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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier looked at Aaron with a grin. "All the houses turn up for it, its a big thing around here" Xaie explained. He looked at the broomsticks, spying two near the end and headed towards them. "We can stand together!" He said, standing near the two open broomsticks.
Aaron couldn’t wait to find out more about this Quidditch game. It seemed like a huge thing in the wizarding world and at this school as Xavier was making it out to be. He wanted to watch a game and even learn to play if he could. He then looked over at Xavier was he went to stand near two open broomsticks. Aaron smiled and went over to the free one next to Xavier. “Yea! Just when we start flying, don’t crash into me,” he joked, laughing a bit.
Xavier smiled as Aaron came over to join him. He tried to hold in a laugh but was unsuccessful at Aaron’s comment. “I can’t promise anything mate” He said. He looked around to see the professor step out into the courtyard. Madam Hooch looked at the students.

“Alright class, I want you to start by holding your right hand over your broom and say Up. Remember remain focused. The broom should go to your hand.” She instructed. Xavier held his hand out and said “up” but the broom sat there. “Up” he tried again.
Soon enough, their instructor, Madame Hooch, stepped outside and began the lesson. Their first task was to lift their broom by commanding the simple word, “up!” Aaron figured that couldn’t be too hard. Everyone in the class began shouting “up” at their brooms. “Up!” Aaron commanded firmly. On only his first try, the broomstick landed right into his hand. The Gryffindor boy grinned proudly at his success.
Xavier had tried three more times to get his broom to listen. He could feel the frustration in himself, of course brooms would be his biggest problem. He looked up at a noise and saw Neville in the air before crashing down. “Oh boy. Everyone, stay in the ground! Come on dear” She said, leading him to the infirmary.

He watch in confusion at the entire event, before Draco decided to start stuff, by grabbing Neville’s rememberall and flying up into the air with it. Oh boy.
Aaron was temporarily distracted from his own success as there seemed to be some commotion coming from an interaction involving Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin boy, and Neville Longbottom, the kind Gryffindor boy who had led them to their charms classroom the other day. Aaron watched on, wondering if he should do something. Luckily, the Harry Potter boy seemed to come to Neville’s defense.
Xavier watched as Harry flew up into the air to go after Draco. He would never have done that, then again he can’t get his broom anyway. He watch as Draco threw the rememberall and Harry caught it.

That moment both Professor McGongall and Madam Hooch had returned. The professor took Harry away and the lesson restarted. “That was crazy!” Xavier said to Aaron, before returning to the broom now that they had to start picking it up again. “Up!” He huffed, swiping a hand over his brow in frustration. He’d had no issues with charms but this? This was driving him up the wall.
Aaron blinked with awe as Harry Potter effortlessly mounted his broom and flew after Draco Malfoy. He was slightly jealous of the fact that both boys somehow already knew how to fly on their brooms. Harry had managed to fly after the rememberall and catch it too. Aaron looked over to Xavier, who was also surprised, and nodded. “Bloody hell, that Potter boy is a good flyer, eh?” he said. “Maybe that’s why he’s so famous and everybody is talking non-stop about him,” he said.

Aaron then watched and frowned as Xavier attempted to raise his broom, but to no avail. He felt bad for Xavier and wished he could help, but he didn’t know what to say. It felt even worse that he had succeeded and his friend didn’t. Aaron couldn’t even lend a hand even though Xavier had helped him out in charms class.
Xavier looked over at Aaron. “He is a good flyer, but no that’s not what makes him famous” Xaie shook his head. “It’s a bit of a tale, so I’ll tell you all about this weekend when we have no classes” He told the boy with a grin. He was going to invite him to study that potions homework in the library.

