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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

Tony looked up. "Oh! Um... You see... I was making food! And I... Um..." Tony kept tripping over his words. He was embarrassed very badly. "I dropped a pot... It hit the blender..." He looked down sadly. He felt guilty about waking her up. He just wanted to have some ramen noodles. "Sorry, Agnes..."
Agnes smiled as she stretched her arms above her head, trying to wake up a little more. Even though she'd dozed off, it felt like she had just closed her eyes a moment ago; the poor girl was exhausted. "No worries, Tony," she said sympathetically. "Do you, ah -" she was cut off by a yawn, but then continued: "- need any help cleaning up?"
Tony looked up happily. He hated when people were mad at him, and the fact that she had been willing to help him clean up, even after waking her, made him more than pleased. "If you want to! I don't really mind!" He couldn't help but have a giddy tone to his voice. I probably sound like maniac right now... He thought to himself as he threw a bit of the glass in the trash.
"You sound tired," Agnes laughed, bending down to carefully pick up a shard of glass. "Speaking of which, why are you still awake?" she asked, examining the floor for the smaller shards of glass that were harder to see - and easier to step on. After collecting a few she reached over to throw them out, hesitant to walk around too much; after all, she was still barefoot, and the last thing she wanted was to get a piece of glass embedded in her foot on her first night here. "Is there a vacuum or broom or something of the sort anywhere? Although, maybe a vacuum is not the best idea at this time..." she said, remembering that the majority of the occupants were probably asleep, if they'd managed to remain so after the crash.
Tony laughed. "Well, I woke up in my room... and I haven't the slightest idea how I got there... But I was hungry, so I came down here to get something to eat." Tony thought for a second. "I don't know where a broom or vacuum is, but I have a pair of flip flops you could wear until we get all this cleaned up?" He suggested , throwing away more glass.
"You must be exhausted then," Agnes chuckled, standing up straight again. "I become forgetful too when I'm tired. Anyhow, flip flops might be a good idea. Thank you," she said. Normally she wouldn't be so quick to accept favors, more out of self preservation than anything, but Tony had been nothing but kind so far. Plus, she was exhausted and she didn't want to be stepping on any glass. "I can look for a broom while you finish making something to eat."
A resounding crash brought Will awake, his eyes shooting open at the the sound. One of his earbuds had fallen out in the night, but it didn't matter. The battery in his iPod had long since given up. As he pulled the other earbud out Will debated investigating the source of the sound. "Eh, I could use a shower though." He said to no one in particular as he stood up, fighting a head rush.

Will grabbed a towel from his duffle bag and his toiletries from his backpack. The empty hallway seemed to echo as he stepped out of his room, heading towards the bathroom at the end of the hall. Locking the door, he turned on the shower and stepped in, urging the cold water to wake him from his groggy stupor.
Tony rushed over to the door, grabbing his pair of flip flops. "Here you go, Agnes!" He handed her the flip flops. "Good idea. You should go look for a broom... While I make my ramen noodles!" Tony licked his lips and ran over to the stove, stepping on a piece of glass. "Ow!" He yelped as he lifted his foot up to investigate it. There was a big piece of glass sticking our of it.
"Thank you!" she said, bending down to slip them on her feet. They were a little big on her, but they'd do. She looked up in time just to see Tony seconds away from stepping on a large shard of glass that she'd been unable to reach. "Tony, wai -" Upon hearing him yelp she winced apologetically. "Sorry, Tony," she said, walking over to him. "How bad is it?"
Tony forced a smile as he looked at Agnes. "It's not your fault! I should have watched where I was going! It's not that bad... I promise." Tony hopped to the counter and leaned against it for support, wincing and he ran his fingers down the bottom of his foot. He tried to hide the foot from Agnes. He didn't want her to see how bad it really was and worry for him.
"Are you sure?" she asked, walking over to the counter so she could stand next to him. "Do you need a bandaid or something? They must have first aid kits and such somewhere around here, no? Maybe in the bathrooms," she mused. "You should not go walking around with glass in your foot, if you have any."
"Yeah, I'm sure... I'm a-ok!" He tried to tug at the glass, keeping it hidden away from Agnes. As soon as he pulled, he yelled in pain."GWUAH!" He brought his hand back up to see it coated in blood. This was great.
Agnes jerked back as he pulled the glass from his foot. It certainly was bloody - to her, unsettlingly so. Then again, she was a little sensitive to the sight of blood. "I uh..." she stammered. "Tony, that does not look okay," she said. She grabbed a few paper towels, dampened them with some hot water in the sink, and gave them to him. At least they'd keep him from bleeding all over the place. "Here," she said, "wrap these around your foot for now and sit down. I will try to find some bandages."
Will turned off the water and reached around the shower curtain to grab his towel. He dried himself off, styling his hair to a barely contained mess brushing his teeth, leaving his toothbrush and toothpaste next to the sink.

