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He pouted and got off the ground his blush still being there. "I fucking hate everyone." He pouted getting back in the drivers seat.

Apollo glanced at Clarissa. "By the way brother, did you ever get her to realize she was pregnant?" Adrian just nodded. "Congratulations you horny ass teenagers, I'll see you when we get home." He laughed without another word as he got into his car.
'See you back in the house, Uncle Apollo.' She waved at him good bye. Clarissa walked around the car and get inside the passenger's seat. She saw that her boy toy was still pouting and shockingly was blushing. Clarissa leaned in and kissed him lightly on his cheeks, A playful smile was on her lips. 'No, you don't.' She muttered, in contrast with what he said earlier. 'Stop being such a girl.'
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"I know I don't hate everyone." He let out a sigh and started to drive home. As soon as he got out of the car Dedrich was there tugging on him seeming like an overly excited child.

"Come on brother I want to talk to you." He said smiling up at him, seeming way too happy espically for Dedrich. Adrian glanced at Clarrisa.

"I'll be back in a minute, I'll meet you in the kitchen or wherever." He said letting Dedrich pull him into the house almost running.
Clarrisa nevet saw Deidrich being this happy. She didn't even hear him laugh. She actually never seem him smile or express any emotions apart from anger and disgust. If indifference is counted, then Clarissa only saw three aspects of Deidrich Acher personality. But never ever she seen him like a boy happily opening their gifts as if it was Christmas time.

Clarissa just nodded and took the shopping bags out of Adrian's hand. 'Kay. I'll be in the bedroom.' She went upstairs and close the door behind her. Adrian hated the mess but she was so excited to fit them. The clothes were all over the bed.
It was about ten minutes before Adrian came into the room, Dedrich following him like a little child though he was taller. Adrian didn't care enough to make him back off him Dedrichs face having a giant smile across it, it filled with insanity and a sick look to it.

"I'm going out drinking." He said to Clarissa, his eyes were numb and cold. That statement was enough to concern her, he never drank and hated alcohol.

"I'LL FOLLOW BROTHER." He said screaming at him knowing what he came in there for, he rushed to Adrians dresser going through his stuff getting his ID for him.

Adrian let out a soft sigh at how loud he was, Dedrich knew how to break him down like he was nothing more than a twig. Dedrich didn't pay any mind to Clarissa running into his bedroom going through Adrians medicine grabbing bottle of pills in there from simple over the counter drugs to pain killers Adrian needed in the past and just kept in case he needed them something. He grabbed literally everything. Dedrich ran out of the bathroom shooting death glares at Clarissa. "You'll need these too brother." He giggled, it didn't sound right. He honestly sounded and looked insane.

Dedrich knew after he tried to kill himself one time the next time would be either, he would personally be there to make sure no way got in the way of his brother ending his life. Adrian just let Dedrich carry the pills as he left the room, Apollo was in the living room staring at Dedrich and Adrian as they came down the steps with a confused look wondering what the hell Dedrich was doing now.
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Clarissa was ecstatic, every shirt, skirt and dress fitted her perfectly. She also picked a revealing red dress. Even with baby bump or not the dress was sure seductive. She was folding the newly bought clothes when suddenly Adrian opened the door and peered his head in.

"I'm going out drinking."
Her boytoy said coldly. His eyes were dead and as if he couldn't careless. Clarissa thought that despite the car accident and Apollo laughing at them their day was beyond perfect. He made her take the damn pregnancy test and learned that he was going to be a father. He was beyond happy. Yet she knew something was wrong when he spoke to her.

Clarissa wanted to dismiss it, maybe he was just tired, well she was and he badly needed a drink to relax himself. That's what Clarissa said to herself in order to stop worrying. Maybe when he came back she'll make him hold of his promise to have agreed to be boss around.

But when Deidrich barge in their room, and ran towards the medicine cabinet with a scary maniacal smile that could match the Joker's grin, she knew there something wrong. Her heart screamed at her.

