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For the past few months, Adrian and Clarissa were indeed a happy couple. Yes, they bicker and fight sometimes but that's what a couple does. Usually the main source of the fight was one subject only. And it was a very touchy subject for Clarissa: BABY.

Yes, she love kids and she wanted one of her own, but someday. Maybe 10 years from now. She wanted to do so many things before she settled herself to be a mom. But Adrian... oh Dear Ol' Adrian was all about pleasing his father. Not just him but she knew Apollo was with the whole we-need-to-have-a-baby-in-the-house mood.

For once, she was glad, ecstatic even, at Deidrich. He couldn't careless about a little bundle of poop producing joy.

Adrian was relentless. If he wanted her to get in bed he just flash his sexy ass smile and Clarissa would fall for it. The next day that they first did it, Clarissa went straight to a doctor to get herself some pills. It worked. But then she missed to take one, it was during their exam week and hell walked on Earth, Clarissa wanted to relax and Adrian was there for her to use.

She had a lot of false pregnancy episodes. Mostly everytime after they do it. But what scared her the most was after she missed the one pill. Her doctor told her that one of the effects of taking the pill was mood swing, and change in eating habits. So she was quite sure that what she was doing was the effect of the pills.

Clarissa was staying at Acher's residence. Her clothes were strewn all across Adrian's room. She was looking for something she could wear for school. When suddenly, Adrian started the fight. 'Fuck off.' Clarissa replied as she looked for something, dresses would do... She picked up her blue dress and stand around in the mirror. No she was just getting fat. She told herself.

Clarissa suddenly woke up in the morning, feeling nauseous. She ran straight to the bathroom and puke her guts out. Once her teeth were brush, she went outside the room. Adrian was still at bed, 'Did you cook the chicken last night?! I told you let Apollo work on the chicken. I'm not sure that thing was still good to eat.' She said as she pulled fresh pair of Adrian's shirt and boxer shorts in Adrian's armoire. Her clothes were getting tighter and most of her shorts uses buttons. She was getting uncomfortable wearing it.
He sighed quietly as he watched her, at this point her denial was a bit extreme. He ignored the comment about dinner last night as he sat up in the bed and held his arms out her, meaning for her to come over and hug him. He slept without a shirt on even if she was pissed at him it was easy enough to fall for his abs. He wanted till she was in his arms to start talking to her.

"I'm being completely serious Clarissa." He said staring into her eyes while he talked. "If you're not pregnant I'll apologize for all the shit I've given you grief for but come on now, you have to agree with me you do act pregnant and are starting to look the part. I'm just asking you take a pregnancy test. Please. I'm not trying to be rude I'm honestly concerned."
She clambered back into his arms eventhough she was annoyed and pissed. He was shirtless, like most of the nights. And his abs were there for her to take. Granted it wasn't like Apollo's, but his abs were hers. She nuzzled his neck and smirked, 'No.' Her hands flew to his messy hair as she fist them, her lips was still on his neck. '...way'
He sighed as he grabbed her hands. "Clarissa. I'm being completely serious. If you are pregnant I want to know for the sake of our child considering the fact you are suppose to go to the doctor and I'm pretty sure you aren't suppose to take birth control while you're pregnant either." He paused for a moment thinking of a way for her to listen. "If you don't at least take a pregnancy test for me, no sex for a month. I'll even start wearing shirts to bed."
'Is that a threat?' Clarissa sat by the bed and looked at him. Her amber eyes filled with challenge. 'Typical of you guys, the girl just gained weight and you had to think of some lame excuse.'

Clarissa wiggled out of the bed and went straight to the armoire. She have to dug at the bottom of her clothes to find her sports bra and gym shorts. 'I guess I have to renew my gym membership card.' She added as soon as she checked her purse for her ID.
He rubbed his temples in stress and glared at her. "I'm being fucking serious Clarissa, if you just gained weight I don't care but you know full well and good you messed up with your birth control, I didn't have on a condom. Two months ago I noticed you getting more tired and hungry. I didn't say anything to you considering I didn't want you to feel stressed out."

He got up and took her gym clothes out of her hand. "If you are so sure you are not pregnant then just take the damn test Clarissa. I can't take the thing for you. I swear to god I'm serious. I understand you don't want kids but you need to understand I'm worried about you."
'Fine.' She said, with all the bitterness and anger that she felt everytime they push the topic of pregnancy. Her amber eyes were dead and empty. Clarissa pushed pass the Adrian and went towards the bathroom. She slam the door shut, locking it during the process.

