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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

"I'm fine with anything, too," Ezra said, agreeing with Agnes, "just as long as it involves me killing something!" Ezra noticed she was a bit too enthusiastic about killing and calmed down. She didn't want the girls to think she was a serial killer or anything. She just enjoyed the games that involved it. Especially zombie games. She LOVED zombie games. "What do they have?" she asked, calming down.
"Killing?" Agnes echoed, suddenly unsure. She knew of the existence of games like that, but she'd never been interested. It must be a lot easier to be interested in that kind of thing when you'd never been in a dangerous situation yourself. Then again, she couldn't assume that Ezra hadn't been... but she was a little horrified to think that anyone who'd been through what she had would ever want to repeat the experience in any way. But, Ezra seemed so excited about the prospect of a killing game. There was no way Agnes was going to interfere with that. It couldn't be that bad, could it? "Um," Agnes said, getting out of her chair to kneel by the consoles, where all the games were stacked neatly in their cases. Instantly, she recognized a game that might suit Ezra. "Call of Duty?" Agnes asked, holding up the case to show Ezra and Maya.
"Whatever you want, gorgeous." She said, easing into her side of the couch. She moved over enough to give Ezra and Agnes. She wasn't sure how Agnes felt about her space, so she didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Although no matter who it was to sit next to her, Maya was bound to end up using them as a pillow.

Even though she was sore, bruised, and tired maya could still see how Agnes grew uncomfortable at the mention of killing. Handing the controller to Ezra, Maya motioned for her to come here. Maybe just knowing she was safe with an Aussie tough girl there and and English broad would help?

"Don't cha worry babes." She mumbled, moving the water bottle from her stomach to her shoulder to use it like a cold compress.

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Ezra smiled at the sound of "Call of Duty." She grabbed the controller from Maya and then sat down in between her and Agnes while waiting for the game console to load the game. "Looks like I'm in paradise." Ezra commented, smirking, while continuing to look at the screen. She looked over at Maya then at Agnes and said, "have you both ever played this?" Ezra loved COD but it came second in her favorite's list. Her first was all of the Resident Evil games. She and her sister would stay up all night to play it and then end up having nightmares, resulting into Autumn climbing into Ezra's bed at night claiming evil zombies were under her bed and closet and she couldn't kill them all on her own. Ezra smiled at the thought then directed her attention towards the game as it started. She picked her character settings and then the game begin.
Agnes shook her head to Ezra's question as she picked up two extra controllers that looked like the one Maya had been holding originally. As she stood up and handed one controller to Maya, who must've given hers to Ezra while she wasn't looking, Agnes mentally reassured herself. She was determined to relax and have fun; she didn't need nor want anyone doting on her (as her mother did) or worrying about how every little thing would affect her (as she did for her mother). They lived in America now and so far, there hadn't even been a hint of danger. That part of her life ended four years ago, when they moved. Perhaps Agnes hadn't let go of the past as much as she thought she had. Just a few minutes ago, Ezra asked about her reaction to the lights turning out earlier. Agnes didn't want that to happen again; she didn't want anyone's concern for her to be valid. She took her seat gingerly in the space left at the end of the couch on Ezra's other side with one leg tucked underneath her. "Teach me?" she asked, directing her question to either of them as she figured out how to turn the controller on - which was about the extent of her knowledge with video games. What she knew about them came from the internet, meaning she'd never handled so much as a controller herself.
Maya leaned over to Agnes, but decided the position too awkward. Turning over she layed across Ezra's legs on her back, holding the controller up so Agnes could see.

She ran through the controls, showing her how to move, look, shoot, ectectect. Setting up her own player quickly, she started.

"I'm so going to smoke you bloats." She said, biting her lip as she focused on the screen. She didn't play very often, but when she did her competitive nature came out against Ezra. Maya was already trying to score more head shots than she was.

