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'Aren't you born romantic.' She said sarcastically. 'You certainly know how to make the mood go away.' She didn't know where the resentment came from, must be hormones but then that's her excuse.

Clarissa noticed that he was patting himself up, she rolled her eyes. At his feet, the keys were glinting. Putting her hands on his lap for support, her head bowed down as she reached out for it. The keys jiggled on her hands as she handed it to hin.
He rolled his eyes and took the keys from her and sat them on the ash tray between the two seats, he leaned over and kissed her cheek softly. "Come on I only meantioned your stomach jokingly. I like your belly anyway, considering it is my child causing it." He laughed
'You know that i'm not exactly on board with this earlier.' She said softly as she caress his cheeks. 'I know it's a baby but you can't blame me if this is a sour topic for me.' Clarissa pouted. Her raging hormones finally depleted.
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He laughed quietly and patted her stomach gently for a moment before staring at her as she carassed his cheek. "Can we go back to what were going to do? Please?" He said giving her his puppy eyes look. "I don't blame you for getting upset next time I won't joke around with you about it."
'Fine,' Clarissa smiled as she kissed him all of a sudden, she fisted his hair with one hand and the other was on his neck. She stopped for a moment and said 'As long as you wear the metal gstrings we talk about earlier.' Clarissa giggled as she nipped his lower lip playfully.
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He rolled his eyes and grabbed her, pulling her back into his lap the same way again he stared at up at her and poked her nose gently. "I might wear them one time just for you but not around the house." He laughed, kissing her neck where he gave her a hickey. "Why did you cover it up with makeup by the way?"
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'Actually, you shouldn't wear anything.' She laughed as she kissed him gently. 'I don't mind that too.' She titled her head to gave Adrian full access on her neck. Her hands were on his soft hair, tugging them gently. 'I don't want your family to see it.' She said when he mentioned the red patch. 'Though i'm sure they knew you were one kinky bastard. But Apollo might tease me nonstop, so better covered it up.'

She nipped his ear and kissed his neck. Clarissa's hands worked expertly to unbutton his shirt.
He nodded, letting her kiss his neck. "Apollo would tease you. Me also." He laughed quietly he's head being tilted to the side slightly so she could do whatever she pleased to his neck reaching down and was going to make the seat fall back but instead it just decided not too.

He pouted slightly and tried moving around again so they weren't being smashed together but that didn't work. He cursed under his breath as he tried moving Clarissa gently but she simply didn't. "I swear the one thing wrong with this car and it decides to act up now. Can you move?"
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'We should torch this cars of yours.' She chuckled under her breath and grab Adrian's shoulder for support so she could move back to her seat. But the steering wheel was behind her, is she move up the thing might come off. 'I...I can't.' She tried to wiggle her way out but she was trapped between them.

She tried reaching for the lever that she used earlier but the seat won't budge. The screws on the lever were a bit loose and the handle just come off. 'Fuck.' She leaned on Adrian's forehead. ' instead of us screwing in your car, your fucking car is screwing with us.'
He huffed in frustartion considering their fun time was over and now had to deal with this mess. He stared at her with the look of annoyance trying to think of something to do. "I'm getting that fixed as soon as we're both not stuck here."

He moved his arms holding Clarissa underneath his arms trying to pull her out but she just remained there. "I swear to god." He said sucking in his stomach trying to give her a bit more room as he pulled her again, her confines feeling a small bit bigger but still couldn't move. As quickly as she had the extra room it was gone it feeling tighter again once Adrian breathed. "Now what?"
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'Stop it! Stop pulling me.' Clarissa hissed angrily. 'That drasted steering wheel is denting on my back.' She tried to move a bit, her legs were getting numb. 'I swear if we got out of this car, this seat will not be the only thing you're gonna fix. I'm gonna burn this car.' She smiled sweetly at him while giving him a peck on the lips. 'Call someone. Try Apollo. My legs are getting numb.'
He grabbed his phone and called Apollo, he just got sent straight to voicemail meaning his phone was off. "Call me back bitch." Was all he said before hanging up.

He tried calling Nicolas but he didn't answer either.

