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Fantasy The Skylands of Novahlis


New Member

The History of Novahlis


Long ago, there existed seven great nations that made up the world's power in government and military. Two of these great nations were constantly at war with one another, dragging most of the other nations along with them into battle through both political obligation and downright fear. Some chose to fight alongside either nation willingly, out of true loyalty or personal gain. Others felt their hands were forced, and even less were simply left to be caught up in the middle of it all. This constant repetition of war between the two nations would eventually lead to the most horrific war the world had ever witnessed, and by extension, the inevitable downfall of Novahlis herself through traumatic environmental weaponry...

This weaponry was originally designed to influence the tectonic plates deep beneath the planet's crust, in order to shape and manipulate terrain at will. Both sides of the war had access to their own versions of this technology. However, neither side would be using the technology for its intended purpose... and neither side's technology was anywhere near ready for the world. There was an attempt to get both sides to stand down once it was made apparent how truly dangerous the manipulation would be in the face of war, but the deterrent failed, and both sides ended up using it in the end after all.

When it was realized that the two nations were equally powerful in both technology as well as military, and equally stubborn to boot, they came to an impasse where neither side would give. This impasse resulted in the end game manipulation of the planet's tectonic plates, and because its power was underestimated, the core of the planet itself, to the point of incompatibility with its own outer crust. This was, of course, not as intended from either side, as both were merely aiming to destroy only each other.

The power of the environment manipulator was too great, and ultimately left unheeded in the eyes of either side. In the end, both nations were utterly obliterated due to the pressure left behind in the wake of mother nature being influenced by man's design, and the two kingdoms were no more -- gone with the rest of the land beneath their feet; with only the enormous, bottomless pits left in their place to keep the remaining nations company in this new dark age...

It wouldn't be long before the remaining nations came together to discuss the future of their respective nations, as well as the ultimate fate of the world itself. The repercussions that came with using the environment manipulator as a weapon were far beyond great, and it was soon made apparent that the people of Novahlis would soon be doomed to join their bull-headed "comrades" who caused the very turmoil they now found themselves in.

An estimated time of 8 months was established. 8 months... That was all the time they had left in the world, before the planet's surface was made uninhabitable due to the unstable energy left behind from the war, which was currently melding with the energy of the planet's core. This energy would, in 8 months, expand outward until it reached the outer crust, resulting in its obliteration, along with any and all habitable surface...

And thus, Project Skyland was hence assigned...

The idea was to use the environment manipulator once more, but as originally intended, albeit to an incredible extreme. Not unlike how the two warring nations used it, save for the malicious intent. The technology would now be used to save their planet, rather than doom it further, and to ensure a future for their species -- as well as many others, if they happened to succeed. Many parties were, of course, against this plan, however; left with little in the way of an alternative, they chose to go through with Project Skyland as well.

It took nearly 7 months to finish the preparations of their new life -- 4 of which were used to simply rebuild and properly calibrate the machinery that would be used to save them. Once complete, they were ready. Much of the planet's environment had already begun to make drastic changes, in both shape and mass, and even gravity. Now ready, with as many samples of life as they could possibly acquire, along with all the necessary preparations to sections of the planet's land which was beneath each nation and its kingdoms they could muster, Project Skyland was activated...


With a flourish of brilliant colors and quakes, the land beneath each nation was cut from its connection with the rest of Novahlis; the planet's unnatural change in atmosphere and physics having given them the final push they needed to ascend upwards. With the added technology they implemented into the crust their land was atop of, they then allowed themselves to float thousands of feet above the now crumbling surface below. The effects of the environment manipulator being used a second time having shortened the time limit from the land's destruction, resulting in an explosion of debris that regrettably took out many civilizations still on their way to the newly crafted Skylands, which then created new floating islands that were hence abandoned; left with only the remains of casualties...



In the end, the surface of Novahlis was left impossible to live on. The energy left behind raw chemicals and incomprehensible levels of radiation, as well as unstable volcanic activity in the lower crevices of what used to be lush and vibrant land... But the people, along with thousands of other lifeforms, were alive. They survived their world's most traumatic experience, and are now well into their promised future. However... In many ways, the Skylands of Novahlis are worse than how things once were on the planet's surface, when two of the seven great nations once struggled for dominance...

700 years later




It's been many centuries since that fateful day in which the Skylands were born, and much has changed for the world of Novahlis. For instance, flora and fauna adapted to the change in atmosphere, temperatures, environment, and overall lifestyle. As such, many new species have since been born. And as for the people? Well... Rather than seven great nations making up the world's government and military power, there are but three. All of which make up what is now known as the Novah Alliance, which watches over all of the Skylands of Novahlis as its world government. 25 years prior to recent events, yet another earth-shattering war was in the works between nations. But there were more than three... Up until the year 675 A.E.M. (After Environment Manipulation), the remaining five nations left behind from the planet's infamous world war were all continuing on normally. However, for 30 years prior to that, starting in 645 A.E.M., the war between the allied 3 nations of Fost, Sadasha, and Xera, and the opposed allied 2 nations of Galliade and Quezelle. The latter two nations eventually fell under the weight of morality that was given forth to the Novah Alliance by its supporters, due to the supposed sacrifice of a legendary war hero who became a martyr in order to stop an apparent invasion of his country at the hands of both Galliade and Quezelle.


The boost in morale gave the Novah Alliance the push they needed to overcome their enemies, whom threw in the towel when it became apparent that they would never prevail. Upon the Novah Alliance obtaining ultimate victory, the two nations were thus abolished, and their governments converted or exiled; forced to continue on either as pirates, bounty hunters, or mercenaries. The end of that war was 25 years ago, and it just so happens that the "martyr" who granted victory to the Novah Alliance put forth a son. A son no one but the mother knows exists... A son who, to this day, swears that his father's cause was a sham. A cover up and utter betrayal by his own country in order to ensure victory for the Novah Alliance... His name...is Jack.

Lifesyles of the Novians

There are many lifestyles for a Novian to choose from. Anywhere from a simple farmer or merchant, all the way to things like government solider or a sky-pirate. However, the more interesting occupations are as follows:


Sky-Pirates are just as they sound. Pirates of the sky. They rule the vast skies between islands and countries across the Skylands. They are currently the only imposing force that are crazy enough, as well as strong enough, to challenge the world government at any time and any place, and actually get away with it. They are a force to be reckoned with, and respected. As of now, they are the only known enemies of the world government, whom are actively trying to put an end to their age as we speak. There are currently no other forces capable of going toe-to-toe with a Novah Alliance fleet, making them a true threat to the world government. Since the oldest sky-pirates were once government soldiers themselves, it makes sense that they would be capable of such a feat. That said, they are pirates, and would rather take the easy way to fortune. As such, they generally stay out of the world government's line of sight, and focus more on attacking merchant airships.

They are crafty, reckless, formidable in both ranged and close-quarters combat, as well as sky, and follow their code as if their lives depended on it. It is quite possibly the only "honorable" thing about them.


Thieves are of the most honorable among the miscreants inhabiting the Skylands of Novahlis. Their code is mostly one between them and other thieves, but they also rarely do anything more extreme than thievery. They generally stick to the shadows and crowds, and are usually strongly against taking a life unless it is absolutely necessary. Taking up contracts for other clients is their main source of business within their craft, but that isn't to say they do not steal for themselves from time to time. However, unlike sky-pirates, thieves generally go about their business cautiously, only ever striking after carefully investigating the worth of their mark and his valuables. For a thief who frequents the streets watched by the world government, it wouldn't be very wise to go through the trouble of stealing something less than satisfactory. While honorable, do not misunderstand; thieves are just as lowly as any other criminal. The only difference between them and a murderer is that they allow their victims live with the knowledge that they have been harmed by stealing their most valued possessions. Depending on the circumstances, it can sometimes lead to a far worse outcome when stealing from someone, than it would have been to simply take their life...

Cunning, intelligent, stealthy. Thieves are handy with blades and the like, but most wouldn't be against using a firearm in case they ever find themselves in a pickle. They are, as a rule, generally gifted in the tongue. An art such as that is often needed to escape the scrutiny of guards and other law enforcement persons who are suspicious of their activities.

Treasure Hunter

Treasure hunters are similar to thieves, only they don't usually steal from the living. Occasionally, however, the two classes do intersect and share similar traits, depending on the individual. For example: a run-of-the-mill thief would be more likely to case a mansion, than a castle. Whereas a treasure hunter would likely do both, if it so happened that a mansion held a piece to a puzzle that needed solving in order to acquire the treasure he seeks. Treasure hunters are generally independent explorers of the lost islands of the Skylands; typically owning their own private vessel in which to travel. They occasionally team up with other hunters, or even thieves (rarely, but it does happen), if a certain job proves to be too difficult for a single man to accomplish on his own.

Like thieves, they tend to be very cunning and share something of an honor among their respective types. That isn't to say they wouldn't be against betraying a fellow hunter if it meant getting away with more money. But they would rarely leave one of their own to die or get severely reprimanded. They also have general knowledge about the world in which they use to better find fortune. They typically know more than one language and are handy in a gunfight. Good at solving puzzles and riddles.


