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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Excellent! I knew you’d make the right choice!” Aaron said with a satisfied grin. He snickered as Xavier joked around and called him a bad influence. Although the Hufflepuff boy had meant it in all in good fun, Aaron’s proposal to sneak out and about around the castle after curfew hours was a bit reckless “Maybe I am, but perhaps we see something really cool,” he said. Aaron nodded and gestured for Xavier to follow him. “Follow me. I think when we were walking to one of our classes I saw a door to some abandoned room. We can probably hide there until curfew and if needed, fall back there should we be in danger of getting caught,” he said.
Xavier nodded. "That's a good idea, at least then we have a place to hide in." He said, following Aaron to the room he was talking about. He pushed open the heavy door and noticed it was some kind of storage place. Old scrolls, pens, ink and various tomes were stacked all around the space. "Must be storage" Xaie said looking around the room, stepping inside to let Aaron in.
Aaron guided Xavier to the old abandoned room he had seen the other day while walking to classes. Once they arrived, Xavier went in first and Aaron followed. Aaron looked around as he walked in slowly. It seemed as if the room hadn’t been touched in years. “Must be,” said Aaron with a nod. He then saw an item with a tarp over it and approached it, curious as to what was under it. He then quickly removed the tarp to reveal a large mirror. “Oi lookie here, an old mirror!” Aaron said. “It’s so big so I can look at myself in all of my glory,” smirked Aaron, joking around and bragging.
Xavier laughed as he watched Aaron uncover the mirror. "Yeah, it fits you and your ego too" He joked, nudging the other boys shoulder with a laugh. He turned from the mirror and looked at some of the old scrolls. He unrolled one but it was empty so he tossed it to the side, grabbing a book that talked about different creatures in their world. "Hmm" He said, opening the dusty old book. He flipped through some pages before setting it aside for later. Xavier walked around and found an old desk tucked in the back. It was huge. "Look at this desk! I wonder what's in the drawers" He said.
Aaron snickered at Xavier’s joke and stepped in front of the mirror as his Hufflepuff friend went to go explore elsewhere in the room. As Aaron looked in the more though, what he saw wasn’t the youthful figure of an eleven year old boy. It wasn’t a young Gryffindor boy with hazel eyes. The contents of the mirror seemed to hypnotize Aaron and he was left silently staring at it. There appeared to be a figure of an older man- a handsome man with the same hair and eye color as Aaron, standing next to another man around his age, just as handsome. The men had their arms around each other and the other man had the same eye and hair color as Xavier. Aaron couldn’t look away.
Xavier didn't hear anything from Aaron, so he looked up from searching the desk. "Aaron?" He saw the boy was still staring at the mirror. It was like he was in a trance. He moved away from the desk and walked over to the boy. He grabbed the tarp and threw it back over the mirror, hoping that would break his friend free of the weird trance he was in. "Aaron" He called to the boy, walking over to him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Aaron did not respond to Xavier, completely engrossed within the images being shown to him in the mirror. He just couldn’t stop staring. Suddenly, he was taken out of his trance as the tarp was quickly placed back on the mirror. Aaron snapped out of it and blinked, looking at Xavier, confused as to what had happened. “Bloody hell…” he whispered softly as Xavier put a hand on his shoulder and asked him if he was ok. “I- I don’t know what happened…. I- I just couldn’t look away,” he told his friend softly. “No wonder why there’s a tarp over that mirror… that was strange…. I saw something weird- two men. I can’t even explain it,” said Aaron, at a loss for words.
Xavier was very much concerned about his friend. "Yeah, it was probably put here on purpose." He looked at him for a moment, hearing his friends words. "Two men? Odd" He said, but clearly it had shown his friend something. "Maybe this was a bad idea." He added, he had become unnerved when his friend was in that trance too, it was scary. He was curious about what his friend had seen, but he didn't want to be stuck in that trance himself.
Aaron didn’t really want to admit that his decision to come here and stay out after curfew was silly and reckless, but he agreed with Xavier- he was starting to realize that perhaps this was a bad idea. “You might be right,” said Aaron a bit nervously as it was now quite dark out. It must’ve been after curfew now at this point. “M- maybe we should go back…” he said, a bit spooked from the hypnotic trance he couldn’t break out of. If it wasn’t for Xavier, Aaron felt he might’ve been there forever. If they wanted to leave and sneak back to their dorm rooms, they’d need to avoid being caught by Filch and his snooping cat Mrs. Norris.
Xavier could see that Aaron was nervous. Unfortunately their dorms were on different sides of the castle since Hufflepuff was by the kitchen and Gryffindor was up in the tower. "I think that's a great idea" Xavier said, he could hear the nervous tones in the other boys voice. He put an arm around Aaron's shoulders. "Hey, its okay. We'll get back to our dorms without being caught" He said, trying to comfort the boy. "Besides, I've always got your back" He added. "We can only go so far together though, due to where our dorms are located." He admitted though.
Despite Aaron’s growing nerves, Xavier’s hand around his shoulder comforted and soothed him to some degree. The closeness of his friend was a comfort in of itself. Aaron gave Xavier a weak smile as the Hufflepuff boy reassured him that he always had his back. “Right mate,” he said, “And I’ve always got yours,” he replied. “We just have to hope that there’s no one patrolling in either the Hufflepuff or Gryffindor areas once we part,” he said. He then approached the door and slowly opened it, poking his head through and looking both ways. Aaron then looked back at Xavier and nodded once. “Coast is clear,” he whispered. The hallways were dead silent and not one person was out and about.
Xavier smiled at the boy. "Hopefully there won't be anyone patrolling" He nodded, and then he watched as Aaron went to the door and checked. "Okay, lets go. Maybe make our way to the Great Hall and split there" Xavier whispered back to him. He stepped out into the hallway, gesturing for Aaron to follow him. He looked around again just to be safe and moved quietly.
Aaron would’ve led the way but Xavier stepped in front of him. For being the “brave Gryffindor leader” he was, he was rather content to follow Xavier’s lead and stay behind his friend. As the two boys stepped out of the storage room, Aaron was careful to step as quietly as he could. He didn’t want to make a sound at all. They couldn’t afford to or they’d be caught. Surely detention would be in order for the two rule breaking boys as staying up out past curfew was strictly prohibited and punishable.
Xavier was surprised himself that he'd taken the lead. He was quiet, glancing around every few steps. He heard something up ahead but then whatever it was faded away like it had been going another direction. Xaie looked back at Aaron before moving quietly forward. He could see the Great Hall up ahead and knew they'd be parting ways at that point. He kept listening for anything as they walked before he came to a halt at the Great Hall. He turned to Aaron "You can make it back without getting caught" He whispered. "See you at breakfast" He added.
Aaron felt the hairs on the back of neck stand up, as he could’ve sworn he heard something moving up ahead of them. The boys stopped moving to let it pass, then continued moving. Aaron could feel his heart pounding and was nervous that it was so loud that they’d get caught because of it. They eventually managed to successfully avoid detection as they stopped just outside the Great Hall. Aaron nodded just before the two parted ways to get to their respective dorms. “Right, good luck! I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast as well!” Aaron whispered before going towards the way to Gryffindor Tower.

