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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

"Good," Ezra said, then she looked at Agnes and really took in her beauty, "You know, you're really beautiful, Agnes, and I know you think I just may be saying this because I'm this big player pimp," she laughed at her comment, "but seriously." She smiled at Agnes and then said, "Enough of this sappy things though. How long is this drawing going to take?"
Agnes paused, confused for a moment, before finally figuring out something - rather inadequate - to say. "Thank you," she said, and then decided to tease her a bit: "but I bet you say that to all of the girls, no?" Agnes giggled, starting to draw the curve of Ezra's neck. Truthfully, she didn't mind the sappy stuff so much, as that was the most intimate she'd ever really been with anyone that wasn't family. And, really, she liked Ezra. She'd been very kind thus far. "I don't know," she said, honestly. "I have never tried this before. Do you want to take a break?" she asked, looking up.
"Hey Blake. I'm Maya, go for it." She said, moving back and giving him enough room to jump in. If he was anything like her and the other boys, he would surely make a grand entrance. So far they'd had one make a show out of break dancing, and another fall down the stairs to say hello.

"Where are ya from ya coop?" She asked, curious but still playful as usual.
Blake laughs. "I don't need that space." He jumps into the air and lands on Maya. Pulling her up when he gets to the top. "Well coop, I'm from here! Good old America!" He says, still laughing. "I think I might have drank some of that when I went under." Blake point to the water.
Maya was pushed under, pretty un expectedly at that, her mouth immediately filled with water and she could feel he pain in her neck already as it bent at an awkward angle. Maya was faced with either punching the kid like she usually would if she was back home, or just getting up and leaving. The result was her backing up a little bit, with fists clenched under the water. Maya really didn't like getting pushed by others, so she definitely wasn't going to like being landed on. Even if she was out surfing she always was quick to shove someone off. And the fact that she had even moved back for him didn't really help the new kid's case.

"What the hell is wrong with you ya dill? You just made a really bad blue." She muttered, rubbing her neck. That was definitely going to be sore.

"I'm going to go take a shower." Maya huffed, hopping up on the pool edge and walking inside. She dried off pretty quickly, but didn't even bother taking the towel with her upstairs. She made her way up the steps fast, but paused at the top of them. She wasn't about to go into her room where Ezra and probably Agnes were so angry, she didn't want them to see her angry, so her best bet was probably just to go straight ingot the shower.

Walking to the one at the end of the hall, she shut the door and got in, not minding the at first cold water.
Tony shakes his head. "No actually. She's usually just the kind of girl that is calm and sexy, as you could say it." Tony smiled to himself. "So, why were you late?" He asked. Not trying to be nosy, just trying to make conversation.
Will flicked off the driver as he was pushed out of the van unceremoniously. He caught his bag as the woman in the back threw it at him, yelling about decency and God. His soccer ball followed, but it sailed too high for him to catch, bouncing somewhere behind the house. "Damn yank." He hollered after the vehicle as it peeled off. "I just wanted to have a smoke, nothin' wrong with that." He muttered to himself, slinging his duffle bag over his backpack and trudging towards the house. They didn't even get me here by day he brooded, following the path his ball made to the backyard.

He saw the ball resting a couple feet from the pool where two guys were swimming. "Nice place." He said to himself, sauntering up the lawn to the pool. "Hey," he called out, "you living here too then?"
Tony looked up. "Yeah. The waters nice if you wanna get in. As you can see, we have strobe lights and music!" He called out enthusiastically to the newcomer.
Will dropped his bags and popped the ball into the air, catching and balancing it on his left foot. "I'll pass, but what music have you got?" He asked as he let the ball down and plopped on the ground, noting the strobe and speakers. He opened his backpack and was greeted by the sickly sweet smell of marijuana. After fishing around for a couple seconds, Will produced a baseball-sized bag of weed, a lighter, and a small bubbler. He began packing the bowl, his practiced hands careful to not spill any bud. "You like chronic?" He asked as he worked, meticulously filling the glass piece with finely torn green.
Talia had been in the house, moving her stuff into the room where Agnes had her things, since they would be sharing. Agnes wasn't in the room, so tossed her suitcase on the remaining bed. She showered and changed into a black tank top and loose cotton shorts printed with roses. Brushing out her hair quickly, she heard voices coming from the pool. Sounded like Tony, maybe Maya, and then two voices she didn't recognize. Grabbing a book, she made her way to the backyard while thinking she could lounge by the poolside for a bit while she read...maybe talk to some people. She pulled open the screen door, only to realize that she only recognized Tony. Two new guys were in the back, one swimming in the pool and one lighting up on the ground by the pool.

