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He nodded. "A piece of me is happy that I got to meet you too. Otherwise my dad would still be bitching about grandbabies." He leaned over and grabbed one her hands gently as he held it. "Unless you went through it you wouldn't understand, it's just one of those things. A piece of me died by that lake. I'm the unlucky one in the family who faced death while active duty. I was going to be sent out again after my wounds healed but I started stressing out and freaking out to the higher ups about it. I got sent home. A couple months later I started college. As far as I know Apollo never got shot he just got shot at and my dad I have no idea. There was a picture taken by someone of me that day with the other two that lived. My dad carries it in his wallet along with a picture of my mother. I think he likes that photo of me so much considering I just lived and didn't die that day."
'Of course he likes the idea of you being alive.' Clarissa squeezed his hand lightly. 'I'm glad you're alive, and even those people you helped that survive. I just know they were thankful that they were save and rescued.' She wanted to ask so many things from him, she didn't know that if she were about to ask, he'll think of her as invading her private affairs. But the question was bugging her mind, gathering up her courage she looked at him directly at the eyes and asked, 'If they asked you to go and serve again, will you go?' Clarissa's amber eyes were frightened and scared.
"If they asked me to serve again, it probably wouldn't be a question. Also considering I only served 6 years instead of my full 8 then they don't even have to extend my active duty time. Considering how small the Navy Seals are, the training is just that hard, I've been waiting for the day they would pull me back out of my home for another two years to finish my 8 years." He smiled faintly at her knowing at wasn't what she wanted to hear, pulling her back over to him kissing her gently. "If I can survive that day I can make another two years Clarissa. I know that's not what you want to hear but it's the truth. I won't lie to you."
'Yeah. I suppose.' She said coldly. Her eyes were tired. And what if something happened to him that will lead to another of his tendencies? What then? It was the question that mostly bothers Clarissa. She had the every confidence that Adrian can do the service physically speaking. He wasn't right now, but in given time he'll be. But mentally, he can be easily broken. Like a match or a twig that can be snap so easily with just the right amount of pressure. With the right push of a button, Adrian can easily end his life with no regrets ot whatsoever. He was ruined mentally but he was smart enough to say the right answers on the Psych eval.

Then if Adrian gets picked up, you have to convince Apollo he must go with him. Do whatever it takes. He owe him that much. A tiny little voice supplies an answer to he inevitable question.

'What if I stopped you?' She said quietly, still staring at nowhere. Immobile in his gasp. 'What if I told you we need you here? I... Need you here?' Clarissa asked again her selfish questions that she probably know the answer to herself.
"If they called me into service and I had family, me being the provider meaning you depended on me they would cover everything for you. The have more money than they know what to do with a lot of the time and would rather take someone into the field than keep him with his family." He reached over, pulling her basically on top of him as he laid back down on the bed. He shut his eyes and rubbed her back softly. "Don't worry, I won't leave you guys hanging. If I have to leave then you'll be well off."
'I told you for how many times.' Clarissa said quietly, 'I can provide for myself and the baby. Money wasn't an issue. Even right now, if I wanted to runaway, I could simply hide somewhere in France, and have the baby there.' She knew that there were no stopping him if he was about to be pulled off. Clarissa was starting to devise a plan involving Apollo along the way.

'But that's the problem, you wanted to leave.' Clarissa adjusted herself so she can looked him in the eyes, 'I don't want you to. Plain and simple.'
He playing with the ends of her hair softly. "I don't think you're understanding me, I signed a contract when I joined the Navy that I was going to do eight years active duty. Apollo only did four years, after four years with me being in the Navy I went through the Navy Seals to get ranked up. Two years into that I became unable to serve for the time being, that's 6 years active duty. If they call me or send me a letter saying I have to go back into service I have to whether I want to or not."
'Okay.' Clarissa said dismissively. Finality was upon her voice. It was the most girlish answer she ever said to him, ever. She knew that if she push further the topic, she'll end screaming and fighting him. Two things they don't need right now. He was just woke up, fighting with him would probably drive him mad. As much as she wanted to go on every details, Clarissa decided that she'll cross the bridge when they get to it. She ended up closing her eyes and prayed that the whole thing won't happen.
He sighed softly and held her like that for a couple minutes before papa Acher came back into the room smiling faintly at the two. "Adrian, do you know when you'll be able to leave here?" Adrian just shook his head.

