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Clarissa woke up feeling a bit cold, as she opened her eyes, Adrian wasn't aready beside her. She tried checking the wall clock in the room and surprised to see that she woke up pretty late than her usual. She was still tired, her eyes automatically closed everytime she opened them so she didn't fight it. She slept some more. When she woke up and can control the shutting of her lids, she sat up. She slept for another additional two hours! Adrian was still not in the room. She tried checking the bathroom, but he wasn't there.

Clarissa wanted to go back to sleep, but she already missed her breakfast. Quietly she opened the door of Adrian's bedroom and headed outside. She took a couple of fruits and just grabbed herself some milk. She was all for getting Swooshy all healthy but Clarissa knew that if she force herself. She'll just end up throwing it out. She retired back into their bedroom, not wanting to see anymore tenants from the Acher residence for now, carefully locking the door behind her and force herself to eat atleast something. She cut some apples and finished the whole thing with her glass of milk for Swooshy's sake.

After her meal, she put the empty glass and plate on the bedside table. She went back on the bed, curling herself under their heavy covers. She wasn't sleepy, but she was tired. A little bit under the weather, probably. But she had no other excess energy to do things. After the eventful thing that happened to them yesterday and earlier that morning, she just wanted to sleep it off adn enjoy the escape her dreams could only provide.
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Adrian came back not long after Clarissa had laid down, getting out of his car and went into his bedroom. He went over to her and kissed the spot on her nose between her eyes. "Are you awake?" He asked softly.
She's not exactly in a deep sleep when someone kissed her and woke her up. It was Adrian, and he looks a bit better than yesterday, or she was just still tired and sleepy. She didn't even bother to sit up. Clarissa looked at him with her sleepy eyes, but then all she could think about was his moaning. She force a tiny smile, perfectly hiding what she's thinking, 'hey, is there anything wrong?' she asked as she reached for his face.
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He shook his head. "No I'm fine." He said as he sat down next to the spot on the bed next to her, one his hands resting on ber stomach. "I just went out to get tynelol and do some other stuff." He shrugged. "Do you still have morning sickness and stuff?"
'How are you feeling?' Clarissa patted his hand on her belly. Her concerned eyes look at his. ' No. I'm way pass the morning sickness.. Thank the gods. Why do you ask?
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"I'm just curious." He smiled softly down at her. "Where the fuck is Apollo at by the way? And Nicolas. Just so you know I've come to conclusion we should move out to our own place. Just mostly on the fact Apollo is going to ruin us." He sighed softly.
She nodded solemnly at him, but when she heard him ask about where is Apollo and Nicolas, she muster every will power she possess just so she won't make a face. Oh gods. When will the moaning stop. Clarissa cried in her head. 'I never saw them. Sorry.' But then she stopped, he wanted to move out, with her. Maybe that's good. But she can't bring herself to answering him.
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"Is that fine with you? Considering a child will keep up my father and brother all night when they both work all the time too." He gave her a small smile. "Unless you really want to stay here living with Apollo and Nicolas. Once Dedrich gets out of prison he'll be heading back here considering he hasn't made even twenty dollars in his life without selling something illegal."
'Yes, that's fine with me.' She said quietly as she stared at her stomach, rubbing it in the process. It was the only thing that prevents her from freaking out. Oh, the irony is strong with her. 'But... Are you sure you are okay with it? It is a big step. Things like this should be taken seriously.' she asked softly, still eyeing the rhythm of her rubbing.
He nodded. "I would've moved out long ago but shit with Dedrich went down and my father wanted me to stay. Now he has no reason to keep me here living with him. We can get a home not far from here or build one, so he can't say he won't be able to see his grandbaby."
A house. One serious step. Well, we're not married so if anything happens... Yes. Clarissa internal chatter ensues after Adrian's proposition of a house. 'Okay, we'll move out. Yeah. Sure. Buying a house would be better though.' She knew that building a house takes time, and she's not sure if she can wait any longer. If Adrian suffered anymore of his weird shitty issues, she's not sure if she can still pick up the broken pieces without breaking herself in the process.
