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'Fine.' She tried to day it as quietly as she can. If she snapped, fighting ensues. She just let it slide for once, he was just pmsing. He woke up Clarissa, that's what matters. She told herself as she carefully jump in the bed. She didn't glance back at him as she closed the door behind her. And just like Adrian said, Nicolas was there sitting at the bench outisde Adrian's room. 'Hey,' she said as she stood awkwardly at the door. 'Is something wrong?' She added as she rubbed her tummy lightly.
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Nicolas looked up at her and shrugged. "I told him to do something for once, if you're talking about what I told him a few minutes ago. I'm sure you can agree his mental health needs a break, he constantly takes care of everyone else I'm sure you can agree on that too. I'm guessing he kicked you out?"
'Yeah. He needs it. Badly.' Clarissa said softly, 'He just tried to killed himself twice, but he's not seeing any shrink? What's up with that?' Clarissa glance at her tummy, she rubbed it as she felt another swooshy feeling inside. 'He talked about getting pulled in for the Navy. He said he must if they ask him to. I don't want him to go. He won't survive it. He'll be broken after two years.' Clarissa said quietly, though she knew that Nicolas might agree with Adrian since he was a military man himself.
"Yeah I noticed he took that picture out of my wallet. Anyway, he'll survive it if he does get pulled back into it. I'm surprised he brought it up at a time like this. He'll get a notice a two or three months in advance, mentally what he went through it's different from stuff he's going through now. What he told me when he came back from that experience he wouldn't mind going back out there after he's calmed down. When you're out there doing what he was doing he had lives depending on him, so mentally he has to deal with it or they'll all be screwed. That was before he met you though so I doubt he still doesn't mind going. He'd probably come back beyond exhausted. He'd also have to go through the training for the Seals again, if he didn't pass that mentally they'd bump him back down to the Navy. With him being broken after two years, probably. He'll get better with time though."
'Right.' She she shrugged. She knew her pitch was useless, once a military man always a military. She knew though that what their doing is way bigger than her. 'Then what's up with his mental health needed a little r and r?'
"It's mentally draining. Also I'm sure you can agree he's going through a lot of stress with a child on the way and I think he's realizing now that he was on deaths doorstep probably would've died too if it wasn't for Apollo. He's still more focused on you more than anything else though so I'm just saying next time you see him which will be soon I'm sure try to not complain at him, just let him break down if he needs it."
'If it wasn't for Apollo and Me.' She said with a grimaced on her face. 'Nicolas... i'm sorry about that. I really am. I don't remember anything... after the drinking but that doesn't exactly makes me less guilty. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I almost cost you your son.' She added quietly. Clarissa wanted to look him in the eyes but she was scared. She doesn't want his judgement but she wanted him to know that she was sorry enough. 'Don't worry. I will do that. But if he sent me away while breaking down don't expect me to obey him.'
"I'm surprised he kicked you out to begin with. Just so you know, the only person I blame for Adrian being the way he is Adrian himself. Yeah you two and Dedrich triggered something but Adrian is stronger than he seems, he knows how to control his emotions. What were you even saying to him for you to get kicked out?"
'He wanted me to talk to you.' Clarissa said quietly. But then she force a bitter laugh. 'He knows how? He tried to kill himself because he saw me and his brother. He could've yelled at me for Christ sake.' She felt another swoosh inside her, rubbing seems to ease the nausea so that's what she did.
"You know if you need to sit down you can." He gave a small laugh. "And yes he does know how, other wise how has he not broken down at you and complained that he was on deaths door? I mean, I'm sure the only thing he's done is comfort you. There's nothing wrong with that but if you let him that's all he will do. Comfort you, he won't focus on himself."
'No, i'm good.' She chortled. 'He's just moving a lot. That's all.' She glanced at Nicolas guiltily, ' yes, he uh... he comforted me. I want to do the same,' she mumbled like a little lost girl. 'What do you want me to do? Make him cry?'
"Honestly if he refuses to break down which he more than likely needs to do, yes. Break his heart. Just don't go too far, I'm sure you can tell when you have or haven't."
'I already told him that i'll move out,' Clarissa shrugged at him 'he just threatened that he'll chuck himself out of the window if I said it once more. So yeah, I know my boundaries.' She moved closer at the door. As she grabbed the handle she looked back at Nicolas, 'Thank you.' She said quietly with a tiny smile. Clarissa opened the door and went back inside.
Nicolas just nodded letting clarissa go back into his room. Adrian was sitting up in the bed staring at nothing really but turned his attention to Clarisss when he heard him come in.

He didn't seem as pissy as he was a bit ago. "It's been like ten minutes." He said snickering. "Do you already miss me that much?"
'Don't be so cocky, Acher.' Clarissa smirked at him as she walked by his bed. 'I'm just giving you the pleasure of my awesome company.' She went all tip toed and planted a soft kiss on his lips. 'About that navy plan of yours,' Clarissa started carefully. She doesn't exactly know how can she break his heart, but she sure knows how to keep his temper up. 'Are you sure there's nothing you could do about it?' She took a seat on the stool beside his bed making her look up in the process.
"As I said, I don't really have a plan for it. It's just if they call me back or service, Clarissa." He sighed staring over at her. "Can I feel my little demon inside of you move yet? Or did it stop." He asked, looking at her stomach like he had to ask for permission to touch it.
'Its still a possibility that they'll call you.' Clarissa retorted. 'I don't want us to decide later when that mail came for you.' She awkwardly stood up to let Adrian touch her tummy. 'It stopped for a while. I swear this thing is like a giant fish. Swirling and swirling and swirling.' She looked at tummy and smiled shyly, 'i'm the one getting nauseous,'
He pouted, his arms grabbing her waist and made her sit back down on the bed close to him gently resting his hand on her stomach. "Swooshy is more interesting than fish, also I told you for the 100th time now I can't change what I signed in the past. If they want me they've got me."
'Swooshy...' She laughed at the nickname. 'Swooshy's better be interesting than a fish. They've got us for a parent.' She patted his hand that was resting on her tummy. 'What if I set an ultimatum then?!' Charlotte added quietly.
'I just don't want you to leave.' Clarissa said quietly 'How can you not see that?!' She was starting to get frustrated. 'You expect me to raise Swooshy alone? For two years?!'
He frowned, staring down at the bed. "I'm talking about me in a fucking coma Clarissa. Drop the military shit I'm starting to remember too much about it for comfort."
'Well good, then maybe that'll help you to decided whether you still wanted to go or not.' She snapped at him. If she was asked to break him, break him she'll do. 'You have other responsibilities as well, if Apollo drop out, why not you too?'
"Apollo didn't drop out. He did his four years and didn't re-enlist. I re-enlisted for another four. Apollo was going to go back with me considering he couldn't make it through the training for the Seals he didn't sign contracts. I made through with Blake and didn't think I'd have a fucking kid on the way and a bitchy ass girlfriend who can't realize what I signed isn't something I can change." Yeah she was under his skin, though he didn't seem like he was going to break down more like hit her.
'Fine! Then don't think about your bitchy ass girlfriend, for once. Think about yourself! Don't mind the others.' Clarissa glared at him as she went down by the bed. Both of her hands were on her stomach, as if. To suppory it. 'You said you're fine, but you're clearly not! You just say it for the sake of others so that they won't care about you. How can you say you're fine when as soon as you see trouble you go for the quick getaway. Pills and booze. What if you were alone out there? Then something happened, what if your team wasn't there?! Who will pull you out when that wall you tried to build in your head crumbles down upon you?! What then? Huh?!'

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