She bought a couple of pregnancy kits and she did this a couple of times. Clarissa opened the packet, the white little thing was on her hand. But she didn't took it. She ended up sitting on the tiled floor. She put her knees up and leaned her head. Clarissa was scared. What if their stupid... her stupid mistake took its toll on her. What would she tell to her parents?! She didn't tell Adrian but her parents were on the same ship as Nicolas. 'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.' She mumbled quietly.
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When Clarissa didn't come out of the bathroom after a while he got a bobby pin Clarissas stuff and picked the lock, seeing her on the floor and sighed. He sat across from her reaching over and pulled her across the floor. "Are you alright?" He asked his hand running through her hair softly. "I can tell your not but why? Even if you are with a child my family has money, you can move in here and just put college on hold or start taking online classes. If it'll make you feel better I'll even start doing it them you."
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Her eyes were watery as she glanced to him. 'What the....' She mumbled softly, but then she saw the bobby pin on the floor. Plus it was Adrian, picking lock was easy as pie for him. He hugged her and she broke down. 'I'm practically living here,' she said in between her sobs. What she doesn't get was how can't he see that she's not ready yet. 'I have money... even if I have a baby, then decided to run away, I can easily live on my own.' she added bitterly when he mentioned the money. 'Online classes? Are you for real?! I had a dream once, I wanted to travel around the world on my own. Guess, there's a chance that it was all just dream.' She sobbed as she rubbed her hand on her stomach.
He stared at her, he hated her watching her cry like she was. "I'm sorry." He said held her close and struggled not to stare at her stomach while he spoke considering that his kin was in there. "If you really don't want this kid.. abortions are always a thing.." The way he said abortions was heart breaking considering the fact he was so clearly putting what he wanted aside, if Clarissa wanted anything he'd always do his best to give it to her and then some. Even that meant killing his unborn fetus.

"Did you take the pregnancy test..? Maybe you are right and you're just freaking out over nothing."
'Are you fucking kidding me?!' She asked incredulously. 'Abortion?! I'll be fucking worse than Deidrich.' No. Even if she wasn't ready and she got knocked up, abortion is not an option. It didn't even cross her mind. She maybe hated having a baby, but she's not that hateful to kill an innocent child.

'No.' She wiped her eyes with her hands, 'I was about to, but I have an impatient pervert as a boyfriend that went in by picking the lock of his own bathroom door.' She needed tp finish this once and for all, all the symptoms were there. She only needed to see the stick to let her realize what life has to offer her. 'Go away.' She stood up, pulling him in the process. 'I'll come out once i'm done.' She pushed Adrian out the door and lock it behind her. 'Pick the lock again, I swear i'll cut your balls.' She said louder for him to hear.

With all the courage she could muster, she removed her boxer and did the thing. Pregnancy test didn't take long. After a couple of minutes, two thin pink strips appeared on the tiny screen of the tester.

'Fuck. Shit.' She hissed at herself, she opened the door and yelled at her boytoy who was waiting outside, 'Why the hell did you visit me on my dorm room that week!! I told you I was cramming for my exams and yet you still dangled that... that thing of yours in front of me!' Clarissa's face was flushed 'I was so busy and stressed... You... You took advantage of it!' She shoved the tester on his chest and went back to his bed. Under his covers, she took protection as she lie in a fetus like position.
She took the test from her, a wide eyed innocent look on his face as he yelled but once she turned away a smile grew on his face. He followed her into his room knowing that might not be what she wanted but he couldn't help himself. He sat the test down on a table in his room the sight of her clothes around his room that barely fit her anymore cause of his child made him even more happy knowing that meant his child was healthy though Clarissa might not like it. He laid down underneath the covers next to her, one his hands wrapping around her waist and slide his hand up the bottom of her shirt starting to rub her stomach softly. "You know, you liked that week." He laughed. "Also, I'm happy no matter what. You can yell at me all you want but you can also consider I'm going to get a lot more protective over you and you have my permission to boss me around."
'It was my hell week.' She mumbled quietly. She found his hand and her hand glided along in her smooth tummy. 'I always like bossing around. As if you didn't like it too. Remember the cuffs? If I remember correctly you enjoyed it.' She laughed halfheartedly. Even with his shirt, she could feel the hotness of his chest. 'Adrian. I needed to go to New York. I need to tell my parents about this.' Clarissa said. Her thoughts was still on the blimp inside her stomach.
"You can just tell them over he phone though we'll tell my dad first considering he's just down the hall not all the way in New York." He kissed her cheek softly.

