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He rolled his eyes. "I'm serious." He looked at the clock seeing how much longer he had before was to begin about five or so minutes. "You wish that's all he would do." He said maybe he was trying to scare her or maybe he was speaking the truth. It was hard to tell.
'Is that supposed to scare me?!' Clarrisa's eyebrow is raised as she peered at him. 'Because it's not working.' She scoffed as she continued to surf the school site. 'Besides, your brother never gave me a reason to steer clear away from him,' she continued, but his warning really made her think.
He stared at her blankly for a moment, unamused by it. "Sorry, I was wrong you are the type of person I avoid." He sighed. "Such high hopes I could make a friend." He said in disappointment
'What's that supposed to mean?!' Clarissa glared at Adrian. 'You know what? From the moment that I talked to you, I don't even know what to make out of you.' She shifted her eyes back to her laptop and closed it with a snap. 'Yeah, maybe you should avoid me, then.' Snatching her bag from the ground, she glared back at Adrian and hissed 'let me help and do you a favor by sitting as far away from you.'

She pushed her chait and walked briskly, true to her word, she sat as far away as she can and ended up sitting in the front. With a vacant chair beside her, she tossed her bag and opened her laptop and tried to look busy.
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He watched her in silence and didn't stop her. So much for making friends and being nice. He thought to himself, maybe staying away from her sassiness was the best for his mental health anyway. If she wanted to not take notice to his warning then that was her problem.

When she moved up to the front the girls who were sitting behind were talking to each other. "Did you hear about Morgan? They found her body earlier this morning."

The other girl nodded. "Honestly, from what I heard people are thing Dedrich did it. You know that guy who sits in the back all the time, his brother."

"What makes you think Dedrich would kill that girl?"

"Well it's more like what hasn't he done. Going off what I heard before she went missing they started seeing each other which is odd enough considering she had a boyfriend. Then the week before she went missing I seen her and tried talking to her, she seemed pissed and depressed at the same time. She avoided everyone expect for him. Plus the period of time she was missing Dedrich wasn't around hardly, I'm even sure if he was here."

Stay away from Dedrich. It wasn't a joke.

"I feel so sorry for her, she was so sweet too. I heard she wanted to get into counselling. Or something along those lines." The one girl continued.

The other girl scrunched up her face about hearing about Dedrich. "What about his brother? Is he safe?"

"I've seen no reason to not trust him, though he's stubborn and distant. I think that's just the way he is though. Months ago Dedrich used to be the same way. He turned twisted. I was going to tell the police about the two of them in all honesty. Maybe just Dedrich, though Adrian has his things to question."
Deidrich? Wait, was that his brother? Clarissa asked herself. She was just busy, pretending to read a paper on her laptop but as soon as Morgan's name came up, her ears turned sensitive. Clarissa wasn't exactly closed to Morgan but they were members from the same clubs. When she thought about it, she did see Morgan with some guy. But again, she didn't cared who it was, not until now.

"What about his brother? Is he safe?"

No, his brother is a creep too. Very mercurial and such as weird guy.
Clarissa wanted to jump in their conversation which was so unlike her.

Stop listening Clarissa! She chided herself, just because annoying girls gossiped about someone, it doesn't make it true. Read the damn article, will you. She tried to focus on her screen, blocking the chatter around her.

If she drowned out the conversation and read the article about the girl, it matched up. At least what was in it, it didn't go into that much detail though about Morgan herself.

The professor stepped into the room "Class today has been cancelled on the account of a fellow students death, Morgan Albastin you may have known her might not. School as it stands now is cancelled until further notice." He said before stepping back out, he wasn't the best considerate teacher but he did his job. The students stood and chattered about Morgan, happy class was out some being so self coincided.

When Clarissa had stood up she seen that Adrian was sitting at his desk, where Clarissa had been sitting Dedrich was there. He talked to him in german too. Did Dedrich even speak english?

The one girl who had warned her friend about Dedrich approached him. "I know you killed her." She said to him, it got under his skin. It got under his skin really fast. Just the look on his face, cold, distant, pissed off.

He spoke english.

"I did not."

"Oh come on everyone in this school knows you did, I plan on telling the po-" She was cut off Dedrich suddenly standing up and hitting her right across the face, hard enough that she almost fell over. Boy did he turn to violence quickly. His eyes were filled with rage it was honestly scary, having the look that could kill you. Literally he looked ready to kill the girl right there.

Adrian stood up and grabbed his brothers hand looking like he was going to drag him out of the room.
"Please lets go before you do something regret brother.." Dedrich ignored his request and ripped his hand out of his brothers going back to the girl who was still in shock. He grabbed her by her hair holding her up this height. He stared at her the girl was horrifed but in too much shock to fight back.

"Accuse me of crimes again you lying bitch. I'll give you something to bitch off about." He threatened, his voice loud yet not screaming. At this point other students had began to step in to defend the girl trying to get Dedrich to calm down but no matter what they did they could not hold him back. All of sudden the others students struggle inculdings Adrians stopped as the girl let out a scream Dedrich wrapping his hands around her neck hitting on her down onto the ground as he fell forward her head hitting against the ground hard enough pooled out of the back her head staining her hair and the ground. He didn't mean to hit head against the ground so hard a look of regret crossing his face making him go pale.