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Agnes followed Maya's instructions to the best of her ability. Once the game started up and she had her character and everything set, she deliberately pressed each button, trying to figure out how it worked. Though she heard the gunshots from Maya and Ezra's characters in the background, it didn't bother her nearly as much as she'd feared. Still, it wasn't the most comforting sound she'd ever heard. Once Agnes was satisfied that she was comfortable with the controller, she moved her player out into the open... and was immediately gunned down. It startled her, but she didn't react; instead, she did as the screen prompted her to do and tried again. This time, she managed to hit her opponent before he killed her. "I guess I will not be winning this any time soon," Agnes said, chuckling, as she watched Maya and Ezra go at it with much more skill than she had.
Miura glanced around the area. First he saw a large pool people were swimming in it and looking as if to be having fun then he saw the building. He was not sure how he would do this. Glancing over he saw his sister brushing her hair and struggling with her one bag and the cat carrier. The small black kitten meowed with obvious frustration at Maki's fumbling around. "Maki you can go to your room, here is your number," said Miura with a calm smile. Maki looked kind of disappointed but bothered not to argue with her brother. Then she wisps red something in Japanese before walking towards the building curving around the pool. She managed to get her bag and Kit-Kat in check. When she neared the entrance of the building she had no idea what to expect. She took a large deep breath and opened the door.

Miura looked around his surrounding being observed though his dark brown eyes. Everything here was new to him, where he had grown up there were more cities than space and he had noticed a lot of space here. At first he wanted to join those in the pool but decided rather against it. He was not sure what to do but to ask people around. Sighing slightly he walked to the group at the pool. "Hey," he said with confidence in his soft voice. "Are you guys residence of this experiment?" He I quieted next and waited for a response.
Will stirred groggily to an empty feeling in his stomach. He looked around, squinting against the light as he gathered his thoughts. A growling from his stomach signaled why he'd woken so soon. "Oh shut it." He mumbled, sitting up and stretching his arms above his head. His fingertips grazed the ceiling and he slumped his shoulders down. The high was lessened, but Will could still feel the residual effects of the drug. Can't have been asleep long he thought as he slid off of the bunk, landing with a thud on the ground.

Throwing on some shorts, Will walked to the door and turned the knob. He stopped in the doorway, looking both ways down the hall. From his location he could make out a sink through an open doorway. Bingo he thought and went to the bathroom, forgetting to close the door. He washed his hands with water and wiped them on his shorts before exiting and heading downstairs to raid the fridge.

"Right, now where's the kitchen?" Will wondered aloud. He stepped through the living area and was rewarded with the sight of the fridge. "Ace!" He exclaimed softly, opening the door and grabbing some lunch meat and cheese. The bread was on the counter and Will wasted no time in constructing a sandwich and putting the rest of the food away. The counter had crumbs on it, but he didn't care. "There's always the morning for that." He ambled through the first floor, munching away on his creation. He stopped as a girl came through the door, her hands clutching a bag and a cat. "Hoi," The Norwegian greeting came out before he could stop it. "Uh, hey." He corrected before taking another bite of his sandwich.
Maya laughed, catching herself on the top of the couch and sitting up. She paused her screen, letting the others continue playing.

"With practice, Aggie." She said. Standing up Maya swept a hand roughly through her hair and sighed, still hungry she hoped there was still fruit in the fridge.

Maya threw her controller onto and adjacent chair and walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bowl, but was a little confused at the sight of crumbs everywhere. Hadn't they just cleaned?

The thought was shooed off after she picked up the bowl of watermelon and entered the living room. There was the scruffy looking guy she'd seen earlier, and a new girl.

"Hey." She said, her left cheek full. The Aussie waited until it was down to speak again.

"I'm Maya. Aussie. Everyone else is either in the game room or outside. And you two are?"

The metal bowl was cold enough that when held it against her stomach, it was reason enough to jump. She didn't exactly think through the whole 'put on a shirt when you meet someone' thing, but obviously neither had this guy.

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Will turned to Maya as she spoke, chewing his food. At the word 'Aussie' he swallowed and grinned. "Hey. Glad to hear I'm not the only one from Oz. I'm Will." He was still a little tired, but meeting someone from Australia him to perk up a bit. "Yeah, I was outside earlier, met Tony and Talia. Nice bunch I suppose. The other bloke didn't introduce himself, but I'll meet 'im eventually." He looked Maya up and down as he took another bite of his snack. "Nice shirt." He joked through a half-full mouth.
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Commotion came from around the house. Had someone arrived? Talia looked up at the new boy who had just entered the scene. He stood stiffly by the pool, and spoke softly. She smiled quickly and nodded her head.

"Yeah, we are. There's more of us inside," she said.

She got up and smoothed down her tank, then stuck her hand out to greet him.

"My name's Talia. Nice to meet you,"
{Wait I noticed I was WAY OFF sorry for holding you guys back I edit this with the response. Promise}


Miura smiled back at the girl but faded quickly knowing that shaking of hands was something they did in this country. "Pleasure to meet you too," he paused and then put his hand out to shake hers. "I am Haruma Miura," he said using his last name first as due to pre-tradition from where he was from.

