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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

Will sipped his drink and looked at Maki and her brother. " 'Ey there, and you are?" He asked, then noticed Maki as well. "Hey Horikita, thought you'd gotten lost." He used her surname again assuming it was her first name. "Longnecks're in the fridge if ya drink. I'll pass on grub though, already filled up."

He was relieved that the two had made an entrance as it took the pressure off of himself and Agnes. He felt bad for putting her on the spot like that but dismissed it. He'd watched out for himself for years, no reason to get a conscience about it now.

(By the way, sorry if my writing is short tonight, my brain is only half working. Dead tired here.)
"No, I'm quite alright," Ezra said, her attention focused on the girl and the guy who had just walked in, "I don't think we've been acquainted. I'm Ezra." Ezra couldn't help but to stare at the girl because her looks greatly intrigued her. "Well aren't you greatly fit?" She said to her, not thinking about what she was saying before it came out of her mouth. The effects of that one beer from earlier and the other one she quickly downed was sort of sneaking up on her.

*I'll be back in about 10 to 15 minutes*

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Maki was taken aback suddenly and blushed once more like she had earlier. "Uhh, am I?" She questioned trying to look down at herself as if she did not understand why Ezra said that.

"I do not believe you gave me your name," said Maki next changing the subject quickly embarrassed to be as she looked.

Miura glanced back at Maki but turned to his own conversation. "Alright," he said just loud enough to be heard but not so loud that it was over powering. Miura had a tendency to do that. "Ah, my name is Haruma Miura," he responded next looking back at Maki worried for her. She was in a foreign place wearing her normal every day used sleep wear. He was worried she would be afraid to be herself here... It seemed like an awkward place to be. He wondered how many people inquired on what really was going on. People didn't just volunteer for random experiments. There had to be more-


Maki had socked Miura in the arm refocusing him on the present time and day. He realised what she was gesturing to, his conversation had not been finished. He was confused for a moment but quickly discovered what he was missing.

"Oh and your name is?!" He called making Maki sigh and shake her head. She was not gesturing to his conversation, instead she was gesturing to a girl that looked nice. She was hoping Miura would get a girlfriend or something soon and quit being so over protective of her.
Will laughed a bit as Maki punched Miura. "Pretty sure I did, but I'm Will. Nice to meet ya mate." He said, looking at the new boy. They obviously knew each other and based on appearances he suspected that they were related. "D'ya drink?" He held up his bottle as an indicator as he asked the question. He was starting to feel groggy again and the beer wasn't helping, but he wasn't about to conk out when he just met someone.

Will cast around on the ground for Kit Kat. "Trap your cat in the room?" He wondered at Maki, making what little conversation he could think of before taking another swig of the amber colored liquid. He could feel a slight change from the alcohol in his mind. He welcomed it as his inhibitions became less pronounced. He noted with amusement that he was still missing a shirt, but then so was Maya.

"Guess we're all casual tonight." Will mumbled to himself before finishing his second bottle. He put the empty container down on the counter next to him and leaned back, supporting his weight with his arms.
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"Yes, you are." Ezra said, as she smiled. She got up from the stool she sat on and threw her pint in the dustbin. She dared not to go into the refrigerator mainly because she already a tad plastered She yawned once more, signaling that she was totally knackered. "I think I should sod off and go up and kip, I'm knackered," she looked at Will, nodded and said, teasingly, "You've made quite the impression, you bloke." She then said goodnight to everyone before going up to her bedroom and taking off her shit and trousers. She then climbed into bed and closed her eyes. Suddenly, she felt the urge to throw up and she quickly ran and went into the loo. She closed the door behind her and proceeded to throw up in it. She sat down on the floor and hoped that tonight, she wouldn't be zonked out by it the whole night. She couldn't believe that it was only 2 pints that got her this way because it had never happened before. She silently cursed herself before leaning back over the loo, throwing up the pints along with the dinner they had earlier.
Maya leaned forward enough to kiss the back of Agnes' head before standing up, nodding to Maki and Miura. "My apologies for the poor presentation and greeting. But I've got to go make sure my roomie isn't making a mess of a clean room. There should be some brekkie still in the fridge. We cooked enough for a lot of left overs." Maya said.