Assassins are typically complicated individuals. They don't particularly work with any code or honor, but it mostly differs from assassin to assassin. They see their work as a means to acquire an income with their very specific set of skills. Most tend not to question whether or not a target deserves their blade/bullet, while others only accept contracts for people they deem deserving of death. And even a few occasionally do it out of hobby as well as career. Monsters who get off on taking a life seek work as an assassin to get the most out of their sick obsession. Like thieves, they tend to stick to the shadows and the crowds, but more so to the point of blending in with their surroundings to evade watchful eyes.

Assassins tend to be highly intelligent, and very adaptable in almost any given situation. Because of this, they are incredibly fearsome opponents, should you ever find yourself facing one. They are known of, but never seen. If they are seen, they are assassin no longer. Once an assassin has been made, it's over. It is next to impossible to ever find work again, for they will then be marked as a common murderer, and their face plastered all over the Skylands for bounty hunters to see. Client agencies will no longer give them contracts, and once it is known to the populace that they have been made, independent work is also a thing of the past, for that could also turn into a sting.

Bounty Hunter

Bounty hunters are the good "assassins" of the world. They don't always kill their target, as not all are wanted dead or alive, but they are not against ending a criminal's life if the option is there, or if there is no alternative. However, they'd typically rather bring in the target alive for a better reward. Most bounties are place by the world government themselves, but anyone with money can place one of their own, granted that the person of interest has criminal charges, and can then only be deemed "dead or alive" if their crimes are severe enough. That said, most adept bounty hunters tend to get their work straight from the government, as they tend to have the most high-tier bounties, with the best rewards. Like assassins, not all bounty hunters are just in their motives behind their work. Some choose this line of work just for an excuse to legally kill someone, and then get paid for doing it. Almost makes those particular bounty hunters seem lower than the average assassin who kills for fun, don't you think?

Bounty hunters, again like assassins, are generally highly intelligent, and have a wide array of skills to use when hunting down a bounty. They are adept investigators and natural trackers. Bounty hunters are also very formidable, and should be taken quite seriously.


Mercenaries are freelance paramilitary soldiers for hire. Like the oldest sky-pirates, they too were once a part of either the military or government. Some would argue that they are guns for hire to anyone with the right amount of cash, with no real ties to any one organization, but the truth is, they are tools of the world government. There was once a time when they would ally themselves with anyone who could pay up, be it sky-pirates, thieves, treasure hunters, assassins, or bounty hunters. Before the war that won the Novah Alliance the seat of the throne to the world, they were often hired by the opposing side, due to Galliade's and Quezelle's lack of numbers in comparison to the Novah Alliance. The new world government tends to use them now as spies and mere intimidation. While they are in the government's pocket, that isn't to say that they are against working for other clients. Their allegiance with the Novah Alliance is more of an on-call kind of duty. Otherwise, they are permitted free reign of their own devices.

Mercenaries are possibly the most versatile combatants of the Skylands, as they often find themselves in near any kind of situation, depending on the job. They are very formidable and should never be taken lightly. They are considered among the same level of power as most sky-pirates.


There are many jobs to be had within the world government -- all grand and prosperous. They are looked towards as the world's only protectors, and are loved as such. Of course, not all agree, such is life. But most of the Skylands respect them, and remain loyal. In terms of work, pretty much any job with the Novah Alliance is guaranteed to set you up for life, in the way of income. But if we're talking specific ranks and classes within the government, then it's better to break it down into the 3 highest ranks:


Highest rank a soldier can go; considered to be the strongest of all the ranks in the Noviah Alliance. There are currently only a handful of them. They were the main weapons that wiped all of the jacks out after the war.


Second-highest rank; regarded as incredibly formidable in both land combat and sky. There are quite a few more at the government's disposal than there are admirals. Can hold their own against most sky-pirate captains, and sometimes, even a jack...


Third-highest rank, and considered to be as tough as any bounty hunter, assassin, or mercenary.

Jack of all Trades

This particular line of business slowly declined until it died out about 10 years after the Great War Skyland. They are now mostly considered tales of legend. A jack of all trades was someone who would do just about anything for the right price. Not so much to be taken in the literal sense, but rather in the way of business; a true jack of all trades would perform a multitude of jobs, including all of the above -- save for governmental work, on account of hat no longer being an option. Like the sky-pirates, assassins, bounty hunters, mercenaries, and government higher-ups, the jacks of universal trade are men and women to be reckoned with. They are incredibly cunning, crafty, intelligent, adaptable in most every situation, formidable in both gunplay and hand-to-hand, adept pilots, and natural tacticians. They were the rulers of the sky for a handful of generations before the Novah Alliance came into the picture. However, even before then, jacks of the universal trade had one weakness that all of the above tends to fall short of: highly infamous notoriety. A jack tends to stand at the same height as a sky-pirate captain, in terms of status -- possibly even higher. Back when jacks were actually somewhat welcome, they had enough trouble getting around without someone trying to kill them, or capture them for a bounty reward. After the war, it became impossible, as the Novah Alliance outlawed the use of their trade, and issued an official motion of utter extinction of their craft. Now, if you happen to run into a jack, they are more "of all trades" in the sense of skill variety, than they are work, as they typically don't get much coming their way these days... Unless, of course, it's through the undersky network.

In any case, the only known jack remaining in the Skylands is one who actually goes by the name "Jack". He is often referred to as "The Last Jack", and many outlaws hope to one day meet him in battle; either to test their skills against a legend, or to collect the 500,000,000 bounty placed on his head... Sometimes both.

The Story

Kingdom of Otanis Arc:

Our story begins under the blue skies of Otanis; a series of islands which make up a small country, or "kingdom". Better known as the "Kingdom of Otanis", this country secludes itself from the world government, and its more popular name reflects that individuality. However, they do maintain trading routes with other parts of the world. The Novah Alliance permits this activity, but as such, forced the kingdom of Otanis to abolish its military; however small it was. There now only exists a rather basic means of law enforcement, in which to protect the kingdom's own people from each other.

Within the realm's borders, there lies many islands strewn about a given space, making up its overall shape. One of the largest, most easily recognized of the islands, is the residential area. This island consists three financial classes; lower, middle, and upper. The higher one's financial status, the closer one is to the center of the country, where the main island floats with a most magnificent castle sitting atop the land; which is then connected by extension bridges to other parts of the kingdom.

The strips of islands that make up the residential district are located toward on the eastern side of the kingdom, when looking in towards the castle from the docking station; while the entertainment and shopping districts reside to the west, essentially under the same shape of landmass as the residential, albeit noticeably shorter in length. The shopping district consists of hundreds of markets and stores that are built rather close together, leading up towards the entertainment district. There are many winding streets and alleyways spread throughout the lump of landmass, and the buildings being so close together make the rooftops easy to navigate, for the most part. The entertainment district is full of streets ranging from wide to narrow, much like the ones found in the shopping district, albeit more direct. The buildings here are generally much taller than any you might see over in the close-by shopping district, on account of it being a tourist hotspot, what with all the different activities involving various levels of entertainment.

The more populated areas of Otanis aside, there also exists a fair amount of islands scattered about in all directions, which surround the entire kingdom, forming a rather beautiful sight to behold upon spying the country from afar. These islands consist of other life -- mostly wild; such as common flora and fauna, and even a few particularly nasty beasts in the more restricted forest and jungle islands. The only island with an exception to wildlife -- or any other, for that matter -- would be the old city ruins, which are closed off to the public due to the area having been made too unstable after the war left it irreversibly damaged. It is but a simple ghost town now.

Finally, you have the central island, which is the very core of the country's land. It acts as something of a central gateway between each section of the kingdom, save for the outer-most islands.

Even with the entirety of the kingdom's beauty made whole, the single most noteworthy sight would still have to be the castle itself. Incredibly large, it sits far to the back and in the middle of the kingdom as it's truest landmark. Atop this island, past the archway that leads in from the central island, there are a number of small estates to be found surrounding the large courtyard in front of the the castle. The little "village", as they call it, rests within the castle's surrounding walls and acts as something of a community within the island's first layer. Head deeper into the village, and you will eventually find yourself standing before the giant gates that lead straight into the first part of the castle. The inhabitants of the castle include a multitude of servants, guards, knights, guests, and the king of Otanis himself, along with his only daughter.

The interior portion of the castle is simply too complex to accurately describe in full, as it has many channeling hallways and rooms, such as dinning rooms, intricate libraries, museums, staff kitchens, stairways, and much more. As well as all that, there are connecting bridges that separate areas of the enormous structure into numerous sections and buildings, which cannot be properly seen from the outside, save for the very tips of their towers.

Surrounding the castle is, of course, a massive wall with many guard towers and stations at each corner, protecting the inner layers. Throughout the entirety of the castle, there are many ways to access its rooftops and outer connections, which can often lead to numerous areas of the palace. With all that said, the structuring becomes fairly repetitive in design after a certain point. However, there are older parts of the castle that run deeper back and toward the west, which are no longer in use.

Finally, the last thing to note is one of the castle's tallest towers, which overlooks the front courtyard and has a perfect view of the kingdom stretched out in all directions. For a decade and a half, the king has kept his only daughter locked away within its top-most floor for reasons unknown to the rest of the kingdom...