She was limp. She murdered in front of students and friends, they were all now witnesses.

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"School as it stands now is cancelled until further notice." Drawled their professor. what?! She wanted to asked but then she'll sound so insensitive and downright bitchy so she held tongue and just listened. The professor really did cut the class short, after the terrible announcement he left and leave the students alone. Clarissa shut her laptop for the nth time that day, as she stood up preparing to leave, she turned around and saw Adrian, but he wasn't alone. He was with his intimidating brother. Still pissed at him, she was about to walk away when suddenly, she heard someone walk towards Adrian's side.

"I know you killed her." The girl said. The voice was familiar to Clarissa, she suddenly realize that it was one of the girl talking behind her.

Deidrich, Adrian's brother denied cooly the accusations. But the girl was so adamant. Deidrich suddenly spat at the girl for not backing down. It was so unmanly. Clarissa felt a sudden rage, he wanted to bash Deidrich in the face but she couldn't stop him. He wasn't done, he pulled the hair of the girl and threathened her. But the most montrous thing he did was pushing her, the girl accidentally hit her head. In an instant, blood flooded the area. People were in place but Clarissa acted up, she left her things and ran towards them.

She kneeled and checked for a pulse but can't find one, 'Call 911!!' Clarissa screamed, then one of her classmates took their phone and dialed in. Not good at containing her rage, sje glared at Deidrich 'You fucking psycho.' She spat at him, not really caring about what could the monster do.
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Adrian instead of getting Dedrich to back off decided instead Dedrich kill Clarissa too grabbed Clarissa yanking her away. "Take heed to my warning now if anything or walk into hell gates yourself." He frowned staring at Dedrich who was frozen in space, staring at the corpse his hands still wrapped around her neck. His grip wasn't on her neck anymore though.

He slowly let go of her neck, his grip was so tight it caused bruising to occur. It didn't matter though since she wad dead. "I know what I did Clarissa." How she knew her name was a mystery. "You don't have to fucking tell me." The thing was she didn't say anything about him killing her though, maybe he just imagined what she said? It was weird.
'Aren't we in hell now.' Clarissa hissed, still glaring at him. She didn't know if what she was doing was stupid or brave but she knew it's in the borderline. Despite Adrian's helpful tips her mouth seems to have no break too, her sense of self preservation was not present in her that day. Her mind keeps yelling for her to stop and run but her big mouth was unstoppable, 'oh good at least you're not stupid'

Clarissa fished out her phone and started dialing the security's phone number.
The look of regret on Dedrichs face was gone. Psychopath ran around in his head, he hated that word. Even if he seemed like. The look of rage filled his eyes again as he stared at Clarissa.

The other students were silent, besides a few who were crying no one got in between them though. Today was a long day.

He stood up and lunged at her probably wanting to the beat the shit out of her too for what she said. Adrian who was standing behind her yanked her back just barely soon enough so Dedrich couldn't get a hold of her. "I SAID LEAVE HIM ALONE. DO YOU WANT TO DIE? OTHERWISE I'LL STOP PROTECTING YOU." Adrian yelled at her as Dedrich got up off the floor grabbing Adrian by his hair throwing him onto the ground. God how long does it take for cops to respond to a murder? It seemed like forever though had only been less than 2 minutes.

Once Dedrich knocked Adrian over he was about to try attacking her again but luckily two male students knocked him down holding him down with their weight before one put Dedrich in a choke hold.
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Clarissa let off a scream as Deidrich came attacking suddenly. She fell on her butt as Adrian tried to grappled him.

"I SAID LEAVE HIM ALONE. DO YOU WANT TO DIE? OTHERWISE I'LL STOP PROTECTING YOU." Adrian screamed at her but Clarissa's mind was not comprehending. She was still looking at the demon who was fighting hard to kill her.

Deidrich overpowered Adrian in the process, he tried to lunge again at Clarissa, she crawled backwards as two other classmates jumped in and helped. Finally Clarissa had her sense back. She fished out her phone from her pocket but then she remembered that it fell. She crawled on all fours and snatch her phone and dialed the school security phone answered. 'Hello!!!?? She almost screamed. 'I need security right now!! Room 204, Edison building. There's a raging psychopath running amok. Please help!!'
Adrian laid there on the floor staring over his brother who still clearly wasn't calm. "Are you happy now?" He asked him. He never got an answer from him, Dedrich being too focused on trying to get the other male student off of him.

It took only a few moments before security came in along with the police in. They put Dedrich in handcuffs all clearly surprised by the scene. The police dragged Dedrich out of the room in handcuffs, Adrian contiuning to lay there on the floor not wanting to get up. He listened as they called an ambulance for everyone who had been harmed by his brother. Just to make sure everyone was fine and get Emily on a stretcher.
She didn't calm down not until Deidrich was cuffed and out in the room. But even rhen she was not sure if they're safe. Clarissa watched as the paramedic that went along with the police carried the lifeless body of her classmate.