Looking at will, she raised an eyebrow to him. "If Aggie stays up with you, don't be a hog. I'm sure you know how protective Aussie Sheila's get." She warned jokingly, knowing Will would just brush it off and probably go to sleep on the couch. "Goodnight, Aggie."

The stairs didn't seem to be that rough of an obstacle, although when she got to the top Maya expected another step and ended up slamming her foot down. She wasn't too dunk at all, but her judgement was off a tad.

The bathroom door was closed, light on, but luckily no puke on the floor that they would have to clean up. She pulled up the sheets on Ezra's bed, and fixed up the pillows a little bit so that she'd be more comfortable when she came out. Although, the walk back to her own bed didn't see worth it, but she also didn't want to ruin her brand new master piece of a made bed. What was her solution? The floor, obviously.

Maya pulled one of the pillows off of Ezra's bed and layed down, one leg stretched out but the other on curled up still. "I'll take you out for greased food in the 'mournin. It'll be a captains medicine."

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After about 10 minutes, Ezra felt slightly better but she knew better than to think it was all over. The hangover that she was obviously going to have will be killer. She slowly got up and tried to steady herself before flushing the loo, rinsed her mouth out with water then left the bathroom, only to see Maya laying down on the floor. "Greased food sounds like rubbish right now but I'm sure it'll be good when I feel better in the morning," She then looked down at herself and said, "I feel like a such a plonker getting bladdered like this so early on." She then looked at Maya and asked, "Why are you on the floor?"
Maya shrugged, eyes closed and on her stomach. The carpet was actually pretty comfortable, although that may be the two pints in her talking. "It's soft as a baby rattler." She mumbled. "Why aren't you is the question I think you ought to be asking"

She always had something off handed to say, no matter what the situation or state of mind. Even when her step father was bit by a shark, maya still managed to get him to laugh over a "were you on your period?" Comment.

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"Fair enough," she said, as she smiled, grabbed one of her pillows then laid down on the floor, next to Maya, "Mmm, this does feel soft," she said, laying down on her stomach and looking over at her, "For once, I think you're right." she teased, playfully, "Did you enjoy my kiss earlier? I think you did considering you couldn't keep your hands off of my fit bod." Ezra laughed at her comment and then closed her eyes before saying, "kidding."
"Good night, Ezra," Agnes said, and shortly after, added, "and good night to you too, Maya." Agnes waved to them before turning back to the brother and sister duo. "You must be the brother," Agnes said to Miura. "Nice to meet you, my name is Agnes. And, speaking of the cat," Agnes said, turning back to Maki, "do you still need help finding that pan? This would be the place for it."
Maya couldn't help but laugh, rolling her eyes to the girl. "I'm always right, and you know it." She insisted. "Especially when I say that you're bloke crazy."

Maya thought for another thing to say, but couldn't think of anything to comment on the kiss as well.

"I think we both know witch one of us have the fit body. You're just jealous."

Maya raised an eye brow and poked Ezra in her shoulder, practically challenging to girl. What to though, she wasn't sure.

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"Have I now? Hope it wasn't too bad." Will replied, smirking at Ezra as she walked off. He turned towards Maya and winked. "I'll try not to, ya galah." He said sarcastically as he slid off the counter and went to grab another beer, stepping on the crumbs from earlier. "Forgot about that." He muttered as he reached into the fridge and withdrew an unopened bottle and popped the top off. "So, where're ya from, Haruma was it?" He addressed Miura before taking drink from the bottle. Will was feeling a tipsiness setting on, but he wasn't about to quit drinking yet.
Maki shook her head her heart racing. If Miura was considered the brother than he knew already she was female. "I found a plastic bin type thing that was too shallow to be used for much else. Then I collected gravel from outside. Oh, Kit-Kat is sleeping on the newly made bed, but I can go get him after the party has died down," she finished off with her smile completely gone.

Miura looked at Anges and nodded. "I am," he responded and turned. "Pull you like something to eat? I know me and Maki are quite famished and I would honestly like to make something from home... Just once," he confessed to the reason he asked if anyone else was hungry.

It was a sudden realisation that both Maki and Miura were a little homesick and it didn't help that they knew nothing about this experiment. It bit at both their ankles and worried them each to their own personal extent. Miura worried most of all, after all he did raise his sister from when she was a child (almost said wee here thanks to you British folk.) it would be impossible to assume anything to wrong with her and it to be Miura's fault. If anything Miura and Maki both knew Miura would take the fall for Maki even in the darkest of situations.

