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'Oh, you don't have to tell me twice to stay away from your homicidal maniac brother, alright.' Clarissa said with a bitter laugh. What happened to her earlier was downright scary and she doesn't need another pump of unwanted adrenaline.

'Hang on, so there is a chance that Deidrich will get out of prison?!' Asked Clarissa, a slight panic was detected in her voice. 'Can't you tell them what you know?? He did abused Morgan verbally. Women abuse are not taken lightly this days..' She trailed off. She ended up thinking how or what will happen to her if Adrian's psychopatic brother got out.
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"There's as much chance of him getting out as there is with a blue moon. I wouldn't worry about it. He has too much stuff against him. I'll think about telling the police what I know. I don't need them riding my ass."
'I hope what you said was true. I think i'll never gonna sleep if I knew he'd got away in the system.' She rubbed her arms, trying to ease the chills she felt. 'And it would be fair for Emily's and Morgan's parents to see the man who killed their daughters locked up. Not really having a chance to walk outside as a freeman.'
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"I haven't studied law so I can't tell you what will happen to him. He's probably going to be calling me anytime now for bail money. He's bipolar." He focused on the road as he drove, the traffic being horribly slow due to the ambulance and police cars who were called out.
'Are you insulting your brother? Or is he really bipolar?' Clarissa asked incredulously. 'Because if really is a bipolar, maybe he's not just taking his meds! There's a hope for him.' She glances at Adrian, 'or am I hoping too much?'

She honestly wanted to think that Deidrich's problem can be corrected by certain pills and rehab.
"No Dedrich is just insane. If you can't tell and I don't mean that as an insult." He sighed at the traffic not seeing them moving anytime soon and just put the car in park. "This might've been quicker if we just walked."
'Yeah, I think you're right.' Clarissa unbuckled herself and went out of the car. As soon as she stepped out, cold nippy wind brushes her face. 'Winter is coming,' she mumbled to herself as she gathered her things.

The walk towards her dorm room was quick and short. They went towards a detour to avoid the police cars and groups of students that was still milling outside the building, hoping to get a quick catch up for the excitement that happened earlier.

Minutes passed, they arrived at Peyton Dormitory. Clarissa glanced awkwardly at Adrian, 'Here I am, i'm in the second floor.' she said quietly 'I would like to invite you in but my roommate is a bitch, so guess this is it.' She awkwardly tapped Adrian's shoulder. 'Thank you. And, see you around.'

With a waved, she turned around and opened the wooden door. She headed upstairs and she was right, her roommate was still there, sleeping, probably still oblivious to what crime happened in the school.
School was closed for a long time after that about two weeks till they opened the doors, the room where Emily had been killed was locked down probably for investigation purposes still. The rumors about Adrian got worse and worse as time went on, he avoided them the best he could. He wouldn't tell anyone about the chargers against his brother and what the court had ruled. The news hadn't covered it either so it was a mystery.

He showed up, went to class and went back home without saying a word to anyone. He avoided Clarissa, anyone at all. He was like for about a month.

He started showing up less and less as it went on to a point it was rare to see him. Today, close to two months after the murder had occurred he was on time or once in a blue moon. He sat as close to the back as he could and waited in silence for class to begin. He stared at the front of the room with a blank stare, his eyes either cold or filled with sadness? It was hard to tell.
For the two weeks that the school had been close, Clarissa went home to New York. As much as possible, she wanted to be surrounded with people. Once alone, the images of Deidrich wanting to attack her, always came back. What happened to her took a bit of a toll in her psyche. She waited for the news to cover the murder that happened in their school. But nothing happened. NADA. All things are zipped and quiet, how the school managed to do that she didn't know. And that what scared her. But she had to keep her facade, she didn't wanted her parents to worry. She then resolved that once the school resumes, she'll ask and pester the answers from Adrian.

As soon as the school started, she hunted for Adrian. It was a bit hard, apart from the school was huge, they have different classes, and she doesn't even know where he lives. Adrian didn't help either, he's so good at evading Clarissa if they have classes together. As soon as the professor dismiss the class, Adrian scuttle faster than a tense rabbit. But after a month, he was like a ghost. He barely show up.

