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The bathroom was amazing. It even had a jet shower. How she wish to have her own awesome shower in the dorm. But too bad, the school was still cheap to renew their plumbing.

The cabinet above the sink contains different kinds of drugs, some were prescriptions and some were just vitamins. She looked at the prescription and checked the name of thr owner, 'What the fuck.' She hissed when she saw Apollo Acher's name on the bottle. It was his room!! It was in his messy room where he told her to go.

Instantly, she wiped her hand on the hand towel and ran outside while gingerly closing the door of the intoxicating room on her back. When she came back at the parlour, Apollo wan't alone, Adrian was there. It looks like they were in some sort of an argument, but she can't tell.

'....relationship for once in my life.'

What Clarissa heard that Adrian said as he started to dress Apollo like he was a child.

'I'm sorry.' Clarissa cleared her throat. 'Should I .. uh. Should I leave?'
Adrian shook his head as he finished buttoning up his brothers shirt and did his pants back up. "There." He turned to Clarissa and shook his head again. "You're fine."

Apollo looked at him amused by Adrians anger with him and unbuttoned his shirt again. "Mad yet?"

Adrian huffed and glared at him, his glare sharp enough to kill. "I'm going to send you to a gay bar if you don't fucking stop. You can easily get a girl so back off mine." He didn't care if Clarissa was right there, referring to Clarissa as his.
Apollo maybe the oldest but Adrian was the mature one. Even if she counted Deidrich in the problem. She was quite amused by how can Apollo easily infuriate his baby brother by doing such childish things.

She can't helped not to chuckle at Adrian's threat. Yes, maybe he could be annoying and mercurial, but she knew what he said was a pure empty threat. He's not gonna abandon his sexy brother in such a lowly place.

She was planning on adding to Adrian's annoyance, but then she heard him said "You can easily get a girl so back off mine."

She knew that Adrian didn't meant it, maybe he was just messing with her or Apollo, but still it made her blush harder than when Apollo stripped his shirt off.
He turned back around and buttoned his shirt back up for him. "You sir are a grown ass man. Act like it." Apollo laughed quietly as he stood up, he was taller than Adrian.

"Fuck me." The way he said it didn't sound like a threat. It actually honestly sounded like he wanted to sleep with his brother, they were all good looking men but damn.
She didn't knew what was happening. Clarissa voluntarily walked in this mess, well Adrian carried her but technicalities. Here she was, standing between two sexy and good looking men. One was a bit prissy and annoying and the other possibly crazy, but still, they were good looking.

She knew that Adrian could be easily annoyed so she moved around and sat where she was seated earlier, and watch them. She wanted to get a few good tips on Apollo on how to annoy his brother.
There was a moment of the two just standing there before Adrian kneed him right in his manhood. "Talk to me like that again and I'll cut them off. I do not want your dick in my ass." As soon he said Apollo yelped in pain quietly just sitting back down as his man hood was in pain.
As soon as Adrian kneed Apollo, Clarissa can't helped but to cringe too. Adrian's move was all too sudden. Clarissa stood up and move between them, her one hand was on Adrian's firm chest while her other was on Apollo's hair, mussing it as if he was a pet. She didn't knew where did she got the strength in doing that, but she just did. And by the gods, his hair was oh so smooth.

'Okay boys, that's enough. Hurting other people is bad. Please, play nice.'
Apollo pushed her hand away and pouted at Adrian. "She loves me more."

Adrian grabbed Clarissa arm that was on his chest, yanking her towards him before leaning down a bit to kiss her. He didn't force it onto her and didn't go too far it just lasting a few second. "Fight me, I kissed her you haven't pussy." He laughed quietly as he went upstairs without another word to Clarissa, Apollo just staring at her.
Apollo may be steaming hot and sexy but what he said make Clarissa want to smack him on the face. It was cute and childish, but still, words like that gives a lot of meaning in a household ran by a guy who badly wanted to have grandkids.

She didn't have a time to react, as Adrian planted a soft unexpected kiss. And just like that, he left them alone. Apollo was dangerously cute as he pouted at the corner. 'No. No more fighting.' She said as sternly as possible at sexy Apollo, 'please, do excuse me. And stay there.' Clarissa followed Adrian up the stairs.
Adrian didn't notice the girl following him and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind him probably just needing to use the bathroom as Clarissa did earlier and stepped back out farely quickly, staring at her. "Yes?" He asked his mood seeming to drop like a dime from just a few minutes ago.
'So this was the bathroom.' Clarissa grunted as she eyed the door. Whatthehellthatfreakinman she wanted to scream at Apollo downstairs when she realizes that he purposely pointed out his room.

'Look, I know that kiss was nothing.' Clarissa said quietly 'you were just proving a point. Now... what...I was trying to say is.... Nothing. Honestly, I have nothing to say.' She admitted meekly at him while trying not to blush, 'I just wanted to stay away from Apollo, so I followed you.' A tiny smile was on her lips.
Adrian didn't say anything to her and just walked down the hall turning into one of the rooms the door then shutting his bedroom door though he didn't lock it.