My preferences

The story will start off with Otanis as the setting, and a list of characters with the classes I mentioned above -- as well as possibly more, should anyone wish to be more creative. I'll allow a total of 5-7 players (myself included), one of which will be playing as a specific character type that I'd like implemented into the plot. With that in mind, I wouldn't be against each player taking on more than one character; in fact, I encourage it.

When you a sign up a character, please include the phrase "You should be careful, for humans are weak." so I know you read all of this.

The plot revolving around the kingdom of Otanis, Jack and the girl in the tower will be considered my first run at this world, and if it does well, I'll expand the universe and allow more players to join and explore all of the Skylands.

You may reserve a spot in the OOC (first come, first serve), which I will revoke if I don't hear back from you within 3 days. If you need more time to create a character, simply request for more so that I know you're still interested. Otherwise, I'll have to make room for someone who is.

Okay, if you have any questions, please ask me via private message. Later! :wink:


There will be a minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 7, each with the option to take on more than one character, but will need to elaborate on just how many they may want.

The story may begin once we have the bare minimum of players.

Role 1: Jackson Harvelle (as played by me)

Role 2: Cher Collins (as played by Vampirelovee)

Role 3: Captain Whiskey (as played by SkyGinge)

Role 4: Allison Westerfield (as played by Melody246)

Role 5: Admiral Wolfe (as played by Kazuto Tenshi)

Role 6: Oliver 'Aero' Creed (as played by Flare)

Role 7: Free Slot


This is a rather basic idea of how I see the kingdom of Otanis from a top-down perspective in my head. It's pretty much how the shape and layout of the islands would look on a map. I originally imagined the castle island to be more full in the back, but I messed up when making this in paint and realized the mistake too late, and didn't feel like starting over. It'll have to do for now. The description in the intro should help, too. Otherwise, just leave it up to your own imaginations.


Apparently, the inserted image is broken for a lot of people, so I'm including a direct link as well. Hopefully that helps.



1. Proper grammar and spelling, please. We can't help but make mistakes every now and again, but if you catch a mistake, fix it. I don't wanna see any moonspeak or text savvy lingo. If you can't type in English, this isn't the RP for you.

2. No Mary Sues/Gary Stus. Think that goes without saying.

3. No god-modding. That too.

4. Strong profanity is allowed; hell, I encourage it.

5. Sex scenes are fine, as long as you cut to black before things get too graphic. Keep it PG-13 in that regard, people!

6. At LEAST 2 decent paragraphs per post. I don't want to see people posting a few short sentences and expect the other players to do all the work. You're a writer, so write!

6. Please, please, PLEASE don't start something you're not gonna finish. I say that, but I do understand we all have lives. If you have to go on hiatus or leave the roleplay before it's finished, LET US KNOW!! Nothing irks me more than silent deserters...

7. Yes, I am aware that I counted 6 twice; just want to make sure you're paying attention.

8. Follow the default rules of the site and we're good to go!

9. Most importantly: have fun!!
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Kingdom of Otanis, Docking Airspace - Early Afternoon

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining high in the clear blue sky, while the nearby birds sang the charming song of summer, and the people of the local country were bustling in the excitement of their annual festivities. To top it all off, there was even a nice cool breeze that would occasionally roll by to sweep away the summer heat. The atmosphere surrounding the kingdom of Otanis was undeniably peaceful. The air was was full of life and happiness. Truly, today held high promise of wonderful memories to be had by all throughout the kingdom... However, none were anywhere near prepared for the rude awakening they would all soon receive across the next few days.

Unbeknownst to the people of Otanis, a young man with a particularly nasty reputation would be arriving at their humble country's doorstep in just a few short minutes. This man was known throughout the skylands as one of the world's most dangerous criminals of the age, and has managed to allude capture since his debut around 10 years ago. Now, however notorious his reputation might still be, the man in question has been publicly inactive over the last few years. Having chosen to take something of a hiatus, the infamous criminal has thus managed to stay below the World Government's proverbial "jackass radar." Today marks the day of his official return -- one that would eventually reach the ears of every man, woman and child throughout the skylands. Unfortunately for the people of Otanis, the center stage of this dramatic comeback would be taking place at the heart of their very home...

And here he comes now...

Gliding along the path toward the Otanis docking station floats the Light Hawk; a small vessel piloted by a single man. That man, currently located at the bow of his ship, stands up straight with a look of determination in his eyes and a smile on his face. Beneath the bright yellow sun, the man's blonde hair appears almost golden as it flows in the wind coming from the west, along with his dark red -- almost black -- tie, and iconic getup rustling against his person. He remains upright, with his left knee bent and propped up slightly higher than his other leg as he holds himself steady with one hand wrapped around some of the roping at the bow of his ship.

Now no more than a couple hundred yards out from land, the man takes in a long breath from the surrounding skies, savoring the smell of new adventure, before letting it out through his nose once more; his smile never disappearing. With that, he turns away from the scenery and heads to slow his course, so as to carefully dock without crashing into a the island ahead like a total idiot.

Upon slowing to a stop in a space between two other docked ships, the captain of the Light Hawk anchors his own and begins attending to the fastenings to keep the ship from floating off without him. As he goes about this routine in which all travelers must go through upon reaching land, he can't help but catch the lively chatter sounding off around him. The ramblings and inner-workings of other ships and their crews can be heard all throughout the docks, showing just how popular this particular country truly was to visit. The docking station at which every traveler's ship was currently anchored was made up of a large island full of all kinds of business, in regards to navigation by airship. The docks were many, the scattered tools and merchandise too, and the men and women of the sky were now youthfully living up the promise of adventure they managed to acquire upon arrival to this great kingdom.

Still smiling as he finishes up his procedure, the man walks over to the starboard side of his ship, planting a foot on the rim's safeguard as he pulls out a pair of blue-tinted sunglasses, sliding them onto the bridge of his nose. His sleeves rolled up and his hands now entering his pockets, he gives the immediate area a quick scan before stepping off of his ship for the first time...

After walking along the dock towards the plaza of the bustling open station, he then chooses to turn and look around at the other ships in the area, taking note of their make and probable crew type. Among those, he even managed to recognize a few specific ships he had personally encountered throughout different travels in his career -- most belonging to either pirates or traveling merchants. The merchant ships were obvious to any who would look upon them, of course. However, the appearance of the pirate ships was less conspicuous, as their origin and nature would need to be properly concealed, should they wish to avoid attention. Giving his head a shake as he thought about this and how the peaceful people of Otanis were unknowingly harboring pirates and the like (including that of himself), he turned away from the line of ships at the docks and continued making his way toward the shopping district's connecting bridge. Along his way, he spotted a noticeboard that was standing beside an open bar that was just to the edge of the station. This bar served as something of an open tavern for weary travelers who required a brief moment of relaxation before hitting the town.

"Hmph..." said the blonde-haired man, walking up to the noticeboard. Giving it a once-over, he noticed many bounties posted on its wood. Most were of notorious outlaws from other parts of the world, as the kingdom of Otanis typically didn't house many criminals worthy of such a large bounty. However, there were in fact a few that he had never seen before. This made his smile widen a tad out of respect for the world's ever-growing community of baddies. After looking over most of the other posters, his eyes fell on one specific poster, where they lingered for some time.

The poster was titled "High-Risk Target: The Last Jack", with a picture in the middle of what appeared to be a young man holding a cigarette between his smiling lips, dressed in scuffed-up clothes -- which happened to consist of similar style to the man viewing the poster. However, it would be hard to say that they looked alike, as the man in the picture could only be identified up to just below the nose; the rest of his identity having been cut off. This made the blonde-haired man's smile widen yet again as he was reminded by the picture that he could use a smoke himself. He began to pull out his pack of cigarettes and lighter as his eyes then fell to the large number below the picture: "Wanted Dead or Alive for the Reward of $500,000,000" This only made the blonde-haired man snort out an amused huff of air as he brought a cigarette up to his lips.

"Pffft, as if anyone would ever actually believe there was still a jack of all trades running amok out there..." said a stranger who also happened to be admiring the poster. "The government has milked the threat of their kind for far too long, if you ask me. And besides, the guy calling himself 'The Last Jack' has been gone for a few years now, right? He's gotta be dead..." Giving out another huff of disbelief, he turns to the blonde-haired man standing beside him for recognition, who simply closed his eyes gently as he lit his cigarette, eventually taking a puff of smoke from it before finally opening his eyes once more.

"You don't say..." said Jack, letting the smoke out of his lungs. "Dead, huh?" After a moment, he turned his head to the man beside him, giving him a grin. "Heh... And here I was beginning to think that people just forgot about me." After this parting line, he spun on his heel and continued about his business at a leisurely pace, leaving the bystander behind to briefly question his sanity...
"Another round for the table!" Jean shouted to the somewhat distressed-looking and overworked waiter. This statement was met by roars of approval from all the men playing cards at the circular table in the back of the tavern. It was a mixed bunch, all people who had recently arrived in Otanis. Jean picked out some pirates, some fellow treasure hunters, even a merchant or two; there was even one shady guy on the far side that looked to be the assassin or bounty hunter type, though it was likely that he was just a lowlife thief. All of them excited, all of them eager, all of them filled with their own hopes and dreams and reasons for being in this exact place at this exact moment.