The boy stood silent for a moment and then smiled slightly once more.

"Ah, do you know where the living quarters are," the boy gestured to his back which he had rolling behind him the entire time he had walked and stood by the pool like a lemon. He wondered briefly in his mind whether Maki was making it inside. Knowing her and her male way of dressing it would be quite easy for her to get along- or so he hoped. At home she used to register in all male schools but she never said she liked guys or girls. It worried Miura slightly.

He looked at the building for a moment and then smiled seeing Maki speaking with someone.


"Uh, hi." Said Maki shifting Kit-Kat in such a way it almost made him squeak. Instead he meowed. It was a loud distressed meow followed by a half meow of wanting to be let out. Alarmed Maki set him down and faced the girl whom had approached her. "I am Horikita Maki and this is Kit-Kat," she gestured to the cat whilst responding with a lower key voice almost sound as she was dressed. Her male ways were only because she enjoyed male clothing and because she liked passing off as a male. It was almost fun for her to successfully either convince people of her sexual status by the way she looked or at least confuse them. The beauty of it all was she liked guys. So in the respect without much thought on her part she would be surrounded by her gender of choice all the time due simply to her dress and her voice.

Maki's voice was not low though, her voice was actually higher than how she responded to the girl in front of her. She liked her voice but liked her pleasures from almost conning people more.

"Are you okay?" Maki asked next worried about the girl.
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Agnes laughed at her stats at the end of the round; to say the least, her deaths far outnumbered her kills. She concluded that the whole experience hadn't been so bad, even if it didn't sit right with her. "Quiet without Maya, hmm?" Agnes remarked, setting her controller down. "I think I hear voices outside; I want to go see what's happening. Be back soon." With that, Agnes smiled at Ezra, somewhat reluctant to leave the comfort of the game room and Ezra, but her curiosity outweighed it (not to mention that she kept having to encourage herself to be social); besides, Maya should be out there too, right? Maya was a comforting presence as well. And so, Agnes got up, being careful to stretch out the leg that had been tucked underneath her, and went to investigate. What she found was two newcomers, both of whom at first glance appeared to be male, but Agnes wasn't so sure. "Hello," she said, glancing briefly at Maya. "My name is Agnes." Noticing the cat, Agnes was quick to add, "would you like any help getting your things to your room?"
Will turned back to Maki as she spoke. "Nice to meetcha Horikita," He said, confusing her surname for her first name. He bent down and pet the cat softly. "Hey there Kit." Will had always preferred cats to dogs. His eyes swept over Maki, making silent judgements on her appearance and demeanor. She's a tom, that's for sure he mused. Her voice sounded passable but Will picked up on it.

As Agnes approached, Will straightened up. "Hey there." He replied as she spoke a greeting. "Guess I'm meeting everyone t'night eh?" A lazy smile played across his face as he looked at Agnes. "I'm Will, 'ts a pleasure." He said, his words interrupted by a stifled yawn. As Agnes began talking to Maki, Will turned back to Maya. "So where abouts are ya from?" He asked, making conversation. He still felt tired but meeting people here seemed more important. Got all morning to knock out, He told himself as he wiped the sleep from his eyes.
Maki grinned slightly watching Kit-Kat allow to be petted. She found the cat on the streets and usually he was not so friendly. He must have been dying to be let loose but Maki knew better.

"Pleasure to meet you, too," she said in a low voice getting nervous as the girl walked in.

She turned to the girl upon being asked a question and returned to Will. She bothered not to correct him on her name because in japan everyone whom wasn't your closest friend and even then would address you with your surname. It was common curtesy and respectful to do so. She turned back to the girl.

"Actually... I would request only guidance to my room please?" She was hoping that was possible but her mind was slightly flabbergasted at all the people here and not to mention her girlish cloths in her bag. The way she was dressed and if anyone saw the contents of what was in that bag might wonder about her so she just asked as she had hoping no one would insist further to help her. Besides that she discovered two hands were a whole lot easier than using only one. She felt kind of dumb but passed that off picking Kit-Kat's carrier up.

