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He got in the drivers seat, backing out of the parking lot and started driving away from the school. He didn't say anything or look at her the whole way there. It was about a 20 minute drive to his house.

He pulled into the driveway, his home was large not as big as a mansion but christ it looked expansive. "My dad looks harsh and so does Apollo but my dad is one of the nicest people you'll meet." He said, getting out of the car going up the front steps holding the front door open for her.
Clarissa was getting nauseous during the car ride. It wasn't like she had motion sickness, but she's anxious and nervous at the same time. At her ten minutes inside, she thought she's gonna puke her guts out.

She tried to calm herself by thinking that it's not like Adrian was going to sacrifice her. He's not Deidrich, and he'll protect her if Dedrich ran amok. He did said that his brother and father were nicer than the two of them.

Finally, Adrian parked the car after fifteen to twenty minutes or so. He stopped in front of huge house. Not exactly big, but you'd be stupid to call it small and simple. 'Yeah, that makes things better.' Clarrisa muttered quietly as she stepped out of the car.
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When she got into the house he led her into the living room a man sitting there reading a book, preseumably his father.


He was cut off and was going to say something but his father just gave a laugh staring at Clarissa before grabbing his sons arm pulling him closer. "You got her pregnant didn't you?"

When he said that Adrian immeditaly became flustered, quickly shaking his head. "WHAT?! NO. SHE'S NO- WELL I DON'T KNOW IF SHE IS BUT IF SHE WERE TO BE PREGNANT IT ISN'T MINE."

The man gave a laugh as he let go of Adrians arm. "Shame. At

this rate none of you are going to give me grand children, I'll have to get a damn dog."
Adrian just leaving the room as he spoke, the two in there together.
"You got her pregnant didn't you?"

Greeting someone by asking if they knocked up the companion they bought was hardly a greeting at all. If Clarissa wanted to kick Adrian in the balls, now she wanted to cut his balls, grind it and feed it to the dogs that his father might buy.

Clarissa cleared her throat as loud as possible, 'For you information, I am not pregnant.' Even though her face was all bothered and hot, she manages to give Adrian one of her death glares as he walked out of the room.

'I'm not even dating your bloody son,' it took all what it takes for her not screeched at Adrian's father. 'I meant that with no offense, sir.' She tried to say it calmly as possible.
"What a shame he's such a nice boy, well kind of. He gets a bit of a temper sometimes." He shrugged, he stood up and shook her hand. He smiled at her, he was tall and well built for some old dude almost 60 he still looked young.

"Forgive me about the pregnancy thing I'm a family person and considering the fact my oldest son is 30 and has yet to even give me a grandchild I'm pinning my hopes on Adrian. I lost hope on Dedrich before he even started college." He chuckled quietly. "He also said one time the only reason he would bring a girl home was if she was pregnant so I got my hopes up. I hope you don't deem me as rude." He seemed so much nicer than both his sons, being more of a gentleman.

Adrian came back into the room and scrunched up his face. "When did I say that?"

"You were drunk."

Unlike his taciturn son, Clarissa noticed that Adrian's father is a ..... loquacious man. Very outspoken, mouthy but a happy man who worries constantly about his sons not having a family of their own. Even he worries about Deidrich.

'No sir,' Clarissa smiled, genuinely this time. 'It's uh... It's totally fine. I understand what you mean.' She can't help but to laugh seeing the ridiculous expression on Adrian's face. 'And here I thought you don't get drunk.' Clariss chuckled at him.
"I generally don't." He said starring at his father. "When..?"

"It's the only way I can get stuff out of you Adrian so I literally gave you coffee mixed with vodka."

Adrian stared at his father his expression blank. "Okay."

His father turned to Clarissa. "Just so you know thats the only way you can get stuff out him, you can call me Nicolas by the way. He likes his coffee black so get black vodka and just mixed it together not enough that its too strong."

"You are literally telling a girl how to drug me."

"I can tell theres stuff bet- Is she the girl that Dedrich try to attack after Emily?" Adrian just nodded. "I apologize then Clarissa, about Dedrich and how pissy my youngest was to you that day." He had heard the whole story about what happened, he clearly wanted to know what went on his sons lifes and keeping that away from him was basically impossible.
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'I highly suggest never go to the bar on your own,' Clarissa said with a smirk on ger face. 'Someone might spike your drink without you knowing it. Someone might covet your virtue.'

