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Pudding licked all over her for a moment before moving out of her hold, walking around the bed before jumping down off the bed biting and growling Adrians dresser for no reason whatsoever then laid down staring back at Clarissa.

Adrian came back about twenty minutes later with the sandwhich Clarissa wanted made and the cake he had made her all finished now, it being decorated well enough it looked like it was store bought. "Merry christmas, eat it and forgive me. I'll go get you flowers if you want some." He said sitting the cake and sandwhich on the bedside table.
'Yes, Pudding, ' Clariss sat up and peered at what the dog was doing when it jump down. 'Your father is a bit of a jerk, and I said . . . . yes.' Her voice was almost a wistful and whisper. The pup jumped back on the bed. Wagging its bushy tail in the process. It lick her hards as she tried to scratch its ears.

The puppy was lying beside her at Adrian's spot. His paws were under his chin and he was blinking slowly as if he was sleepy yet he doesn't want to sleep. Clarissa was brushing his mane when Adrian entered the room. She wanted to snapped at him but then he brought her a peace offering. It was the italian foot long with jalapeño she requested along with the strawberry shortcake that he made for her. 'You can sleep beside Pudding tonight.' Clarissa pouted but then she reached out her hand and held his.
He laughed softly and leaned down kissing her looking at the sleepy puppy. "Poor pudding." He smiled at Clarissa rubbing the back of her hand. "He seems so tired." He spoke standing next to the bed rubbing Clarissas belly. "Also it's fine, I'll sleep on the couch I shouldn't have said what I said. I'm sorry." He said before letting go of her hand and left the room again shutting the door behind him.
The dog stopped moving altogether. The tail was rested on ther bed as he slowly breathes. 'Yes, he is a baby. Baby needs a sleep.' She whispered at Adrian. After his peace offerings, Adrian apologize too in his snarky remarks and it made her wonder a bit. He was playful earlier and now he was all too serious. There is the Adrian she knew and loved. The mercurial.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, she took her phone and started searching. She didn't exactly have a christmas gift to him. Clarissa wasn't exactly sure that he was going to be awake, plus she was too tense to think such trivial thing. But now he's alive and kickin' she needed to give him a decent gift. Though, what would she give to a person who has everything he likes?! She tried to think of something else but it made her sleepy. Her phone suddenly fell on her grasps as she shut her eyes.
The dog woke up several hours later it being later at night by then, Adrian just letting the two of them sleep while he slept on the couch for the night.

Pudding whined loudly nuzzling Clarissas face trying to wake her up wanting someone to play with and considering the door was shut he couldn't go downstairs to bother other members of the house. He rested his two front paws where her collar bone was at it before standing on her howling.
'What th f---' Clarissa almost screamed at the suden howling. There was a hairy big dog on top of her. She was about to push it away when she remembered that Adrian brought one home. 'Shit. ... Right Pudding.' She tried to sit up and looked around. Adrian wasn't in the room. She scratched Pudding's ears and it wiggled its tail. 'Where's your father you great lump?' She whispered at the dog.

It was dark outside, she checked for the time and it was an ungodly hour to wake up. Clarissa switched on the bedside lamp, giving illumination to a darken room. Not exactly knowing what to do with Pudding and a bit worried at Adrian, she carried Pudding on her side like a clutch purse and walked downstairs. Pudding was whining non stop, and Clarissa was pleading with it. Afraid that it might wake up the entire Acher household. The dim lights of the hallway lighted up their way.

As soon as they're on the ground floor, she let Pudding go and it ran around like crazy. He was so hyped up. 'Don't make a mess Pudding.' Clarissa warned as she went towards the couch and found Adrian, sleeping. She knelt beside Adrian and gave him a little kiss, 'Wake up, sleepyhead.' Clarissa smiled against his lips.
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What Adrian was dreaming about was a mystery, the kiss woke him up in an instance and almost slapped his pregnant lover right across her face stopping right before he made contact with her skin. "Shit! I'm so sorry." He said sitting up quickly kissing her cheek softly where he almost hit her. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked.

