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Fantasy The Summits

"And i'll cut off your head and burn it along with your body." Jenna smiled and tilted her head "I pity you, you know that. Maybe if you were a little nicer you would have friends and not be alone!" Jenna walked back towards the shelter "I no longer need to talk to you because im tired!" She walked back to the shelter and layed down asleep with in 2 minutes.
Babble smiled at what Jenna said, he chuckled a bit. "I fell from the sky...like...out of a damn plane...We're all tired. Let's pick this up later." He turned and followed Jenna back into the shelter and collapsed once inside. he was exhausted.
"My motive is maybe just once I wouldn't have to watch more people die. Maybe just once I could hear cries of salvation and not grief."

The angry snarl turns to laughter at the pathetic girl already going to sleep.

"Keep watch on that one. Night isn't kind to the failures"
That was it. it all snapped. In came the insanity. Flashbacks. No, memories. Places, people. There was no stopping this one. The feeling welled up and Darman slowly grasped his staff. Memories of pain and anguish all around. Bloodied people with weapons and nothing but screaming and blasts all around. Only one resounding sound could be fully understood. This order resounded through his own voice and action. "Fix bayonets!" Came out as a war cry and continued in a long roar as he cocked his spear and charged forward at the newcomer. He had lost all control. In his mind he was charging at some building with gunfire spraying out of it.
"I will," he yelled from inside. "Thanks." He stayed laying on the ground, he kept close protective watch on Jenna.
Vi saw Darman rampage and let to her feet, despite being unsteady. She forced his body to stop, every part of his physical body in her control. "Darman. Relax."She smiled, making her way to him, breath coming to short panting.
Luna looked at her. She had no idea who she was, but she was nasty as hell. She turned and walked into the shelter, snarling at the girl. She folds her wings in, just in time for there fearless leader to charge at her. She moved out of the way, looking at him. She felt her energy build up, glaring at Darman. She was starting to get seriously angry.
If anything, a clean death via weaponry was welcome.

Tatt can feel the ground shake as he started moving, the shout giving her ample time to prepare. She opens her arms wide giving him a perfect spot to impale her chest.

" Do it fool. Seal your fate with the blood you spill"
Darman kept pushing. He saw himself shot and immobilized in his mind. He saw others around him dieing bloody deaths. Faces he cared about, but couldn't remember. This made him push harder. He kept emptying his lungs straining to keep moving. He had no idea what was happening around him, only his mind.
8 heard one of the people talking about blood being spilled. She cried at the thought of it being her own blood. "I-I don't w-want to d-die..." she said between sniffles.
Vi forced Darman to be pulled away from Tatt. Her hands shook with the effort. "Miss, you might want to get out of here. Not for your safety. Simply because its too early for blood, nay?" She managed a smile. She could only act as a buffer for so long. "I will try to snap him out of it.."

Vi made her way to Darman and touched his cheek lightly. "shh.." her voice became as smooth as satin. Her touch, hoping for him to feel it. "Do you here me..? I've got you.. you're safe.. shh.."
Nyx lets out a soft sigh before moving out of the shelter place. She could hear everything happening clearer since headphones slipped off of her head. It had given her a huge headache as well hurt her ears dearly. Placing them back on she dizzily walked. "What's going on?" She held her head tightly with her headphones not making sense of any of the voices around her.
The touch transmuted to his mind. He saw himself struggling again, this time with fewer faces although bloodier ones. He was touching the face of a man who had no way to survive. His blood was everywhere. He was trying to get him to open his eyes, or keep them open at least. "Open your eyes damnit! Wake up! Wake up! You're not done! Wake up!" He started yelling as Vi touched him. Tears stream down his face and his body shakes violently trying to move in any direction. "You won't die! Wake up, damnit!" He keeps yelling.
Vi hugged him, arms shaking. She tried to keep mentally stoic but it was getting difficult. "Me and you.. we are alive right now.. Open your eyes yourself, I promise there are no bodies on this side. I've got you." She was not one for intimacy, however this sort seemed appropriate. Make a PTSD suffering soldier feel secure.
Waiting for the death blow that never came, Tatt stood disappointed. Something had stopped an almost certain charge.

