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Fantasy The Summits

"You were out for about a day. As for everyone else..." He looked around, not seeing anyone. "I'm pretty sure there are still a few in the shelter...other than that... I'm not sure. I know some people broke off to go...do whatever." Babble felt like a failure, not being able to keep everyone together.
Babble chuckled. "No, I wish though. It'd make me feel a little better if I knew where anyone went honestly..."
"Wait... Whos dating who, because im totally lost!?" She smiled and looked at him, "Well, i was under did anyone and i mean anyone get into a relationship?" She looked him dead in the eye, with a huge grin on her face
She laughed "Thats not an answer to the question i asked you!" She stuck her tongue out and waited for an answer
She smiled and looked up to the sky, "You know, it would be kinda funny if someone fell out of the jungle or the forest right about now!" and then she began laughing a bit

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