Pudding once on the floor ran into the living room, suddenly exposed to the whole house not knowing what to get into first.
Adrian's sudden move made her sat on the ground. Instead of the thought that he would be smiling when he woke up, she was never prepared at what happened. "What's wrong?!" she scowled "Oh, I don't know... how about you nearly smack me. What's up with you?! Are you okay?" Even with Adrian's assuring kissed, her heart was still pumping harder. She was still sitting on the floor, when the overwhelmed puppy went to her side, grinding his head against her arms.
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He sighed quietly, nodding his head. "I'm fine, what are you doing up? I think I was having a bad dream is all Clarissa." He got up and switched on a light. The dog ran away from Clarissa following Adrian around like he was about to do something interesting.
(( dude I royally fucked up and logged out on my computer for my rpnation account. and im too lazy to figure out my password and everythinG SO


just made a new one because im like that oh my god

pls message me bc yeah

i just

oh good god

10 posts and 24 hours later ))
She grabbed the armrest of the sofa for support for standing up. Pulling herself up, she manage to sit back on the couch. Still troubled, her face scrunched a bit, 'You want to talk about it?' She asked him, her hands rested on her stomach. 'Are you sure you're okay?'
"Yes I'm fine Clarissa. No, I don't want to talk about it either." He said as picked up Pudding who just gnawed playfully at his hand. Adrian went into the kitchen coming back with a bowl of dog food sitting down on the ground and letting the dog have at it, Pudding attacking the bowl like no tomorrow.
'Okay.' Clarissa said with a sigh, not really wanting to push him further. 'Hey, have you talked to Nicolas? Did he agreed about Pudding?' She asked as she watched the pudgy baby dog ate its food with gusto.
"Apollo said if we get to keep Pudding, he gets to get a liter of kittens." He snickered. "I adviced against it because I just think Pudding here will eat them or attack them. Nicolas was perfectly fine with us having the dog."
'Oh Pudding will eat them alright' she giggled as she nodded at the dog. 'Look at how it eats, one bowl isn't enough!' Pudding ate faster, licking the doggie bowl clean. The litter on the floor didn't survive at the puppy's mercy as it lick the marbled tiles with its wet tongue.
Adrian sat down on the couch next to the girl and picked up the chubby dog. "Poor Pudding. He's a bottomless pit." He laughed sitting on his lap, the dog standing up against his chest gnawing at his playfully again.
Adrian distanced himself starting about a little over a month ago, he would still take care of her and do everything he needed too; yes. Was he around and talkative as much? No. If Clarissa brought it up he would blame stress considering they were half moved into their new home and home not. Nicolas seemed to hover over the two a decent amount also as Adrian kept himself away from Clarissa as much as he deemed fit.

They were living in the house they bought, a few things here and there that were left at the Achers residence. Apollo got his kitten and pudding just grew in size, losing its chubbyness and still wasn't full grown at this point either. He was a big ass dog naturally.

They visited Clarissas parents, Adrian meeting them and enjoying their time away together. It was about two monthes of everything being happy Adrians moods over all would be shit.

He sat at the edge of their bed, pudding laying on the floor staring up at the two as Adrian sat down. "So.." He started, not really able to keep it a secret too much longer considering he would be leaving in a little less than a week. He could just vanish sure but he wasn't that cruel.

"You know how you keep bothering me about my mood and closeness to you..? Yeah.. I have to leave.." He spoke quietly not looking at his pregnant lover. "In like.. A few days.. I should've told you sooner. I'll be back in three weeks though.." He had been working a decent amount, though that could be taken as Adrian taking care of himself. He seemed like health and fitness type anyway. Now, it made sense why he made it a ritual basically everyday expect the weekends.

Him working out was him trying to make bootcamp less painful, knowing he was going to have his ass beat into shape anyway. "I'm so sorry.. I really am.." He sighed still not looking at her and not say directly where he was going.