She went down and found only Apollo, sitting in the living room. 'Where the hell are they going?! Why is Deidrich with Adrian?!' Her hand was on her waist as she stood infront of the oldest Acher sibling and asked her questions.
"I was about to ask you the same thing.." He said as he went to the front door and followed the two only to see Dedrich standing at the edge of the driveway waving at his brothers car before turning to go back inside completely forgetting about his ankle bracelet for a moment, the pill bottles he had were all gone. Adrian clearly taking them with him whether it was by force or not they didn't know.

Dedrich was heading back into the house, looking at the look on Apollos face. "What? I just showed him that video of you and Clarissa. Don't you remember it was a couple months ago." He let a small laugh, as Apollos face fell, Clarissa might not have remembered but he did.

"I told you to delete that."

"Well it's too late."
'Video?' Clarissa was suddenly confused. 'What video?!' She looked at Apollo back to Deidrich. Apollo's expression turned serious. Which made Clarissa wonder more. 'What the fuck is the video that Adrian saw?!' She hissed at Deidrich. Her lips were forming a thin line.
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Dedrich reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone giving to Apollo, the video already pulled up. He glanced at Clarissa and played it for not saying a word, during the video it had Clarissa and Apollo completely all over each other, her tongue down her through, pulling off his clothes. It was like a porn tape and cut off suddenly as Clarissa started taking off Apollos boxers.

Once the video ended Apollo dropped Dedrichs phone to the ground. "You gave him fucking pills?"

"Mhm of course, he's smarter this time around. He knows not to do it infront of you people. I swear you just hold him back." He giggled as Apollo slapped him, going into the kitchen grabbing his car keys.

Dedrich ripped them out of the mans hands and squealed, clearly beyond insane. "NO NO BROTHER LET HIM. HE SEEMS SO UNHAPPY WITH HIMSELF ITS ONLY RIGHT TO LET HIM END HIS PAIN." Apollo just watched with a strongly unamused look clearly holding himself back.
'What the fuck.' Clarissa whispered. Her hands covered her mouth as Deidrich showed her the video. It was her alright, and Apollo in a seemingly hot makeout session. 'What the fuck.' she whispered again, she badly wanted to cry but no tears are available. Her heartbeat went faster and faster. 'When.... How... when did that happened!?' She screamed at them. 'How could that happened...' Her voice was so much more than a whisper.

But her thoughts weren't with hers right now. It was with Adrian and his pills. 'Where is he??' She shoved Deidrich as hard as she could but it was as if she shove a wall. Her voice was soft but angry at the same time. 'Where is Adrian headed?!!'
"Well calm down princess, you're the one who can leave here. I can't. He told you were he was going. Out drinking maybe if you stopped stuffing your face fat ass you'd listen to him."

That was the last string for Apollo, he grabbed Dedrich by his shirt holding up to his height. "You are no longer welcomed in my home you little shi- you know what. I'll get father to deal with you. He nearly sent you to prison the first time you drove him insane. You get to face him. I know damn well you are more scared of him then anyone." He snatched back his keys and grabbed Clarissa dragging her out to his car and started it quickly, being out of the driveway in just a few moments leaving Dedrich at the house.

Apollo hands gripped the steering wheel way too tight cursing under his breath. "I-I uh.. I don't know where to go. Theres more than one bar and places that sell liquor around here.. He doesn't drink so I don't know where he normally would go." He said his voice heavy and clearly stressed out.
Clarissa cried, tears were now streaming down her face. 'I don't know. I don't know.' She was seriously crying. 'But we need to .... get to..... to him fast.... ' her heart was leaping out of her chest. 'Track him... His phone. Can you track his phone??'

'I'll try calling him.' She fished out her phone. It took a while before she could dial Adrian's number with her shaky fingers alas, she manages to press the call button.
When they found him, finally, hours late it being around two in the morning. They tried calling his phone several times but of course he didn't answer. He clearly wanted to be alone.