He groaned not even bothering to try Dedrich. "I'm sorry for pulling on you but I kind of feel smashed and can't stay like this forever. I'm sure you feel the same way."
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'Why do you have to be so kinky?' She sighed but followed it with a tired laughter. It was getting really dark and the forent in front of them was creeping her out. She leaned on Adrian's neck and quietly stay there.
He laughed quietly. "We'll try car sex when youre not pregnant next time." He said staring at her, clarissa being able to feel him trying to move around again before he sighed sucking in his stomach trying to give her as much room as he could considering she was the one having her stomach squeezed as well. "That's the best I can give you, I'm sorry."
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'This isn't the most uncomfortable place i've been in.' She said quietly. 'Don't worry about me. We should've tried it on the back seat, though. It's roomier.' Clarissa said thoughtfully as she continued to nuzzle Adrian's neck.
"Well you're my pregnant girlfriend stuck like this." He laughed keeping his stomach sucked in so she could have a little extra room. "It's my job to worry." He unzipped the back of her dress and rubbed her back softly the zipper basically undoing itself considering how tight her dress was.
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'Aren't you the most considerate kinky boyfriend ever.' She laughed softly. A shiver ran down her spine when Adrian pulled her zipper down. The skirt was indeed tighter. In her position it was all hike up, her underwear was peeking. 'I'm not sure if I can say i'm glad i'm here in this position though.'
He rolled his eyes and contiuned to rub her back. "I'm trying to keep you comfortable princess." He kissed her cheek gently trying to hold back a laugh. "You do realize even if Apollo does decide to turn his phone on we're going to have to explain this."
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Clarissa laughed. She imagine the expression on Apollo's face if he sees them. 'Don't tell anything.' She smiled slyly. 'Let's leave it to his imagination.' She tried to wiggle a bit just to test if the seat would move this time, but to their discomfort the seat was still stuck. 'i'll seriously burn this junk once we're out.'
"I swear. I might just burn it with you." He said, hearing his phone ring before answering it. It being Apollo/

His voice being muffled as Adrian talked to him, explaining the situation very faintly to him and hung up the phone after a minute Apollo just burst into laughter saying he would come.

"It won't take him long to get here so I'd try to make yourself somewhat more decent." He snickered. "Nothing personal, just saying." He said zipping up her dress for before going to buttoning his shirt back up.
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'Oh yes, I could be decent.' She was uncomfortable but she managed to say it sarcastically, 'He won't think of anything dirty when he sees us. Parked off the road, and me on your lap. Yes yes, probably Apollo would think we're praying.' She tried to pull her dress down just to cover her bare thighs. 'I can't pull this dress! I'm barely fitting in it.' She said angrily.
He snickered and tugged on it just a bit able to get it down a little bit farther "Oh well. My brother has seen worse." He said leaning back into the seat waiting for Apollo to show up, it took him less than ten minutes.

Apollo got out of his car and opened Adrians car door starring at the two before bursting into laughter again. "YOU FUCKING IDIOTS." He said in a fit of laughter covering his mouth with his hand, staring at the two of them "God I swear so much of me wants to just leave you two love birds here all night."
'Do that and I swear by the gods Apollo, i'll beat the crap out of you using the steering will behind me.' Clarissa hissed menacingly. 'Or i'll cut your balls while you sleep.' She was getting awkward, she was still pulling her dress down, and there was the oldest Acher sibling, laughing at them. 'So please... Apollo. Would you please help us out?' She smiled sweetly at him but her voice betrayed her frustrations.
Apollo struggled to calm down but eventually he did, he stared at the two of them for a moment before suddenly yanking on Adrian making him fall out of the car and Apollo caught him holding him bridal style.

Adrian glared at him. "Thank you Apollo but put me down." He said trying to make the man let go of him even if that meant falling to the ground.

Apollo just stared at him struggling not to laugh but messed with his brother a bit, he stared into his eyes honestly looking like he about kiss the man. Before his lips touched his he dropped him to the ground, Adrians face bright ass red. "Fuck you."
Clarissa can't help it, she laugh along with Apollo once Adrian was out and she was comfortably seated on the driver seat. She stepped down and fix her dress. 'Thanks Apollo,' she said softly. Clarissa kneeled down beside Adrian, 'You okay?' She tried keeping her face emotionless but eventually failed as she chortled along with Apollo.

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