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He stared at her blankly, yeah she could tell she crosded a line she shouldn't have with him. Nicolas telling her to break him down didn't mean that. "Clarissa, I swear to god. Shut the fuck up. One I hate alochol, I'm not an alocholic. Second of all if I was in a battle zone I wouldn't drink or take pills." He said calmly.
'I just... I just wanted you to care about yourself as much as you care for others.' Clarissa sighed, she clearly cross the line. So much for knowing her boundaries. Adrian was scary calm. The breaking part was taking its toll on her. 'Yeah right. I'm sorry. What I said, that's ... that's out of the line.' Clarissa said quietly as she sat back on the stool.
"Go apartment hunting starting whenever you want, we'll figure something out with the child." He said staring at her as she sat down in the chair. "I'm done."
She looked at him with her defeated eyes. Clarissa doesn't know what to do. For once, her eyes weren't teary at all. 'Are you sure about that?' She asked him quietly. Everything was quiet except for the machines that was hooked up on him. 'Do you actually mean that?'
He yanked the machines and all the wires off of him, making the machines have that flat line sound. He stood up and went into the table by his bed, finding his bag of clothes changing into them without saying a word to her.

Once he finished getting dressed he ran his fingers through his hair starting to fix it. "Tell my father to stop feeding you so damn much." He shot her death glares sharp enough to kill. "If you're trying to make fucking break down Clarissa." He grabbed her by her hair suddenly making her look at him. "If you're trying make me to care." He tugged on her hair slightly as if it was nothing to him. "The Navy has nothing to do with whats wrong with me." He gave a small laugh, it not sounding right at all. It sounded pained. "You wouldn't know or understand shit. God you remind me or Dedrich more ways than one. I love you bitch, I'll see you later." He said without another word, walking out of the room and started to head out of the hospital. His father watching him walk by with a confused look like 'what'
'I fucked up.' Clarissa said with a dead pan stare at Nicolas when she went out of the room. 'I'm tired. I don't know what's wrong with your son. I love him and I wanted to help, truly I do. Its just.... I don't know what to do. I wanted to see everything in his way but I don't know how. I know i'm leaving a big mess, but he was so mercurial, he's hot then he's cold. I don't know where to place myself. If he needs space, i'll give him one. Maybe he'll listen to you more than he'll listen to me. I'm sorry. I can't do it.' With the last apoogetic look, Clarissa walk out of the room. It was the longest talk she had with Nicolas, and she was saying she can't handle his youngest.

It didn't took long enough to find a cabbie in the front entrance. The security put her first before the guy in a suit. 'No, Swooshy. They put you first. Not me.' She whispered at her tummy as she got in the car. She instructed the cabbie to drive her to one of the hotel in the area. After thirty minutes or so, she arrive at the very entrance. Her check in went fast, she was assisted with care and consideration. In another fifteen, she was standing in front of her hotel room.

She turned off her phone and dive inside the covers. She's tired. Dead beat. She's pregnant with five months old baby, and she had a stubborn mercurial... not to mention suicidal boyfriend. Even someone like her, she knows when to stop. When to raise the white flag. Hers were up in the highest point of the castle. She curled up under the covers and fell asleep.
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Nicolas didn't say a word to either one of the two and just let them leave, a quiet sigh as he left the hospital to go back to go to work.

Adrian walked home in silence, well not really walked more like ran. He just cleared his mind by running and went upstairs once he reached the house.

When he got there he expected to see Clarissa there, when he didn't find her anywhere he sat down on the floor near the bed his head resting against it as he started to cry, no one being home so he didn't care. He broke down. He cried like an infant his cries being loud to a point he basically screaming.

He slowly wore himself out, he felt insane. He felt like he was drowning in sorrow. He felt like he had just ruined his relationship, when his family didn't come home at all that night it just fucked him up more.

Nicolas purposely never coming home with Apollo, thinking Clarissa and Adrian would be arguing all night. Not knowing that Adrian was the only one who went home.
It was dark inside when she woke up. She didn't bother closing the drapes earlier and she was greeted with stars outside her hotel window. Clarissa didn't bother checking her phone for time, she stood up and wash her face inside the bathroom. Gathering up her purse, she walked out of her room and locked the door behind her.

She paid for an entire day stay at the hotel and the concierge willingly helped her get a cab to go back home. At her entire taxi ride she tried to think of a perfect pitch, or anyways to get back to Adrian's good graces. Her cab pulled up in their driveway and she paid an extra for his service.

