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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

"I'll cook!" She shouted. Maya was known for being a good cook, although she specialized in seafood and vegetarian foods she was sure she could figure out what she could make with some american food.

"An no, not much." She said to Tony before hopping out after Ezra.
"I just bet you do, Maya." she said, then winked at her. She then looked at Agnes and said, "yes! I'm starved." When Maya said she'll cook, Ezra couldn't help but tease, "Oh man. I just hope you don't burn down this beautiful house, Maya. I'm gonna watch you cook just to be sure that you don't burn anything down." With that being said, Ezra walked towards the house, paused at the back door and said, "Come on, guys."
Tony jumps out of the water and dries off. "I can't wait to eat, I skipped lunch." He said to the air. If anyone heard him, he really didn't care.
"I have not had much to eat today either, Tony," Agnes said as she got to her feet. "Do you need any help, Maya?" she offered. She was more or less capable of cooking, having had to do so at home. It wasn't a hobby that she pursued, though; it was more like a skill she developed out of necessity. "Hold on," she said, darting over to the chair where she'd left her shirt. She pulled it on over her head and then went indoors, where she instantly got goosebumps. There was air conditioning inside, after all, and she was still soaking wet from the pool. She went into the kitchen to wait for the others to join her.
"I think you're gonne be watching for just a little more than just supervision." she chimed in.

Maya took a towel from the rack and dried off her hair and the rest of her body before tying it around her waist. moving all of her hair to one side she opened up the fridge and looked around. Everything in it was pretty basic. Milk, eggs, bacon, lettuce, cheese, veggies, the usuals.

"Alright, so with all of this tucker I'll see what I can nut out. Someone wanna pour me a butcher?" She asked, her head still stuck in the fridge. It took her a moment of silence to realize no one probably understood what she said.

"Err.. Never mind."

Maya took out a beer and set it on the counter, unsure of the brewery. Her favorite was Four X, a brand from Queensland.
Ezra smirked at Maya's response, grabbed a towel, dried herself off then walked into the kitchen, joining Agnes and Maya. When Maya began speaking in a weird language, Ezra just sat there and giggled when she said never mind. She noticed Maya take out a beer and said, "Mind getting me a beer, too?" She asked, as she hopped onto the counter watching them both.
"Here's your grog." She said, popping the top off with her hands and handing it to her. Maya wasn't a big drinker at all, but a beer every once in a while was really normal for her. Especially if she was traveling, she liked to try everything at least once.

She cautiously looked at her own beer before taking a sip of it. It was a little sweeter than she was used to, but cold and very smooth. "This I can get used to" she hummed to herself.

"Now, what would every one want? There's the makings for brekkie for dinner. Eggs, milk, pancake mix. There's also a phone to order pizza if you're scared of my cooking." Maya joked.
Agnes watched the two, shivering. As much as she wanted to stay and watch Maya cook, she didn't want to crowd the kitchen. Furthermore, she was freezing and a hot shower and dry clothes sounded heavenly right now. "Anything is fine by me," she told Maya. "I will be back in a bit," she added, folding her arms tightly against her body to keep warm as she went upstairs to take her shower and change.
"Thank you, beautiful," Ezra took the beer and quickly put it to her lips then took a swig, "Mmm, breakfast, eh? I'll take some!" she said, happily. Breakfast was her favorite meal of the day. Ezra took another swig of her beer and looked over at Agnes' bum as she walked away. "Nice." she said, continuing to look, quickly catching herself, wondering if anyone had heard her.
Rolling her eyes at the girl, Maya started to get out some of the makings for it. Under the cabinet there was a griddle that she could use to make the eggs and bacon, and some pans for the pancakes.

"Wanna help me?" She asked Ezra, already mixing up some stuff for the pancakes, She added in some cinnamon and vanilla, remembering how her older sister used to make it. Her cooking was honest her favorite.
"Sure, what would you like for me to do?" Ezra asked, looking at Maya. Ezra was a little lost in the kitchen because she never really been in one. She had always been with someone who knew how to cook. Cooking was just not her forte. She either called take-out or she called her best friend over. Yeah, she did try to cook every now and then with her younger sister, Autumn, but not real healthy food but homemade pizzas, french fries, chicken nuggets and etc.
"Just plug in the griddle and crack some eggs onto it once it heated up." She said, absentmindedly pouring the mixture into one of the pans. She set it for a moment, waiting for the bubbles begin to surface on the top to let her know it was ready to be flipped.

"I'm guessing you don't cook a lot?" Maya asked after noticing her more than a little lost expression.
"You would be guessing right," Ezra replied, "I barely have any idea what I'm doing right now. My sister and I cook so-" she cut herself off, realizing she was sharing a little too much, "I just don't cook a lot. I see you cook a lot, eh?" she asked, changing the subject. She plugged in the griddle and turned it on. Once a little steam was coming from it, she cracked eggs on it and stood there. "What to do now?" she asked, feeling completely useless.
"Just let em cook. when they're totally white you can flip em if you want." She said, getting a plate out and handing it to her.

"Thank's by the way she said."

Looking to Ezra, she caught her stopping self on that, but didn't push the issue anymore.

