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Fandom The Strongest of Hearts [Kingdom Hearts RP]

Lilk2lu said:
Xetsume: we should go get ice cream! Sea Salt ice cream solves everything!
Demyx: ...I guess.

Demyx: *glares at Xaldin and mutters under his breath*
Xaldin: Do you have something to say, IX?

DarlingWaylonPark said:
That's comforting to know. xD
Asharxa: I would not have it any other way..-Sultry devious smile-
Xaldin: Hmph. You're doing well so far, but don't get complacent.
Lilk2lu said:
Xetsume: Yay! Takes ice cream.
Drmyx: no, it's not your fault. It's a certain blondextent assholes fault. Not yours.
Raexeth: Glad to make you happy, Xetsume. ^.^

Cyprix: But...I started this mess. ;_;
Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: Hmph. You're doing well so far, but don't get complacent.
Asharxa: I would not dream of being so, there is so much still for me to learn, so much to be done. I am glad to have you as my teacher, Xaldin. -Smirks darkly at him.- I would not have gotten this far without you, I will not fail you.
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Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: Do you have something to say, IX
Demyx: *squeeks* umm....*hides behind his hands* DON'T STAB ME!! *continues to hide*

DarlingWaylonPark said:
Raexeth: Glad to make you happy, Xetsume. ^.^
Cyprix: But...I started this mess. ;_;
Xetsume: what about you? Are you happy?

Demyx: No you didn't. Luxord did.
Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: *squeeks* umm....*hides behind his hands* DON'T STAB ME!! *continues to hide*
Xetsume: what about you? Are you happy?

Demyx: No you didn't. Luxord did.
Raexeth: Yes, though I do wish Vexen were here now. -Smiles sadly-

Cyprix: B-but...I...-blinks when Dem hides and looks at Xaldin...gulps- Uh oh...
DarlingWaylonPark said:
Asharxa: I would not dream of being so, there is so much still for me to learn, so much to be done. I am glad to have you as my teacher, Xaldin. -Smirks darkly at him.- I would not have gotten this far without you, I will not fail you.
Xaldin: See that you don't. I reward good service appropriately, but I'm not as forgiving as The Superior. I would be very...annoyed if you someday proved my efforts in training you were a waste of time.

Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: *squeeks* umm....*hides behind his hands* DON'T STAB ME!! *continues to hide*
Xetsume: what about you? Are you happy?

Demyx: No you didn't. Luxord did.
Xaldin: Of for the love of-stop being such a coward, Demyx! Are you a member of Organization XIII or aren't you?! What is the point of keeping you around if you can't even keep track of your own damn spine?!

DarlingWaylonPark said:
Raexeth: Yes, though I do wish Vexen were here now. -Smiles sadly-
Cyprix: B-but...I...-blinks when Dem hides and looks at Xaldin...gulps- Uh oh...
Xaldin: ...You. I swear to god, woman, if you're filling IX's head with even more vapid nonsense than was already there, I will end you myself.
Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: See that you don't. I reward good service appropriately, but I'm not as forgiving as The Superior. I would be very...annoyed if you someday proved my efforts in training you were a waste of time.
Xaldin: ...You. I swear to god, woman, if you're filling IX's head with even more vapid nonsense than was already there, I will end you myself.
Asharxa: -Chuckles lowly and strokes Xaldin's cheek with her fingertips as she walks by him, swaying her hips gracefully, light on her feet.- I know. Why do you think I find you the most interesting in this Organization? So enticing, so strong, so cruel and so very exotic....-whispers that last part in his ear and moves to stand beside him, arms crossed.- I am confident that I will not fail, Xaldin. You shall be most pleased.

Cyprix: Wh-what?! O.o !! Me?! N-no! What nonsense are you talking about?!
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Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: See that you don't. I reward good service appropriately, but I'm not as forgiving as The Superior. I would be very...annoyed if you someday proved my efforts in training you were a waste of time.
Xaldin: Of for the love of-stop being such a coward, Demyx! Are you a member of Organization XIII or aren't you?! What is the point of keeping you around if you can't even keep track of your own damn spine?!