"My brother arranged Kit-Kat's things to be delivered here tomorrow. For now he does not have a litter box, is there a place he can secrete his waste?" It was a general question, after all owning a pet meant taking full responsibility over it.
"Of course," Agnes obliged with a smile. "Follow me," she said, beginning to walk over to the stairs. As she started climbing up, she started explaining. "There are rooms available upstairs. Each room has two beds and a bathroom, which is perhaps where you can set up a makeshift litter box somehow. You may have to get creative with that, by the way - and I will help if you need me to. I do not know if anyone requires a roommate, so if you want, you could put your things away in an empty room." Agnes stopped at the first empty room she saw and gestured to it. "Like this one."
Maya smiled to will and laughed a little. "Aye, south Queensland. But I'm moving somewhere on the west shore soon."

Maya nodded a little and shrugged her shoulders, not really minding. She had a decent muscle tone so she wasn't exactly self conscious about anything. Plus, it was pretty hot out side

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Maki smiled slightly looking into the room. Her small apartment life was making this room like a dream. She nodded towards Agnes and proceeded afterwards to let Kit-Kat out. The tortoiseshell coloured kitten with a long haired fluffy tail raced in and jumped on the bed, his ears were back on his head.

"Okay. I can use some gravel from outside. All I need is either a rectangle pan or a large plastic container," said maki looking inside the room some more.

"What are the rules?" She inquired next (I'mma bout to inquire what exactly the room looks like...) "I don't want to break any of the rules here and the no one give me a list of them nor a handbook," was it too wrong to wonder about the rules? Was that what normal people did. She didn't know, she did not frequent being normal, she hated being the term but she wanted to get along with everyone here and if she broke the rules on her first day as in how she was dressed and Miura having told this place she was female someone was bound to find out. But in the end they were all adults did they even need rules to govern them? Maki seconded her question and all of the sudden turned a slight pink colour in her newfound embarrassment from her own question.
Agnes nodded, smirking at the agitated cat. "Clever. I can try to help you maybe find a disposable pan or something of the sort in the kitchen," she suggested. "...which is back downstairs. I can also help you collect gravel, if you need." As to the question of rules... Agnes shrugged. "Good question. Nobody gave anything like that to any of us, either," she said, "at least, that I know of. Most of us arrived earlier today and we are figuring things out along the way, just as you are." Again, Agnes shrugged. "I wish I could give you a better answer, sorry." Agnes hesitated. "I, uh, missed your name, by the way. May I ask..?"
Ezra was so into the game, she didn't realize was going on around her. After Maya left, she continued to play the game solo and when the round was over, she finally looked around, noticing Agnes had left. She got up, turned the console off and proceeded to go where she heard voices. She noticed Maya talking to a guy and smiled. "Um, hello. I'm Ezra," She said, introducing herself to him, "you are?" He sort of reminded her of the guys who went to the beach a little too often where she lived.
Maki kind of bit her lip for a second and then nodded. "I would like that very much, thank you," said the girl watching the cat tear through the room at top speed. He seemed to be having fun so Maki rolled her suitcase in the room opened it and placed it on the bed racing to the exit to Agenes and closed her door. "I see," she said hearing about the rules and the fact- there were none- hardly believing that she nodded and realised she had forgotten her name. After saying it once she thought it to be universal but people weren't as nosey as she had remembered.

"Horikita Maki," she said and gestured down the stairs. "My brother is downstairs still outside, I think..." She trailed off unaware of the reaction she was to expect from Agenes. Her name wasn't gender specific but she could have figured it out... By now.
"Happy to help," Agnes said, happy to feel useful and delighting in the fact that she was comfortable enough at this place to be useful. "The kitchen is near the living room, where you met Maya and... Will, his name is? So we can head there first." As Agnes led the way downstairs, she said quietly, "Perhaps I will meet your brother later. Do you go by Horikita or Maki, then?" She was woefully unfamiliar with the culture from which this Horikita Maki and their brother came from, and it showed - but Agnes did her best. There was also the issue that, while Agnes got the sense that Horikita Maki was biologically female, they had some issues with that. From plenty of research into her own sexuality a few years ago, once she moved to America, Agnes also learned a great deal about gender, and so she thought to innocuously ask: "Also, what pronouns do you prefer?" Better to ask and be embarrassed then to misgender someone.

Noticing that Horikita Maki seemed to be preoccupied and that there were voices coming from the living room, Agnes paused. "Come get me when you are ready," Agnes said. "I will be in the living room and we can search the kitchen when you come downstairs." Agnes smiled back at Horikita Maki briefly before heading the rest of the way downstairs and into the living room, where she was surprised to see that Ezra had finally emerged. "Well, welcome back, Ezra," Agnes teased, taking a seat.
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