As time passed on Apollos mood swung around from sadness, anger, stress, worry around and around. He was clearly far more worried this time around than he was the first time. It was cause he was alone, there was no one there to help him if he fucked up. There was no one to tell him that it was just stupid drunkness that got the best of the two. It meant nothing.

They found his car not at any bars or stores that sold liquor, no Adrian actually wanted them not to find him so he parked by a little park that was meant for children to play, it having a parking lot considering there was other stuff around it. His car was the only one there. If it wasn't for Apollos high beams hitting against his car they probably would've never found him.

Apollo parked his car as quickly as he could, running over to his and sure enough he had to face the worse. What he imagined in his mind what it would be like when they found him though he told himself his brother wasn't like that. Though he was. His brother was depressed and suicidal. That's all there was to it.

He got out of his car quickly, his car being right next to his like almost hitting it close. His brother was laying in his car seat unmoving, pale, lifeless. He yanked his lifeless body out of the car and sure enough it was clear he had taken pills and that being mixed with alcohol did not help at all. He held his brothers body so close to him as he shook him there being nothing coming from Adrian. Really with his chest unmoving even it was clear they took too long to find him.


It was heart breaking to watch his brother cling and scream at Adrians body. He had tears running down his face and he clearly didn't know what to do anymore. He had to deal with the guilt of knowing his mistakes with Clarissa threw him over the deep end. Triggering what never healed inside of him.

He stuck his finger down his throat and expected nothing it was just a final attempt to see if he could get anything out of him and almost panicked as Adrian actually did something and vomited. He didn't care that he just got some vomit on him. Adrian did nothing more than vomit them up his body too destroyed at the moment to wake up, though he did start to breath again. It was odd. They probably got there just as Adrian was literally right there on deaths door.

He gave a laugh of relief and rubbed his unconscious brothers back "Please Adrian.." He muttered, it being clear Apollo never broke down like he did just now. He stuck his finger down his throat again and vomited again not nearly as much but it was still there. The pills had pretty much completely dissolved and were in his system by now the only thing he was doing was making him vomit which had someone triggered his body into breathing again. "Please.." The amount of relief he felt was unbelievable knowing that his brother just wasn't dead.
Clarissa was on autopilot. As soon as Apollo parked in front of the bar, she searches inside while Apollo checked the parking for the sign of his car. There was even an instance that she barge in in the little boy's room just to check if he was there. She only found out that men's comfort room is way messier than the girls.

Clarissa never got scared in her life before. Her feelings tramp her memories of Deidrich's attack on her. Adrian was there, he was there to protect her. But this time, it was him who was missing.

She thought that his depression was gone, they were happy for months. He was happy for months. She saw no traces of suicidal tendencies, he was smiling and laughing with her. He was easy to please.

As soon as Apollo screamed that they found him she stayed frozen in her seat. She saw how his older brother, the one she thought that was immature tried to save Adrian. He saw panic in Apollo's face. 'No ..... no...' She whispered silently. 'They were too late... She was too late...' But the Apollo inserted his finger on his mouth, just like how she did before. Relief flooded on Apollo's and Clarissa's face when Adrian vomitted.

But the danger was still upon him, she got out of the car and told Apollo to carry him inside. She went in first into the backseat and she pulled Adrian along. She cradled Adrian's head, 'i'm sorry.... I'm so sorry....' She chanted like it was a mantra as she caress his pale face. 'Adrian... Please please please live.'

Saying sorry for the thing that you did yet you don't know how happened was not exactly her idea of apologizing to him. She can't... she don't remember anything. She was drunk. So drunk. And that's all there is. If she wanted to apologize to Adrian, she wanted to explain everything but how could she if she don't know. 'Hang on Adrian, i love you. Please wake up.' She cried softly as she watch the slow moving of his chest.

She glance at Apollo on the rearview mirror of his car, 'Drive. Drive like hell is chasing you.' She said plain and simple at him.
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Apollo didn't need to be told to drive, he just made sure Adrian and Clarissa were safe in the back. They weren't too far from the hospital he would glance back at them every once in a while, his tears had stopped and his eyes had calmed down. He drove way above the speed limit though not fast enough to get them all killed considering it was 2 in the morning he didn't have to worry too much. Maybe just getting pulled over.

