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"I'd like a girl, there is so much fucking testosterone in my life. You're the only female I even talk to." He said as he drove, it taking a few minutes but they got to the woods where Clarissa had got stuck between Adrian and the steering wheel.

Adrian got out of the car and went around to Clarissas side, opening her door before opening the back door grabbing Clarissa before getting into the back with her leaving her door open and the back door. "I'm not going to fuck you so calm your shit now."
'And that's my fault, how?' She smirked at him when he said something about she's the only female he talks to. She was starting to feel at ease with him as he drived away. It took only a couple of minutes when Adrian parked in a very familiar dirt road.

Aw. Shit. She was getting a bit anxious but then Adrian cleared the air. Her libido shied away from what after she saw earlier that morning. Faking an orgasm was far too much for her right now. She sat at the back seat, and looked at Adrian. 'If we're not here to do hanky panky, what's up?'
Adrian held Clarissa in his lap staring at her. "We are currently sitting in the back of my car." He laughed softly, he moved his head resting it in between both of Clarissas breasts though wasn't sexual. Not at all. It seemed innocent in its own way.
'O--okay.' Clarissa chuckled as she raised her hand and brush his hair. 'Just so you know, if you're gonna kill me. I told my mum i'm with you.' She smiled as she planted a soft kiss on his head. Her anxiousness lessen a bit. She silently admitted that it was relaxing. She had a full view of the forest and they weren't creepy since the sunlight filter through the leaves of the trees. She could hear birds, whistle somewhere in the woods. It was indeed relaxing.
He laughed softly. "I still haven't met your parents but I'm doing this anyway." He said pausing for a moment, moving one his hands and held one of her hands. He rubbed the back of her hand softly. He seemed nervous not able to hide it any longer and figured she was in the best mood he was going to get her in.

"I was going to do this that day you got stuck in my lap but I chickened out, was going to do it when we got home but Dedrich happened. Then I never got the chance again till now. Last night I was too busy sobbing like a child and going through incest. Well anyway." He said sitting up a bit so he wasn't in her chest. "I went back out here considering this was where I decided on doing it to begin with." He gave a nervous laugh seeming like he was stalling on purpose. "I'm not very romantic so forgive me this isn't a big thing.. I love you Clarissa, even if I pull your hair in anger and try to end my own life by shoving pills down my throat. I'm yours and yours alone, I consider you mine. I hope you feel the same way towards me even though we fight a decent amount. I sort of did this in the wrong order, getting you pregnant and all." He paused again. "Despite me treating you like shit sometimes and you putting up with my family it means a lot that you do that. My brother, both of them. Apollo and Dedrich. Both of them are twisted in their own way. When you said you wanted to leave me in the hospital after I had first woken up, my world felt shattered. In the past what you did to hurt me didn't matter. No matter how angry I was at you seemed to wash away and all that crossed my mind was the concern and panicking trying to keep you in my grasps to consider you mine. I couldn't picture you leaving me, even when you just brought it up it sent into my panic again. I can't picture you in another mans arms, or womans I don't know if you swing that way. So I suppose in a way, this will make it harder for you to leave me. Will you marry me? Then you'll have to go through a court and have more time to think about it." He let go of her hand and pulled a ring out of his pocket opening her hand up and sat it in her palm. "Really I do love you, even if Apollo seems to think I'm into him. I want to be yours and yours alone. I'm just curious if you want to feel the same way towards me, forever."
'They met you,' she chuckled. 'I already told them you were a lot nicer in a coma, so don't worry.' Clarissa suddenly noticed something different in him, he was actually fidgety and anxious. She'd never seen him like this before and it's making her scared and nervous. She could feel her heart wanting to jumped out of her chest. A lot of scenarios were on her mind. The top on the list was that Adrian was gonna tell her that he's gonna leave her for Apollo. They were actually about to elope. The moaning came back from its cell, not exactly helping her.

Clarissa tried to keep her face blank as she stared at him directly at his eyes. If she's gonna get hurt, she promised herself that she won't let him see her cry like she used to. She's gonna be broken anyways, might as well keep a little bit of her dignity intact.

But what he said didn't make on her list. Yes she's pregnant with his child, but they sure do bicker a lot. She did some stupid things, he did too. She nearly caused the death of him twice, according to her calculations. She wasn't exactly the best girlfriend, and he wasn't the perfect boyfriend either. He was a bit mean when she could be downright bitchy and sarcastic. They can pissed each other as fast as they can make up.

He saw her at her worst point in life, the cheating on his older brother. She saw him too at his worst part of his life, or just the part that she's involve with, he's still enigmatic to her, by making out with his older brother. Clarissa hoped that that will be the end of it.

Here he is, Adrian talking about his feelings openly. A very rare moment of him showing his vulnerabilities. Sharing his heart out. Showing his true emotions. As he gave her the ring, her palms turned like heavy lead. Admitting his flaws. She could see the annoying man that she loves, asking her if she feels the same way of how to spend forever. Clarissa was overwhelmed. She wanted to cry, be mean and sarcastic but she just can't. She looked at him with teary amber eyes and whispered, 'Hell, yes.' Clarissa fisted his hair and pulled him closer to her face as she planted the most passionate kiss she could give him.