There were lots of crying, even the boys were scared and anxious at what happened. What happened to her can be counted as her near death experience. Well, it was just her only one. If not for Adrian.... Adrian!! She jumped up, and looked for him. There he was, still on the floor. Clarissa sauntered towards her and kneeled, 'Hey...' She said with an apologetic smile. 'Are you hurt?! Do you need me to call a paramedic?'
He struggled not to laugh at her concern, despite a death of a student right in front of him she found him being knocked onto the floor dangerous and parademic worthy. "No. I'm fine. Just stressed."

He always was stressed his brother, shit she didn't know about, etc. "Are you want me to get up cause I can." He asked, being a few feet of the pool of blood that had came out of the young girls head.
She forced a smile on her lips. 'The thing you said about your brother, it was true then.' She looked at him earnestly 'about him being dangerous, I mean.'

The police were rallying up the students to go outside. They said that the place is a crime scene but they needed them to wait. They have to interview them for details of what had happened.

'We should head out,' she said softly as she glance at police putting the police line by the door.
"I said I was serious. You just shrugged it off like I was joking. Why I got piss because that could've been easily been you." He sighed as he had to get up. He stood up slowly and rubbed the side of his head where he hit the ground.

He looked at the police, they had so many people question he probably going to let some go home and question them later. He stepped out of the room with her everyone in the whole school had came out to watch and seen the scene.
'Well I thought thay when you said he's dangerous, you meant that he's like a playboy of sort.' She said defensicely as they stepped out. The suspense of the crowd was still there, spectators from other classroom came in and interview their othee classmates. 'I never thought that he's ..... That he's capable of doing that.' She trailed off as she leaned in one of the halls balustrade. What happened earlier still gave her the chills. Dismissively, she rubbed off her arm and glance at Adrian's head.

'I'm sorry about that,' she said while eyeing the red mark on his head. 'and thank you.' Clarissa said earnestly. Her amber eyes were full of sincerity as she apologize.
"Well you don't need to apologize. I don't warn people often and I think I made sure it was pretty serious sounding. You seen him earlier today, hitting me down against a desk." He shrugged.

"Anyway if you'd like I can walk you home or drive you to wherever you need to go. If the police want to question us then they'll get a hold of us."
'Remember when I asked you if you were okay and you said you were after he shoved you?' She snapped but she reeled her emotions, she could try not to be snarky once in while, after all the guy saved her life. 'Sorry, but I thought that was your way of bonding.' She said softly. 'boys like rough housing.'

'And yes, I would appreciate that.' She said when he offered to walk her back home, 'don't worry. I live in the campus, on the North wing dormitory.'
He nodded and started walking towards the exit of the building. "Honestly I'm not the biggest fighter, why I never have really hit him back before." He opened the door to exit in which he came in earlier that day his car still sitting there in the same spot. "My car is the silver Jaguar."
'At least you have the guts to stand up to your psychotic brother.' Clarissa gasped. 'So--sorry about that,' she smiled sheepishly. 'But I have to call them how I see them .

As he opened the door, the bright light blinded her for a bit. Adrian pointed where his car was and Clarissa wasn't surprise. The silver car was one of the most expensive one thay she saw in her duration of stay in her university.

'Nice car,' Clarissa remarked at the spotless vehicle
"Oh don't worry yourself over it he was stupid enough to kill a girl in the middle of class. Also thank you about the car compliment." He laughed, going up to it and unlocked it getting into the drivers seat waiting for her to get in. "My brother has issues if you can't tell."

He spoke like he wasn't worried about his brother, he had just been arrested and the charges have yet to be finalized they probably needed a court to decide on Dedrichs sentence.
'I think he had more than issues.' Clarissa said quietly, clearly for her benefit as she jumped inside the car. She was not exactly surprised to see that the interior of the car is as spotless as the outside. The car smelled like him even. Adrian was organized, there were no clatter even in the dashboard.

'I have a question...' Clarissa said quietly as she reached for her seatbelt and buckled it in. 'but promised me, you're not gonna lie.' Not waiting for Adrian's answer, Clarissa continued 'Is Emily right? Did Deidrich has something to do with Morgan's death?' Her eyes were daring him but the compassion for the victim was palpable.
"Half yes, half no. He didn't physically do it. Mentally he drove her to suicide and dispose of her body at that lake." He glanced over at her starting his car starting to drive out of the parking lot. "He was worse verbally than physically. He got close to you then controlled you. Again, if he gets out of prison by some miracle stay away from him."

He let out a sigh as he drove to the east wing on campus dorms. "There's people I'm sure you know to stay away from you'd have to be blind not to notice them. They're everywhere people like my brother. I would not even share my name with them. He probably won't be found guilty of Morgans death though, just accidental homicide, disturbance of the peace and drug possession if they search his stuff."

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