"And all of them easy pickings," though Jean. The strategy was simple: get them drunk so they bet more, win, then take the resulting pile of cash, buy some supplies and maybe a place to stay and begin hunting for treasure.

"Flawless," he thought again to himself as he bet an unreasonably large amount of money greeted by challenges from his fellow players. The trick was to win as much as possible as fast as possible. If he won too many rounds, people would get suspicious and accuse him of cheating, which would lead to trouble, something he wanted to avoid for the most part. As he played, he thought back to the events of the morning.

He had arrived in this port earlier in the day in his newly purchased ship, the Domina Fortuna, a small ship that would, at most, house a small group of about 4-5 people. Jean had gotten it fairly cheap from some old lunatic who was retiring from treasure hunting. It was a lucky buy, but that was normal for him. This would be his first solo treasure hunt, and he was excited to get it underway. On his last group hunt, he had heard a rumor of some fruitful ruins to the East that he could comb for valuable objects.

Outside the tavern window, Jean caught sight of a young man standing over by the wanted posters. He was dressed in a fairly expensive and classy-looking vest and tie. It was unusual for one to be dressed in such eccentric garments alone in a port town such as this.

As Jean raked in another pile of cash, he overheard a group of drunk pirates.

"Look at this rich f**k," retorted a rather large pirate, "Who the f**k does he think he is, coming into this town all cocky and superior like that? He's just asking to be mugged."

"Hey, hey, that's not such a bad idea," said the lanky pirate next to him, "he's probably got quite a bit of money on him, with getup like that."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" asked the third pirate, a short, stocky fellow who appeared to be the captain, "let's f**king get him!"

As they exited the tavern, Jean decided to tail them. He figured the other guy could use some help and besides, it was looking to be about time to duck out of the card game right about now anyway. He was getting murderous glares from many of the other players and people were starting to drop out left and right.

"Well then gentlemen, Lady Luck smiles upon you and your wallets tonight, as I shall be making an early exit. Au revoir!" Jean stated as he got up from the table and stepped out of the bar.
Cloud Seas of Otanis, aboard The Travelling Wail

Silus Buck was a very happy man. Standing on the 'Royal Balcony' of his theatre, he scoured the crowd with greedy eyes. That's a crowd of almost two hundred! he grinned to himself. Tonight we make a small fortune. He had always dreamt of owning his own opera company, and so when a converted old military ship was offered to him at a delightful price by an equally delightful gentlemen, he had clasped the star potential like a snake wrapped around a songbird. And oh, what a ship! He had converted its interior to act as a huge, traditional auditorium, complete with state of the art lighting. Every night, hand manouvred spotlights garnered 'oohs' and 'ahhs' from nebeath him as his sorprano's and alto's were illuminated. The drama, the passion! But more importantly, the money.

"Sir..." came the drole moan of his balding assistant, a warty man of around fifty years who was far too unimportant to ruin Silus' moment of daydreaming.

"Yes?" Silus harrumphed, wincing as his voice cracked unnaturally. It wasn't supposed to do that; his beautiful cords were supposed to produces noises deep, strong and powerful. "What do you want?" he snapped.

"There's a man below who would like to sit in this balcony, sir..."

"Tell him he can bog off like the rest of his kind and join the peasants below..."

"He's offering extra payment, sir. Lots of it." Silus' eyes lit up like the envious houselights he had seen in the central capital, dim little things powered by the same remarkable electricity that powered his own spotlights. Envious of course because they would never outshine the sun above.

"Well, what are you waiting for then? Call him up! Give him the seat!"

Teeth and eyes gleaming gold, Silus heard the heavy footsteps of a larger man climbing the steps to his balcony. Soon, a bearded, ragged face appeared from within the darkness, a head that soon sprouted a body dressed in an unruly navy coat and grew further to produce baggy white trousers. The hulking man had to duck to fit under the entrance arch and, now straightened up, Silus was horrifed to find the newcomer almost two heads taller than him. This man is filthy! However could he afford to sit up here? After a moment of silence, the newcomer spread his rough lips wide and revealed a large set of teeth, teeth of all different sizes and often covered in various levels of decay. What a ruffian!

"Is this me seat?" the giant boomed. Ignoring the fact that he he had flinched dramatically, Silus quickly evacuated the seat and the man slumped down, the chair creaking underneath his huge body. "Love me a bit of opera, so I do. Look; even made an effort to dress smart." He indicated with a grubby finger to a tiny tie strung around his neck.

"My payment?" Silus held out an indignant hand, growing increasingly unconfortable. To his surprise, the stranger plopped a healthy bag of gold into his open palms. His face blossomed in joy, but he found himself perplexed. This is a strange one. I'll keep watch on him here.


The show proceeded accordingly, a budding playwright's plot unfolding in action for the crowd. The projected warblings of large women and even larger men echoed acorss the ships deck, and even further afield, to the decks of the smalled ships of the audience. Yet had Silus been less involved in his own, greedy affairs, and had he thought to check all the visiting ships before the performance, he would have been surprised at the sight of the huge, mix-and-match ship and towered over all the others. And even more surprised at the number of ragtag figures swarming out of it.

Deadeye stood on the hull of The Abyss, watching as a tall, burky man silently coordinated the pirates about the deck. Whilst in his opinion opera left a lot to be desired, he did have to admit that Whiskey's idea to raid the worlds first travelling theatre was ingenious. The lower ranked pirates, most of them mere ruffians and troubled youngsters, swarmed into the smaller airships of the upper class passengers, returning with hands full of goods, goods that would sell for high money in the market. And additionally, the captain could have a good evenings entertainment.

"Oi, Deadeye!" came a hushed yell from the deck. "You goin' in yet?" Deadeye straightened his long legs, and hoped down from his perch, gracefully twisting around the rush of pirates dashing back to The Abyss. He walked silently past the others, heading straight to the open doors of the ship. He noticed younger pirates watchng him, whispering excitedly. 'Deadeye's gonna wreck 'em!' 'Our hero will show these snobs!'

Deadeye took one final look at the tiny, distant stars, drenching himself in moonlight. He thought briefly of Cher, his princess, of what she was doing. Then he disappeared into the shadows.
Kingdom of Otanis, Docking Station - Early Afternoon

With his hands in his pockets and his back hunched forward slightly, Jack made his way toward the connecting bridge leading to the local shopping district, where he caught whiff of brewing trouble on his six. However, without so much as a twitch in demeanor, he continued on as though there was nothing amiss. The young, infamous man was taking in the nearby sights as he walked, smiling in every direction. Every now and then he would take a puff of smoke from his cigarette, but otherwise remained a simple tourist visiting the kingdom.

It wasn't until after he and his new fans had entered the first part of the shopping district that things would take a turn for the worse. Still moving along as normal, Jack chose to make a turn after a small row of short buildings to the left, where he then entered a narrow alley with many stalls that were selling various items. The sun was unable to shine through to the alleyway at this time of day, and thus provided excellent cover for one's identity should too much attention ever be drawn their way. Jack would stop here and there to take a look at what the stall-workers were selling, again appearing as though he were nothing more than your average traveler. He passed up each stall, until he spotted one that was selling produce, and hence decided to purchase a beautiful red, shiny apple, which he then started juggling up into the air as he continued on.

At some point, Jack turned yet another corner, only to be surprised that it didn't actually lead anywhere. Now staring perplexed at the wall of this dead end, he scratches his head with his free hand and raises an eyebrow.

"Huh... Guess I should have been paying more attention to my surroundings..." he said as he took the cigarette out of his mouth, crushing the butt beneath his shoe. Shrugging off his apparent carelessness with a renewed smile, he decided to head back into town. However, as he turned around to leave, he found that his path was blocked by three drunken pirates who were looking for a fight. "Oh, are you guys lost too?" he said, sounding rather calm about their sudden appearance. "I figured this whole area was just full of shops, but I guess not... Well, at least I wasn't the only one who made that mistake, huh?" Jack gave a wry laugh as he scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment and slight apology, acting as though he really believed the three men standing before him were in the same boat as he. However, keeping up this charade of ignorance would soon prove to be rather difficult to sell, as they were sure to make it painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain that they were in fact not lost. But little did they know, the leader of their little trio wasn't so much the pirate standing at the center as it was the very man they were all trying to rob. And their target wasn't anywhere near as cornered as he first appeared...
A young and oh too curious Cher watched longingly from her window. The light breeze whipped at her silky gold hair, sending it around her face every so often only to be pushed back by small hands. The birds chirped as if singing a song just for her, it was much too hard not to appreciate the day's beauty. That was why Cher adored her kingdom, everything was like some sort of magical dream out of a fairytale.