When he did get the hospital he took Adrians body and carried it inside, knowing Clarissa probably couldn't considering she didn't cross him as the strong type. He watched as his brother was taken out of his arms into urgent care, his information wasn't asked as Apollo explained the situation had repeated for the second time now. He was in too much of a wreck to fill out papers so they just admitted him and with that Adrians body was gone behind closed doors, he was no in the care of doctors.

Apollo went back over to Clarissa and hugghed her tightly, he felt guitly as he did though he knew that they both needed it. "They'll help him now.. I just.. I'm sorry. I thought Dedrich deleted that video, I was typsy and you were drunk. Ready to pass out drunk so I can understand why you don't remember it.. I was never going to mention it.. It didn't mean anything.. I know it didn't. I just guess Adrian didn't know and lord knows what Dedrich told him, you seen the way he acted towards Adrian just a few hours ago."
The nurses that came rushing after Apollo carried Adrian inside was God sent. She knew they're one step of getting Adrian back. Getting her Adrian back. She watch the nurses place him on the stretcher and take him away to pump anything out of his stomach.

Apollo came rushing towards her, but she was numb. It was cold but she was numb. She just couldn't care about herself right now. She was still crying. As he explained, Clarissa wasn't exactly listening. All she could think about was Adrian inside. Fighting off his Reaper. Her hands were on her side, never bother of showing any emotions towards him. 'We'll talk. After he wakes up. We'll talk.' She said softly at him.

Clarissa pushed him lightly and walked away. She stood by the nearest place she could stand to be near as much as possible to Adrian without getting reprimanded by the nurses.

Her arms cradled her tiny bump. 'I'm sorry. I screwed up. I screwed up.' Her tears were falling non stop. 'I'm so .... sorry.' She was sobbing, heaving. She could feel her heart constricts but she held her ground. She promised herself that she'll stay there until Adrian was awake.

She couldn't looked at Apollo without getting disgusted with herself. How could she be so stupid. That's the first time she got drunk and it almost killed the man he loves. People do stupid things and they all suffer the consequences.
Apollo did not push anything onto her, she wanted to be left alone and he did. He wasn't about to dare talk to her considering they were both at fault.

It took hours before a doctor came out and said that had gotten it out of his system though the pills done their damage, he was on life support and couldn't be seen at the moment. By now they had been up all night literally the sun had risen and people left. His poor father found out about his son through doctors instead of Apollo. Apollo didn't have the heart to tell his father what he did.

Nurses had to force the two leave after a while, Apollo and Nicolas taking a day off work just to hang around in the hospital in hopes for news of any type all they got was he remained stable. Doctors told them that they thought he had poisoned his liver and the pills could've possibly made him brain dead.

And with that, life went on without Adrain. Thought Clarissa lingered around the hospital a lot, Apollo didn't really talk to her much anymore. He wore clothes around the house and Dedrich now in prison. He couldn't stand the sight of Dedrich anymore. The way Adrian had filled out papers Nicolas was the only one who could pull the plug on him and there was several times over the next course of the next month and half he considered it.

There was so much Nicolas couldn't decide on and it was very clear the whole family was wrecked. Nicolas never did though to Clarissas relief, Nicolas tried to hope his son would wake up normal. Apollo and Nicolas went to work though the very clearly didn't want to, the two of them made sure that Clarissa was healthy, manly Nicolas though. Apollo played a role in it.

The house felt empty without him, Adrian might as well died that night because everyone felt his absence. The house would be empty a lot of the time in an attempt to avoid reality.

A month into Adrians body healing, he got off life support on his own though he remained in the coma state. Clarissa was able to see him and everyone was, thought she was the only one. The other understandably couldn't get their hopes up.