'It's fine si---, it's fine Nicolas.' She smiled at him 'Adrian was there to protect me. No harm done. Well apart from Emily, but i'm fine.' Clarissa added with a tight smile on her face. 'I guess him protecting me cancels out his annoying personality.' At first she thought that it was a bad idea, going to Acher's residence, but things turns out pretty good. She learned a few things about Adrian.
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"If you want I can call Dedrich down here and let you beat the shit out of him if thats what you desire."

Adrian smirked looking at Clarissa. "Please do this." He snickered. "My father hasn't stopped guilt tripping him about what he did, it's fun watching Dedrich get what he deserves."
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The way Nicolas said it made one of her eyebrows raised. What he offered was sick and twisted yet his face was sincere and earnet. She tried to looked at Adrian for clarification, but he didn't helped either. A smug expression was spread across his face.

'No.' She said sternly and louder than her normal voice. 'I mean no, I don't want to do that. I'm fine. Really. Thanks for the errr.... offer ' Clarissa added with a soft voice.
He nodded. "My children are violent I'm just use to them constantly beating the shit out of each other. It's how they got rid of their judgements against one another." He said, sitting down and looked at Adrian who was going upstairs just letting him.

"Dedrich for killing that girl and Morgan deserves to be in prison, if Apollo didn't agree to the house arrest he would. Apollo is the oldest, he owns this house."
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'I'm sure that they were close,' Clarissa said, though there was an uncertainty in her voice. 'You know, at some point.' She was contemplating whether it was a good thing to say that she wanted for Deidrich to rot in prison, but then she held her tongue and just nodded. Even if Nicolas was calm and collected it would be so unwise to say ill something about his son. 'Wow, you had three sons? I'm sure you and your wife had a lot of patience in raising them up.' Clarissa said jokingly.
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He nodded, his head resting against the back of the couch as Apollo came into the room. Nicolas snickered but said nothing to him.

Apollo looked at Clarissa and pouted a bit, his shirt was unbuttoned along with his pants being undone. To sum it up really, it was hot. "Who's she?" He asked, not really caring if she seen his whole upperhalf or not.
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If she can see pass Deidrich's issues and other problems, Clarissa can definitely say that he really is good looking. Hot even. He had this super badboy aura that adds to his dangerous charms. Even Adrian and his mercurial attitude. He can be cute and charismatic and if he try hard enough, he could easily dazzle anyone in school.

Of course, as soon as Apollo stepped in the room. Clarissa could see the striking resemblance of being good looking. The first born did uphold and bring justice to his namesake, the greek god himself.

Clarissa did encounter a bit of a problem. She didn't know where to look, his clothes were not buttoned properly, his six pack was showing and the state of his pants! It was as if he just pulled it on hastily.

If she based the first impression by Apollo's appearance, she could just summed it up that there is a girl sleeping in his room. Tired and weak from pulling an all nighter with him.

She tried to looked at Nicolas, but the man just chuckled under his breath. It was up to her to introduce herself, 'I'm Clarissa Mason,' she paused as she tried to look at his eyes but ended up looking at his abs. Closing her eyes to gather her wits, she just looked at the floor as soon as her eyes opened and said 'i'm Adrian's classmate '
He nodded, sitting down on a loveseat that in the living room noticing her spazzing out over his abs.

He stared at her and shrugged. "I'm more comfortable like this." He gave a small laugh, thats why people wore sweats but whatever. He was attractive.
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And with that remark, her stupid infatuation suddenly dissipates. She just hated how sometimes people can be so sure of themselves. Maybe it runs in the family.

'I can see that,' Clarissa forced a smile on her face.
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He nodded, looking at his father. "What is she doing here by the way?"

His father shrugged staring at his son like how can you be so open about running around like that in front of strangers. "I don't know, considering Adrian just up and left to go do whatever, I can't really say."

"Alright, I don't mind her being here I just don't know why he brought her home." Apollo shrugged, shutting his eyes as Dedrich came down the steps a scowl on his face.

Unlike Apollo he was actually dressed, having a black ankle bracelet on to make sure the police knew he wasn't out running around town. He looked right at Clarissa he still had that same look, the look of anger and hate. He was just going to walk right by but his father noticed the look he gave her and got up, grabbing him by his hair.

"Apologize before I bust a belt over your ass like you're a 5 year old." Dedrich shockingly didn't fight back, he just stared at the ground mumbling curse words before speaking up.