Luckily, Aaron had managed to reach the Gryffindor dormitory safely. When he reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, she looked rather annoyed to be awoken from her slumber. Aaron whispered the password to her and the Fat Lady’s painting swung aside for him to let him inside of the common room, of course not without muttering some expletives that would’ve given Aaron’s mother a heart attack. Once inside the common room, Aaron tip toed all the way to his room. The common room was empty and silent, which was a weird sight since it was usually always bustling with activity.

Aaron finally reached his room, slowly creeping inside and closing the door as quietly as he could behind him. Jacob was already sleeping by this point, so Aaron got changed out of his robes and uniforms and into his pajamas as quickly as he could, slipping into bed like he had been there the whole time. Tonight was a success, but Aaron still couldn’t get the image of the two men in the mirror out of his head, particularly the one with the same colored hair and eyes as him. It looked a bit like his father but clearly different- it wasn’t his father and Aaron was sure of it.
Xavier walked down the hall quietly, his steps soft as he walked by the kitchen. It was silent which was odd since the kitchen was always noisy, but was night. He made his way to the Hufflepuff common room and whispered the passcode. The door swung open and he stepped into the quiet common room. Everyone had been in bed for a while and he made his way to his dorm room. He opened the door and stepped in, shutting it quietly. He turned and froze, his heart rate increased because in Eric's old bed was a form sleeping. He couldn't tell who it was and he didn't want to know. He tiptoed over to his bed and saw that everything was the same in his bed. He changed quickly into his pajamas and crawled into bed.