"Also, it is a pleasure to meet you as well, forgive me for my lack of manners," said Miura bowing just slightly. Maki laughed a bit and concealed her girlish laughter behind her fist, hoping no one would see or hear her. She found it cute Miura to be flirting but what she found most amusing was the fact he was flirting in front of her. It was something she had never seen before.
"Oh please," Ezra said, opening her eyes and smirking, "Your body is quite alright but it's me who's fit." She got up, feeling much better after laying down for a second and lifted her shirt, showing off her abs. She then turned around and looked back at Maya before saying, "I even have a better bum." Ezra giggled and pulled her shirt back down. "I think they added something extra to those pints because I know I am probably acting like a complete wanker."
"Oh, alright," Agnes said, a little disappointed that she couldn't help, but she was getting the sense that Maki was more on the independent side. She could relate to that. "In that case," she said, standing up, "I think I will go to bed as well." Smirking at Miura, she said, "All is forgiven. Good night." She waved to all three of them and headed out of the kitchen. She made a mental note that she'd have to ask Maki, the smaller of the two, about their preferred pronouns tomorrow, as there seemed to be some issue with that, and ask the brother what his name was; he'd only been introduced to her as "my brother."

Once she reached her room, she realized that Talia wasn't there yet, and since she'd already washed up and changed earlier, she had some time to herself to relax. She left the door open for Talia and pulled a notebook out of her bag. This one was brand new, bought in anticipation of coming here. When she went to sit on her bed, she realized she'd left her sketchbook there, open to the page where she'd begun the drawing of Ezra. Agnes sighed softly, flipped the sketchbook closed, and tucked it underneath her bed, where it was safe. She picked up her pencil, sat on the bed, and flipped to the first page of her new notebook, filled with lined paper. After a moment of thought, Agnes touched the tip of her pencil to the top of the paper and began writing - entirely in Russian.

Dear mother...
Maya stood up, not needing to lift a shirt to show off her stomach. She had abs, the hip lines, and the definition in her shoulders and arms. "Alright, don't make fun of my small butt. You win on that, but I have more muscle." She said, running another hand through her now wild hair. "You kind of are. You need to go to sleep."

Maya put a hand on Ezra's shoulder, and used the slightest bit of pressure to lead her to her bed. She picked up the pillows from the floor and threw them back into place, and moved the blanket back for her.

"I'm just right across the room if you need me" she said, moving I the shades to close them. It was night, but in the morning she knew it would come in handy to have them shut any ways.

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Tony woke up inside, laying on his bed. Last he remembered, he was in the pool. How did he get in bed? He shrugged it off and got up to go downstairs. He hoped someone was awake. But if not, oh well, he needed to eat something. As soon as he got downstairs, he smelled marajuana. "Well, I see that the newcomer has been through here." He coughed and opened the fridge to get food.
"Or you could come sleep next to me?" Ezra asked, only half joking, "Goodnight, Maya." She got into the bed and turned on her side before pulling the covers over her body. She looked out of the window that was on the wall across from her bed and smiled. She loved looking at the stars and how the sky revealed a dark blue-ish color revealing that the sun was sure to come out in the next few hours.
( @AstroNeon Uh, Will, Miura, and Maki are still in the kitchen. And it's still night I believe.)
Miura smiled passing some teriyaki aside to Maki. They had an assortment of sushi as well as white rice and home-made egg roles. It was a good meal all together but even better since they were eating it together. Kit-Kat was even there lapping up some home-made cream with vanilla and cinnamon. He seemed to be enjoying it.

Maki's hair was down and she had her foot on the seat of the chair playing with her rice with a pair of chopsticks. She watched the cat lap up his milk and turned her head to see a boy walking down the stairs. She smiled slightly towards him. The party had died down quite a bit since most of the people left drunk as they could be. Neither Maki nor Miura had drank even a drop of the alcohol served at the party and everything that remained was a huge mess but Maki did a majority of the cleaning.
(Do the bedrooms have individual bathrooms? Possibly stupid question, but I'm just not sure)

Seeing that he was being ignored, Will wandered upstairs, bringing his beer with him. He took the steps slowly to avoid spilling his beer. His tipsy state didn't help things. When he got to his room Will downed the bottle and put it on his nightstand next to the bubbler before taking stock of himself. The high he was sporting earlier had worn off but been replaced by a pleasant tipsiness that was growing after that last beer.