With a little sigh, “up” Xavier said, trying to concentrate and focus. Suddenly the broom hit his hand and his fingers closed around it. If the wide grin was anything to say, he was beyond thrilled. “I-I did it! I did it!” He smiled, looking over at Aaron.
“Yea you’ll have to tell me why because I don’t understand why everyone is like Harry Potter this and Harry Potter that,” said Aaron, wishing he had answers as to why this Harry Potter boy was so famous and widely talked about around the school. As Xavier continuously tried and failed again at lifting his broom up off the ground, it tugged at Aaron as he remained silent and had no words of advice to help his friend. Luckily for the both of them, finally Xavier was able to command his broom to rise and it went straight into his hands. “Yes! There ya go mate! You’ve done it!” Aaron said triumphantly, smiling proudly at Xavier and giving him a big pat on the back.
Xavier smiled as he felt the pat on the back. "Thanks mate!" He said with a wide grin. Madam Hooch continued on with the lesson, looking at each of the students as she walked in between them. "Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. 3, 2, 1" The whistle blew.

Xavier bit his lip as he unsteadily mounted the broom. Yeah, this wasn't gonna be a great class for him. He gripped the thing tight and kicked off. Nothing. He didn't move. "C'mon" He sighed, kicking off again. He finally managed to hover for a few seconds before he went back to the ground. Xavier was definitely shaky, he was not cut out to fly. Xavier much preferred the ground versus the air, but unfortunately flying classes were mandatory for the first year.
Aaron listened closely for Madame Hooch’s next instructions. He nodded as she told them what to do and quickly attempted to mount his broom on her command. Aaron got onto his broomstick and gripped the front of it firmly. For something he had never done before in his life, he felt good and fairly comfortable on the broom. He then kicked off his broom and to his own surprise, slowly levitating above the ground about a foot or two. A big grin came to Aaron’s face as he was floating in the air on his broom. It weirdly felt natural to the boy who had never done anything like this before. Finally, he was excelling right off the bat in a class and he didn’t need anyone’s help.
Madam Hooch allowed the students to levitate a few more times before she dismissed them. They weren't quite ready to go flying around the castle. Xavier sighed, dismounting the broom and looked around. He set the broom down on the ground with a gently thump. Xaie looked over at Aaron who looked like he'd been on cloud nine riding the broom. Good for him! Xaie could feel his stomach turn but he breathed deep and the feeling went away. Which was quickly replaced with grumble. Dinner time was after their flying lesson and Xaie suddenly felt very hungry. He was upset that he had to sit with his house during dinner though. "Ready for dinner?" Xaie asked, looking at Aaron with a smile.
Aaron enjoyed quite a bit of success the rest of his first ever flying class. Eventually, it was time for it to come to an end and Aaron carefully lowered to the ground and Madame Hooch dismissed the students. It was just beginning to get dark now and dinner time was approaching. Aaron ran a hand through his light colored hair and looked at Xavier as he asked if he was ready for dinner. Before Aaron could answer, he could hear his stomach grumble loudly. He giggled a bit at this and nodded his head. “Most certainly am,” he replied, “Let’s go,” said Aaron.
Xavier smiled at his friend as the boy readily agreed. “It stinks that we can’t sit together at dinner” Xaie said with a frown. But then the boy thought that after dinner was free time then time for bed. Xavier shook that out of his head, following beside Aaron as they made their way to the Great Hall. “Did you want to hang out after dinner? Or are you gonna head to your dorm?” Xaie asked, looking over at Aaron.
Aaron frowned as he realized they wouldn’t be able to sit together at the same table since it was dinner time. Hogwarts was pretty strict about this rule and students needed to sit at their house’s table- no exceptions. “Bollocks… I forgot about that…. That blows,” he said, his shoulders sinking a little bit. Sure maybe he’d have people like Jacob and Neville but sitting next to Xavier was the best to him. Aaron’s face lit up though as Xavier asked if he wanted to hang out after dinner. “Yea! I’d love to! Let’s do that!” he replied happily. He didn’t really have any plans after dinner so this would work out perfectly. The two boys eventually made their way to the Great Hall, which was filling up with students for dinner.
Xavier looked over at Aaron with a smile. “Awesome! I’ll see you soon mate!” Xaie said as they stepped into the Great Hall. He made his way between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables to take a seat next to Hannah. The girl looked over at him with a smile.

