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Her screaming got the attention of everyone in the house and probably the neighbors if they were home. Dedrich and Nicolas were the first to make it to where Clarissa had screamed, Dedrich having a scowl on his face at seeing his younger brother vomit up some pills his stomach basically empty otherwise his father just watched in shock.

It didn't take long before Apollo came rushing into the room it taking a minute realize what his brother had done to himself. He didn't care about the vomit like Dedrich did, he took Adrian from her being careful with his brother a wave of guilt crossing him considering the two had just got done fighting. "I'm uh.. Going to take him to the hospital.." He said being in shock himself like his father but Clarissa screaming directly for him made him feel like he was the one suppose to help.

He stepped out of the room with Adrian who just looked ill and dying, his eye shutting again being able to do nothing to help him suceed in his attempt to end his own life now. His family knew, he had vomited up the pills thanks to Clarissa and was now being taken to the hospital.
Clarissa paced back and forth at the hall of the hospital where Adrian was brought on the ER. She hated herself for saying such thing to him. She should've known that he was in trouble, but could she? They're weren't exactly in that type of a relationship. She barely knew the guy, but it was not an excuse. Everytime a doctor or nurse went outside the room, Clarissa bombarded them with questions about the suicidal friend of hers.
Apollo and Clarissa were the only ones who went to the hospital, Dedrich and Nicolas staying home. Nicolas needing to talk to Dedrich considering he knew Dedrich was Adrians issues.

Apollo watched her and sighed as she paced around. "He was awake when we brought him here, he'll be fine the pills he took didn't have long enough to get into system and do anything too serious.. Sit down please before you make me nervous too."
'He tried to kill himself, Apollo.' She suddenly snapped at him but then reeled her emotions back. 'I know he's your brother and we're.... well I don't know what we are. Friends or what. But he could've told me. I told him that he can trust me. I'm willing to listen if he's in need of someone.'

She sat beside him and covered her crying eyes with her shaky hands. 'He could've died.' she cried.
Apollo frowned at her tears and didn't know what to do really to help console her. He reached over and rubbed her back gentle trying to help calm down.

"I'm fully aware he could've died, I'm just glad he didn't." He sighed. "As my father said to you before, he isn't the type to tell anyone anything. He basically needs to be drunk to get how he's feeling out of him."
'Fuck that.' Clarissa tried to smile but failed. She was really glad that she got there in time. 'If he survive, i'm gonna kill him myself or he's gonna get drunk the whole time.' Clarissa sobbed but her tears already stopped. 'Maybe I could ask for your help or Deidrich.'
"What? With gettig him drunk?" He asked. "Dedrich won't do shit for anyone I'm sorry." He laughed quietly and removed her arm from her back, sighing quietly. "After Adrian leaves the hospital if you can kill him if you want too still."
'Yeah, the most conceited among the Acher boys,' she laughed bitterly at him. 'Don't worry you came next.' Even if they brought Adrian awake in the ER, she can't herself. Clarissa fidgets a lot waiting for the news. 'Why can't we see him if you said he was going to be fine?' She asked him again.
"Well I'm not a doctor but I'm sure theyre doing to stuff to make sure he's fine." He said, it was a few moments later then a doctor came by, saying that Adrian was awake and that they may see him now. Apollo standing up and starting to walk towards his room half expecting clarissa to run and trample him down to get to Adrian.
Relief flooded to Clarissa's face as the doctor told them that they could see Adrian. She followed Apollo as he stood up, her every step is anxious as ever. She ended up holding Apollo by the arm for support. 'I promise I wont kill him.' Tears are welling up in her eyes again. She silently cursed her eys but didn't stopped crying.
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He frowned at the fact she was so distraught over Adrian. He helped her make it too his room, opening the door for her.

When he opened the door Adrian was laying there staring up at the cieling upon hearing the door open he stared at them, not really knowing what to say to either one of them. He had an IV in his arm and the heart monitor hooked up to him.
She let go of his arm and almost ran towards Adrian's side. Clarissa was beyond glad that his eyes were opened. He sure looks pale and he had a vacant stare that says he just escaped from Death's grasp.