A maid with a tray on wheels with a fruit salad and sparkling water rolled in, stopping at the windowsill seat where the young woman was perched gracefully, sleepy blue eyes awakening at the sight of food. "Good morning dear, sleep well?" Cher nodded with a sort of weak fake smile, taking one of the shining silver forks and stabbing a strawberry, within seconds plucking it into her mouth. A book was laid out open in front of her, a silly romantic novel to be precise. It was about a pirate who'd fallen deeply in love with a wealthy duchess and had kidnapped her. Eventually, she discovered she wasn't the only one who had affectionate feelings for someone else, and she fell for the pirate. Only problem? Her father. This book was somewhat relatable for Cher, considering her father would most likely not even let her look at a male he did not arrange for her to marry within the year.

Word had circled around town apparently that a renowned criminal had found his was to Otanis, and had it not been for Cher's gossiping maids and servants she would not have had the slightest clue. Though in her mind, the last thing she suspected was for a criminal to affect her of all people, it was hard not to imagine now that she'd heard of his presence. If it had reached the ears of her, it had most likely reached the ears of everyone, meaning the young man must've been a very big hit.

Seemingly after drifting into her mind, Cher had completely forgotten the presence of her maid. At the sound of the wheels against the light caramel timed hardwood floors, she jerked her head round to examine the little shaky old woman with a tight grey bun. Her hair was thin, and the bun looked as if it was clinging to nothing but hope, about to fall off. For some reason, however, she looked like she could've been quite beautiful in her younger days. Light olive skin, emerald green eyes, and a lovely smile. These were the reasons why this maid, though Cher had no clue of her name for she was rarely permitted to socialize with the palace staff, was her favorite out of the other, younger ones.

"Wait!" It slipped from Cher's lips like a river of honey dripping from the comb, though her voice still cracked and shook with sleepiness. The maid stopped in her tracks and looked back over her shoulder before completely turning around. "Yes, your grace?" It was a rash move, which was why Cher had mor than a good reason to chew her lip and look down at her lap when she answered. "Who is this criminal boy I've heard is the topic of the kingdom at the moment?" The maid looked surprised, shocked, in fact. She furrowed her grey brows, shaking her head uncertainly. "I've heard of him, though I don't know much dear. I'm sorry." With that the maid spun on the heel of her dirtied boot and left the room, shutting the great ten foot door in her way out.
Everyone knows the Sun is essential to life, including Madeira. Even so, it was definitely not her favourite astronomical object at the moment. She didn't hate it, per se, but she supposed she wouldn't be too upset if it disappeared for a while so that she didn't have to feel its effects. She couldn't see it, but the fact that her hair and clothes were glued to her sweaty skin reminded her strongly of its presence.

She crouched under the shelter of the jungle trees, whose leaves shielded her from the glare of the sun, her dark skirt tucked neatly between her legs to prevent any creasing. "Rosary Peas," she muttered, pushing herself up. So that was how they looked like. Small, smooth red seeds. Pretty. Delectable. Poisonous.

She made a quick note in her notebook before tucking it away into the folds of her skirt and then walking away. The documentation of such plants was more of an interest rather than a real necessity to her job as a healer. Still, she couldn't help herself when she chance upon them, hidden at the base of a tree, while heading back to the main islands of Otanis. If it wasn't for the heat or the fact that she was due at the hardware store in half-an-hour, she would have stayed a lot longer. The jungle of Otanis was a truly beautiful and vibrant place.

Her rust-coloured curls were secured in a tight bun at the base of her neck and her feet took small, assured steps, crunching dead leaves and avoiding roots and fallen branches. The long sleeves of her brown dress, which protected her arms from insect bites, shifted slightly as she pushed drooping leaves out of her way.

A cool breeze hit her when she existed the jungle. She breathed a sigh of relief and undid her bun before retying her unruly hair into a braid. Holding her basket in front of her, she strolled through the Lower Class residential area and smiled at the townspeople who greeted her.

Madeira knew she stood out among them. Not because of her clothes, which were tidy though simple - probably much tidier than theirs - but because of the way she held herself; the way she moved. She excluded an air of serenity and gentleness about her, as if nothing could ever faze her.

Shoulders back, chin up, smile and never, ever take such unladylike steps!

She tried to change but some habits were so deeply ingrained in her they became almost innate.

Madeira made her way into the shopping district and stood before a slightly run-down store with a window display that resembled a junkyard. "Good morning Mr.Franklin," she greeted the owner, who had looked up from his messy counter when she entered. She was here to collect the glass bottles she had ordered a few weeks back. The unexpected - but not unwelcomed - demand for her medical potions had depleted her to her last ten bottles.

"Aye, you're early today, missus.”

“Have the supplies arrived already?”

“Aye. Wait ‘ere. They’re at the back.”

Madeira compiled quietly, casting her gaze about the interior of the store.
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The previous night, aboard The Travelling Wail

A standing ovation. A cacophony of claps heralded his bowing performers, but Silus could only here the sweet jingle of gold coins. This'll mean tips, lots of them! And, judging by the crowd, I may be a rich man! Shaking in anticipation, he stood and was about to leap down the creaking stairs when the huge hand of his well-paying onlooker clamped down on his shoulder.

"'Twas a brilliant show, do love me a bit of opera," Captain Whiskey grinned. "But personally, I've always been the kinda man who likes to see the old management side 'o things. Would ya mind giving me a quick tour?"

"Yes, I would mind; besides, there's still the reprise, and..." Another bag of coins silenced him, his eyes lighting up like an excitable puppy's. "Well then, follow me!"


As the repeated, dramatised cries echoed from the hall, nobody noticed Deadeye sneaking back to the largest ship in the port, arms full of mechanical equipment and a huge bag of gold coins. Nobody would notice the sparse unconscious security guards until it was too late. Crossing the bridge with the selfsame fancy footwork, Deadeye's pirate kin rushed, cheering, to relieve him of his burden. Now it was just up to the captain.


The manner of his generous guess perplexed Silus profusely. He had claimed to have been interested in technology, yet had constantly requested for the tour to be shortened and lead only to his managerial room. And if he complained, Silus found that the man had a seemingly never-ending supply of cash to dish out. If he had been able to see past his greed, then perhaps he'd have figured out Whiskey's intentions far sooner.

But what surprised him further was what happened when they reached the room. The man had pointed to an exuberant painting that Silus had acquired at a market sale earlier that year; it had been expensive, but would provide a solid show of his grand wealth. He had been facing it, admiring it when suddenly, turning back, he found a huge fist flying towards his face, followed by all encompassing darkness.

When Silus woke up hours later, covered in the dried blood of his broken nose and missing his entire supply of cash, there was only one word on his tongue.

A heaving sigh was the end of that note. Cher adjusted the pure white shimmery silk that was draped upon her shoulders in an almost protective manor. She flipped through the pages with her fingers, eyes quickly skimming over the pages for the part she wanted to see. Sometimes, though it was hard to believe, Cher simply had no patience for silly details.

Within the next thirty minutes she had finished her breakfast and was wandering around the palace as usual, dressed in a casual blue dress with small white polka dots. Something she would surely be scolded for wearing since she was practically royalty and was to 'Dress to impress, and nothing less'. It was more suited for a middle class school girl in her governess and servants' eyes. At least those were the orders around the palace, who knew what their personal preferences were.

Every now and then a guard or maid would come into view in the hall, and with quick reflexes she'd have to ducked behind a curtain if she was lucky enough to have one close by for her use.

Eventually, Cher tired of wandering about the hallways, sure to find nothing of any possible interest, so she retired to her bedroom. Gently, as if afraid to hurt the cushions of the windowsill seat, she sat, her legs propped up at a ninety degree angle as she gazed at the courtyard's well cared for grass and garden. If only she could just sneak down there without it taking longer than an hour and having to dodge staff every so often. A young boy dressed as if he were above middle class came rushing out into the courtyard. He had dark brown hair, almost black, and from what Cher could see light green eyes. A golden retriever puppy followed close behind him, and ended up knocking him off his feet to the grassy cushioned ground. Cher smiled, and was almost tempted to call to the stranger and wave. It wouldn't be the first time she had to converse with children or even someone her age from this high up. Yes, indeed it was a rather disappointing anti social childhood. Cher would have to work on her socializing to make up for all the lost time.
Jean quickly tailed the drunken mob of pirates through the streets of the town. It was a fairly average-looking commercial center, that appeared to have an economy designed around tourism. He spotted several vendors and merchants pedaling their wares. He would like to have inspected them closer, for perhaps there was something worth purchasing, but that was not an option at the moment. The group moved surprisingly quickly for the drunken oafs that they were. As they turned into an ally, Jean felt an aura of power. Something was amiss here. He spied the pirates approaching their target and was about to jump in to help, but stopped himself just in time. Looking at the man's eyes, Jean sensed that same aura. This was not a person to be taken lightly, despite his gaudy appearances.

"I think I'll sit tight for a moment and see how this plays out," he thought to himself as the first pirate pulled out a knife and stepped toward the man.
Jack was still just standing there holding the apple in his right hand as the first pirate stepped forward, brandishing a knife. However, Jack didn't seem to have noticed this, as he was a bit more preoccupied with the apple that he just now managed to accidentally drop.

"Whoops!" he said, quickly bending over to pick it up. As luck would have it, the timing between both the pirate's advances and Jack's motion to reacquire his fallen apple matched up in a very unfortunate way. Well, unfortunate for the pirate, at least...