"Nein, kann Ich Ihren Geldbeutel zu sehen?" He said, speaking in german like he did with Dedrich did when the two had first met. Nicolas shrugged dismissively as he pulled out his wallet handing it to Adrian. "Danke." He said, going through it and eventually found what he was looking for digging out two pictures one of his mother and the other was of him with the two people from that day. He handed his father back his wallet. "Can you leave us alone for a bit longer? I'm planning on talking to you in private a little bit but for now, I'm doing this." Nicolas just laughed quietly and left the room again.

Adrian sat up and handed Clarissa both of the pictures. One of his mother most defiantly, she could tell the resemblance there was no doubt that was the mother who gave birth to the three of them.


The other photo had a much darker vibe to it, there was three people in the photo. Each and everyone of them was bloody beyond belief. They were all sitting in some type of air craft most defiantly, some type that transported soldiers. The one who was the farthest to the left had his eyes shut, he was either passed out or asleep. The mans face had a bit of blood on it but not nearly as much as Adrian and the other man. He had blood running down the side of his face coming from his ear. He had his gear completely on he looked a lot better off than the other two, he had either gotten lucky or didn't put himself in harms way as much. His gear had blood that clearly wasn't his though it was someones.

The man who sat in the center between the two had two fingers missing from his left hand, cuts that were deep enough to see bone on his leg. His pants soaked in blood and had dirt smothered on the wound, him and Adrian were both looking over at the one man had his eyes shut. They clearly all had a look of grief and relief written on their faces. They clearly didn't know they had their picture taken or they just didn't care in that moment.

Adrian was recognizable his hair was defiantly shorter though, he was the only one without his gear completely on it wasn't anywhere in the frame either left at where shit went the fan or someone else had it. He did had a gun of some sort in his hand pointed at the ground and was loosely holding it. He had blood running down from his ear that was facing towards the camera his other ear might or have not been like that. He had on everything besides his jacket and piece of the uniform that was vest that carried everything needed, along with his gloves. His other hand was on his side where he had fresh blood soaking his shirt and hand, his shoes were muddy and had blood mixed in with the mud. There were cuts and scraps all over his arms. Dirt smothering his wounds like the other man, his face was bloody and had a busted lip. There was several spots on his body where he looked like he had been shot, it being shocking none of them were dead having enough blood split from each them to bring on death.

They all looked tired defiantly, Adrians bullet wounds from what could be seen mostly had exit him from what could be seen. If seeing him hooked up to life support was heart breaking, the way he looked in that photo was highly challenging to which was worse. It was like to whoever they were fighting used Adrian and them as shooting target as practice. His side, the one his shoulder and two on his legs all had caused scars that fainted and were still visible. It was awful knowing that they sent in far more than just three people and so a decent number of people died in front of them.

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Clarissa was a bit proud to herself, she atleast undertand some words on what Adrian had said to his father. Guess her german class during gradeschool paid off somehow. She actually found Adrian so sexy when he spoke in german.

She too sat up along with Adrian, she was kinda of curious to what he was holding. He then handed to her some photographs. The first one she saw was a picture of a blonde woman. She had the same contour of nose line that Clarissa saw in Acher siblings. She was beautiful, genuinely beautiful. She had a very kind yet playful glint in her eyes that Clarissa saw in Adrian and sometimes in Apollo. Crows feet surrounded the corners of her eyes, a proof that she must've been always laughing. Her thin lips were passed on to Deidrich. 'Your mother is lovely. She's beautiful.' Clarissa said softly.