He may be mean, annoying as fuck, mercurial, taciturn, a bit of a weirdo and childish but he could be caring, kind, loving and a passionate guy. A sappy Adrian even. He don't see himself as a romantic but Clarissa sees him. And she'll be lucky to call him mine.
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The relief he felt after she answered was amazing, he kissed back passionately holding her face in his hands softly but didn't go any farther than that, pulling away still wanting to talk with her. "I have no memory of anything that went on while I was in that coma so I still need to meet them." He laughed softly, taking the ring from her and put on it on her finger for her. "Really you have no idea how nervous I was.. Honestly I never get nervous. I love you." He laughed again kissing her cheek softly.
'Alright' she wiped the tears out of her eyes. 'We'll go visit them. When do you want to go?' As Adrian put the ring on her, she felt a sudden giddiness. Like a kid on Christmas morning. 'I love you too. Oh. And I don't swing that way, but if you want me to...hmm.' She joked halfheartedly as she hugged him.
He scoffed. "No, I don't want you to." He said rolling his eyes holding her hand again, kissing her cheek again. Instead of rubbing her hand his fingers messed around with the ring sliding it from left to right. "I'd prefer to go before you get too big or after you give birth personally." He smiled as leaned back in the seat, glancing outside at the windows. "They won't let you fly in an airplane after so far along in your pregnancy I know that much."
'I'm just messing with you, geez. You're not still nervous, are you?' Clarissa giggled at him. 'And stop playing with my ring.' Clarissa pouted as she place her hand on her chest. 'Alright. I'll book the flight later,' she snuggled at his chest.
"Well I mean, we're both engaged now. I faintly am considering I get to plan a wedding with you, listen to bitch when you've gained five pounds because you won't fit into your dress." He laughed at just the thought. "Oh I'm sorry don't mind me. Don't become Bridezilla, just don't. Also don't worry about booking the flight. I'll do it."
'It's okay Swooshy, your father is a bit a dick.' Clarissa whispered at her stomach, 'I need to eat so Swooshy will grow perfectly healthy.' But she did mind though. She don't want to be bloated on her wedding pictures. That's embarrassing.... 'I swear Acher, after this baby is born and i'm back to wearing my old clothes, you'll practice abstinence.' She pouted at him.
"I'll just buy condoms Clarissa, I don't want another baby until this one is older. I'm just assuming you want the wedding after you have the baby so I'm referring to you just gaining weight in general. I don't care about your weight but when you were starting to gain weight from 'swooshy' you seemed to care a lot." He said rubbing her stomach softly.
'Oh, don't bother buying condoms.' She said smugly. 'You won't gonna need it. I told you abstinence, you twat.' Clarissa adjusted herself so that she could sit properly, she tried hiking her dress down. 'Of course we'll do the wedding after the baby! It's my wedding and I wanted to look pretty.' She pouted at him.
"You say you want abstience but I'm sure I'll get you on our honey moon." He rolled his eyes kissing the side of her neck. "I know how to make you want me Clarissa don't even go there about abstience."

"Also you look fine now, you just have a belly. Considering it isn't even unhealthy weight I don't care. It's our child."
'Huh.' Clarissa snorted haughtily. She tilted her head to gave him full access but ending up by pushing him lighlty away from her. 'Then I guess we'll see. Challenge Accepted. ' she had one of her sly grin, her eyes filled with playfulness. 'Don't be so over confident, Acher.' She leaned in and nipped his lower lip playfully.

'And of course, you'll say I look fine.' Clarissa pouted at him, 'You just proposed to me. It's your job to make me feel better,'
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"Honestly you'll be twenty times more prettier if you totally cooked me food or let us leave here to go get food from somewhere. I didn't get around to eating yesterday and I'm at a point that it's beyond painful for me now." He said letting out a half laugh that turned into a sigh, considering he hadn't ate in god knows how long by now.
'Let's just eat outside,' she chortled at him as she tried to move away and stepped out of the car, leaving Adrian siting alone at the backseat. 'I'll cook something for you tomorrow.' Clarissa tapped the roof of the car before getting inside the frontseat. 'Come on my dear servant, drive.' She laughed as she put her seatbelt on.
He nodded and got out of the backseat, shutting the door before getting the drivers seat. "Where do you want to go? I don't care as long as I just eat sometime within the next hour." He laughed quietly feeling like she should be the one demanding food not him.
'Hmm. I want some Maki.' Clarissa said thoughtfully, 'The only place I knew which serves a good one is back in school. So what the hell, drive wherever you want, princess.'
He shrugged. "Well, I don't know we can just get chinese I guess. I don't care." He said starting to drive where ever. "Are you even still attending school? I haven't gone considering I was in a damn coma." He laughed
'Chinese it is.' Clarissa shrugged at him. She wasn't exactly hungry, so she really don't care at all. 'Oh, uh.... I kinda dropped out. Between having the baby and you in a hospital, i'm not sure if I can bear it.' Clarissa said thoughtfully, while rubbing her Swooshy. 'What are you gonna do about your classes? You can still go, you know. You'll just have to attend special classes though, but i'm sure it won't be a problem.'
He shrugged. "I'll probably just drop out as well, I personally hate most of the people there and considering I'm going go be busy with you, the child, us moving, getting married. I can put college on hold. I already get checks from the government so me finding a job isn't on high demand." He smiled over at her. "When do you want to get married? I know you want to after swooshy is born. I mean, how long after though?"
'If you hate the people then why are you there?' Clarissa asked incredulously. Not still really understanding her fiance. 'So we're going to live in government checks?' Her eyebrow is raised, as she look back at him with a smirk. 'Hmm. That depends. Normal or C-section. 6 months after maybe? A year, tops.' She said when Adrian inquired about the time of the marriage.
"Well considering the whole reason my major was lingustics considering that's what the government requested I get, which their paying for by the way hence why I'm there. I'm still getting paid for what I did as Seal, never really had the need to spend money so I have over 100K in the bank. Considering I just made it through their training I got 60K up front. This car is the only thing I've really ever spent money on."

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