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He nodded again, poking her stomach gently. "Are we going to have anymore kids? If we're buying I don't want to have to move again because we ran out of room." He laughed quietly, he seemed in such a good mood compared to yesterday. "I'm leaving that up to you considering I can't get pregnant."
'I'm thinking of only having two,' Clarissa shrugged at him. 'Honestly I only wanted one. But.... two could be a maximum.' She added softly. Carefully not looking him again, while still toying with her tummy. The moaning sound makes her want to bash her head in.
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"I'm going to laugh if you end up pregnant not long after this one and it's twins. You'd be stuck with three." He laughed softly watching her rub her stomach. "On another note, the shit with my brother, I would have beat him to death but I was drunk and tired. I don't think I realized what was going on until he was probably about to undo my pants."
'Twins already counts as two,' Clarissa grinned genuinely for the first time that day. She's turning into Nicolas, whom the source of happiness was the baby inside her. And then Adrian mentioned the thing that happened between him and his brother, way to kill the mood. She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. As he explained to her, her internal bitch screaming at the top of its lungs, You moaned dude. You moaned. Who do you think was kissing you?! Stupid little twat. But the bitch inside her was all locked up. She's tired and don't want another fight. 'I know.' She said softly as she gave his hand a little squeeze.
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He rolled his eyes. "Stop worrying yourself Clarissa. I'm not into that shit." He said like he was able to see right through her quietness regarding the matter. "Are you too tired to do anything today?"
'I'm not...' Boom. A lie. She wasn't exactly that worried, its just that something was screaming at her. Especially if Adrian will be like that everytime he's drunk. Clarissa wasn't exactly the girl who'll take the cookie for being most behave while being drunk. She was no better. 'Yes, i'm tired. Being pregnant and all.' She chuckled under her breath as she rubbed her little Swooshy. At least that wasn't a lie and he usually stopped fretting when it comes to Swooshy.
He laid down on the bed and stared over at her, nodding his head slightly before wrapping his arms around her just holding her. "Alright, you can go back to sleep then. I can wait." He said without another word on whatever he was waiting for.
Clarissa chuckled as she saw him try. His mercurial boyfriend was exceptionally sweet, stop over thinking, Clarissa. She told herself as she glance up. 'You know what, I can sleep later. Is there anything you want to do Acher?' A tiny smile formed in her lips. Clarissa kept the moaning locked up with the her bitchy self in some tower faraway.
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He shrugged. "I don't know, no one is home so we could just go for a drive or walk, whatever you want. I'd prefer a drive actually if that's alright with you."
'Yeah okay. Let me just change for a bit.' Clarissa stood up from the bed and grabbed a dress on Adrian's closet. She headed striaght towards the bathroom. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she donned the cozy dress she picked up. The violet under her eyes were a bit prominent as she dabbed a few cheek tint and a bit of a lipstick to add color to her pallor face.

Minutes later, she was ready. Or as ready as she'll ever be but mentally double locking the demons that might crawl out of her mind. She prepared a beaming smile as she opened the door. 'Shall we?' Clarissa asked at Adrian with her well prepared smile.
Adrian nodded, getting up grabbing her hand starting to head out to his car. "You know you didn't have to put on makeup or anything. It's just going to be us you know."
'Its just a tint for Christ sake. I don't want to look too pale.' Clarissa said quietly. 'Its hardly a make up, Acher.' She added as she buttoned up her cardigan. 'Have you seen me in full make up? No, cause I don't do that shit.' It was true. A light color on her cheeks and lips, she's all set. Her roommate was always frustrated at her, Clarissa was too fast, she was ready to go when her roomate was barely done with her eyes.
He rolled his eyes. "I'm just saying you look fine without it." He said as he got in the drivers seat to his car, waiting for Clarissa to get in before pulling out of the drive way. "Did you ever find out the gender of my little demon yet?"
'Yeah, well thanks.' She said dismissively at his compliment as she went in the car. 'Nope. But I think Swooshy's a boy.' Clarissa buckled up and glance down at her stomach, smiling warmly.'Seeing he could be annoying as hell.'

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