She had a terrible nightmare that night and ended up getting late. It has a silverlining though, at the back of the class, Adrian was seated. Still pissed, but needing in answer, she pulled the chair beside him as loud as possible. 'Well, you're getting sloppy Archer. Can't think of other ways to runaway from ?!' She said snarkily, glaring at the other students who were staring at them.
The professor had turned on a video so the class was watching it or chattering amongst themselves. Even in the dark with the lights turned off the light from the projector reflecting against his hair and eyes. His stare being cold and distant, her comment going right through him not really caring. "I didn't know I had anything to talk to you about..?" He asked like it was an actual question.

His look was concerning, really concerning considering he had always had a pissed off look and angry people just don't go depressed like. "Dedrich isn't here and you have nothing to worry yourself over. What use do you talking to me?" There were rumors floating around that Adrian killed Morgan. It never getting out to the public that Dedrich did it, the police said it was suicide and found that out. They didn't believe it. Other rumors that went around saying Adrian reminded people of how Morgan acted before she disappeared.
As the lights went out, she took a deep breath in order to contain her anger. She couldn't believe it. After he warned her to stay away from Deidrich, and basically protecting her from his raging psychotic brother, here he is.... cooly dismissing her. Vlarissa thought that they were all pass their indifferences. 'A little hi would do...' She hissed under her breath, 'Oh wait, how about the news about your freakin' brother. I've been waiting for almost two months... Two months! No news of him. I've been in constant alert since the school pretty much cover all the fuck that happened here.'

Clarissa looked at him but it was hard to see his face, it was a bit dark. Though his eyes look like they were dead and very indifferent. 'Why the hell you keep on avoiding me?' Clarissa asked but this time, her voice was soft and had a tinge of concern.
"I told you. I wasn't avoiding you." He sighed quietly, parts of him feeling annoyed by anger but most of him just didn't care.

"Dedrich was given charges on the account of invenolunatry homocide and disturbance of the peace. They deemed that he had anger issues and stuck him in a counselling course. As it stands now he's under house arrest." Dedrich wasn't in jail but he was on house arrest. Did he tell the police about Morgan? Who knew. "The school isn't letting him attend any longer." He said, not like Dedrich could go anyway.

His voice was cold but not in the mean, bitter since. More like he was just numb, the features on his face remained the same.

"Hi." He said giving the girl the hello she wanted. "I told you I wasn't avoiding you, I just seen no reason to speak with you. If you wanted to speak to me about him you could've found me somewhere it's not like I hide all day."
'What a funny way of showing that yoy weren't avoiding me!' She said with an angry whisper. 'House arrest?!! How could they just put him in house arrest? He killed someone for Pete sake.'

The professor glance at their direction, the fuss that they were causing were a bit of distracting to other students. Clarissa suddenly feigned her interest on the screen. Gladly, the professor bought it. As soon as he turned his head, Clarissa continued to pester Adrian. 'You didn't hide??! You almost ran everytime the classes that we had ends. My major, houses on other building from linguistics, you smart ass.'
Adrian felt his patience growing then as she contiuned to complain, not wanting to be around her much longer. "It isn't my fault I have no desire to be other people." He said as he stood up. He grabbed his stuff and left the classroom without another word not in the mental state to handle her bluntness.
'Fucking hell,' She cussed under her breath as Adrian walked. It was dark and the professor didn't exactly noticed what happened. He too was engrossed with the film along with the other students. Clarissa tried to watch for a bit but she was instantly loss. Gathering up her things, she quickly stood and quietly followed Adrian outside.

It took her a quite while but she manages to catch up with Adrian. 'What the hell is wrong with you?!!' She panted as she grabbed Adrian by the arm and turned him around. 'After two months, you'd turn into a drama queen! Don't tell me you developed some issues too!??' Clarissa's face was flushed, from anger or from running she didn't care as she continued to glare at him.

He frowned as he heard her come up from behind her, leaving the room because he didn't want to be around her. He didn't want to her to follow. "I simply do not want to be around anyone." He inhaled quietly trying to remain calm. "I do not know how trying to avoid people and not make a fuss is a drama queen."

'But why?! Why do you keep on avoiding people? Why do you keep on avoiding me?!' Clarissa demanded. She honestly thought that Adrian was passed all those pariah moments he felt if not to everyone then just to Clarissa.'You walking out makes you a drama queen. Here I am reaching out to be a friend and you kept pushing me away.
He let out a sigh and stared at her. I can talk to people who run this school and change my schedule some? Sure i can. "I'm going home if you really want to follow me you can." He started walking again without another word knowing if he argued with her she would keep going. She wasn't the type to give up.
'Hey wait up.' Clarissa followed him, his steps were a bit longer than hers so she had to quicken her pace innorder to catch up. Home. Where does this weird ass guy live. She thought to herself as she quietly follows. Obviously he's gonna answer my questions, he's letting me follow him to his house. Well, he did owe me some answers. Her internal chatter continues.