"I'll see about getting removed from a special operations team." There it was, what he was leaving for. With the time he was leaving he was probably more than likely going to miss the birth of his child or cut it pretty damn close.
The trip to her parent's house was rather traumatic for her but successful. As soon as the car stopped in front of the wrought iron gates of her parents estate, Clarissa's mum fuss like nobody's business. Of course, they got scolded for not visiting soon enough, but considering the happenings in the Acher residence, they let it slide. And there was the eventfull talk between Mr.Mason and Adrian, the 'if you hurt my little princess, i'll gut you like a pig and force feed you your own entrails.' It was a pretty neat talk. They also told them that they were engage but decided that after the baby was born, that's when they can plan the marriage. That made Mrs.Mason weep. Her petite fille is finally getting married. It took some time, and a couple of bottles of Pinot Noir before they made Mrs. Mason calm. They're return trip was much easier. Both sides of the family is updated. Everyone is happy.

They also purchased a house, the one with a big yard for Pudding. It was a thirty minute drive from the old Acher's residence. Nicolas insisted it or else he'll camp outside their house just to get to see her grandkid. Some furnitures in their new house was still in covers. Though some are fully operational. The room of the baby was already fixed and painted, according from her last checkup, the newest additional to the family is a girl, contradicting to the old one her doctor said. She wanted to snapped at her doctor, but a girl is perfect all the same.

Clarissa felt that everything is fine and peachy. That everything is in order, except for Adrian. After their visit from her parents, he became a bit off. He's okay when it comes of her needs and wants but he's seems to be distant. He was quiet, and when asked he was the one who snaps, Clarissa being hormonal retorted back. Firght and make up. The same cycle, but then she realize that maybe, he was just scared. Just like her. In a matter of months, a living bouncing baby will pester and light their lives. They wasn't exactly ready for this. Well, Clarissa wasn't and Adrian was just into the idea of having a baby. So maybe the nerves was just getting into him and it was up for her to adjust.

They were in their new room in their new house. Adrian's bed was still the same one that they used since it was a giant king size bed. Clarissa was sitting up, her back was on the head board and her feet were high up in the pillow. A magazine was on her nearly nine months belly. She was reading some tips on how to calm your nerves during labor when Adrian suddenly open up.

She was about to say to him that being not talkative was a sign of pmsing and it was pretty normal for a girl like him. But there was something in his voice that made her stop. He was dead serious that he can't even looked at her in the eye. It was as if he was talking somewhere beneath him. She placed the magazine down, 'What? How. . . . no. You can't.' Anger flared in her chest. 'You said that them calling you back on some fucking weird ass assignment is an IF, Adrian, a fucking IF. You don't want to talk about this before because you said that it wont. . . . . .' she trailed off. Clarissa head wasn't exactly wrapped around it. Feeling like choking, she struggled to stood up but manage, she looked at him and fury and wrath was upon her eyes. 'You knew all along . . . all those time . .. . and you never told me?! But then weeks before this thing....' She held her heavy tummy, 'this baby... Your baby will be born and you decided you tell me. Is this your another way of screwing me up?!! Fuck. Shitm So fucking unbelievable.' Clarissa hissed at him angrily. Her eyes red with tears and anger as she glared down upon him.
He didn't know what to say to her to comfort her, there was nothing under the sun that he could think of. He opened his mouth to say something but he shut it just as quickly as he opened it. He wasn't happy about it either, his future came back to haunt him like a shitty ghost and picked the most awful time.

He took a deep breathe in as he stood up knowing her anger wouldnt radiate off and leave over something this serious. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight, yes I know I'll stay down there too.." He wanted to hug the anger woman but something in him held himself back, wanting to say everything would be alright. "I really didn't think they would have me go back.. I'm not happy about this either Clarissa. I felt the same way the day I got letters and papers to sign from the government about this ordeal. I want nothing more than to stay with you, raise our daughter. I can't fucking do that now. I'm probably more angery than you are I'm the one who knocked you up and put that human in you. I want to be there and I tried to put it off but they demanded it be now for some reason that they won't tell me." He stopped talking for a moment, heading for the door to go downstairs to the couch. "Really, I'm sorry Clarissa. I didn't think this would come back to bite me in the ass."
'Just get the fuck out.' She said quietly. She was scary calm. Her eyes were dead as she stared at him, as he stood by the door. As soon as he went out. Clarissa ran back at the door and lock it with all her might. She didn't care if he got angry, hell, she'll not backdown anymore if this will end up in screaming.