"Oh hey," she said, not expecting to be meeting even more new people. "Hi again, Tony. Hello, two guys I don't know. I'm Talia," she said with a quick smile, waving a hand in greeting as she sat down by the pool, dipping her feet in the water.
"Hello gorgeous." Tony says as Talia walks up. "These are some newcomers. One of them likes to smoke pot, the other likes to swim." Tony chuckles.
"Oh so there are girls here then? That's refreshing, thought I might be stuck with only blokes." Will said before lighting his piece. And she's a cute one too, he mused as he exhaled the thick smoke into the night air. "I'm Will by the by. Nice to meetcha." He said to Talia. "Care to partake?" He held out the bubbler, already relaxing from the high. "It's good shit."
Talia chuckled, looking up at the guy named Will as he held out the bubbler. Ah, good old weed. There had been a time where she was a daily user. Not so much anymore though. She raked a hand through her hair as she regarded him with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you, too. But, no thanks. Not much of a weed smoker these days. More for you though, right?" she said with a grin. "And yeah, there are other girls here. Though I think I might be the only one here that's straight so far,"

She spoke casually, simply filling him in on the rundown here at the house as the scent of cannabis tickled her nose. Will seemed friendly enough.
"Suit yourself then Talia." Will said, shrugging. He smirked at the news of the other girls. "I'd imagine you get all the attention then if they're all off with each other." He observed, noting the lack of girls out, "Or is everyone just bedding down for the evening?" He took another hit and exhaled slowly, letting the smoke drift lazily out of his mouth. He glanced at Tony, wondering if he already had Talia. The guy did call her gorgeous, maybe they know each other he thought, slightly crestfallen. "Ah well." He muttered, forcing the last bit of smoke out of his mouth and lungs as he did so.
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Talia winked at Will then, sparkle in her eye.

"Yeah, I just got out here...not really lookin' for attention. But you get what you get. I'm not sure where they've all disappeared to. But my roommate was not in my room when I got there, They're all real nice though. You missed a great dance party," she laughed. "I've mainly been chilling with Tony and Nick today. Though I haven't seen Nick in awhile. We all just met today," she said, filling him in on the new friendships being built here.
Will laughed harder than he meant to, embracing the high that was coming on. His skin felt like it was vibrating with a warm energy. "If you don't want the attention then you probably shouldn't broadcast that you're the only straight one, eh sheila?" He added the last word out of habit. His slang usually picked up when he was high.

"I'm sure I'll meet the other folks around. Maybe not tonight though, I'm tuckered out." He stretched lazily. He already liked Talia, she seemed easy going. And easy on the eyes he thought, chuckling to himself for a second. "So about rooms, do I claim one or will I have to make a sleepout over there?" He asked and motioned to the verandah. "Or," He added, a sly grin on his face, "Is there room in your bunk for a tired aussie?"
Talia couldn't help but laugh at Will's words, she nudged him playfully.

"Maybe I wouldn't have to broadcast that if your first words here weren't proclaiming the fact that girls were around. Just saying," she retorted light heartedly.

He looked at her with a mischievous look on his face after he talked about finding a place to sleep.

"Is there room in your bunk for a tired aussie?"

Talia raised her eyebrow, friendly smirk on her face. "Way to try your luck, buddy. But I already have a roommate. Though I can't seem to find her," she responded, pulling her hair over one shoulder as she looked at Will.
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Will stood up slowly, trying to avoid a head rush. He lit the bubbler and pulled the bowl through into the ash catch. "Well either way, I'm going to find a place to crash. Let me know if you find some room." He said, the smoke coming out of his mouth in little puffs with his words. His lips formed into an 'o' and he blew a large smoke ring. He snapped above it to disrupt the outline and make a heart, but the shape was barely noticeable. Gathering his backpack and duffle and forgetting about the soccer ball, he began walking towards the door. "Hooroo, Tony was it?" He said, struggling to remember what Talia had called him. "G'night Talia." He said, winking before he stepped through the door and disappeared into the house.