About two weeks passed before Adrians eyes fluttered open, his eyes filled with confusion and luckily thanks to god wasn't brain dead like doctors thought. To his luck he healed fine, it just took time. It was the middle of the day and Clarissa was in the room next to his bed when he did. He didn't say anything he just moved his eyes to look over at his lover. He remembered what he did clear as day last thing he remembered was passing out in his car. He couldn't find the words to say anything to her, they just weren't in him. He had also just woken up from a coma so there was that on top of it.
It seems like it was forever when the doctor came out with the news about Adrian. They said they took out everything left undissolve but the others were already spreading towards his body and they placed him on a life support in order for him to survive.

It feels like the heaven's wrath came crushing upon her. It was her fault and others suffered. When Nicolas came after learning that his youngest was on the brink of death, he sent Clarissa home so that she could rest. Right there, only few feet away from Adrian, she told him that she was pregnant with Adrian's child and was planning on telling him that night but the tragic thing happened.

It was a bittersweet moment for Nicolas, he finally got the grandkid he was waiting for but his son was dying and there's nothing he can do about it. With Nicolas' comforting words, Clarissa left the hospital. She told her parents the news via phonecall too. She told them everything there is to know about from the baby and about Adrian. Her parents were the ones who visited her instead. The Masons met Nicolas and they told him that they too were excited, though it was sudden, about the baby but were sorry about the father. They visited him in the hospital and offered silent prayers for his recovery.

Two weeks passed, Apollo and Nicolas went back to work like usual. Deidrich was sent into some mental institution or some prison but Clarissa couldn't careless about him. He could go to hell for all she care. She dropped out from school, because of her pregnancy and in order for her to take care of Adrian who was still in a coma. Her parents respected her decision thank the gods.

Everyday she was in Adrian's room. Waiting and crying. But everynight Nicolas fetch her to come home and have a goodnight sleep for her baby. They made sure that she was eating healthy and sleeping regularly. It wasn't hard for her, everytime she sees her baby bump, hope flared in her heart. It was Adrian's kid and she'll do anything to keep it safe.

She barely spoke to Apollo, after the tragic day, she still doesn't know what happened to the both of them. She kept her promise that they'll talk when Adrian woke up.

Then his life support came out. The doctor deemed Adrian fit to breathe on his own. She was glad that Nicolas didn't pull the plug out of his son's life. Just like her, Nicolas had hope that his youngest would live.

Everyday for as long as she's allowed, she stayed at his side. She even learn the gender of a baby which was a boy. She tried to talk to Adrian, but seeing him unconscious just made her weep and cry.

She was 5 months pregnant, sleeping was getting hard for her so one time when she was visiting Adrian, she fell asleep on her side. It was a bit hard to lean on the bed so when she open her eyes, she was beyond shock and relief to find them greeting hers.

She thought of so many things to say when he woke up but what she did was cry and bawl her eyes out, her head was on his stomach as she cried. Her one hand holding his. 'I love you.' Clarissa manage to say in between of her heaving and sobbing.
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Adrian after laying in the position for so long moved around slightly, wanting to sit up though wasn't about to ask Clarissa to move. He held her hand softly while she cried and another one of his hands starting to play with her hair. "I love you too.." He said softly noticing the size of her stomach, to him he felt like he was just asleep for a couple days at most. "What happened..? How long was I out for?" He said frowning, clearly not knowing.
"Almost two months..." Clarissa was still crying. She tried to stop but her hormones were acting up. Yes, it was her hormones that was to blame. it was much easier to blame and less complicated. "Hang on... let me call the doctor. Don't you dare sleep again Acher!" she planted a quick soft kiss on his lips. As she walked away from him, she can feel her feet wobbled but she had to go on. Adrian was needed to be checked as soon as possible. Luck was on her side as she saw a nurse passing by. She alerted them that the patient was already awake.

As soon as the nurse walked away, Clarissa fished out her phone and dialed Nicolas' number, even though she wanted to be selfish and be alone with Adrian. Knowing him this past few weeks, he's always with it. Nicolas panicked at first. He thought that something happened to her, but then she told him that Adrian was awake. She heard a sigh of his relief on the other end. After calling Nicolas she just texted Apollo about the wonderful news.

