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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Aaron licked his lips as the three approached the Great Hall. His stomach growled as they entered and he smelled the aroma of sandwiches for lunch. He was quite hungry and headed over towards the Hufflepuff table as Xavier made his way there. Aaron sat down next to him and patted the seat next to him for Jacob to sit with him. Jacob smiled and followed, sitting down next to Aaron at the Hufflepuff table. Xavier was to Aaron’s left and Jacob to his left.
Xavier couldn't help but sigh as yet again Aaron brought Jacob along. He sat down at the table, grabbing a sandwich and slowly picked at it. He suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. Xaie had been through worse than not eating his fill ever since he came here. The lad didn't trust Jacob and he was letting it be known, albeit silently. He would never tell Aaron to his face that he didn't like his room mate, so instead he just ignored it, it was easier that way.
Aaron ate his sandwich, completely unaware of the feeling of distrust Xavier had for Jacob. Jacob too was unaware of any sort of suspicions that the Hufflepuff boy harbored for him. “Say Xavier,” began Aaron, “Ready for potions class?” he asked him. “That was the class you were looking forward to the most, right?” Aaron asked, not sure if he was recalling their conversation on the train correctly or not. “Like I told you mate, the professor is a hard ass. He hates anyone who isn’t a Slytherin and especially hates us Gryffindors I heard,” chimed in Jacob. “Maybe those are all just rumors made up by the older kids to scare us first years,” said Aaron.
Xavier had just finished his sandwich when he heard Aaron speak. "I am looking forward to the class!" He felt his excitement cross his face in a smile, looking more like the boy on the train, before he heard Jacob's comment. He gave a look at the boy before shrugging his shoulders. "Of course he'd like Slytherin more, not only was that his old house but he's also the head of it" Xavier stated. "I don't know why he'd hate Gryffindors though" His head tilted in confusion. He heard Aaron's comment and nodded. "We should get going though, we don't want to be late and make him hate Hufflepuff's too" Xavier said with a grin.
Xavier’s excitement for potions class was contagious and Aaron couldn’t help but smile and push his worries about the professor away for now. “Don’t you know? Slytherin is Gryffindor’s biggest rival! That’s why the professor hates them. He has an agenda against Gryffindors!” Jacob said. Aaron paid this statement no mind and instead, laughed at what Xavier had said. “Who could hate a Hufflepuff like you?” Aaron said to Xavier. “Impossible I say! He’ll probably love you!” Aaron said with a grin. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you lot…” said Jacob softly and apprehensively. Aaron just shrugged him off. “C’mon lads let’s get going. If we’re early maybe we can make an impression on the guy,” suggested the hazel eyed boy as he got up and waited for his two friends to follow him.
Xavier heard Jacob’s statement and rolled his eyes. The boy could care less about house wars and rivals. As far as he was concerned, they were all there to learn magic. Xavier blushed at Aaron’s words and smiled at the boy. “I don’t think he’ll love me, but as long as he doesn’t hate me” He said. Xavier rolled his eyes at Jacob’s second comment and nodded to Aaron. “That’s a great idea mate” He walked up beside Aaron with a wide grin.
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The three boys eventually made their way down to the dungeon where potions class was held. Aaron honestly found it pretty spooky as he walked down the halls of the dimly lit lower bowels of the castle. Once they arrived, they were some of the only students there. This classroom also had two to a desk so Aaron sat down and waited for Xavier. Jacob sat elsewhere. The professor wasn’t in the classroom yet but that wasn’t too out of the ordinary since many professors preferred to arrive as soon as the class started. There were many bottles of potions on the shelves and various cauldrons in the room.
Xavier sat down beside Aaron, kind of glad for the two person tables again. He just didn't trust anyone right now, no one save for Aaron. He looked around the classroom, his face in awe at the different potions around the room on shelves and the cauldrons that he was sure they'd get to use. "I can't wait for this class to start" Xaie said, looking over at Aaron, his excitement showing in the wide grin on his face. "I hope the professor isn't really as mean as I've heard" He'd heard the rumors but Xaie wanted to enjoy this class, the textbook was so interesting and he hoped the class would be too.