Then something popped in her mind all of a sudden.... As it stands now he's under house arrest...

'Holy fuck.' Clarissa suddenly exclaimed. 'Are you gonna bring me to where Deidrich is?! It made her stop on her track. She then glared again to Adrian. It was a look she easily mastered when she's with him.
He stopped walking and turned around to look at her. "We have always lived together, I'm being forced to take care of him sweet cheeks. If you could stop so acting self concerned you'd relieve about 1/12 of my stress right now." He gave her a smile that seemed innocent but was filled with pain in its own way. It didn't fit him, his patience was ready to snap at this point.

"He's probably asleep right now knowing him, he won't hurt you he only ever harasses me nowadays even when there is company. I want to rip out your throa-" He cut himself off and frowned at what was about to say to her though in reality she had done nothing wrong. He was still sane enough to make that connection. "I'm so sorry.. Please remember my warning I gave you in the car. The people like Dedrich? Stay away from me now too please. Please." It was an honest request, he really for the sake of her well being wanted to stay away.

His harsh gaze softened as he spoke to a look of a sad puppy in a way, he knew what was happening to him even if she didn't. It made him want to cry. He looked like he was about to in all honesty.
'I honestly don't know what is happening,' Clarissa resigned, 'But if I come with you, will you tell me exactly what is going on?! I don't want to be kept in the dark. It's like someone or something big is happening, yet I have no idea what.' Her voice sounded so jaded and tired.

Clarissa removed her braid and mussed her hair, 'What I was trying to say is, if you needed something... Or someone to listen to you. I'm here.'
It took him a moment to process what she was saying, giving a small laugh as he went towards and the way he spoke earlier sort of put the fear in her mind she was going to get hit but instead she felt his arms wrap around her. One of his hands behind her head and another around here waist lifting her off the crowd since she was shorter than him. "Nothing me or my family does is a secret. If you wanted to figure it out, you can ask around. Apollo or my father might explain things flat out, they're far nicer people than me or my brother."

The soft doughy eyed look he had a moment ago was gone, maybe he was on his man period of mentally all over the place. Instead of putting her back down onto the ground he moved her so he was carrying her bridal style he knew he was perfectly capable of letting her walk but wanted to carry her for some reason. He just hoped with her hot headedness she wouldn't slap him. "Hit me or scream I'll drop you." He said to keep her from doing that.
'Your definition of nice is very disturbing,' Clarissa chuckled as she patted his back. The hug was a bit sudden but this was the most humane expression she got from stoic taciturn guy named Adrian.

She thought that he was gonna let go, it was fine by her too since the physical contact he just made suddenly made her a bit awkward and uncomfortable. She suddenly squealed when Adrian tried to carry her. She knew his threats wasn't empty, and she knew that he would do what he said.

'Adrian,' Clarissa said as softly as possible, her hands were on her chest. 'put me down, or I swear by the gods i'm gonna kick you in the nads.' She added as she glared at him.
"I swear to the gods if you do that I will drop you so." He looked down at her and smiled, it being cute the way he did.

His pace was quick, he wanted to get home quickly for whatever reason he was basically speed walking. If she was going to say something she didn't get the chance, the one his hands covering her mouth. "Shut your trap for once and just accept me not breaking down on you as a gift." He laughed quietly, yeah he was in pain and no way near fine. Him covering her mouth with one hand make it be a bit awkward to carry her but he managed eventually getting his car which still looked new inside and out getting and waited for her to get in the passenger side.
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Her face flushed when Adrian looked down on her and smiled. He was being weird, but in a good way, Clarissa noticed. She was about to reply another witty and annoying comeback when suddenly, one of his hand covered her mouth. How on earth did he do it, Clarissa can't just fanthom. She was ready to scream under his mouth but then she remembered his threat. Clarissa jusy held on his arm, as tightly as she could and kept her eyes on her hands as to not distract herself from awkwardness.

Thank the gods, Adrian was in a hurry and they manage to get to his car quickly. He put her down beside the shutgun seat as he clambered inside. Clarissa wanted to throw a fit, or a well deserved tantrum but she held herself and her dignity, or what's left of it since Adrian took it all when he carried her halfway to the parking lot. She ended up glaring at him as she went inside of the car and buckled her seatbelts.

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