It was about an hour into his sleep when they started. How pathetic, you needed help, no one wants you. Erics laugh echoed in the nightmare as he was thrown to the ground. He was kicked and beat and the laugh echoed around his head. Xavier bolted up in bed, sweat covered his body. He didn't want to relive those memories. He pushed himself up against the headboard of the bed with his teddy in his arms. If they came in nightmares then he just wouldn't sleep. He dozed off every now and then before waking back up. He'd gotten probably two hours of sleep combined when the sun started rising. Xavier heard the sheets rustle in the bed beside him and he looked over, fearful that it would be Eric. A boy with fire red hair sat up, rubbing his eyes and looked over at him. Xavier looked away nervously.

"Hi, I'm Ryan" The boy, Ryan, said. He seemed nice enough but Xavier was still very distrustful of others. "I like your teddy, I didn't want to bring mine because I got made fun of" He added, trying to bridge the gap that Xavier had started building. Xavier looked over at him, scanning his face and realized that he was being serious. "I'm Xavier, its nice to meet you Ryan" He said, swinging his legs off the bed. "Thanks, my mom got him for me, he provides comfort, and I'd never been away from home so he came along" Xavier explained. "Cool! Ready to go get breakfast?" Ryan asked and Xavier nodded. He changed into his robes and so did Ryan, and the two headed out of the dorms, out of the common room and headed to the Great Hall.
Aaron awoke that morning to being violently shaken awake. “Gah! What?! What?! I’m up I’m up!” Aaron screamed as he opened his eyes. Standing by his bedside was a messy haired Jacob still in his pajamas. “Bloody hell mate, trying to give me a heart attack?” Aaron said, panting slightly as his heart rate was slowly coming down once he realized there was no threat. “Where were you last night?” Jacob asked curiously. Aaron had to admit he looked rather adorable with his beautiful brown hair all in a frazzled mess, and the way he looked at him with curiosity in his eyes.

“Well if you must know, I was out,” he said vaguely. Jacob rolled his eyes and scoffed, “Well yea duh! Obviously! But what were you doing?” Jacob asked. “I was out past curfew, sneaking around the castle with Xavier, my Hufflepuff buddy,” Aaron informed him. Jacob’s eyes widened at this. “Out past curfew? If you were caught you know you could’ve gotten in a lot of trouble, right?!” Jacob said. Aaron nodded, “Of course I know, and I think it’s the last time I ever do that,” said Aaron, “I saw something really weird…” he added softly. Now Jacob was intrigued.

“What did you see?” Jacob asked, leaning forward, very interested now. Aaron was in the middle of internally debating whether or not to tell Jacob what he had seen in the mirror before his thoughts were interrupted by a loud, low grumbling noise. It sounded like a stomach, but it didn’t come from Aaron’s. It was Jacob’s stomach. Aaron laughed, “Maybe I’ll tell you later. Sounds like you’re hungry,” he said. “Let’s get breakfast,” suggested Aaron. Jacob sighed as he took a step back and made his way back to his own bed. “Fine. You’re lucky I’m hungry otherwise I’d question you more,” said Jacob as he began getting changed.

The two Gryffindor boys changed out of their pajamas and into their uniforms, putting on their robes and doing their red and gold stripped Gryffindor ties. They walked to the Great Hall together and Aaron couldn’t wait to see Xavier again for another day. “So when are you going to tell me that weird thing you saw last night?” Jacob asked. “Later, later,” said Aaron dismissively, not really paying much attention to Jacob as he looked around and scanned the room for any signs of Xavier once they both entered the Great Hall.
Xavier and Ryan walked into the Great Hall. They had been chatting back and forth about silly things like the fact that Xavier had never left his home town until he came here and how he was an only child while Ryan complained that his two younger sisters drove him crazy all the time. "So I was down at the river this one time right, and Cassidy thought it was the funniest thing to push in the river, in the middle of winter!" Ryan said with a laugh. Xavier couldn't help but laugh back. He was glad that Ryan was nicer than Eric had been. Xavier looked around for Aaron, but he didn't see him. Ryan took the lead and led Xavier to their table.

"My friend's around here somewhere, but I don't see him." Xavier said, looking around. Ryan brushed his shoulder on Xavier's as he leaned forward to grab some food. Xavier couldn't help the blush as he looked around for Aaron still. Maybe he was blind and had missed him. Xavier looked at the entrance and then back at the Gryffindor table.
“I’m going to sit with Xavier for breakfast if that’s alright,” said Aaron, briefly putting a hand on Jacob’s shoulder. “Alright then, guess I’ll sit with Neville,” said Jacob with a shrug as the two Gryffindor boys parted ways. Aaron made his way over to the Hufflepuff table. He then spotted Xavier but his heart stopped. Aaron’s eyes widened as he saw that Xavier was already sitting down at the Hufflepuff table and even worse, seemed to be talking and laughing, enjoying his time with a fiery red haired boy who looked to be their age. Aaron felt his stomach drop. This didn’t sit right with him at all.