“He might not be. The older kids like to scare the first years sometimes, it’s probably just silly false rumors they spread to spook us,” said Aaron with a shrug, trying to be optimistic. As the minutes passed, more and more students began filing into the classroom and sitting down. Eventually the classroom was full, a student at every desk. Class time was about to begin any minute yet when Aaron looked around, there was no professor.
Xavier looked around at the full classroom with no professor. "Um, shouldn't he be here?" Xaie asked, looking over at Aaron. His confusion written all over his face. He was surprised to see that class was about to begin and it was just them. No Professor Snape in sight. Huh. "Did we get the class time wrong?" Xavier wondered aloud.
Aaron blinked, looking clueless. A shrugged as he looked at Xavier. “I don’t think we’re in the wrong room…” replied Aaron to Xavier’s question. “I mean everyone else is here,” he pointed out. Suddenly, the doors burst open loudly and in entered a slender, pale faced, and great long dark haired man. The doors slammed behind him, causing any student talking to hush and many, including Aaron, the jolt up in their seat, startled from the noise. All eyes in the room were wide as they followed the man who swiftly walked down the aisle in the middle of the room, his black robes flowing behind him.

Professor Snape used his wand to aggressively close each of the windows in the classroom as he walked over to the podium at the front of the room. Each slam made a loud noise. Aaron felt himself sit up straighter. Everyone was dead silent now as Professor Snape darkened the room and took to the podium. He looked cold and unfeeling a as he stood at the podium and eyed all of the students in his first year potions class.
Xavier went to say something to Aaron before he froze as the professor walked in. He jumped with each window shutting, his nerves were already frayed from Monday, and this definitely wasn't helping. He cast his eyes up to the professor who for all accounts looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in that classroom with first year students. Xavier wanted to shrink down in his seat, his eyes still wide as he froze.
“There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class,” began Professor Snape sternly. His tone was cold as well as his facial expression. He showed no emotion. “ As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making,” said Snape, scanning the room. Snape’s eyes struck fear into Aaron’s heart. “I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death,” continued Snape. Snape then looked around the room once more before speaking again. “Can anyone tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?” Snape asked, glaring at the class. Aaron felt his heart pounding as Snape looked around the room, like a predator hunting for its prey. The last thing Aaron wanted to be was Snape’s first victim. Plus he had no clue as to what the answer of the question was. He didn’t even know what the hell wormwood or asphodel was.
Xavier listened to Professor Snape talk and tried not to shiver at his tone of voice. He no longer wanted to be in this class. He kept his eyes on the book in front of him. He heard some girl from Gryffindor answer and he just hoped that he could make it through this class without dying from stress. He bit the inside of his cheek and his lip as a nervous habit he'd picked up. He glanced over at Aaron before his hand fisted into his robes where they had originally just rested on his legs.
Luckily, a girl from Gryffindor quickly raised her hand and was called on. Despite Snape’s menacing glare, the Gryffindor girl answered the question confidently. “Correct…” muttered Snape, not at all looking impressed in the slightest. Aaron sure was. He wondered how she knew that. “Five points to Gryffindor,” said Snape quietly as he swiftly turned around and went to the board. “It would be wise for you all to pay close attention to what I am going to say,” said Snape, looking over his shoulder at the class as he grabbed a piece of chalk. He then began writing some ingredients on the chalkboard. “Make note of the ingredients required of this potion. Your homework will be to find out which potion this is and its purpose based off of the ingredients I have listed here,” said Snape. Aaron couldn’t believe it. This seemed like quite a long and difficult assignment to assign first years on only the first day of his class.
Xavier was still on edge but he wrote down the list on the board in his note book. He looked over at Aaron who seemed like he couldn't believe the first assignment. "We can study together" Xavier whispered to him, brushing his shoulder against the other boy. He might still be nervous, but he didn't Aaron to be. He returned his gaze up to Professor Snape, before bringing it back down again.