"Yeah. When I was younger I took care of myself a lot." Maya concluded, Not wanting any pity. There was no way she was going to bring up her biological dad.
A warm shower and a change of clothes made Agnes feel a lot more comfortable and not to mention a lot warmer. She stood in the full length mirror in the bathroom, wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top to sleep in, wringing her wet hair out as best she could. Once she was satisfied, she headed back downstairs into the kitchen, where it looked as though Maya and Ezra were making some progress. "Not interrupting, am I?" she said, leaning against the counter and trying to stay out of their way. "How is dinner coming?"
"Not at all, gorgeous" Maya smiled, still humming her way through cooking. She thrusted the pan forward then up, flipping the pancake like her sister had taught her to. By now they were beginning to pile up on the plate, and the bacon was starting to sizzle.

"Wanna flip those for me?" she asked, a little preoccupied with a stubborn bit of batter stuck to the pan. "Man I hope they have Veggiemite here"
"Sure," Agnes said, moving over to do as she instructed. Pancakes were a favorite of her mother's, so she was already familiar with this process. "Breakfast for dinner, hmm? Not a bad choice," she commented, flipping as she'd been told. "If they do not, it probably would not be hard to order some."
Ezra had zoned out for a second, thinking about her little sister but after a few minutes, she was brought back into reality. She turned around and saw Agnes helping and said, "Oh no. Not Agnes, too? We're all going to die. For sure now!" She laughed at her own comment then turned the eggs over. She could smell the aroma from them and it sort of made her want to gag. She didn't tell Maya she didn't like eggs because Maya asked her to help and she thought it would be nice to help. After a few minutes, she called over to Maya and said, "Are these done? I'm so unsure." Suddenly, the smell of them practically hit her in the face. "Oh, gross." She said, as she covered her nose and walked away from the eggs.
"Here, I've got it" maya laughed. Using the spatula she picked them all up and placed them onto a plate, then covered that with tinfoil to keep them warm.

"Don't worry, I'm not too big a fan myself either."

All of the pancakes were done, and the bacon nearly was. So while Agnes sifted through them, Maya went through the cupboards to find her favorite toppings.

"Alright, theres some poderdes sugar, and Ehhhhh.. Uh- oh! Here we are" Maya hummed, taking out a container of Veggimite. It was in something a kin to a small Nutella jar, afterall you didn't need much of it. The syrup was already out so She set the food up on a table buffet style.

"And there ya go. American enough?" She joked.

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"My savior!" Ezra joked, as she mocked the high pitched voice of a woman who was being saved by a super hero of some sort. She watched as Maya took out some things and she wondered if there were any of Warburtons Crumpets in there. She looked on the counter first, then on top of the fridge and then in the cabinets and wide smile immediately appeared on her face. She decided that she would make some in the morning because the process was far too much right now with cooking already being done. It would make things overly crowded so Ezra decided against it. She laughed at Maya's joke and said, "I'm sure all the Americans in the world are proud of you, Maya, eh?" she teased her.
"They better be. I was about to make an ostrich omelette."

Maya sat down on one of the stools, and started to put some of her toppings on one of the many pancakes.

"Have you guys ever had this stuff? It's great?" Maya said, holding up the jar of Veggimite. Many people in Australia ate it Dailey, and it was basically just a while bunch of vegetable extract made into a paste. Those who hadn't grown used to it over the years tended to think it was pretty gross though, and tastes like salty soy sauce. Maya always guessed it was an acquired taste.

"You all should try some we eat it all the time at home."

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"I'll try some of that," Ezra said, as she took the Veggimite from Maya. She put it on only one of her pancakes, sat it down on the table and took one bite of her pancake but instantly spit it out, "Absolutely disgusting, Maya. Are you trying to kill us?" Ezra scrunched her face up, and pushed the Veggimite as far away from her as possible. She grabbed the pancake and threw it into the trash before coming back to the table, sitting down, grabbed the butter, smeared it all over her pancakes and proceeded to eat it. "Now, this is good." She then ate a piece of bacon and started humming Dark Horse by Katy Perry. It was her favorite song and she always had an urge to hum songs while she was eating.
Tony walks in . "Mmmm, I smell pancakes!" He looks at Maya and Ezra. "Well then, I didn't know this was couples cooking!" Tony laughs playfully. "By the smell of it, you girls can cook pretty well." Tony sniffs at the air. "Eggs too? This night just keeps getting better and better."
"I can cook," Agnes defended herself as she finished what she was doing. Satisfied, she put a few small pancakes, a strip of bacon, and some egg on a plate for herself and joined maya and Ezra at the table. "Veggiemite, hmm?" Agnes asked, eying the jar suspiciously after witnessing Ezra's reaction. "Maybe another time," she smiled, slowly cutting up her pancakes. "What song is that, Ezra?" She looked up as tony entered and smiled warmly at him. "Care to join us for dinner, tony?"

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"Go ahead and dig it. We all made plenty. Agnes helped too!" She said, sticking her tongue out to Ezra. "Oh it's not that bad."

Maya folded her pancake up in half, putting some of the random things she'd found in the fridge inside. Blueberries, raspberries, and a slice or two of banana. This was a pretty normal meal with her, although she was sure this wasn't how the others ate their pancakes.

"What does that stuff taste like, anyways?" She asked Agnes, motioning her fork to the bacon. She's eaten meat a couple times in her life, but other than that she only had fish.

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