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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

Tonys mouth drops open. "You've never had bacon?!" Tony got serious. "Eat the bacon, like the bacon. This is the main rule in America!" Tony smiled bigger. "I'm standing here until you eat that bacon!"
"It's a song by this extremely hot American girl. Her name's Katy Perry. I would not mind being in that girl's bed." Ezra replied to Agnes, but stopped herself before she started sharing too much. She smirked then said, replying to Maya's comment before laughing, "no, that stuff is extremely horrid." Hearing that Maya had never had bacon before surprised Ezra. Ezra loved bacon, all types of bacon whether it was turkey or pork. She grinned at Tony's attitude towards Maya not having bacon before and she looked over at Maya then said, jokingly, "Better eat it before he loses his mind."
"But... The poor little pig." She begged, picking up a piece and inspecting it. It looked to be mostly crunchy, not burnt. Still a little soft in some places but definitely cooked. It looked good... Smelled familiar and good. But she just wasn't sure if she could do it.

"They were killed humanly, right?" She asked Tony, sighing a little bit. She did love to try new things after all. And this was a new thing...

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"Bacon is an American rule?" Agnes asked skeptically, nudging the strip with her fork. "It tastes fine," she told Maya. "Not a favorite of mine, though." She smiled apologetically up at Tony. "Sorry." She popped a small piece of pancake into her mouth and swallowed, thinking about this Katy Perry - whose name sounded familiar even if the song didn't - and Maya's question. "Katy Perry sounds familiar," Agnes acknowledged, and then looked up at Maya again. "We don't know where the bacon came from, do we? The pig is already... well," she said, waving at the piece of bacon Maya held with her fork. "Might as well try it."
"They were killed in one slick motion! they felt no pain!" He said, waiting eagerly for her to bite into the bacon. " now c'mon! Hurry up and eat it!"
Ezra watched the commotion going on in front of her and just smiled as she continued to hum and eat her food. When she was finished, she went into the kitchen, put her plate in the sink and got her a cold glass of orange juice. "Ah, so damn good." She said, to herself, before she yawned. She put her cup in the sink and then went into the dining room and said, "Well, it's time for me to head off to bed. See you guys in the morning," she said, but then paused and looked at Maya, "see you in my bed." She then winked, laughed, and proceeded to go up the stairs and into their bedroom. She grabbed a simple t-shirt and shorts out of her dresser, went into the bathroom, put it on and then tied her hair up in a tighter bun than it was already in. She went back into the bedroom, laid down on the bed and turned on the TV.
Maya looked at the two, then to Ezra as she was leaving.

"Better not stare when I change later." She said, prodding right back at the girls comment.

Finally she mumbled something to herself along the lines of an apology, and stuffed the bacon in her mouth. She could feel it crack, but the taste and feeling of the grease hit her first.

"This is uh..."

Her face contorted a little bit, trying to decide on a feeling. It wasn't bad, but the grease definitely threw it off.

"Not the worst..."

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Tony cringed at Ezra's comment. He wasn't used to all the lesbian things that were happening. Yes, he tried to play along, but it still made him feel awkward. "Well, I'm going back to the pool. I need some alone time." Tony runs outside and cannonballs into the pool.
"Good night, Ezra." Agnes finished off the remaining bites of her pancake before responding to Maya. "I feel the same way about bacon," Agnes said, giggling at both Maya's response and Tony's cringe. "Have fun, Tony," Agnes said as he left. "Too bad, I was hoping to do that myself," she said as he got back in the pool. "Maybe another night." She put her utensils down and stretched her arms up towards the ceiling. "For now, I suppose I don't know what to do with myself. Are you heading to bed as well, Maya?"
Tony calls from the pool. "You could get in if you want! By alone time, I just meant time without Ezra!" Tony chuckles to himself. He didn't mind Agnes coming in. He liked her, and she was nice. Not to mention cute... He pushed that thought from his head. He liked Talia, not Agnes. "I still have the strobe lights and music!" He called out again.
"Ezra's gonna be angry that she's missing out on this." She laughed, setting her towl on the chair and placing some covers over the food. She walked back out the open screen door. Maya slid it shut behind her but didn't waste any time getting into the pool. Strutting her way up to the diving board, the aussie dived in straight enough that someone may not have known she got in unless they were watching. As the water filled up around her, Maya let go of the air she had been holding in her lungs and kicked back up to the surface.