"By the way whenever you want I'll take you shopping and we can get you bigger clothes." He laughed softly his hand still rubbing her slightly swollen belly. "For now I'd like to just lay here though."
'Crap. Nicolas will be the most happiest man on the planet.' Clarissa suddenly remembered their first meeting. How he thought he got her pregnant. Now, well... He did. 'If you want to tell my parents via phone, go. I'll fly to New York on my own.' She knew with her newly learned power that he would do whatever she wants. 'That won't be a problem right?'

'Yep, we could go shopping later.' She smiled and turned to face him, 'I wouldn't mind staying here for now.' She added. A playful smile was on her lips as she trace his abs with her fingers.
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"I'd prefer to fly to New York with you, thank you very much." He gave a small laugh as she traced a finger over his abs. He moved her hand away for a moment before pulling off his shirt, rolling over onto his back before undoing pants and moved the girl so she was straddling his waist. He knew what she wanted. "You say I'm the horny one."
She squeeled as Adrian raise her up so that she was on top of him. 'Good.' She sounded so smug, 'First class, Next weekend. I'll book the flight later.' Clarissa smiled as she kissed his neck. 'Feel free to stop me. Any.Time.You.Want.' She said in between her kisses. Gods. Clarissa blushed as she smelled him. She could stay there, in that position without complaining for hours.
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He bit his lip and tilted his hesd to the side as she kissed along his neck, his hands sliding up her shirt and unhooked her bra without a word. "Of course we'll ride first class." He snickered getting joy out of teasing her.
'I'll get a free massage from someone,' she giggled as he unhooked her bra. 'Naughty...' Clarissa kissed him lightly on his lips. 'A complimentary glass of a good Bordeux would be good too.' She breathe on his lips. Her kiss never lasted a few seconds, just enough to tease him gently.
He let out a huff as she teased him back. He leaned upwards a bit to kiss her but stopped falling back down onto the bed as he felt himself start to get hard. With Clarissa sitting on his waist she probably felt it too. "Bitch." He said pouting.


She fell asleep quite quickly after their playtime. Clarissa felt more relax when she woke up and it wasn't even nearly dinner time. If they move now, they can still shop and make it back before dinner. Clarissa kissed her Adrian. She exploited her new weapon in her arsenal. 'Wake up... You promised shopping. If you don't stand up and i'm all prepared, i'll go shopping alone.' She quickly gave him a soft peck on the lips before she stood up and gather her clothes. Too lazy to wear everything, she just snatched one of Adrian's clothes by the bed and headed towards the bathroom.
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He groaned as he rolled over "Fine princess." He said opening his eyes and stretched out, sitting up in the bed starting to charge right there in the room just wearing what he always did. He stood there waiting outside the bathroom for her to finish changing.
She picked up a blue above the knee dress in the armoire, and change swiftly at the bathroom. She grabbed her purse and dabbed a bit of a powder on her face and her shade of lipstick. She ended up wearing her hair in a normal braid. Satisfied with the color of her face she went out of the bathroom.

Adrian's room had a full body mirror and Clarissa peeked to see her appearance. 'Fuck me.' She grimaced at the dress the perfectly fitted her. 'This dress was so loose months ago. Fuck. I'm getting big.' Clarrisa pouted at herself. She didn't notice that her dress was bit higher than normal. The bump wasn't that big but it sure did took some space on her dress.
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Adrian watched and went over to her,hugging her from behind. "You know Clarissa when youre pregnant you tend to get big." He gave a small laugh and picked her up starting to carry her out to his car.
'No shit, Sherlock.' Clarissa smirked at him 'Let's go. Let's get this over with.' She giggled at Adrian when he carried her to the car. Yes. She could get used to this.

The car ride was quick. When they arrive at the mall, lot of people were inside. Clarissa walked botique from boutique not really knowing what she wanted nor needed. She wasn't exactly that big but she's needing larger size that what she usually wears. She bought atleast one or two things when she enters a store. And all of it was in Adrian's hands.

Finally they arrive at the place where Clarissa dreaded entering. A shop where would be mommy buy their clothes when their tummy gets bigger. 'You know what,' she ehispered at Adrian 'I think i'm good for the mean time.. We don't need to buy those maternity dresses.' She said the last words with full bitterness she could muster.

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