'd promised though there were things he didn't tell them, like the fight between him and Eric and his sleeping problem. He did tell them all about Aaron and had asked them to send him something he'd seen others wearing. It was currently wrapped up in his pocket carefully. The Hufflepuff common room was basically dead. He headed out of the common room and straight to the Great Hall. He was bouncing in his stride, he couldn't wait to give his present to his friend. He hoped he liked it!

Xavier knew it probably wasn't allowed on the quidditch uniform, but he could put on anything else he had. He entered into the Great Hall, noticing the spread of foods that smelled like Christmas. He sat down at his table, his legs bouncing as he waited for Aaron excitedly. He was too excited to eat even. Christmas was always his favorite season of the year and this year was even better because he could share it with his best friend.


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