"Don't play the music too loud or anything. Some of them are trying to sleep." She reminded.
"Alright." Tony turns on the radio. "So how was dinner, beautiful? Tony added emphasis to beautiful to mess with her. He hoped she had caught on. Tony turns on the strobe light and changes the station to a pop station. "Water got a bit more chilly, huh?" He asked.
Nodded when the radio was at the correct volume, and sunk in to the water a little more.

"Yeah… That's what usually happens at night." She said, teasing him a little bit.

"So, tell us what it's like in Japan." She asked, eager to learn.
Agnes didn't join Maya and Tony outside immediately, despite the invitation. Instead, she sat contemplating if she really wanted to go back in the pool after already having taken a hot shower and changing out of her wet clothes. Once she heard the music turn on, albeit quieter than it had been earlier, she decided to go back outside to talk to them, but she wouldn't get back in the pool. Maybe she'd just draw instead. Deciding that that sounded like a better idea, she cleaned up and headed upstairs to her room, where she'd left her sketchbook and pencil when she'd gone to change earlier. As she retrieved them from her room, she heard the TV on in Maya and Ezra's room. So Ezra hadn't gone to bed so quickly after all. Agnes hesitated for a moment, deliberating. Finally, she called out, "Ezra, are you sure you don't want to join us by the pool?" She wasn't sure that she'd get a response, and if she didn't, she'd just head on down to the pool on her own.
"It was different..." Tony says quietly. "I was forced to learn the language to make friends..." He looks down. "How about we don't talk about this..."
Ezra heard Agnes' soft voice and it caused her to smile. "I didn't know you guys were going by the pool!" She quickly hoped up but then sat back down. "Maybe you can come and draw me instead!" she yelled out to Agnes', hoping she would like to.
"Oh," Agnes said, stepping forward to stand in the doorway to Maya and Ezra's room. It seemed a lot more welcoming every time she looked in. Agnes smiled at Ezra, lifting her sketchbook in front of her chest. "Why not? I already have my sketchbook. Do you want to stay here, or join Maya and Tony by the pool?"
"Would there be enough lightening out there? I want you to capture every bit of my beauty," Ezra joked, "I'd rather stay in here. I'm not too fond of Tony. I personally don't want to be around him more than I have to." She said, being completely truthful. She then smiled, patted to the spot on her bed that was near her and said, "Come sit down, beautiful."
Maya stopped for a moment, sunken down low enough so only her eyes up was visible. She raised an eye brow then stood up completely, waving the incident off.

"Back home it was pretty fun. School was always first priority though." She said smiling.

"Although despite what American television says, there aren't any hot mermaids."

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"Fine by me," Agnes said, sitting cross legged in the spot that Ezra indicated. "Why don't you like him?" she asked, truly curious, as she began looking for the spot that she'd begun her drawing in earlier. If Ezra didn't take to Tony, then she didn't; Agnes didn't want to interfere. However, she was actually interested.
"There's just something about him that literally rubs me the wrong way," she said, "but enough of him. What happened earlier when the lights went out? Were you okay?" Ezra asked, intrigued. It looked as if Agnes was literally terrified out of her mind. "I know I'm the one screamed," she laughed at herself but then got serious, "but you seemed seriously terrified."
"Literally?" Agnes asked, frowning at her briefly. She wondered what that meant, but decided not to ask right now. "I guess I can understand that," she said softly, beginning her sketch again. She didn't speak for a minute, focusing on the drawing. "I was fine," she said. "Why did you scream?"
"I didn't mean it in THAT way. He's just not my kind of guy. Well, no guy is my kind of guy but I mean personality wise," Ezra laughed, "I'm happy you're fine. I was fine, too. It just really caught me off guard. I'm no wuss, Agnes." She joked.
"No, I understand," Agnes said, looking up at Ezra and smiling. After a moment, she looked back down at her drawing. She was relieved that Ezra wasn't pushing the matter any further. She was loath to admit to herself that she still struggled, let alone anyone else. "No, you do not seem like a wuss to me," Agnes assured her. "I was just curious."
Blake got out of the cab and walked inside. The first thing he saw was the pool. He set down his bags and walked up to the people there. "Hey... I'm Blake... mind if I get in?"

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