She end up curled in the bed. Rubbing her stomach as she cried like there's no tomorrow. Heavy sobs, sobs that was way worst than what she did when Adrian was in a coma. He may said that it will be just three weeks but she knew a lot of things could happen. She knew there's a chance that that three weeks will expand into half a year, or a year then maybe they'll have to finish his two years left of service. All the while that she's alone. Raising the baby with the help of Nicolas or her parents. She knew that what Adrian will going to do was not a walk in the park either but she can't bear to think about that there's probably a chance that Adrian will not go back home. All she can think of was the baby and Adrian leaving, selfish or not, she didn't care.

She whispered words of comfort to her belly as she rubs it gently. A swooshy feeling suddenly emanated inside but she's use to that. It feels just like a tickle now. Clarissa ended up sleeping, due to fatigue, with tears in her eyes.
Adrian sighed as he heard the door lock behind him, going downstairs to sit on the couch not being to sleep too worried about Clarissa at this point. He sat there leaning back into the couch, shutting his eyes waiting for Clarissa to calm down so they could have a humane converstation about the matter at hand.

Pudding laid there on the floor before getting up an hour or two later wanting to go downstairs to his food bowl, he was such a big ass dog he could eat more than Clarissa if he wanted. Pudding jumped up onto the bed and pushed Clarissas face with its face and paws wanting her to wake up so it could leave the room.
She woke up even before the dog place his cold snout on her face. Clarissa felt a sudden discomfort in her stomach. She tried to rub it, to ease the pain which sometimes help but only this time, it didn't. Her lower extremities are getting numb but painful at the same time. Even if she change her position, the discomfort she felt doesn't eent away. The discomfort turned into a sudden pang. She sat up gingerly with a scowl on her face, the dog was no help either. It tried to lick her face, being big and all, Pudding was very hard to push away.

The pang she felt didn't last long either. After a few minutes of it, she felt a sudden jab in her stomach. It made her suck her breath. It was like her menstrual cramps, but a thousand times worse. She stifled a scream at it happened again. 'No....' She suddenly whispered when she realized what might happening to her was already a labor.

She tried standing up, the pain in her back, and a strong pull in her abdomen made her grab the side table. She heard a sudden crush, she didn't knew that she pulled the bedside lamp.

Clarissa was about to pick the shards up, but as soon as she moved, she felt the extreme pain she never felt before in her entire existence. It feels like she's been ripping into pieces, a scream escaped from her mouth as she leaned at the wall. 'No...no.. No..' She hissed at herself as she stifled another scream. Her eyes were tired from crying but tears fell all the same. It was too early. She's two weeks early. If she must fight herself to not to give birth this instant, she will. She must. Clarissa screamed louder for the last time when the pain in her stomach became unbearable.

Pudding sat beside her, as if knowing her ordeal, he ended up scratching the door. Whining for someone to open it.
Adrian still wasn't asleep at the time of Clarissa getting up from Pudding and making so much noise picked the lock to their bedroom to door fairly quickly after she screamed. He laid the knife down letting Pudding leave the room and stared at Clarissa not really knowing what to do with her just assuming she was awake and crying again. "What's wrong..?" He asked softly as he stood next to their bed.
'The baby....' She cried while holding her stomach. 'It...hurts.' Clarissa screamed. Without the wall supporting her back, she'll be probably curled up in the floor. Her lower back screams like hell, but her stomach competes for the pain. If this was the labor or whatever the hell the doctor told her what pain she'll experience, she wanted it to stop. But at the same time she don't want to give birth to Swooshy. Not yet. Two weeks is wee bit early. She hissed again as the pain erupted.
He frowned and sat down next to her, moving her just a bit so she was leaning against him rather then the head board to the bed. He didn't really think she was in labor and just assumed she was in pain whatever, considering she was so far along he assumed some pain was normal.

He had moved her so the back of her head was resting against his chest, reaching forwards and lifted up her shirt rubbing her stomach softly and used his free hand to hold her hand. "You're probably just stressed out.. Try and relax to see if that'll help the pain. I can run you bath water if you think that will help." He said calmly, mainly just for her sake to try and keep her relax. He kissed her forehead softly. "If it doesn't go away soon we can go to the hospital.."

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