He went over to his bed and took off his shoes and shirt, simply dropping the two on the ground by his bed before laying down. His room was clean just like everything else that was his.
'I told you I don't want to stay alone with your brother, and you walked away.' Clarissa followed him and opened his doot as wide as possible, 'very classy Adrian. So clas.....sy' she trailed off as soon as she saw Adrian lying on a bed with his shirt off. She knew that he was lean but she was surprise to see abs bulging on his pale stomach.

His room was so unlike Apollo's. It was clean and neat. She thought that if she rubbed a finger on the surface randomly, she won't even see a dust in her finger. But just like Apollo's room, an expensive men's perfume lingered in the air.
"Go talk to my father or something, he's around. I'm going to take a nap, alright?" He spoke with his eyes shut, not bothering to open them to look at her.
'Fine. I will.' She hissed under her breath. 'Sweet nightmares, jerk.' She closed his door as loud as possible. For a second she jut stood in front of his door. She weigh her options, if she stayed where she was right now, Deidrich may pass by. She didn't want that. If she stayed at the living room, Apollo might still be there and as much as she wanted to stay there and ogled at his godly carved abs, his conceited attitude overweighs her infatuation.

She could go home. She arrived in a car but their drive didn't took that long, walking may take time but she can manage it. Resolve with her solution, she went down and headed towards the living room to fetch her things.
Apollo was sitting downstairs still, he looked over at Clarissa. "What did he do to piss you off so badly? I'm sure the whole nation heard you slame that door." He laughed quietly, his clothes were buttoned up now his sexual side seeming not to be there anymore.
Clarissa wasn't surprise to see Apollo still sitting there. It was his house after all. But what surprise her was his clothes were still how Adrian left him.

She felt that he could be civilized, so she sat in front of him. 'Sorry about that.' She smiled meekly. 'Nothing. He didn't do anything.'
He nodded, staring across at her. "Do you want to stay for dinner? I'm sure Adrian will enjoy someone elses company besides Dedrichs and his family for once."
'Wow, he sure do loves my company,' she said sarcastically as she waved her hands, 'He is craving it, even.' What she did was uncalled for, and rude. Snapping at the sexy man in front of him was not exactly on her bucket list and she knew that she was being disrespectful.

'I'm sorry. That was rude.' She force a charming smile on her lips, 'Yes please, I would love to stay for dinner.'
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He frowned at her snappy side and stood up. "Alright, you can ask your highness to come back down here in about twenty minutes after I get done cooking." He said leaving the room and going into the kitchen.
'Let me help, please.' Clarissa said as she stood up and followed him. 'I could assist you in any way. I'm not that bad in the kitchen.' Her voice was hopeful, she knew that Apollo could send her away and wait but then Deidrich might leave his room. She's not exactly sure if she can trust Apollo like how she trusted Adrian when it comes to Deidrich, she's still willing to stay with him.
"I tend to prefer to cook alone before if you want to stay in here you're more than welcomed too." He said as he put a pot of water onto a burner to let it boil.
'Thank you.' She sat at the nearby stool in the kitchen table. She watch how Apollo's flew as he cooked. What he was cooking was simple and basic, but he knows how to work in the kitchen and it just simply surprise her. Just like what he said, after 20 minutes the food was ready.

She climbed the stairs and head towards Adrian's room. She opened the door gingerly and called out. 'Hey Adrian. Dinner's ready.' He didn't budge and his eyes remain closed. Clarissa walked by the bed and poke him on his face, she tried very hard not to linger her eyes on his abs. 'Hey... Are you dead? Wake up. Dinner's ready.' She continued poking his face.
Adrian was laying on his side when she came in, his skin pale and honestly looked dead if his chest wasn't still rising and falling.

It took a moment to get something out of him but to her surpise he opened his eyes looking like he struggled to do so. He grabbed her finger that was poking his face and moved it away slowly his eyes weren't focused on anything and his eyes were bloodshot, that possibly being from crying since his pillow was wet and his eyes were puffy slightly.

"Let me burn in hell.. Go eat dinner."

His voice was quiet and cold, when he had went into the bathroom he was in there for a too short time period to actually use the bathroom. Clearly at this point he did something else.
Clarissa stifled a scream when Adrian take hold of her hand. As he opened his eyes, they were red. She automatically thought drugs or psychedelics but then she noticed the pillow has wet marks. What he said really disturbed her. If Apollo was bad at cooking, and Adrian would rather burn in the pit just so he could not eat his cooking or something happened to him.

He was so... pale. His eyes.... 'Apollo...' She knew there is something wrong. Drugs. 'Apollo!' She yelled louder this time as she shook Adrian's arms.

'APOLLO! SOMEONE! HELP!' She screamed as loud as she could. Clarissa cradled Adrian, and put her fingers inside his mouth, she even felt his uvula. She needed to make him throw up even though it takes two hours before the stomach digested what he intake. Her tears already blurred her sight as she waited for help.
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