Aaron looked over at Xavier and nodded as he whispered to him and proposed they study together. He would very much like that and know that would be beneficial, but he didn’t want to dare even speak quietly. Snape didn’t seem like the old and clueless type like Professor Binns. Snape continued to drone on, lecturing about some sort of potion that they’d be brewing next class and going over safety protocols. Aaron struggled to jot it all down on his piece of parchment with his quill.
Xavier nodded as well, working to make notes on his paper listening to Snape talking about all the different things they'd need and have to be careful of when they create the potion. He sighed, this was a lot of stuff to learn at once. He was sure he was writing it all down, and he hoped that he didn't write out of parchment or ink before the class was over.
Eventually Snape wrapped up his lecture. By the end of it, Aaron’s head was spinning. There was so much information loaded onto him that he needed to know in such little time. “When we meet next time we will be brewing our first potion,” said Professor Snape. “Do NOT be late,” warned the head of the Slytherin house. “You are dismissed,” he said. Aaron felt some relief as he gathered his things and looked to Xavier. He was glad to be out of this class and rid of Snape.
Xavier sighed as the lecture was finally over. He stood with a little wobble since his muscles had been basically tense that entire class. The boy was perfectly happy to be out of there. "So next is flying lessons" He said, reading his schedule. And then they had their midnight Astronomy class. Because who doesn't like to get up at 11:00pm just to go to class. He looked over at Aaron, ready to get out of the dungeons.
Aaron felt his shoulders loosen and get less tense as he walked out of Snape’s potions classroom with Xavier. The atmosphere was spooky and Professor Snape scared Aaron straight. Aaron sighed, “Bloody hell,” he said breathlessly, “I’m just glad to get out of that class,” he said. Aaron then cocked a curious eyebrow. “Flying lessons?” he asked. “Like, are we learning a spell to make us fly? They have a whole class for that?” Aaron asked. “Or are we getting our own set of wings?” he asked making some wild guesses with a grin.
Xavier laughed at the boy, walking beside him. "Same here mate, same here" He said. He listened to Aaron's questions before he answered them. "No, we learn how to use broomsticks!" He said, not being able to contain his excitement. He'd always wanted to learn how to ride a broom ever since his mom had told him. "If you do really well at it, you can join the Quidditch team for your house next year" He added. That was another thing he was looking forward too, his first Quidditch match.
“Broomsticks?” Aaron asked, his hazel eyes wide with wonder. “Woah!” Aaron said, becoming very excited now. “That sounds bloody wicked!” said the boy. He’d never flown or ridden on his broomstick and he never saw his father do so. Hell he didn’t even know if father owned a broomstick. “And Quidditch? What’s that?” Aaron asked, having never heard of the popular sport in the wizarding world. “That’s a silly word- Quidditch,” giggled Aaron.
Xavier looked at the boy with a grin. "Quidditch is a game played entirely on broomsticks. You have seven players per team consisting of three chasers, two beaters, one keeper and one seeker. The chasers keep the Quaffle which is what is used to score points, while bludgers knock players off their broomsticks and the beaters are supposed to protect the other players on their team. The keeper defends the scoring hoops and send the Quaffle back to the chasers on their team. The seeker has to find the golden snitch which ends the game and earns 150 points for your team. The team with the most points wins" He tried explaining it the best way he knew how. "The first match comes up in November with Gryffindor versus Slytherin, you can see the game in action then" He said. By the time he was done talking, they'd made it to the courtyard where the lesson was held.
Aaron’s eyes lit up with joy as Xavier described to him the game of Quidditch. It sounded very fun. “That sounds wicked!” Aaron said excitedly. “I want to play it!” he said, bouncing up and down. “I’d love to see a game too!” he said as they entered the courtyard. Outside there were many broomsticks laid on the floor. Some students were already hear and others were arriving. Aaron had never flown on a broomstick before but he couldn’t wait to try it for the first time.

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