Xaldin: ...You. I swear to god, woman, if you're filling IX's head with even more vapid nonsense than was already there, I will end you myself.
Demyx: *peeks between his fingers at Xaldin* I know exactly where my spine is at. It's in the corner over there. *points at a random corner and laughs but stops when he turns his attention to Cyprix* Hey! Leave her alone! *glares*
DarlingWaylonPark said:
Asharxa: -Chuckles lowly and strokes Xaldin's cheek with her fingertips as she walks by him, swaying her hips gracefully, light on her feet.- I know. Why do you think I find you the most interesting in this Organization? So enticing, so strong, so cruel and so very exotic....-whispers that last part in his ear and moves to stand beside him, arms crossed.- I am confident that I will not fail, Xaldin. You shall be most pleased.
Xaldin: *He smirks at that.* We'll see. For now, I want you to review this latest skirmish. More specifically, your part in it. Examine you and your opponent, think about how the two of you fought, and try to determine how you both could have done better. Remember; just because your opponent is a fool doesn't mean they're entirely incompetent. There may be merit buried underneath all of the contemptible failure. Just look at Demyx.

DarlingWaylonPark said:
Cyprix: Wh-what?! O.o !! Me?! N-no! What nonsense are you talking about?!
Xaldin: Yes, you. I'm talking about the sort of nonsense that makes him even more of a worthless layabout, the kind that distracts him even more with useless fantasies about ephemeral friendships, the kind that causes him to strum that damn Sitar of his at 3:00 A.M.!

Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: *peeks between his fingers at Xaldin* I know exactly where my spine is at. It's in the corner over there. *points at a random corner and laughs but stops when he turns his attention to Cyprix* Hey! Leave her alone! *glares*
Xaldin: *He paused before smirking again.* Well, well, well. Isn't that interesting? You want me to leave her alone, IX? *He paused for another moment before a cruel chuckle escaped him.* It seems that Fold wench has some use, after all. Alright, fine. I'll leave her alone...as long as you act as competent as you can be, rather than the fool you usually act like. If she can spur you to do your best, Demyx, I have no problem letting her be. If she proves superfluous, however...*He just lets that comment hang for a moment before chuckling again and letting the Sitar player draw his own conclusions.*
Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: *He smirks at that.* We'll see. For now, I want you to review this latest skirmish. More specifically, your part in it. Examine you and your opponent, think about how the two of you fought, and try to determine how you both could have done better. Remember; just because your opponent is a fool doesn't mean they're entirely incompetent. There may be merit buried underneath all of the contemptible failure. Just look at Demyx.
Xaldin: Yes, you. I'm talking about the sort of nonsense that makes him even more of a worthless layabout, the kind that distracts him even more with useless fantasies about ephemeral friendships, the kind that causes him to strum that damn Sitar of his at 3:00 A.M.!

Xaldin: *He paused before smirking again.* Well, well, well. Isn't that interesting? You want me to leave her alone, IX? *He paused for another moment before a cruel chuckle escaped him.* It seems that Fold wench has some use, after all. Alright, fine. I'll leave her alone...as long as you act as competent as you can be, rather than the fool you usually act like. If she can spur you to do your best, Demyx, I have no problem letting her be. If she proves superfluous, however...*He just lets that comment hang for a moment before chuckling again and letting the Sitar player draw his own conclusions.*
Demyx: oh, really? Are you willing to anger the Superior by ruining what we as a group worked to achieve? You, III, are willing to let a little sitar playing ruin the peace treaty? I really don't think that's a bright idea. And here I thought you were smarter than that. *crosses arms glaring*
Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: *He smirks at that.* We'll see. For now, I want you to review this latest skirmish. More specifically, your part in it. Examine you and your opponent, think about how the two of you fought, and try to determine how you both could have done better. Remember; just because your opponent is a fool doesn't mean they're entirely incompetent. There may be merit buried underneath all of the contemptible failure. Just look at Demyx.
Asharxa: -Smiles slyly and glances at Xaldin through half-lidded dark chocolate eyes, red painted lips in a smirk.- Of course, Xaldin. I know I could have done more where it not for that coward Pixelle pulling her men back, so incredibly dull. However, I did manage to kick sand into that one man's eyes, the man I fought. I will surely do worse to him if he and I were to cross paths, which I have no doubts that we will. Still, my dance steps can always be improved to enhance my sand element. -She then chuckles.- We should create a sandstorm together sometime, Xaldin, what with your abilities in wind magic and such~ -She stretches up her arms in a fluid and languid motion, almost like a cat, looking at Demyx and the little Fold child now.- They are both children, Xaldin, I'm sure they know nothing. Then again, who am I to give them the benefit of the doubt? For children can be sneaky and wily little things. -She chuckled darkly.-

Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: Yes, you. I'm talking about the sort of nonsense that makes him even more of a worthless layabout, the kind that distracts him even more with useless fantasies about ephemeral friendships, the kind that causes him to strum that damn Sitar of his at 3:00 A.M.!
Xaldin: *He paused before smirking again.* Well, well, well. Isn't that interesting? You want me to leave her alone, IX? *He paused for another moment before a cruel chuckle escaped him.* It seems that Fold wench has some use, after all. Alright, fine. I'll leave her alone...as long as you act as competent as you can be, rather than the fool you usually act like. If she can spur you to do your best, Demyx, I have no problem letting her be. If she proves superfluous, however...*He just lets that comment hang for a moment before chuckling again and letting the Sitar player draw his own conclusions.*
Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: *peeks between his fingers at Xaldin* I know exactly where my spine is at. It's in the corner over there. *points at a random corner and laughs but stops when he turns his attention to Cyprix* Hey! Leave her alone! *glares*
Cyprix: -Looks to Xaldin fearfully.- I...he...Demyx is NOT worthless by any means! -She glared at Xaldin.- He's more valuable than any of you realize! He's really intuitive and smart and none of you give him any credit, and I'm sick of it! Just, stop it! -Pauses, realizing she just scolded Xaldin of all people, then backs away a bit.- P-please? ouo;;;;

Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: oh, really? Are you willing to anger the Superior by ruining what we as a group worked to achieve? You, III, are willing to let a little sitar playing ruin the peace treaty? I really don't think that's a bright idea. And here I thought you were smarter than that. *crosses arms glaring*
Cyprix: Exactly what he said! -Firmly nods.-
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Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: oh, really? Are you willing to anger the Superior by ruining what we as a group worked to achieve? You, III, are willing to let a little sitar playing ruin the peace treaty? I really don't think that's a bright idea. And here I thought you were smarter than that. *crosses arms glaring*
Xaldin: It is not the sitar playing, fool. It is the distraction to you she has proven to be. You are so listless and disgustingly lazy on your own; I shudder to think what sort of super-powered sloth you'll become if that harlot enables you without consequence. Besides, The Superior should have seen it just as clearly as anyone else in that room; for all this talk of "prophecy" and "Dark and Light coming together", the Fold-with one or two exceptions-are nothing but weaklings. They're performance in that fight was abysmal; if we left them on their own, they would get slaughtered by Oblivion without us having to raise a finger. In other words, on the whole, they're dead weight; we're better off without them. So if she has no value by herself, she better prove useful as motivation for you, or you're damn right I'll destroy her. I'm not putting up with this vermin any longer than I have to...and I doubt that Xemnas is planning to either.

DarlingWaylonPark said:
Asharxa: -Smiles slyly and glances at Xaldin through half-lidded dark chocolate eyes, red painted lips in a smirk.- Of course, Xaldin. I know I could have done more where it not for that coward Pixelle pulling her men back, so incredibly dull. However, I did manage to kick sand into that one man's eyes, the man I fought. I will surely do worse to him if he and I were to cross paths, which I have no doubts that we will. Still, my dance steps can always be improved to enhance my sand element. -She then chuckles.- We should create a sandstorm together sometime, Xaldin, what with your abilities in wind magic and such~ -She stretches up her arms in a fluid and languid motion, almost like a cat, looking at Demyx and the little Fold child now.- They are both children, Xaldin, I'm sure they know nothing. Then again, who am I to give them the benefit of the doubt? For children can be sneaky and wily little things. -She chuckled darkly.-
Xaldin: They are children, but children we have to work with. They need to learn how things stand, or they'll both have to be punished.

DarlingWaylonPark said:
Cyprix: -Looks to Xaldin fearfully.- I...he...Demyx is NOT worthless by any means! -She glared at Xaldin.- He's more valuable than any of you realize! He's really intuitive and smart and none of you give him any credit, and I'm sick of it! Just, stop it! -Pauses, realizing she just scolded Xaldin of all people, then backs away a bit.- P-please? ouo;;;;