Moving to the bunk bed, he decided to unpack a bit and opened the duffle bag. He withdrew a stack of clean clothes, which he laid on the bed, and a pile of dirty clothes from his trip, which he promptly threw in the corner next to what he suspected was a closet. Next were his new runners, a pair of black fuiyues. He tossed them next to his worn in trail shoes that he'd worn on the trip, quickly followed by a pair of thongs. Lastly he pulled out a toothbrush and toothpaste, putting it on the bed. He tossed the bag and the rest of its contents on the ground next to the bed frame, then reached for his backpack.

Will unzipped the front pocket and reached in, pulling out his weed and lighter. He placed them in a drawer of the nightstand before moving on, wondering if the researchers were going to do anything about the illicit substance. He shrugged and returned to the pack, pulling out an old iPod video, charger, and earbuds. He tossed it on the bed, to be quickly followed by a Bose home system that looked very new. He went to the largest pocket next, pulling out a small tool set of wrenches and screwdrivers and sliding it under the bed. He rifled through the pack for a minute or so longer but found nothing of interest at the moment and deposited it next to his duffle.

Will popped the earbuds into his ears and started the iPod, jumping to "Back in Black" by AC DC. He sat down on the lower bunk and began reflecting on his short time at the house. He'd already met a lot of residents and didn't know how many more there were, or even if any more were coming. He sighed and pushed the thoughts away, letting himself get lost in the rock music which was facilitated by his slight inebriation.
((That's all up to you guys. There is a very large bathroom at the end of the hall, and since it's a pretty large house all of the rooms could easily have their own both rooms or Conjoining bathrooms.))

"Night sleepy head." Maya said, crawling into her own bed. The offer did seem appealing, but she figured the girl would need her space when she woke up the next morning. Maya turned her back to Ezra and put in her head phones, something off an 8 tracks playing by the likes of a Wicked Games cover by Coer De Pirate. It wasn't long until she fell asleep.

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At last when the clock stuck three after an hour had passed Miura stood from the table he and his sister sat at to eat. He was tiered but found himself able to condone the ability of cleaning. Maki helped him wash the dishes and put them away safely. Then they cleaned some more doing a more thorough cleaning until the room looked like no one was in there. It was almost four by the time they finished and both were admittedly tiered. Miura was first to take to the stairs walking up them slowly to be able to get to his room.

Whilst Maki was working the hard task of chasing down her cat. The cat ran around like it was chasing something invisible instead of running from Maki like he was doing. The girl sighed slightly until the cat paused long enough for her to be able to catch. Once grasped loosely in her hands she started for the stairs.

Her room as well as the house was completely silent. It felt as if she had stepped into some sort of parallel universe where it was only her. She sat on her newly made bed with white and red sheets and watched the cat paw her striped comforter before laying on her various fluffy pillows. She was already dressed in her nightwear and so she started nodding off in such a way until Kit-Kat choose to join her snuggling against her neck and shoulder. At last the girls brown eyes closed and she fell asleep.

It was not hard for Miura to get to bed. He made his own bed with a blackish orange comforter and dark black sheets. His room had been mostly unpacked. All he had to do now was change into an acceptable sort of nightwear in which he promptly sat on his bead in his boxers and curled up under his covers nodding off into a deep sleep.
While making food, Tony dropped a pot, and it knocked over the blender. Both the blender and the pot came crashing down, making a giant crashing sound. "Oh great, this is going to wake everyone up!" Tony cleaned up the glass and threw it away.
Agnes startled awake, dropping her letter and pencil. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, realizing that she must've dozed off while writing her letter. Quickly, she got up to hide her partially finished letter - she didn't want anyone to see that she'd written it all in Russian - and pencil under her bed along with her sketchbook. While she did this, she tried to figure out what had woken her in the first place, although to be fair, she was a rather light sleeper by habit (which, in the past, had been both a curse and a blessing). After piecing together that it was a crash from downstairs, she got to her feet and, yawning, headed downstairs to where she'd heard the noise. Upon reaching the kitchen Agnes found Tony, picking up broken glass. "Tony?" she mumbled tiredly, stifling another yawn. "What are you doing?"

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