She then checked the other picture he handed her. If the first picture that she saw was a picture of serenity and peace. Then the next picture was of carnage and death. It was like a flower planted in the middle of thr firezone. She felt pain, horror and suffering just by looking at the photograph of three distraught young man.

Her eyes automatically searched Adrian's face. And she easily found him. He looked so young in thr photograph. Even with the blood, mud and gore the father of the child she was carrying was still pretty damn good looking. His hair was cropped short, and she was glad that he decided to grew it out.

He doesn't have any armor and from there, Clarissa could almost see everything that he suffered. Their ears were bleeding, due to some random explosives and head trauma, she don't want to know. His clothes were bloodied and she was surprised that she didn't saw any scar on Adrian's body. It must've healed well or she just don't know the horrible thing that happened to the man that she loves.

The three youngman obviously didn't know that they were being photograph, she believe if they knew they wouldn't want it. Who wanted to remember such drastic and horrible thing. Clarissa had to ask herself.

'I don't know what your aim in showing me this,' Clarissa said, her tears were threathening again 'but this makes me want you not to go back more.' She jumped in and wrapped him around her arms. 'I swear, if you go.... if you went back .... then that will probably the last time you'll see me.' She can't make herself to think or imagine Adrian going to such horrible ordeal again. She knew she was being selfish. Clarissa already established that. But she'll do whatever it takes just to make him stay.
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He frowned at hearing her say that and pouted. "Clarissa, I've managed to go months of knowing you and you never even finding out about me being in the military. Or our family being a part of it. I doubt I will ever be called back into service but what I'm saying is if they do I don't have a choice I am literally forced to go if they deem I am needed." He let out a quiet sigh, taking the pictures and sat them down on the table next to the hospital bed. He laid back down not wanting to be held at the moment by her considering the fact she has brought up deal breakers and them splitting apart more than she had in months of them dating. "If I fucking hear you mention leaving me or something causing you to leave me one more time I'm going to throw myself out that damn window."
Clarissa heave a sigh. 'There still a chance that you will be called back. I don't want you to go. Two years is a long time. I know we were talking ifs, but still.' She leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips. 'Don't you think it's unfair? What if I make they same threat? If you leave, i'll kill myself? What will you do, then?' Clarissa touch his lip, the part where it was busted on the photograph. 'I just don't want you to leave. I can't.... bear thinking that you will have to be like that again.' She said while breathing against his lips.
That comment made his face fall, a wave of guilt coming over him, a bit of anger being mixed in there. He grabbed her hand and moved it away from his lips. "Clarissa." He said sounding completely serious and ticked off. "Get out."
'I know I sound so selfish.' Clarissa pleaded, 'But see it my way.' Adrian's eyes were filled with sudden anger, his voice was stern as he commanded her out. Clarissa awkwardly wiggled out of the bed, she's still not done bargaining though, when her feet landed on the ground she felt a sudden nudge on the side of her stomach that made her fall back a bit. 'Oh shit.' Clarissa hissed. Her hands flew to her side as her other hand held the bedside table for support. The metal table clanged with her sudden movement. 'Whoa... not now baby. Not now.' She panted as she felt a sudden swooshing feeling inside her.
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That calmed him down, well not really calmed him down but changed his emotions from anger to concern. He sat back up and didn't really know what to do considering he had no idea what was wrong with her. "What's wrong..?" He asked, his eyes filled new concern. He gently moved her so she was sitting back down on the edge of the bed completely anything he was pissed about before. "Sit back down and stay there. I'm sorry. What happened?"
'I'm cool... i'm good i'm good.' She tried to force a smile when he looked at him. But she was feeling nauseous. Her hand was still on her tummy and the desk to support herself. Moving might cause her to throw up, so she stayed in her place.