Cyprix: Exactly what he said! -Firmly nods.-
Xaldin: *He gives Cyprix a frigid sneer.* I will give him credit when he earns it, wretch. He is an idiot with flashes of brilliance; I will respect him when he can at least become a brilliant man with flashes of idiocy. Not a single second before.
Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: It is not the sitar playing, fool. It is the distraction to you she has proven to be. You are so listless and disgustingly lazy on your own; I shudder to think what sort of super-powered sloth you'll become if that harlot enables you without consequence. Besides, The Superior should have seen it just as clearly as anyone else in that room; for all this talk of "prophecy" and "Dark and Light coming together", the Fold-with one or two exceptions-are nothing but weaklings. They're performance in that fight was abysmal; if we left them on their own, they would get slaughtered by Oblivion without us having to raise a finger. In other words, on the whole, they're dead weight; we're better off without them. So if she has no value by herself, she better prove useful as motivation for you, or you're damn right I'll destroy her. I'm not putting up with this vermin any longer than I have to...and I doubt that Xemnas is planning to either
Demyx: you know you'd be listless and lazy too if you had to deal with the same damn missions over and over. Or being used as a damb punching bag. Do you have any damn idea how many times I have had to wrap up my own wounds because you pricks think it's funny to beat up some one weaker than you. You know what that is called? Being a fucking bully and a coward. There is nothing wrong with the Fold. You're just an egotistical jackass who needs to get your head out of your ass and see everything for what it is. By the way, if you so much as touch a hair on her head I will not hesitate in drowning you.
Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: you know you'd be listless and lazy too if you had to deal with the same damn missions over and over. Or being used as a damb punching bag. Do you have any damn idea how many times I have had to wrap up my own wounds because you pricks think it's funny to beat up some one weaker than you. You know what that is called? Being a fucking bully and a coward. There is nothing wrong with the Fold. You're just an egotistical jackass who needs to get your head out of your ass and see everything for what it is. By the way, if you so much as touch a hair on her head I will not hesitate in drowning you.
Xaldin: Oh, how so truly awful for you Demyx. I am sure I would feel just so terribly about your condition if you didn't bring it upon yourself. Do you have any concept as to why we treat you so poorly, Demyx? Or have you just been too busy moping about and pretending you can feel sorry for yourself to bother wondering what flaw you possess that causes us to disrespect you so much? You can try to act on those treacherous thoughts, IX, but you may find out that I'm not as gentle as I pretend to be either. Perhaps I should-

Lexaeus: Xaldin. Enough.

Xaldin: ...Fine. Demyx isn't worth the effort if it means having to bash my head against the brick wall of your ignorance as well, Lexaeus. *He turns and walks away, already developing strategies for killing Demyx if and when the time comes.*
Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: It is not the sitar playing, fool. It is the distraction to you she has proven to be. You are so listless and disgustingly lazy on your own; I shudder to think what sort of super-powered sloth you'll become if that harlot enables you without consequence. Besides, The Superior should have seen it just as clearly as anyone else in that room; for all this talk of "prophecy" and "Dark and Light coming together", the Fold-with one or two exceptions-are nothing but weaklings. They're performance in that fight was abysmal; if we left them on their own, they would get slaughtered by Oblivion without us having to raise a finger. In other words, on the whole, they're dead weight; we're better off without them. So if she has no value by herself, she better prove useful as motivation for you, or you're damn right I'll destroy her. I'm not putting up with this vermin any longer than I have to...and I doubt that Xemnas is planning to either.
Xaldin: *He gives Cyprix a frigid sneer.* I will give him credit when he earns it, wretch. He is an idiot with flashes of brilliance; I will respect him when he can at least become a brilliant man with flashes of idiocy. Not a single second before.
Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: you know you'd be listless and lazy too if you had to deal with the same damn missions over and over. Or being used as a damb punching bag. Do you have any damn idea how many times I have had to wrap up my own wounds because you pricks think it's funny to beat up some one weaker than you. You know what that is called? Being a fucking bully and a coward. There is nothing wrong with the Fold. You're just an egotistical jackass who needs to get your head out of your ass and see everything for what it is. By the way, if you so much as touch a hair on her head I will not hesitate in drowning you.
Cyprix: -Watches Xaldin and Demyx argue with each other, then winces when Xaldin calls her a wretch, but keeps composed.- If you want me to prove myself as motivation for Demyx and a source of his strength and support, then I will be glad to do so. We're more powerful than you think, Xaldin, and we can show that we're not at all 'dead weight!' You'll see! -She looked to Demyx with a surprised expression.- Demyx...-Her eyes widen at his words, then shakes her head.- There's no use arguing, we all need to work as a team! Infighting would only make Oblivion win this war, and we can't afford that!

Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: They are children, but children we have to work with. They need to learn how things stand, or they'll both have to be punished.
Asharxa: -Studies the situation, the words, and looks to Xaldin.- I think they know the severity of what is going on. Also, it is too early to tell now if The Fold will be completely useless to us. After all, they're not dead after that one battle, but we shall have to wait and see what their true worth is.
Ancalagoner said:
Xaldin: Oh, how so truly awful for you Demyx. I am sure I would feel just so terribly about your condition if you didn't bring it upon yourself. Do you have any concept as to why we treat you so poorly, Demyx? Or have you just been too busy moping about and pretending you can feel sorry for yourself to bother wondering what flaw you possess that causes us to disrespect you so much? You can try to act on those treacherous thoughts, IX, but you may find out that I'm not as gentle as I pretend to be either. Perhaps I should-
Lexaeus: Xaldin. Enough.