"Oof!" grunted the pirate, having just had the wind knocked out of his center due to the top of Jack's head meeting it hard, which forced the pirate to bend over as well, just in time for the head that started it all to come back up at a rather frightening speed. "Gnk!!" The back of Jack's head slammed right into the pirate's nose and forced his upper body to right itself back into a standing position; the momentum of the blow sending him stumbling backwards towards his two allies, who caught him from either side to stop him from falling over.

"Whew! Got it," said Jack, happily. He was staring at the apple with a smile, apparently glad he didn't damage it too badly, and was now beginning to rub it clean on his vest. "You guys want a...bite...?" Jack had began to offer them a bite of his apple when he noticed that they were all currently huddled together where they first appeared a couple of minutes ago, two of which were currently attending to the third, whose nose was clearly broken. "Oh, dear God!" exclaimed Jack, feigning surprise at the sight the pirate was in.

"Y-You're gonna pay for that, you son of a b*tch!!" shouted one of the other pirates, staring vengefully at Jack. However, Jack continued on with his charade.

"Huh?! Who?!" rambled Jack, confused and appearing rather frightened as he looked left and right, until he fully turned around to face the wall behind him, effectively leaving his back open to the pirates. "Is there an assassin after us or somethin'?! I've heard of their kind before... How they can strike from the shadows without leaving even a trace of their presence...!" Jack continued rambling on, playing up the scared traveler bit as he slowly backed towards the pirates, acting as though the attack had to have come from the direction of the dead end. "W-We should stick together and try to get out of here!"

"Wha... Are you some kind of idiot? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO--" the pirate to the left of the one with the broken nose then chose to take a swing at the back of Jack's head, which suddenly disappeared from view as he ducked down while bringing his palms together in the form of some kind of prayer.

"Aah! Please don't kill us, O' Great Master of the Shadows!" pleaded Jack in face of the wall ahead of him and the pirates. "We'll leave your domain at once!" Adding that last bit just as the pirate's arm came flying overhead, effectively missing him, Jack then spun around with his right palm wrapping around the pirate's face, slapping his right ear and shoving him toward the side with the force of his spin. "Come on! I think I bought us some time!" he shouted at them as the pirate whose face he had just slapped collided hard with the paving of the wall to the right, the momentum of the action sliding his face across the surface, ending with the pirate crumpling to the floor and knocking over a trashcan. "What are you-- AAAH!!?" Jack gave out a shriek as he noticed the collapsed pirate he had just tried to save now looked as though a cheese grater chose to become rather intimate with his face; the result being a mess of torn up flesh that was bleeding profusely.

"YOU BASTARD!!" shouted the only uninjured pirate left as the one with the broken nose shook him off.

"Y'er f**kin' dead, asshole..." he growled, his mouth covered in blood which was coming from the split that was now occupying the middle of the bridge of his nose.

"No, guys," warned Jack, holding up his hands in protest to their threats. "We're no match for an assassin. We should run!"

"WHAT ASSASSIN!!" shouted the pirate angrily, as he jabbed the knife he was holding toward Jack's liver. However, it wasn't Jack's liver that was stabbed, but rather the apple in his left hand. There was a few moments' pause where Jack and the two remaining pirates just looked at the apple that was stuck with the knife, until the silence was broken with a cheery laugh from Jack.

"Oh, so you DID want a bite of my apple," laughed Jack, all previous caution toward a supposedly attacking assassin having suddenly gone out the window. "Well, here." Jack then tilted the apple toward himself, managing to take the pirate's knife from him with ease and without it being removed from the apple. At that point, he began slicing out a corner of the apple for his new friends with the pirate's knife.

"How did you..." began the pirate, who was staring at the knife in the apple as though such a sight shouldn't exist in this world. But that shock was quickly replaced with newly found anger. "Quit...F**KING WITH ME!!"

"AAAH!!" exclaimed Jack, sending both the apple and the knife flying straight up into the air as he held his hands up high. "I'm sorry! Do you not like red apples?" he asks, a look of genuine apology on his face as he furrowed his brows like an innocent child might.

"GRAAAAHHH!!!" yells the pirate, lunging at Jack with both hands, having had enough of the boy's games. He manages to wrap his fingers around Jack's neck, forcing him backward a couple steps.

"Ah! Oh no!" grunted Jack, struggling to get the words out as he spotted gravity's hand forcing the apple and knife to come back down. In a mere second, the knife had managed to stick itself into the left shoulder of the pirate who was just about to start strangling Jack, which caused him to relinquish his hold out of sudden pain, and made him yell as he stumbled backwards once again. The apple, meanwhile, manages to be caught by Jack. "Whew... That was a close one, huh?" he asked them nonchalantly. "We almost lost our snack!"

"What the hell IS this guy!?" screamed the other pirate out of fear of the series of unfortunate events that seemed to follow in this man's wake.

"Hm?" hummed Jack, looking back up to notice the knife in the pirate's shoulder, which made him recoil out of apparent fear once more. "AAH!!? THE ASSASSIN STRIKES AGAIN!!"

"Aagh...!" grunted the pirate, whose shoulder now had a rather ugly centerpiece sticking out of it. And it was in there rather deep, too. "This guy is REALLY beginning to piss me off!!" As he says this, he reaches for the knife in order to pull it from his flesh.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," said Jack, calm once again. "The assassin seems to have hit a rather dangerous mark. If you take it out now, chances are you'll bleed to death..." After a pause, Jack brings the apple up to his lips, "Wouldn't want that, now would we?" and takes a bite.

"B-Boss..." stutters the only other pirate standing, a look of worry on his face. "He's right-- you need a doctor or somethin'! Besides, this guy is--"

"Shut up!" he shouts back to his lackey, cutting him off as he lets go of the blade's hilt. "I can fight just as well with this thing still in me!"

"Oh no," said Jack. "You really shouldn't."

"I'm gonna kill you..." said the pirate, now pulling out a pistol and pointing it at Jack.

"Wouldn't bet on it." said Jack without hesitation. The tension in the air suddenly changed very drastically, and even the two idiots standing before him would be able to sense the danger they were in... Jack was no longer wearing an expression of childlike excitement and clueless innocence; he was now staring at the two of them with unwavering conviction. This was the look of a man who should not be crossed, and the pirates finally felt just how cornered they had been since confronting him.

The gun in the pirate's hand had begun to shake as he started sweating profusely. He gulped down his nerves, which came back up in the form of quivering words of retreat.

"Y-Yeah... Y'er right," he said to his ally, slowly lowering the pistol before tucking it away once more. "I should get this checked out... He ain't even worth it... Let's go..." With that, his fear-filled eyes lingered on the man for a few seconds more before he finally backed away around the corner, his lackey following him closely.

"Hm..." hummed Jack after a few moments of being alone with the unconscious pirate on the ground. Squatting down in front of him, he smiles and speaks in a soft voice. "What kind of 'boss' leaves his wounded subordinate behind after being attacked by an 'assassin'?" Laughing to himself, he takes another bite of the apple and places it on top of the fallen pirate's head. With that taken care of, he stands up and pulls out another cigarette, lighting it up and taking a puff before placing his hands back into his pockets, and then makes his way back into town...
Levi's ship, The Cloudrunner, pulled into port. After making sure everything was in its proper place, he stepped off of the ship. It was a very nice day he had to admit. Sun shining, clear blue sky, even a gentle breeze. He looked around at the sizable area and saw many other ships, most bigger than his which ,although meager, couldn't be called small, as well as many other people. He could pick out every single pirate, mercenary, and bounty hunter there. Far less than he was expecting.

"So... this is Otanis huh?" He said to no one inparticular. He looked around once more, attempting to locate a bar or some kind of restaurant. It didn't take long to find one. He pulled up his hood and slung his bag over his shoulder as he made his way through. He pushed open the doors and walked inside. He got a few glances here and there but other than that no one paid him much heed. He walked to the bar stool and sat down, laying his bag beside him on the floor and removed his hood.

"What'll it be sir?" Said the baretender. He was dressed rather sharpley to be working at a bar near a port. Most people were probably to drunk to care either way though. Dismissing it, he replied.

"Rum, please, if you happen to have it." He couldn't think why they wouldn't have it but said it anyways. The sharply dressed bartender simply nodded and smiled while he reached down and pulled out a bottle. He grabbed for a glass to accompany the drink with but Levi stopped him. "I'll take the bottle, if you'd be so kind." He said with his normal monotone demeanor. The man nodded and slid him the bottle. Levi opened it and took a sip, surveying the area once more. The place was crawling with pirates. He looked at each of them, trying not to draw too much attention before going back to his drink.
In the far corner of the market stood a peculiar trade ship, a small little thing. Its open half, the half connected to the land, was a long market stall with all kinds of expensive goods laid out across it. Behind that was a longer section covered over with a sturdy, maroon cloth that presumable sheltered the salesman and provided him with a safe home.

But in markets, nobody stayed long enough to analyse and watch, really watch, what was going on. Customer flitted about like moths drawn in by thousands of shining lamps, scouring with greedy eyes for something to fill their pockets, something worthy of loosening their wallets. And somebody was to sit outside this peculiar stall for an entire day, they would have noticed that it seemed to house far more individuals than logic would deem possible.