Inspite of wanting to punch him untill his eyes were swollen, Clarissa just lean in and kissed him in the mouth. It wasn't like how Adrian did earlier, the kiss was lingering and she even tasted saline in his mouth. She stopped for a bit a glared at him, 'You fucking idiot. I told you, you can fucking trust me. Stubborn fucker.' She hissed angrily at him. Yes, she's romantic at heart. She peck his lips once more, this time it was short and soft. She quietly stood up and wiped the tears in her eyes. Clarissa headed outside, but before she made it through the door, she glance back at Apollo. 'I'm gonna buy some espresso,' with the last deadpan stare, Clarissa headed to the cafeteria.
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Adrians eyes widen at the kiss even though she was clearly pissed at him. He watched as she left the room before he could say anything to her. Apollo just watched struggling not to laugh, it was honestly pretty sweet. He waited till Clarissa was out the room before sitting down on a chair next to Adrian. "Dad actually might get grandchildren some time this year."

Adrian just snickered quietly, it was honestly quiet something to wake up to. He nodded at his brothers comment sitting up in the bed waiting for Clarissa to return.
Clarissa ended up sitting in the cafeteria alone, her head was rested against the table while a half empty espresso cup was on her hand. She was furious, with Adrian but more to herself. Though she was certain that their kissed was long overdue. Atleast he was awake though, that's what matters, right?

'Hey Miss.' A guy wearing a scrub suit while holding a cronut on one hand and a soda bottle in the other approached and peered at her. 'you alright?' He had a thick english accent.

'Yes, i'm fine ?' She chirped lazily. Clarissa didn't even bother to looked up. 'you can go now.'

The guy laughed, 'Are you sure? Because you don't sound like it. You're not even certain if you're alright.' She heard the chair in front of her being pulled out.

'Yes, i'm fine.' Clarissa said, 'a hundred percent certain.' She perfectly imitated his accent. 'Now please, go away.'

'Why? Can't I eat here in peace?' He innocently asked. 'Plus that was a bit of racist, but you're 95% dead on the accent, needs a bit of practice though.'

She promised herself not to snap at anyone, counting up till 10, Clarissa raised her head and she was greeted by the most startling blue eyes she ever saw. He was smiling at her playfully. He had a dimple on his left cheek. The guy had an unruly dirty blonde hair that looks so soft.

'Good day.' She smiled charmingly at him but secretly wanting to muss his messy hair. She walked away before she couldn't control herself when suddenly, the man called her again. 'Coffee. You forgot your coffee.'

She snatched the coffee cups and hurriedly walked outside. She took her time in getting back to Adrian's room. She doesn't exactly know what to say exactly after what she did. Why prolong the inevitable, though. She just opened the door and handed Apollo the other cup. 'Sorry, it's not that hot anymore.'

With her lips pursed, and an eyebrow raised, she glared at Adrian, 'How are you feeling?' Clarissa asked softly.
"Like an idiot, do you realize how badly my dad is going to freak out once he sees me? He'll probably kill me himself." He sighed, staring at her for a moment in silence before reaching over and held her hand for no other reason at all then to simply hold it.

Apollo took the coffee and smiled. "It's alright." He chucked at Adrian holding her hand. "Are you two a thing now?" He asked as he took a sip of coffee.
'He will have to wait then,' she squeezed his hand tightly, 'If I didn't kill you right here. What were you thinking?!' His hands were warm and soft. He probably didn't do chores at their house.

Clarissa scowled at Apollo, 'told you I don't know what we are. So stop labeling things.'
"Seems like awfully close to friends, friends with benefits then." He snickered before letting Adrian speaking, Apollo stared at the machines he was hooked up too. A piece of him wanted to rip them out of his brother and carry him out of there but he knew he couldn't.

Adrian just shrugged letting go of Clarissa's hand, his brother hearing her say that she told him that they were friends so he wasn't go push his luck. He sort wanted the girl out of the room considering she had ran in there to kiss but to only remain friends ticked him off, if she was too stupid to realize at this point he was too pissed off to care. "I don't know. I'll live I guess, don't really want too but it's whatever."
And just like that, Adrian was back to his indifferent annoying personality. Clarissa's eyed twitched. 'What the hell is your problem?!! I nearly cried my eyes out because I thought something bad is gonna happen to you. I harassed almost all the doctors and nurses that passed through the ER just to know how you are and your answer is that?!' She was on a roll, the bastard didn't know what she felt all those time she waited. She then glared at Apollo, 'I guess you have to ask Adrian if we're a couple or what. Seeing that he suffers more pms than me, he's the girl in this would be relationship, you see.' She then jumped in the bed beside Adrian and sat on the empty space near his leg. Her eyebrow is arched, clearly annoyed by his sudden coldness.
With his fragile state of mind listening to Clarissas yelling was too much for him though he had too much testosterone in him to show his emotions, he said nothing to her. He couldn't bring himself to, for whatever reason probably just to shut her mouth up.