The living room was dark when she entered the house, she knew Apollo wasn't inside. If he was the light on the liquor bar in their kitchen would probably alight. Clarissa went straight towards Adrian's room. As she opened the lights she almost screamed when she saw Adrian sitting on the floor. Still crying, she didn't know but he sure looks so devastated....and broken.

Clarissa turned off the lights and switch the bedside lamp in return. It was much more warmer. Gingerly, she kneeled infront of Adrian and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed his hair a couple of times. If he pushed her, so be it. But for now, she'll take her chances. She rubbed his back and whispered 'i love you.'
He hadn't had heard her come in and only noticed her when she turned on the lights, freaking him out a bit. His senses of what was going on around him were so put down, when she wrapped her arms around him he didn't push her away.

He quieted his tears and nuzzled her, his arms being wrapped around her and was as close as he could get to her considering her stomach was in the way. "I thought you left me.." He said quietly, clinging to her like his life depended on it. His breathe hitched as he choked on his tears trying to calm himself down for her.
Clarissa brushed his hair, she ended up sitting on the floor. Kneeling was too much for a pregnant woman. 'Well, you're the one who left me remember?' She asked quietly. 'I won't leave you, I promise. I guess we just both needed some timeout.'

She cradled Adrian's head and just listened to him. 'If you're gonna cry, then do it. I'm here. I won't leave you.'
Adrian shook his head and pixked her up off the ground moving them so they were on the bed. He curled up next to her like a small child, it being cute how much he had his guard down around her. "No.. I've been crying for hours. Just shower me in love." He gave a half hearted laugh, hearing the door open downstairs and just assumed it was apollo.
'Alright.' She chuckled under her breath as she hugged Adrian from behind. 'I'm not sure if this is showering you with love as you romantically put it, but I have to say i love you again.' She kissed the back of his head and closed her eyes. She suddenly remembered the lullaby her mom used to sing to her and she ended up humming it to him.
Adrian listened to her and shut his eyes only to have them open again a few moments later as Apollo came into the room hugging his brother without a care for Clarissa. "I fucking swear you're the only person I know who would get out of a coma then leave the hospital in a scene a few hours later." He laughed holding his brother in his arms, adrian just hugged back awkwardly not really knowing what to say.
Clarissa just smiled at the two brothers. At least Adrian didn't threw a fit and do something at Apollo. She still can't look at him in the eye though. They haven't exactly do 'the talked' and she's not exactly looking forward to it. She's just happy that the two were good again.
In the few seconds Clarissa didn't stare down the two Apollo had seemed to find his mouths to Adrians. One, Adrian didn't seem to welcome it. Not at all. Two they both smelled faintly of different forms of alochol.

Apollo held his brother, pushing his tongue into Adrians mouth, Adrians face was bright red and squirmed around trying pull away from Apollos kiss. Adrian made a weird noise that sounded like a moan faintly that he was trying to hold back as Apollo massaged his tongue against his brothers. Apollo was calm perfectly knowing what he was doing to his brother while Adrian being drunk and tired from crying couldn't really do much about him. Apollos hands on Adrians abdomen and the other holding his brothers head in place. Even Clarissa didn't like it, she couldn't lie and say it wasn't hot. It was hot like when adrian was dressing his brother months ago, this time better.
Clarissa was actually cool with it. She thought that Apollo was kissing Adrian's cheeks. Sure. She'd seen family relatives do that. Brothers, yeah maybe. She can roll with it. But then she saw Apollo kissing Adrian's mouth! Adrian tried to push him, and that sobered up Clarissa. What made her stood up from bed was because she could see Adrian.... actually enjoying it.

'Shit. Apollo!' She screamed at him as she tried to stand up. She tried to pry Adrian from Apollo's grasped but his were like visegrip tight.

'Damn it Apollo!!' She continued to scream at them. 'Adrian! ' she pulled Adrian but he seems so daze and he won't budge. 'Stop messing with your brother Apollo!!' She was getting frantic. If she didn't stop them Adrian might succeed in killing himself the next time.

She ran across the room and took the vase full of water. She pulled the flowers out of it and went back to the two brothers. They were still kissing, like hot, wet kiss. If it wasn't Adrian she might say go for it, but for crying out loud. It was her freaking boyfriend. The father of her unborn child.