A bundle of dirty clothes in hand and a towel around his waist, Will stepped into the hallway, the air feeling like warm sunshine after the cold shower. He entered his room and got dressed, throwing on a pair of worn navy straight-leg shorts and a dark grey Hard Rock Cafe: Sydney shirt. He centered the Mjölnir pendant over his collar and slipped on his new Feiyue trainers before heading downstairs, taking the stairs in leaps and bounds.
"Thanks Agnes.., you're a life saver..." He sat down and put the paper towels around his foot, throwing the glass away. "Agnes..." He smiled goofily at her. "I wish I had made the ramen noodles." He went back to his foot, keeping the paper towel on it, despite the pain.
Agnes heard someone coming down the stairs, but didn't check to see who it was - she was a little preoccupied. She just hoped that between the two of them, they hadn't woken anyone else up. "Of course," she said, and then smiled at him. "Once I find you bandages, I will finish making your ramen noodles." Making good on her promise, she stepped out of the kitchen and saw Will on the stairs. "Hello, Will," she said. "Would you happen to know where I could find some bandages?" A bit of a long shot, but if he had any idea, then it was better than her looking around aimlessly.
Tony nodded and thanked Agnes before she walked off. He was losing most of the feeling in his foot by now, so it didn't hurt as much.
Will looked up as Agnes addressed him. "Morning Agnes." He said as he thought on her question. "Not that I know of. Could check my pack, used to have a small field kit in there. Who's hurt?" His curiosity was piqued, connecting the need for bandages and the crash he heard earlier in his mind.

Turning around on his heel, Will sprinted up the stairs, getting the feel of his new shoes in the process. They're sure comfortable. And flexy. He approved already and looked forward to breaking them in. He fished around in his backpack and withdrew a small red bag with a white cross on it. He brought it back to the steps with him. "Got this much, it'll do the job I bet." He said, walking down the steps while rifling through the first aid kit. It had gauze, alcohol swabs, medical tape, bandaids, and even a small tube of Neosporin.
Agnes couldn't help but think that she'd lucked out with Will - asking him had certainly been the right decision. Once he came back downstairs, she said, "Tony is. Stepped on glass. In the kitchen," she said, pointing to the entrance behind her. "Thank you Will," she said, very much relieved. Will's kindness certainly meant that Tony would get a bandage faster than he would've had Agnes went off looking on her own. Walking back into the kitchen, she said, "Will is awake; he has a small first aid kit for you. How's your foot?"
"Feels like hell has been unleashed upon it..." He smiled. "I'm just kidding. I can't feel it anymore, so I don't know if it hurts or not." He looked where Agnes had come from, waiting for Will to appear with this medical stuff.
Will followed Agnes into the kitchen, surveying the floor to avoid stepping on glass. His Feiyues didn't exactly have the thickest soles. "Hear ya cut up your foot. Must feel like a right galah with a start like that." He tossed the first aid kit to Tony as he spoke. "Can patch yourself up, right?"
Tony nodded at Will. "You have a roomie?" He asked, as he patched up his foot, puting Neosporin on it before he stuck the bandage to the arch of his foot.
"Not a good sign, Tony," she said, hanging behind as Will entered the kitchen and tossed the kit to Tony. "I still need to find a broom to clean up the rest of the glass. And finish your ramen noodles." It took Agnes a second to debate what to do first. "I do not suppose you have a broom in your pack as well, Will?" she said, deciding to start her search in the kitchen. Perhaps there was a closet somewhere around, conveniently stocked with a broom.
"Nope, not that I've met anyway." Will replied while hunting in the cabinets for the cups. He was successful after a few tries and pulled out a plastic cup. He got a cup of water, ignoring the option for ice. At Agnes's question he smirked in her direction. "Wouldn't count on it. No room since I got me joey in there." He responded in jest before gulping down his water. The drink felt and tasted amazing as it was the first thing that he'd really had that morning. The Aussie sighed happily and stretched before leaning against the counter and facing the two others.
Tony thought for a moment. "Well, you know, if you wanted to to, you could bunk with me? You don't have to,com just throwing the option out there." Tony wiped the remaining blood from his heel,where it had dripped while he moved.

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