Had he been replaced? Aaron had friends outside of Jacob so why was it so alarming that Xavier was making friends within his house too? Maybe it was bad to feel this sudden anger but Aaron still felt it. He swallowed his rage and approached Xavier and his new friend over at the Hufflepuff table. Aaron gritted his teeth and took a deep breath before tapping Xavier on the back.

“Morning mate!” Aaron said, trying to put on his most enthusiastic and genuine smile to hide any discomfort. “Got to the Hufflepuff dorms alright?” Aaron asked as he paid no regard to the red haired Hufflepuff boy beside Xavier and forced himself in between the two of them, squeezing in and pushing Ryan over so that he could be sitting next to Xavier.
Xavier had just taken a bite of his food, listening to Ryan talk about his two sisters more, for all the annoying things he said they did, he apparently loved them though. He felt a tap on his back and looked back to see Aaron. "Morning Aaron! Yeah I made it back alright" He said with a smile. He slid over as Aaron sat in between him and Ryan. Xavier smiled at Aaron before looking at Ryan. "Aaron, this is my new room mate Ryan. Ryan this is my best friend Aaron" Xavier introduced the two, he could feel something was off but didn't think about it. Ryan didn't say a word as the boy pushed in between the two, he just moved his plate. "Hello Aaron" Ryan said politely. Ryan wasn't pushy, he just wanted to make it through his schooling.
Aaron grinned as Xavier greeted him. He was pleased as the red haired boy seemed to move his plate and scoot over a bit to make room for him as he forcefully shoved himself in between the two boys. “That’s good to hear,” said Aaron with a smile as he grabbed a plate of food. As Xavier introduced him to the other boy as “his best friend,” Aaron felt his heart flutter. He was honored to be considered Xavier’s best friend, and he was glad for it. He also let it get to his head. He was Xavier’s best friend and no one, not even this Ryan boy, was going to come in between them. Xavier was Aaron’s.

“Hi,” said Aaron quickly and a bit dismissively, not even uttering the boy’s name. He barely even glanced over at Ryan. “Ready for classes today mate?” Aaron asked, turning his whole body to look at Xavier and making sure to exclude poor Ryan from the conversation. Jealousy was a dangerous drug.
Xavier had finished about half of his plate, looking over at Aaron. "Yeah, it was a little nerve wracking" Xavier said honestly. "I don't think I ever want to that again though" He said with a laugh. He noticed that Aaron had turned himself so that he couldn't see Ryan, but honestly he just thought the boy did because he was excited for classes. "I am! I think we just have an afternoon class today though" He said, digging his schedule out. "Yeah, Charms at 1pm." He stuffed his schedule back into his robes. He finally finished his breakfast and smiled over at Aaron. "So what would you like to do this morning?" He asked.
Aaron was sure glad that Ryan wasn’t chiming into the conversation so that it was just him and Xavier. “Don’t worry I have no plans to do that ever again- not after that mirror…” he said with a slight chuckle. “Boy that’s a relief! Not a bad day at all today!” Aaron said with a smile. “Not sure what I want to do this morning but I did wanna check when the first Quidditch game of the season is gonna be,” he said. “I really wanna watch it with you!” Aaron said, putting a hand on Xavier’s shoulder and giving it a little squeeze.
Xavier could only nod at that. "Yeah, that mirror was really strange" He admitted, looking at the other boy. "Not at all, pretty chill day honestly." He said with a grin. He knew the Quidditch game schedule was posted near the courtyard, so that would be a nice walk. "Same here! I'd love to watch it with you" He said with a grin. He felt Aaron put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, and Xavier felt a blush hit his face as he did that. "The schedule is out near the courtyard" He added, waiting for Aaron to be ready to go.
“It is? We’ve got to go check it!” Aaron said excitedly, quickly shoving food into his mouth, barely chewing and gulping it all down with some orange juice. “If Gryffindor and Hufflepuff don’t play each other, which team should we watch?” Aaron asked, wondering if they’d go to a Gryffindor game or a Hufflepuff game. Gryffindor usually opened the season with playing Slytherin and Hufflepuff by playing Ravenclaw.

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