Hidden in this chamber behind was, instead of a bed and common living quarters, a large hole with two metal hatches at either side. On the edge of the hole, a strong ladder hung down to a rope bridge suspended precariously above the depths below. If one were to follow this bridge they would find themselves at an ugly airship of mix-and-match materials and design docked underneath the island; The Abyss, in all its glory.

At a long table above land, Captain Whiskey sipped the drink of namesake, accompanied by a band of similarly large men, all roaring with occasional outbursts of laughter. His mouth spread into an opulent grin. What fantastic weather. This be the weather for action! He watched with a glint in his eye as the 'salesmen' of the far market stall, one of his crew members who he had handpicked for his almost inhuman swindling skills, bargained off the goods he had stolen the previous night. The operation had been a huge success, but then again, he had been the one to stage it. He cast his mind back to their escape, his crew merrily chanting ancient shanties as they sailed blissfully through the seas of clouds. Tis no better life than this.

"Otanis, hey?" he bellowed accidentally to the man sat next to him, a portly chap who was nearly blown from his stool by the volume of Whiskey's outburst.

"Aye, that's right," nodded the long-nosed figure sat at the head of their table. "Been here before, friend?" An hour previously the five men had been complete strangers to each-other, but Whiskey had agreed with their complaints, given then a hearty pat on the back and brought them all a round of drinks and soon he had formed a small group with the air of an old schoolmate gathering. And a fair deal; Whiskey had always found the best way to gather information was to make friends.

"A couple of time, perhaps a dozen moons back," he announced, reclining in his chair. "Me own daughter used to live here earlier this year. Took it into her own hands to leave her family and friends and make adventure for herself. Thought it was about time to come and remind her of the better life." He laughed heartily and, like sheep, his comrades joined in. As if they understood what better life he spoke of. No sign of her yet. Suppose I'd better go and take a look.
Kingdom of Otanis - Fairmont village, south border. 6 a.m.

Aero was out helping the village folk with their work once again. He brought the bails of hay to the pens of animals, and even collected the eggs from various fowl. Aero kept a smile on his face as he worked in the sun helping the town stay a float in these changing times. "The king wants to raise the taxes by 40%!" A younger shop owner had said, loud enough for Aero to hear him across the street. Aero listened closely to the young man, and his troubles. "All because some duke wants more money to build a new building in the central kingdom garden distract!" he continued to yell angrily at his wife, who hadn't appeared to give him much mind. It wasn't until the younger man had smacked his spouse that Aero reacted.

The man's hand made contact with her face, and he was getting ready to hit her again. "Touch her again and I will have already severed your hand off." Aero was behind the man holding his wrist, with a black hood over his face. The man was shocked and looked around, luckily it was still early in the morning, so there were not many people out and about yet. "Who do you think you are you little prick? She's my woman and mine to do with as I please." He snapped at Aero, who now put the shop keeps wrist in a terrible painful position. After a yell of pain, he was quickly submissive, but the woman stood up and brushed herself off, "Get off my husband you vigilantly, I deserved it after all." She said.

Aero's hand went quickly up into the air and he walked passed the shop keeper and to the side of the woman. "You're brave, I will give you that. Try to keep him less angry, I'll take care of the taxes, have no worry about that." and without another word from any of the three, Aero had disappeared. The man who was on the ground stood up and looked at his wrist only to see a Phoenix print in red ink left on the man's wrist.

Wearing a mask wasn't Aero's style, but in broad day light out couldn't be helped, "I'll head to the underground and put a notice I am taking a mark, it won't pay, but I am here for this town." Aero made his way down the street being greeted by villagers as he waled past without a word. He headed to the south city gate to Otanis Kingdom. Aero made his way through the city without being noticed, par usual and dropped into the cellar of an old abandoned building. It was empty and dark, but Aero had slid a unlit torch into a iron torch clasp that opened up the door to the Assassin's Underground - South district.

Aero walked past the small tavern bar that was beer feed from the tavern above, without there consent of course. Every man and woman in the underground had been a bit shifty lately. Everyone was on edge and it had Aero nervous. He looked around at the wanted board, but saw the obvious change that had been made. A red hand print in blood on the board from the high watchmen of the south underground was a sign that a bounty higher than any Assassins had been posted. Aero slowly moved towards the board that everyone else was avoiding like it had killed a man.

The bill read, "High-Risk Target: The Last Jack", with a picture in the middle of what appeared to be a young man holding a cigarette between his smiling lips, dressed in scuffed-up clothes. Aero was shocked and near frozen. A bill posted higher than even his bounty meant the appearance of a man with unmatched skill. "It must ruffle your feathers, right Aero?" The high watchmen of the south district stood behind him.

Aero turned around slowly, and glared at the high watchmen in the eyes that he hid behind his bone mask. "Are you trying to get a rise out of me high watchmen? I am the only one they asked before you to become the new watchmen of the south. That must bother you that you weren't good enough." Aero had turned back around and took the bill off of the board. "I can't believe you still hold onto that, you are pathetic Aero. You turned down being a watchmen to walk amongst the filth above.

Aero had stopped in his tracks and laughed silently to himself. "I know you want me to try and kill this man, so that I die. I won't let that happen, nor will I kill this man. My only goal is to find him and talk to him. I'll be going Grimm." Aero tossed down a small device that exploded in a large puff of red smoke as he walked out of the underground. The post that the watchmen was standing next to echoed with a large thud next to his head. A note sat attached to a knife, that everyone saw once the smoke cleared, "Also I will be eliminating Duke Duntola tonight. His taxes will put the people of Fairmont Village in a pickle." Signed,"The Faceless Phoenix"
Jean watched the spectacle unfold in the allies with wide eyes. This was incredible! How could this man easily best all three pirates while retaining his nonchalant demeanor? He was sure his jaw must have dropped to the ground. As he watched the man fight with ease, he discerned a very flashy fighting style. Clearly, it was best to be on his good side. As he walked out of the ally, Jean ran up to him, clapping him on the back.

"Très agréable! Very nice!" Jean congratulated the man.

"I've never seen someone able to best three pirates in such fashion! Except, of course, myself, but this isn't about me. Oh, and what's your name? I'm Jean Bonheur. Perhaps you could join me for a drink?"

Jean figured he might as well attempt to befriend him. He was well-dressed and fought well, so he would no doubt be a useful ally in some way or another.
When Jack was slapped on the back, he immediately stopped in his tracks and remained still as an unfamiliar voice spoke to him with high regards over what had just happened in the alleyway. Jack had turned his head to look at the stranger with a rather bored look on his face, as though his mind was off in another realm. When the man known as Jean Bonheur finished introducing himself, offering Jack his time at the local pub no less, the latter simply stared at the friendly man for a few seconds before finally responding.

"Hm...?" he hummed, looking somewhat puzzled. "Who are you? Did you get a glimpse of the assassin who attacked us or something?" Jack still had both hands inside of his pockets, and his head was currently the only part of his body that was turned to face in the direction of Jean -- a testament of how rude the boy naturally came off, as anyone who wouldn't return another person's kind greeting with their utmost attention is kind of an ass.

After a moment, Jack's eyes opened up a little wider as he mistook Jean's wording. "Unless..." he trailed off, suddenly spinning the rest of his body around to match the direction his head was facing, throwing his hands up into a defensive cross as if to ward off a demon. "YOU'RE THE ASSASSIN?!!" Jack's expression instantly changed from boredom to that of surprise as he suddenly shouted this accusation at Jean. "C-Come to finish the job, eh?" he stuttered out, now taking a couple steps back from the 'assassin', still holding his hands up in a silly defensive manner. "In broad daylight no less?! YOU FIEND!!" As Jack was now pointing rudely at Jean, a moment of awkward silence followed as passersby gave the two men occupying the center of the street rather odd looks, likely wondering if the blonde one was right in the head. And then Jack realized something he should have taken note of sooner, which made him break the silence. "Wait..." he said, dropping his ridiculous guard and replacing it with a scowl of what looked to be deep thought. "What kind of assassin gives out his full name before committing a murder in broad daylight..." Jack seemed to ask himself this more than Jean, which likely made him appear pretty stupid.
Whiskey rose from the market table, his wide knees causing a minor earthquake of beverages as they clanged against the woodwork. Gulping down the final sips of his alcohol, he slammed the glass down on the table and turned to leave, aware that his newfound follower's were all staring him down. "I must be off, gentlefolk, I have matters to be tending to. Adius!" The pirate captain strolled onwards, masking a long grin as his drunken cohorts showered him with a rainbow of compliments and farewells. Passing a large red stand, he nodded to a hooded figure hidden on the shadows. A cloak rustled obediently, then nothing.

Of course, the market district was not the place to find his daughter's residence. But nevertheless, he knew her well; on a glorious day like that she would surely be taking after her father by enjoying a cold drink in the sun. Therefore, he figured, it was only a matter of time before he stumbled upon her, mingled amid one of the many bars or taverns the market district offered. It didn't occur to him at all that she could have been miles away, serving on a military ship...
Left kick. Punch. Block. Punch.