It was not the first time she felt the movement inside her, but it was the first time she felt it for more that a couple of seconds. 'Swooshy was just moving, that's all.' She panted as she rubbed her tummy. 'Rest... I'll... I'll just go to the bathroom.' She reached out to touch his face and with a tiny smile, she straighten herself and walked towards the bathroom one step at a time. 'Behave, swooshy behave.' She continued to whisper as the thing inside moves around her.
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He struggled not to laugh at her calling their child 'swooshy' and pouted as she got up, wanting to go over and make her come back every piece of him wanting to feel his child move even if it was still in the womb. "Come back here Clarissa." He said pouting. He would get up but considering he was hooked up to machines he couldn't. "You don't go to the bathroom now come back here."
She looked back at him and laughed when she saw him pouting. 'Unless you want to clean my vomit, I better go to the bathroom.' Clarissa manage to open the door wide enough and locked it behind her.

She leaned in on the sink, grasping its edges to held her ground.

The feeling she felt was a bit ticklish yet somehow when the baby moves it made her cringe as if it was kicking hard. She gagged a couple of times, but she didn't exactly throw up. She glance at her reflection on the bathroom mirror. Her face gotten fat. Her eyes were raw from crying and her nose was somehow a bit red. But apart from that, she's good. She felt good considering the uncomfortable feeling she had in her tummy.
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Adrian just didn't say anything as she went into the bathroom, he couldn't do anything to help her so he simply laid back down on the bed. For the few minutes Clarissa spent Nicolas went in to see his son, the bathroom being connected to adrians room so she could hear the two but they were speaking in german so she couldn't make sense of it anyway. The only thing she got out of it was Nicolas was pissed, just by the tone of his voice and left the room as quickly as he came back in leaving Adrian just laying there staring up at the ceiling.
Clarissa opened the tap to wash her hands and face. She took some tp to wipe her face and was about to go out when suddenly she heard the someobe came in from the door and speaking german fast. It was Nicolas. She was too chicken to go out, she did thought that what if he stayed for the night , sooner or later she had to go out.

Base from Nicolas' tone, he was somehow annoyed and angry at the same time. Or maybe it was just the language. Now she hated that she didn't take german lessons seriously. She could speak french, korean, japanese and italian fluently but when it comes to german language, she can only say a few words. Pathetic.

Clarissa heard the door from the other side opened then closed. But she didn't want Adrian to think that she was snooping around so she stayed in a few more minutes. She opened the tap for the last time, but she did it quickly.

'Hey,' she greeted him as she closed the door behind her. She went to sit at the chair beside the bed and looked at him with her wary eyes. 'You okay?'
Adrian stared up at the ceiling, not even looking at Clarissa while she spoke. Whatever Adrians father said to him it clearly got under his skin. "Yes." He said, pretty much blantly lying but didn't care. "I'm fine. Are you alright now?"
'Lie.' Clarissa sighed 'I heard Nicolas come in,' she took him by the hand and gave it a little squeeze. 'I told you, you can talk to me.' Her voice was pleading as she move his face so that she can look him in the eye.
"I didn't think you didn't hear him come in." He turned slightly to look at her. "I told you I'm fine. If you don't mind I'd like to be alone." He sighed. "It's nothing personal."
'Walls are thin,' Clarissa shrugged. 'Don't worry. I didn't eavesdrop, almost flunked my german class before. ' of all the classes in her student life, it was the most crucial for her. She didn't like her teacher. Instead of of going out as he said, she sat gingerly at his bed, 'no, i'm not going anywhere. What is it?' She said softly. 'I'm not stupid you know.'
"I never said you were stupid Clarissa, I'm just asking you leave the room for a little bit. Really if you don't leave I'll get a nurse to make you." ((Ohshit)) He said staring right into her eyes, his face going back to looking annoyed. "I'll be right here whenever you come back. Go talk to my dad he's standing right outside the room."

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