“Hey! How’ve you been?” She said, while loading her plate with food. Xavier smiled at her while filling his own plate. “I’m okay. How are classes so far for you?” He asked, filling his own plate and taking a bite of food.

“They’ve been going great! How about yours?” She asked him, taking her own bite of food. He looked at his plate before up at her. “Other than missing a couple, they’ve been okay” Xaie said honestly

“I heard about that. That guy was an oddball anyway. I’m glad they expelled him and your friend got to you” Hannah said, in between her dinner. “Yeah, I got really lucky that day” Xaie moved some food around before eating some more, both Hufflepuffs going silent.
“Right, see you later lad!” Aaron said with a smile and a wave as the two parted ways after entering the Great Hall. Aaron quickly scurried off to the Gryffindor table and found a seat amongst the first years. He sat down next to Jacob who had already begun eating. He had quite a large portion of mashed potatoes and a big chicken leg on his plate. “Hullo mate,” said Jacob as he greeted his roommate. “Hi Jacob. Enjoy classes today?” Aaron asked as he grabbed a plate and began to load it with some food.

Jacob responded with a nod, “They were alright,” he replied. “That Professor Snape guy really has a stick up his arse, doesn’t he?” he asked. Aaron nodded quickly. “Absolutely. I didn’t like him at all,” said Aaron. “You were pretty good at that whole broomstick flying thing today, eh mate?” Jacob commented. Aaron smiled sheepishly and blushed a little at the compliment. “Oh it was really nothing,” shrugged Aaron humbly as he scooped up some mashed potatoes on his spoon and put them into his mouth.
Xavier remained quiet as he ate. He didn’t see any others he wanted to talk to, of course he barely trusted Hannah. He did however trust Aaron but he couldn’t keep the boy with him all the time like a therapy friend.

Xavier ran a hand through his hair, finishing up his dinner. He pushed his plate away and crossed his arms. He sighed, full from dinner and he placed his head on his arms. He was bored but many were still eating.
The rest of dinner went by fairly quickly. Aaron was sure to be fast as he ate so he could get to Xavier sooner. Eventually with a full belly, Aaron got up, bid Jacob and Neville a goodbye and a good night, and left the table, looking for Xavier now.
Xavier finished his dinner and stood, bidding Hannah a goodbye and looked around for Aaron. He was thinking about bringing him to a bench a bit away from the Great Hall. He looked around again and finally noticed him. “Hey Aaron!”
Aaron was delighted to be reunited with Xavier even though it had only been about a half an hour or so. “Xavier! Am I glad to see you!” he said with a big grin. “I think we’ve still got some time before curfew,” he said. “Unless….” he began softly, a mischievous smirk coming across his face. “Unless we stay up after curfew,” he said.
Xaie smiled at the boy, happy to be back with his friend. "I'm glad to see you too Aaron!" He said with a laugh. "You know, we'd get in a lot of trouble if stayed up past curfew" He told the boy. It was tempting to Xavier, because the last thing he wanted was to go back to the dormitory. "And if we do that, we'd have to hide so do you have anywhere we can go so we aren't found?" He asked, tilting his head at the boy.
Aaron simply chuckled at Xavier’s understandable apprehensions to breaking the rules. “So what? Haven’t you ever wondered what it was like in the castle after everyone went to sleep?” Aaron asked. “They could be hiding some super cool stuff from us!” he said. “I’m sure there are plenty of places to hide in the halls,” said Aaron with a casual shrug. “So what do ya say? Wanna sneak around after curfew or am I gonna be doing this myself?” Aaron asked with a grin.
Xavier shook his head with a laugh. "I mean, I have thought about it." He said. He could tell the boy wanted to do this. "Well, if you're gonna do it anyway then count me in" Xaie said with a laugh. "You are such a bad influence" He said jokingly, his eyes on the other boy. He would probably regret it but it's better than going back to the dorms where he didn't want to be anyway. "Lead the way" He said with a grin.

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