Clarissa went back and sat beside him. This time, she was in control of her eyes. Her tears obediently followed her when she told them not to fall again. "Hey," she kissed him a second time, she was afraid that maybe it was the last time if he remembered what happened to him, "How are you feeling? Is there anything you want?"
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Adrian shook his head as he sat up, his hair being a bit of the mess and his hospital gown certainly didn't suite him at all. He reached over and grabbed Calrissa making her stand back up and held her pulling her onto the hospital bed though she basically sitting in his lap it was no way sexual. It being quite adorable actually.

Despite being just out of a coma Adrian was still Adrian and put her before him. He held her gently and rubbed back contemplating on joking around on how big she got but decending against, jokes could come after Clarissa calmed down. "I don't want anythint.. Are you alright?"
She thought that she mastered her tears, but when Adrian pulled her to bed and cradled her, the stupid salty tears came flooding back again. She was speechless as she pulled herself closer to him. Clarissa just nodded her head and wrapped her hands around his neck. She felt so horrible, her boyfriend just woke up because she did something bad and she was abusing his state of being incoherent. But she needed it, before he remembered. Before he push her away from him forever.

Clarissa kissed Adrian, it was long and lingering but she did stop. She needed to ask before the guilt incapacitate her. "Do you know why you're here?" She held his head in between her hands and asked him while directly looking at his eyes.
He nodded, staring into her eyes while he did. "I remember Clarissa." He sighed keeping her wrapped up in his arms, the way Adrian held her she really couldn't see his face.

Despite Adrian remembering basically everything he was still there to comfort her even though Adrian was the one who probably needing comforted. The first time around with over dosing he did the same shit, he focused on her and not himself.

His arms unwrapped from the girls body and stared at her, he seemed fine that cold look wasn't there. He even smiled at her, it was honestly saddening if she realized how much he pushed down for her. "How has everyone been doing?"
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Clarissa immediately covered her eyes and sob. Adrian's hug was really was and comforting, she knew she doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserved him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." she started to cry again. "I'll go apartment hunting later." she said softly as she tried to enjoy his hug for the last time. "we will figure something about the kid when he 's out."

It was painful but for her it was the right thing to do. She needed to get out of his life, or just like Deidrich, she'll poison the life out of Adrian. Clarissa decided that once he was all better, if he still agreed to let her visit me, she'll move out of Acher's residence.

Adrian tried to looked her in the eye, and it hurts her so much. She could see no resentment, she could see that he was earnest. "Everyone is fine. I told Nicolas, obviously Apollo knew. I even told my parents about our baby." She tried to nuzzle his neck, for the last time. Her one hand flew to his head and brush his hair.
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He frowned at what she said, it shattering his little wall of blocking out the pain he felt. He was pissed at her yes, did he want her to leave him? No.

He suddenly yanked the IV out of his arm, the only thing it was keep him hydrated with sugar water so it wasn't imporant anymore. He pushed her away almost onto the floor. "If you just fucking stayed here to talk to me when I woke up to tell me pur relationship is over then leave. You can do whatever you want with our child I don't eant it anymore, Nicolas can adopt it from you and that'll make him happy." He his voice was shaky like he was holding back tears or was just that pissed.

"I have no fucking piece in me who wants our relationship to end, Cla- Wench. Yes you cheated on me and I wasn't to going overdose that night something inside of me just snapped. Considering Dedrich gave me pills it wasn't that hard." He said as he laid back down and rolled over onto his stomach, it was silent for a moment before she could see his breath hitched as he choked on tears before starting to cry into the pillow, considering he never cried it was heart breaking. Clarissa leaving him was something he clearly couldn't handle espically after just waking up from a coma, being stressed out enough. She crossed a little line in his mind and it triggered what he was holding back to come out.

"I'm so sorry." He spoked, being able to hear him though it was muffled from the pillow. What he was apologizing for he had no idea.

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