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He shook his head. "No, I'm not a sweets type of person. I prefer spice over anything." He laughed, smiling faintly at her. His mood seeming to improve as he shoved food into his face without a care.
'Okay.' Clarissa said jadedly. Finally full with after eating atleast 8 pieces of strawberry along with the cream and chocolate syrup, she pushed the still full bowl away from her and licked the excess cream on her fingers. 'Hmm spicy.' She said thoughtfully while licking her fingers, 'I think I want italian footlong with Jalapeño, next.' Clarissa pouted again.
He rolled his eyes. "After you eat your cake if you're still hungry I'll make you that, even if I have to go out to the story. Please let me eat for now. Really the smell of food was making me sick the whole car ride home."
'I'm sorry.' She chuckled as she reached for his face with her hand free of cream. 'Don't mind me. I just wanted a bit of everything. Just eat babe, it'll pass.' Clarissa added while dipping her finger on the cream and place it on her mouth.
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He laughed softly and rolled his eyes. "You're fine." He said finishing his box of food quickly before getting up and getting her cake out of the oven. "It has to cool off for about ten minutes or so but it's almost done."
'I'm honestly full.' Clarissa said sheepishly. 'I think i'll save that for later.' She took the wasted contents of the bowl with cream and syrup and poured it on the sink. She went back towards the counter top and reached for the chopped strawberries. Clarissa picked one and popped it on her mouth while putting the rest in the fridge. 'Are you good? Still famished?' She glance up at Adrian.
"No I feel better now, why?" He asked, sitting back down at his spot at the counter. "Do you want that sandwhich for dinner then? Or do you think your mind will change by then?"
'Hmm. Nothing. ' Clarissa answered him as she continued to wash the bowl she used. Once done, she placed it back on the rack and wipe her hands using the hand tissue by the cabinet. 'I don't know what I wanted for dinner.' She said quietly as she walked at him and hug him from behind. 'But I do want that italian footlong with jalapeño. I'll keep you posted, though.' She laugh mirthfully.
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He snickered looking back at her. "Whenever you're hungry again I'll make you one." He smiled, leaning back into her a bit as he kissed her cheek. "If I got a rottweiler would you get pissed? Or any type of dog really."
'No, not really.' Clarissa shrugged at him, 'as long as you can take care of it, and all of its mess, then yeah, sure. I don't mind' she paused for a bit, she doesn't had a pet growing up so she doesn't exactly know what's needed to be done. Clarissa did knew one thing, dogs can be messy. 'Though, if you ignore it i'll ship it back in its kennel where it came from and i'll ship you along with it. ' Clarissa warned as she hugged him tighter.
He rolled his eyes. "I don't consider myself a dog." He laughed. "Also I'm fine with taking care of it, I wasn't expecting you to anyway. I just wanted to make sure before I got it that you didn't have some weird irrational fear of dogs."
'Honestly I don't know.' Clarissa admitted 'I didn't own a pet while growing up, and the dogs I encountered were the pets of my friends.' She glance up and kissed him lightly on the cheek. 'Would you return the dog if I don't like it?' asked Clarissa.
"Yes if it bothered you that much but I'm keeping in mind this thing will be around our infant so if it's not nice to either one of us it's going either way." He said, turning around in his chair so he was facing her, rubbing her stomach softly.
'Okay then, it is settled.' She giggled 'we'll have a dog. But I think a house first would be good, then the dog would follow. Then the baby.' Clarissa raised her hands to pat his face. 'Because i'm not sure if Apollo and Nicolas would like to have a dog in the house.'
"Nicolas loves dogs as much as he loves the tiny human inside of you. Apollo is a cat person believe it or not so that's why I don't already own one though I think I could get him to deal with it." He snickered softly, his hand moving underneath her shirt as he contiuned to rub her stomach. "You're always warm now and it's honestly great."
'Well, if you like to have a dog that much,' Clarissa resigned 'we can have one now. Maybe you can practice taking care of the dog so when the baby came you'll be all prepared when the poopin' and crying became our alarm.' She giggled at him. Clarissa placed her hands on top of his shoulders for support and look at her belly, 'yeah, warm and always tired.'
"I find you adorable while you're pregnant even if you're hormonal so don't worry about it." He patted her stomach softly simply resting her hand on belly after he did simply for warmth. "Honest to god I will go get a dog right now if you'll let me." He said staring at her hopefully, the way she seemed to light up about her strawberries.
'Alright.alright.' Clarissa sighed while shakin her head. 'Go get your damn dog.' She tried to keep a straight face but ended up laughing at him.
"Eee~ Thank you!" He said, he had the happiness of a child as he kissed her grabbing his car keys and another box of chinese food for him to eat on the way there and back. "I'll be back!" He said not being able to leave and come back quick enough.

He came back an hour and half later carrying a little puppy that had a mix of light brown and black fur, despite it being a puppy clearly it was honestly a big puppy. "Clarissa?" He called as he walked into the house wanting to show her his new best friend.
After Adrian's quick getaway, Clarissa clean up. She put everything that's needed to be washed in the dishwasher and set it on. She wiped the counter top where they ate and she alredy put the cake on the plate with a glass case.

After cleaning she soak herself on the tub for about thirty minutes. The smell of the lavander bubble bath soap was still in Adrian's bathroom even after she's done. She took a pair of Adrian's cotton clothes and lie on the bed. She wanted to sleep but she can't she was too hyped up as she stared her opal ring that has a tinge of blue and green. The diamonds were glinting on the sides.

She thought she couldn't sleep, but after fifteen minutes, she doze off with her right hand near her chest. She was woken up when their front door was open and Adrian was calling out. Tying her hair in a messy bun, she stood up and opened the door. 'Up here.' Clarissa called out from the second floor.
Adrian went upstairs quickly, holding the puppy like it was a small child. He went into his room shutting the door behind him as he sat the large puppy down on his bed. "It's only 8 weeks old, isn't it adorable." He said the puppy looking around the room sniffing all over Adrians bed inculding Clarissa.
'This thing is an 8 week old?!' Clarissa's voice was doubtful. 'Adrian this isn't a puppy, its a little dog.' She let the puppy sniff her hand and it end up licking her. She looked back at Adrian and he was grinning like an idiot. Clarissa poke the tummy of Adrian's brand new pup, 'Look, its all fat and pudgy, is it a boy?'
He laughed softly and sat down on the on the edge of the bed petting the top of the dogs head softly as it sat down staring at both Clarissa and Adrian. "It's chubbyness is cute." He said rolling his eyes. "Yes it's a boy. The woman at the pet store said in a year or two this thing will be camparable to the size of a lion." He said laughing softly.
His enthusiasm is very infectious. Clarissa couldn't help but to grin too along with him. Adrian being childish was all too cute to be unnoticed. 'Well as long as Pudding, and yes his name is Pudding because he sure looks like it,' she scratch its ears and the puppy leaned sideways, clearly enjoying what is happening. 'Is going to be a well trained dog, then everything will be peachy or else i'll pack you both in a crate and send you back to the petstore.' She leaned in and kiss Adrian lightly on the cheeks. 'We should monitor his vaccines for anti rabies and all other things he needs. Right?'
"Aw that name is mean." He said rubbing the dogs belly like he was trying to comfort it from Clarissa though it didn't know what was going on. "He'll grow out of his fatness. Also yes of course we will. I'm going to train it to attack apollo, and protect you." He snickered.

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