Apollo's hand was travelling down Adrian's abdomen. Clarissa poured the content of the vase in Adrian and Apollo's face. Hoping that one might drown or even choke. With her vase in hand, 'Get the hell away from him!' She screamed as she bashed the vase from Apollo's back, it didn't break but it sure hell cause some pain.
Apollo let go of his brother after water poured onto them, then felt himself get hit in the back. Apollo gave a small laugh as he yanked it out Clarissas hand smiling at her. "That wasn't very nice." He said as he said it down on the ground just leaving the room.

Adrian frowned watching hid brother his face bright red, beyond flustered at that point. He just laid there on the bed being wet from the water, letting out a sigh as he took off his shirt and tossed it aside. It being wet and if he wore it, it'd only make him cold. He clearly didn't want to talk about just having Apollo just forcefully kiss him, he rolled onto his stomach groaning quietly. "You couldn't have just hit him..?"
Clarissa was beyond shock as Apollo calmly took the vase and looked at her as if to reprimand her. She can't move her feet. She was definitely speechless. She wanted to scream at Apollo then at Adrian. But she can't. Like the water from the vase, her voice was drained from her throat.

As soon as Apollo left the room, she shut it and locked it tight. She looked at Adrian who was clearly blushing and if she hadn't seen that look before, she can't tell that he was turned on. BUT SHE DID SAW THAT LOOK BEFORE. And boy, was Adrian turned on by his sleazy brother.

Clarissa ended up sitting at the back of the door as Adrian stripped his wet shirt and tossed it on the floor. Her hand was on her face, and her knees was up. She's now contemplating if she did the right thing. If she was right for going home and stopped anything from happening.
"Clarissa you fucking idiot I didn't want his damn tongue down my throat stop acting like I'm leaving you for my brother." He scoffed, pulling the blanket over his body and what Apollo did, along with Clarissa acting like he wanted it made his fragile state of mind snap again.

He laid there curled up under the blanket crying quietly, considering the fact he was drunk too didn't help at all.
She wanted to pull the table so that it will bar the door but she can't. It was too heavy for her. Something snapped in her head, like a tiny string that made a sharp twang sound.

'Fucking idiot?! A thank you would suffice.' She whispered quietly, knowing that he was drunk. But drunk from the alcohol or drunk from Apollo she's not sure.

She picked up his shirt and tossed in on the hamper. She grabbed a mat and wiped the mess she made. Someone might slip and it was on her conscience. She stripped down her clothes and traded it for fresh pair of Adrian's shirt and boxer shorts.

Clarissa then climb back on bed, she curled beside him and brush his hair. What she saw was definitely on the list of things that she can't unseen.
Her bitchy comments were getting on his nerves, though he simply dealt with it. Without yelling at her he didn't excatly know what to do about them.

When she curled up beside of him he just accepted it, feeling her run her hand through his hair. He wasn't excatly calm but it wasn't that he was vrying at this point either.
Tell Nicolas or don't. A decision that she doesn't know what to do with ever since Apollo walked out the room. It wasn't her secret...or whatever that was.... to tell Nicolas. If Adrian can remember it tomorrow when he's all good and kickin, then he'll have to decided. Or even Apollo. They're the ones that needed to tell Nicolas, not her. She's already on his bad zone... or wherever she was in Nicolas life, probably just the girl that carries his grandson.

But what if Adrian didn't remember tomorrow when he wake up? Should she tell him? Oh. Fuck. Clarissa thought. She sighef quietly as she stared at him, brushing his hair. He sure looks beat. If he don't remember then maybe, just maybe she'll spare the gory/hot details.
Adrian seemed to slowly calm down on his own, he stayed curled up against Clarissas body. His eyes stayed shut as he started to fall asleep, the way had his arms wrapped around Clarissa it would be hard for to move if she wanted too. It wasn't long before Adrian was silent as he was asleep.
Questions and decisions plague Clarissa's mind, she continued to watch Adrian, hopefully already calm, silently praying that everything would be okay when he woke up. She too was praying for her sake. She continued to stroke his hair, until she saw his breathing finally slowed down and fall into the same rhythm. Glad that sleep already caught him, she rested her hand on his cheek. She closed her eyes, inspite of her long sleep earlier, her mind automatically shuts down.
Adrian woke up pretty early for someone who had been up all night crying and being sexually harassed by their older brother. He stood up and went into bathroom, looking for pills to help for his headache but remembered Dedrich has tossed them all into his car. He sighed as he left the bathroom, grabbing clean clothes changing into those before going downstairs. He found his car keys laying around in the kitchen and took those, just leaving without a word to anybody.

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