Apollo leaned over and whispered in Clarissas ear "You know.. you could turn your comments down a bit.. Just a bit.. He did try to kill himself just a few hours ago.."

Adrian stared at Apollo before turning his attention back to Clarissa, something inside of him snapped and before he could speak. "You know basically confessing your love to someone more than once being pushed away more than once too, made it pretty easy to actually overdose with you in my home." There was that sign he was related to Dedrich, his anger was in there somewhere within Adrian. "It is taking every bit of me not to kick you right now, I wish I was dead. I really do Clarissa. I don't want to be here, next time I'll be smarter and not fucking do it while you're around me. Or at dinner time."

Apollo glanced at his brother half expecting out of his, knowing him longer than Clarissa did and knew when not to push his buttons. Now was one of those times. As he continued on he gave half cough and left the room knowing the two needed to talk to one another.
Clarissa moved a closer to Adrian as Apollo left the room. All her anger was misplaced and she knew it was irrational. 'I'm sorry, alright. I don't mean to yell at you, I was... i was just shock. I know you're the one in the hospital bed but I got scared.' She moved her hands and caress Adrian's pale face.

'You were one of hardest people to read, sometimes I don't know if you were joking or not. And sorry for not actually believing that you meant what you said. But I do care. I care for what will happen to you. Damn it.' That was one of the most honest thing she heard from Adrian albeit it was dark, it was honest. Clarissa mussed his hair.

A tiny smile was on her face, 'Just so you know, I kiss someone because I like them.'
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"You say I have PMS but you're the one gets in denial about me like very clearly showing affection towards you." He sighed feeling her hands touch her face. "I just want to go home. I don't like hospitals. Considering my dad could burst in her any minute, that's horrifying enough." Despite only meeting his dad she could tell he was the type to freak over something like this. "Just so you know I'm referring to us as a couple and getting you pregnant in a couple months to a year." He said, letting out a small laugh.
Clarissa pursed her lips, a sly smile was on her face, 'You're PMSing again, dear.' She laugh but stopped all of the sudden. She didn't push her luck. 'Well, you did kill yourself. I'm betting a day or two, before they let you out.' Clarissa could actually imagine Nicolas freaking out and it is not a sight to see.

'I agree on the couple thing,' Clarissa closed in and kiss his lips lightly, a playful smile was on her lips 'but keep on dreaming about having kids. Maybe you and Nicolas can start a prayer virgil.'
"Well you never know, the way you seem to freak out over seeing my abs earlier it doesn't seem to hard to seduce you." He laughed quietly. "If I want I can be just as sexy as Apollo." It really wasn't a lie, all three of the brothers were good looking.
Clarissa laugh heartily for quite sometime. When he saw the expression on Adrian's face, she quickly realizes that he was being serious. 'Oh,' Clarissa tried to keep a straight face but failed. 'Okay. You can be if you want.'
A few months passed, Adrian being right about getting Clarissa pregnant. He did it purposely for his father, knowing the sooner was better with him. It was easier to get her in bed, he kept up his appearance and his depression eventually faded away. Dedrich kept the same shitty attitude and Apollo stayed Apollo.

At first Adrian could only guess she was pregnant by how tired she would get and so easily. The amount of food she would eat at meals slowly increased at well. He didn't bring it up though. She didn't either, she wanted kids someday but no so soon. She brushed her increased appetite under the wrong along with her fatigue. By that point in time the family started betting on it while she wasn't around or was asleep. Dedrich was the only one not with it, he was with Clarissa for once.

As time went on over the next two months her midsection steadily starting to get rounder only gaining weight in her tummy. She refused to believe it and blamed the amount she ate. Adrian could tell at this point if she couldn't.

He laid in his bed as he watched his lover go through some of her clothes for something that would fit her growing belly. "You know Clarissa, you're pregnant." He spoke staring at her stomach, three months of symptoms matched up too well, occasional morning sickness, her weight gain, and everything else. "I'm sure you've been missing your period too." He gave a small laugh, that was the only thing he didn't know about with her.

It was morning, the two had just woken up the only thing that fit Clarissa at this point was sweats and even at this point her shirts were starting to get a bit too tight for comfort.
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