Will trudged upstairs and found an empty room. He turned on the lights and noted that it had two beds in a bunk. He placed his bubbler and weed on the night stand adjacent to the beds then tossed his bags on the lower bunk. He stripped down to his shorts and hopped onto the top bunk, laying back and staring at the ceiling. It'll sure be different living here he thought to himself. At least no one's as nasty as mum. A chuckle escaped his lips as he moved his hands behind his head. After a couple minutes he dozed off with the lights in the room still on.
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Tony watched as the two conversed and chuckled. "Looks like you two are getting along fine." He then got out of the pool, stepped back, and ran at the water. Tony yelled, "I must avenge Maya!" Then jumped in on top of the newcomer, Blake.
Maya got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself. As she was walking to her room, the smell of pot caught her especially strong. The door had been left open to reveal a pretty tan boy, and an old bubbler on his night stand. He definitely looked like he was athletic, and he was just about as tan as her, so he must spend some time outside.

Maya shook her head and shut the door for him, and crossed directly across the hall to her room.

Agnes and Ezra were both on the bed, and Agnes held her sketch book.

"My apologies if I'm interrupting anything. I'll be out in a second." She laughed, one hand holding up her towl and the other rummaging through her clothes for a pair of boxers and a sports bra. Once she had what she needed, Maya stopped infront of the mirror to inspect her shoulder. The boy wasn't heavy at all, but for the most part she was up out of the water, so her waist up wasn't under. And when someone lands on you full force, it kind of hurts.

Only some bruising was starting, the rest of it just red and sore like she'd been working out for a long time without stretching. All of the bruising was only on her left side though, where he landed. Thankfully it wasn't too bad yet, so the other two wouldn't ask questions.

She stepped into their own bathroom for a second and got dressed, knowing no one would see her unless they pushed open the door. When she was finally done, Maya stepped out to face the two.

"I'm gonna go get some food and chill out in the game room. By the way, two new boys showed up. Ones in his room, presumably sleeping high, and the others out side."

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When Ezra didn't respond immediately, Agnes, by default, returned to her drawing, occasionally peeking up at her subject, sometimes studying her for extended periods of time. She was distracted from her work by Maya, who, Agnes got the sense, was less than thrilled about something. "You are fine, Maya," Agnes called out, returning to her work. She contemplated asking Maya if she was okay but before she could, Maya came back out of the bathroom. "Good to know," Agnes said, pausing to smile up at her. "I will have to introduce myself later. Maybe I will join you in the game room in a bit; I have yet to see it."
Ezra snapped out of the daze she was in and said, "Sure, let's finish tomorrow." When Maya came in, Ezra quickly said, "No, you're not ruining anything. How about I join you in that game room?" She then looked at Agnes, "Come with us." Ezra didn't know how to feel about two new boys moving in. She just hoped they were two cool guys and nothing like Tony.
"Sounds good."

Maya walked out and downstairs, ranking a moment find her way to the game room as she still wasn't totally used the house.

She grabbed another water bottle from the mini fridge and slumped back into the chair, letting the water cool off her bare stomach.

"So, what does everyone wanna play?" She asked, using a controller to turn on the gaming system. There was an xbox, an old school n64, and a play station, and most of them seemed to have some stacked disks on them or games downloaded into them.

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"Of course," Agnes said. She wasn't sure what a game room really included and she was looking forward to finding out, and something about it being nighttime made the whole idea even more appealing. It sounded fun, anyway. "We can finish another time. Let me just put my sketchbook away." Upon saying this Agnes climbed off the bed and entered her own room, where she saw that Talia had deposited her things. Seeing that Talia wanted to share the space with her made her feel even more accepted and optimistic about this experience. Smiling to herself, she carefully laid the sketchbook and pencil on the middle of her bed before heading downstairs to follow Maya. Thankfully, finding the game room wasn't difficult for Agnes, since she could already hear Maya asking what they'd like to play. She sat in the chair next to her and said, "I'm fine with anything. You will have to teach me how to play, though." Maya seemed very familiar with the consoles and controllers provided to them, but Agnes had never even touched any of them before- and she only knew the names of about half of them.

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