Xaldin: ...Fine. Demyx isn't worth the effort if it means having to bash my head against the brick wall of your ignorance as well, Lexaeus. *He turns and walks away, already developing strategies for killing Demyx if and when the time comes.*
Cyprix: Lexaeus? O.o ?!

Asharxa: -Mildly surprised by Lexaeus' visit, but then turns and follows Xaldin out of the room, glaring at both Demyx and Cyprix and muttering curses in Arabic at them before she goes.-
DarlingWaylonPark said:
Cyprix: Lexaeus? O.o ?!
Asharxa: -Mildly surprised by Lexaeus' visit, but then turns and follows Xaldin out of the room, glaring at both Demyx and Cyprix and muttering curses in Arabic at them before she goes.-
Lexaeus: *He watched Xaldin and Asharxa leave before turning his attention back to Demyx and Cyprix.* It is as you said, XXVI. We are allies now; we must work together, no matter how much some of us may find it distasteful. However...while he was needlessly antagonistic, not everything Xaldin said deserves to be disregarded. You two should start considering what shall happen after Oblivion is dealt with. There's a very good chance we could all become enemies again one day. It would be best to remember that.
Demyx: ...Thank you Lexaeus....I can't help but think he's right...I mean...why else would they hurt me all the time? I'm weak and useless... *sits on floor*
Ancalagoner said:
Lexaeus: *He watched Xaldin and Asharxa leave before turning his attention back to Demyx and Cyprix.* It is as you said, XXVI. We are allies now; we must work together, no matter how much some of us may find it distasteful. However...while he was needlessly antagonistic, not everything Xaldin said deserves to be disregarded. You two should start considering what shall happen after Oblivion is dealt with. There's a very good chance we could all become enemies again one day. It would be best to remember that.
Drmyx: *blinks in surprise* You really think that could happen?
Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: ...Thank you Lexaeus....I can't help but think he's right...I mean...why else would they hurt me all the time? I'm weak and useless... *sits on floor*
Lexaeus: You are not weak, Demyx. You simply refuse to actually use your strength, which undoubtedly some see as the worse of the two possibilities.

Lilk2lu said:
Drmyx: *blinks in surprise* You really think that could happen?
Lexaeus: I do. This peace cannot last forever, not so long as our goal remains unrealized. Remember why we were fighting in the first place. Once our common enemy is gone, what is to stop us from returning to our war? I cannot say that it shall be a sure thing, granted, but the possibility is certainly there.
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Ancalagoner said:
Lexaeus: *He watched Xaldin and Asharxa leave before turning his attention back to Demyx and Cyprix.* It is as you said, XXVI. We are allies now; we must work together, no matter how much some of us may find it distasteful. However...while he was needlessly antagonistic, not everything Xaldin said deserves to be disregarded. You two should start considering what shall happen after Oblivion is dealt with. There's a very good chance we could all become enemies again one day. It would be best to remember that.
Cyprix: -Looks up at Lexaeus, feeling obviously more at ease with him than his brother Xaldin, then nods to him with a small smile.- I understand, and I hope it won't come to that, being rivals again. It was a useless feud between us that should never have happened. Thank you so much, Lexaeus. We're going to give it our all in battle, we swear it! The Fold aren't pushovers, we'll prove it! And I'm confident that even after this war is over, we can still live in peace and maintain the balance of Light and Darkness!

Lilk2lu said:
Demyx: ...Thank you Lexaeus....I can't help but think he's right...I mean...why else would they hurt me all the time? I'm weak and useless... *sits on floor*
Cyprix: No way! -Sits with Demyx and puts her hand on his shoulder.- You are not weak or useless, far from it! I meant it, when I said you were smart and intuitive, and I've seen you fight, Dem, you're great out there!
Ancalagoner said:
Lexaeus: You are not weak, Demyx. You simply refuse to actually use your strength, which undoubtedly some see as the worse of the two possibilities.
Lexaeus: I do. This peace cannot last forever, not so long as our goal remains unrealized. Remember why we were fighting in the first place. Once our common enemy is gone, what is to stop us from returning to our war? I cannot say that it shall be a sure thing, granted, but the possibility is certainly there.
Demyx: so...if I work harder they will stop being mean to me? Okay, sounds good. I'll... try at least. I don't think we'll go back to fighting. It was stupid anyway. You're Light! Die vermin! You're Dark! Die filth! Just stupid.

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