"Some leader. I will come back to loot your remains. You've shown me what I must do." Turning on her spot, Tatt heads into the jungle back towards her home.
Luna sat down, her face blank and her wings folded. She stayed blissfully out of the drama and conversation, seeing as she would probably yell at someone. She sighed, leaning back. She looked up, the shelter above her staring back. She hated her way of interacting, but it was there fault. She was dangerous.
Finally. It had come. He had died. He was immobile in his mind. He saw his enemy picking up his body and carrying it over his shoulder. He had been killed. his nameless friends had been killed. It was his fault. His enemy would kill more because he failed. It was over. His mind started fading away as his enemy carried him off to a pile of garbage. Such an end.

Darman let out one last loud cry before his body ceased all motor function. He was alive. he wasn't mentally there but alive. All he was now was dead weight being held by Vi. His eyes fluttered incessantly and his breathing came shallow. He had no control, but maybe for the best. His mind started fading back to the real world, but just enough to be aware.
Vi noticed the relaxation and released her hold. She tried to keep him up, but felt her legs lose feeling and strength. She look a few heavy breaths, holding up Darmans upper body so he wouldn't hit his head on the little drop. "he..geez... You worried me there for a second.. but you're back to life for now? G-good.." She smiled, through a short chuckle. "You're alive and like you said, we will all stay that way."
"This...Damn..." He started struggling trying to get to his feet. He braces his pole up and struggles up at a lean. "Noise. Too much." He starts leaning his way into the shelter with his pole. His eyes are near lifeless like the rest of his body. Every ounce of him is either too tense to move or feels stripped away. Once finally inside the shelter, he collapses on his knees and falls forward on his hands. He takes pained breaths staring at solely at the ground.
Vi, stuck immobile, watched as Darman left. Her arms quit listening to her, maybe she would sleep outside? No.. in the morning the sun would fry her. She laughed at the thought. Sunlight being her worst enemy. She looked at the shelter she put together and let her back fall as she laid outside. At least they weren't caged.. well, the ones inside the shelter weren't anyways. Her smile turned bitter as she thought of before everything.
Wraps wakes up as the ship comes to a halt, several men come below deck and let Wraps out of his cell, they lead him up on deck and toss him onto the dock, "Jesus Christ, why don't you guys be a little more careful next time?!" Wraps exclaims as the ship leaves. He finally realizes the situation and looks around. 
Wraps sighs as he walks down the dock, he seems to admire the night, although it's eeriness sets in quickly. 
He reaches the beach and examines the treeline, he picks up a stick to use as a club, "I'm not so sure I should go out there..." He says to himself. He carefully walks up, examining the trees and bushes, ".....HELLO?!...." He calls out, he quickly decides that was a bad idea.
Darman stayed breathing on his hands and knees for several minutes before sitting back up. He had some control over himself now. conscious thought was coming back slowly, and then the event prior to his blackout resurfaced. He stumbled out of the shelter with his pole frantically and looked around. Not finding a fight, he looked for bodies. Bodies created by his own hand or otherwise. He came to the sight of Vi on the ground and had a moment of panic. Had she been killed? He stumbled down to a knee next to her and looked her over. Still alive. He breathed a relieved sigh and started struggling to pull her inside the shelter.
Vi tried to help him the best she could. "Sorry.. my body breaks down a bit every time I hit my limit." She offered lightheartedly. "Feeling any better?" She offered, her tone turning concerned. Then she heard a yell. "mmf!" She tried pulling herself up. "whats going on?!"
Wraps sees something running along the treeline, "Uh..." The thing seems to be running in his direction. When suddenly, it bursts from the trees and goes to tackle him but he hits it with the branch he found. 
The creature isn't effected by it, it gets back up instantly and charges him again. 
The creature was too fast for him to hit it this time, it pounces on him, "AAAAAAAAAGHGAHAAAAAA" 
Wraps starts jabbing it with the sharpest end of the branch, it was still pretty dull. The creature claws him once as he kicks it off.
Darman made an annoyed grunt with the noise and pulled himself up over Vi with his spear held out. He stumbled for a moment but gained footing and would appear normal to any onlooker. He murmurs incomprehensible things under his breath in the general direction of the noise while still struggling to stand upright and motionless.

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