"Isn't trying to kill her enough for you? Why are you so fucking hateful it's disgusting." Nicolas said letting go of Dedrichs hair.
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She wanted to wave her hands in front of Apollo's gorgeous face. She hated the way he talks about her, it was as if she wasn't even there. Good thing Nicolas had a good sense of humour. She was starting to like the guy.

Clarissa was pretty laid back, sitting there waiting for Adrian when suddenly a figure walk down from the stairs. Every inch of hair in Clarissa's forearm stood. Deidrich looked at her now the same how he looked at her in Psych class. She was ready to scream for Adrian when suddenly Papa Acher stood up and grab his hair.

She stifled a scream as Nicolas threathened Deidrich like he wasn't a grown up. He made him apologize but Clarissa wanted none of that, 'Please...' She stood up, trying to calm her voice before she continued. 'Stop. I'm okay. I swear. There's no need for this, sir.'
He frowned at how badly the girl freaked out. "It's not just you, he killed two people and is in the process of wearing Adrian down like he did with Morgan." He let go of his hair, Dedrich just leaving the room quickly. "It's hard for me not to get violet sometimes." He said as he went back to the couch, sitting down.
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' I didn't mean for what I said to be self centered and conceited.' Clarissa said softly at the head of the family. 'I meant, violence won't solve anything. They can't bring anything back to life.'

She was hoping that what she said was working, but then she added 'of course hitting someone to cause diversion to your suffering is a really good treatment, it still doesn't make it right.' She still doesn't like Deidrich. She loathed him so much, but it was the right thing to say for the time being.

Clarissa wanted to glanced at Apollo for some words of wisdom or anything but she was afraid to looked at him again.
Apollo didn't pay any mind to her and them, just taking off his shirt for no reason at all. As he said, comfort. He just sat there listening to their converstation.

Nicolas gave Apollo a weird look, like are you seriously trying to seduce her "As I said, he killed two people you can't justify his actions."
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"I know." Clarissa said sternly, "And your son is already paying the price. As long as he is confined and won't able to do anything he pleased, maybe... just maybe it's a start."

She got distracted from her pitch when suddenly Apollo took of his clothes. His pants were already unbuckled and he didn't need to do anything about it. Her breath suddenly hitch. She wanted to ask is something wrong with his clothes for him not to wear it, but she can't seem to find her voice.

She knew her face was flushed and was avoiding to look at Nicolas. She needed a time out. 'Uh--- can... can you point me where the bathroom is?' She asked Nicolas softly.
Nicolas didn't get a chance to answer as Apollo beat him to it. "Go down that hall and its the second door to your right." He said like it was no big deal.

Nicolas took what she said as something like the way I took it ((sexual)), he honestly felt like he couldn't leave two alone quicker. He just went upstairs to check on Adrian and let them do their thing, leaving the two alone.
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"Excused me," she said politely at Apolloas she grabbed her bag and followed his directions. She did wonder where Nicolas went but in order to escape Apollo and whatever the hell he's doing, she stood up and went away.

On her way, she could see that the whole place was all masculine. No tinge of feminine touch, or if there is, she just couldn't see it. Perhaps there are murals but they just bring out the beauty in the simplicty of the house.

The house had a lot of edges and the color of the couches were all dark. All manly type. As she approach the hall, it was somehow a bit dark, but as it was still morning she didn't need the light. She counted the second door and as soon as she opened she cussed quietly.

There was a giant bed in the room, posters hung on the walls and clothes were strewn on the ground. She could swear that she saw a boxers at the edge of the bed. The bed was unmade and a tablet was placed upon it. The room smelled like an expensive bottle of men's perfume. There were shelves upon shelves of books inside.

She closed the door and recpunted what Apollo had said. And from what she remembered she was in the right room, she opened the door again and stepped inside.

She could see the blue tiled loo at the edge of the room, and well, she badly needed to pee so she made a run for it. Carefully as to not stepped the designer's clothes that was lying around.

She locked the door and proceed to her business.
Whenever she left the bathroom and made it back to the living room, Adrian was standing in front of the couch where Apollo sat holding his shirt. "You are a grown ass man, wear clothes in front of guests." He said, actually sounding pissed off about what his brother was doing. "You know full damn and well if she doesn't friendzone me I'd like to have a chance at a serious relationship for once in my life." He didn't know she was standing right there.

Adrian sighed and grabbed his brother, literally putting his shirt on him and started to button it up. It really was quiet the sight, two men who clearly both wanted you. One maybe just for a one night stand and the other for an actual relationship. If she was into yaoi, male gay porn, today was her day.

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