A sheen of sweat covered Eleanor’s body while she repeatedly hit the dummy before her as she had done for the past three hours. Her eyes were narrowed in concentration, her mind empty of everything except the repetitive motions she was doing that in a way comforted her with its familiarity.

After a while, she halted, her chest rising and falling while she tried to catch her breath. Her body was still highly strung up and her muscles burnt, but it was a good kind of burn, one that she was so accustomed to she welcomed it.

She stalked over to the corner of her training room and grabbed her bottle and the towel hanging over it, gulping down the bottle's contents as she headed for her kitchen.

She was still breathing heavily when she entered her kitchen but she didn’t mind - it was an indication that she was pushing herself hard instead of slacking off. She wiped the sweat off her face and leant against the counter.

Her breath was harsh compared to the silence of the house. A silence that echoed off the polished wooden floors of her kitchen, the kind that coursed through the extravagant but empty rooms and bounced off the plethora of weapons lining the walls of those rooms. It was the sound of a sweet melody that she loved; the melody of solitude.

When she first saw the house, both the agent introducing the house and the snobbish neighbours had sniffed in disdained at her dowdy clothes. However a quick change of gold from hands transformed one of them into a fawning sycophant. She wasn't in love with the house or anything, but just tired of living in colourless and bare quarters and wanted something that was hers so much that she went overboard a little when choosing. Plus she needed a place to store all her ‘tools’.

Draining the bottle, she turned her attention to a card lying innocuously on the counter. It was a plain ivory with nothing on it, not even worth a second glance. But when held against the sun its invisible ink, that contained traces of the blood of a rare species of bird, glowed a bright gold. The ink was the only way she and her requestors communicated.

She had long memorised the contents in it.

Lord of Bohelm, Dave St. Oswald. Adviser to the Royal Palace.

Otanis, Bohelm Street, Rosehall Manor.

It would be her first kill in Otanis. So far, she had managed to keep her jobs away from the kingdom she stayed in. She didn’t really want to take any actions here, but, a job is a job. Especially when it came to a disgusting and corrupted pig like St. Oswald.

A vase of white lilies sat on the windowsill, the sunlight pooling around them. She walked over and gently stroke the petals of one before taking it out.

Tonight. She will do it tonight, when most of Otanis was asleep under the illusion of safety and peace, ignorant of the nocturnal beasts that prowled above their roofs and beneath the ablaze moon. The security in the kingdom was lax; not much have happened in long time despite the numerous dubious figures that strolled among its citizens.

She felt a tinge of regret that she would have to be the first to break the peace.
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Strolling past the many stands of the market district, the pirate captain revelled in the lively vibe, a vibe aided by the glorious weather. Passing salesmen and consumers alike, Whiskey felt a proud ownership and power, as if this was somehow his territory. The secret, gleeful power that came from knowing you were a wanted criminal simply strolling the streets, friendly crowds unaware of this simple fact. He grinned wildly at this.

On his travels, Whiskey suddenly noticed a noticeboard detailing the current top most wanted criminals. He grinned further at first noticed his own name down at number five, his humour furthered greatly by an inaccurate picture of him being portrayed on the board. Beside him, the hooded figure reappeared. Without a word, he slipped several wallets secretly to Whiskey's giant hands.

"Thank you, Chitho," Whiskey masked his response under a loud an hearty laugh.

"They were so softened with alcohol that it was as easy to rob from them as plucking a berry from a bush," Deadeye turned and faced the other way. "Have you seen who's number three?"

Whiskey had not; he hurriedly read the description - 'Hooded Horror', it read. "Suppose that's talking about you, aye?" Deadeye simply nodded in response. "Are ye proud? Any jealousy over the two gentlemen above you?"

"I serve only to help, not to achieve something as pitiful as government attention," Deadeye grunted. He was less comfortable amongst the hoarded of strangers. He much preferred the familiar air of the crew on their ship, the untold respect he received. "I'll be back at the ship," he announced, before slinking back into the darkness ice again and leaving Whiskey to read on.
"Yes! It is I, Jean, who has come to murder you!" He shouted, playing along with the strange man. Perhaps he was an actor of sorts? Jean figured it would be best to be friendly and go along with him, as he was still a bit awe-struck by the spectacle in the alleyway.

He drew a knife and waved it around in the air.

"Submit and face your demise! For you have nowhere to run!"

This only proceeded to draw more strange looks from the townsfolk watching them as something of circle began to form around the two men. Everyone kept their distance as they walked by.
The sudden appearance of the knife made Jack decide to react instinctively according to the character he had recently established when in the alleyway, taking into account the decent number of pedestrians his antics had attracted his way.

"AAAH!!!" he shrieked, almost comically. "I KNEW IT!!" Whimpering that last bit out of his mouth, he shut his eyes tight and immediately brought his foot sky-rocketing up towards Jean's hand, which collided with the bottom section of his enclosed fist, sending the knife within it hurling upwards. As luck would again have it, the knife happened to fly directly toward a particularly placed rope that was tied down to an anchor in the stone flooring just outside of the shop behind Jack. This rope could be traced from where it was tethered to the ground, all the way up to the rafters above, where it stopped in midair. However, the end of this rope was not alone, as it was currently wrapped around three large knapsacks containing an abundance of flour... which came falling down with the help of the knife Jack had kicked overhead.

With the sound of cutting rope and the rapid relinquish of its goods dropping between Jack and Jean Bonheur, the climax of this borderline theatrical display of tomfoolery would be forever left unknown, as the flour that came from above had enveloped the surrounding area, obscuring the audience's view of what had happened. All anyone could make out after the bags of flour had ripped themselves open with the force of impact when hitting the ground was the collaborated sound of coughing and the immediate thundering noise of a single man's feet pummeling the ground as he made his escape through the nearby crowd, and further into town where he would once again follow and blend in with the mass of the kingdom's bustling civilization. Only, he was heading toward the noticeably large, towering castle in the far back reaches of the island. Keeping his eyes on his goal while thinking of the fortune that would soon be his, Jack smiled to himself as he calmly made his way toward the outer walls of what held the greatest treasure he would ever come to find...
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Aero sat above the business district in the north east part of the city. He scanned the the streets, and windows for the Duke. After a while he noticed a man carrying blueprints walking behind a rather plump man, who had a slight waddle in his stride. Aero pulled a folder from his messenger back and opened it, to review the contents of his target. "My intel states that he is above weight, and enjoys late walks throughout the garden district. He also has a cane that he never uses." Looking up from the folder, Aero finally noticed the cane in the plump man's left hand, that never touched the ground.

Aero quickly dove off the roof he was on and swung from ledge, to window sill, until he reached the ground with a silent touch down. No one seemed to notice him yet, or that he just swung down three stories of a building. He walked briskly, tailing his target and watched to see if there were any armed personnel near by that would interfere. There looked to be be about four armed guards at first glance, but there was sure to be a few dressed in common attire, who were more skilled. Probably ex assassins, that left the guild for higher pay. Aero thought to himself for a moment, "Maybe I should leave the guild. I will have to leave town after this job anyway, so why not take my name away from the assassin's guild?" A small scuffle interrupted his thoughts. The man he had been tailing was in distress, "Take anything you want, just don't kill me!" He heard from a far.

Aero arrived at the origin of the scream and looked fro anything that had to do with his mark, but it seemed like they had escaped, or even been taken. A few of the blueprints were scattered across the floor, and there wasn't a sign of a struggle. Aero closed his eyes and listened to the conversations around him. "That young man with the blue prints...He was trampled by a monster! He carried the Duke away like he was a small child." Aero looked around and saw a small group of men running it, what seemed to be the way the Duke was carried off. He ran as fast as he could to catch up, and using the roof tops he finally saw a large bruiting behemoth of a man carrying the Duke. The men that had darted off towards the large monster were scattered on the ground bloody and beaten to death. Aero was above the "monster" now. "That's syrange.. it looks like a normal man.. A huge man.." Aero leaped off of the roof landing down with a sword stuck into the head of the giant.

"You... You, shouldn't..." The Duke muttered. "I shouldn't what?" Aero said in reply. "No... I can't! I can't build that condo now! They know what I am trying to do, but how!?" The duke was on his knees whaling about something to do with a condo, but Aero didn't pay attention to him, his attention was on the man that carried the Duke away without anyone able to stop him. Aero collected himself and looked up to the Duke. "Duke Duntola, you have plans to build in the garden district. However this puts the people in surrounding villages in a bind, so I am here saying that if you try to build I will kill you.." But before Aero could say another word, the giant's arm rose and grabbed the Duke's head. It only took a moment. It had been pulverized into an unrecognizable mush. his lifeless body dropped and the body of the beast didn't move another inch, but it did begin to speak. "Faceless Phoenix, you have done well to attempt to stop me, but you'll have to be better next time. Please stay out of the things you don't understand, and we will not send countless others to pursue you." The body began to boil into a flesh colored liquid, and even the skeleton of the man melted away like nothing was ever there at all. The sounds of countless other people running to the scene echoed behind Aero, without another thought Aero had run away.
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Madeira was struggling with her heavy basket as she lumbered down a gentle slope when two uncouth idiots shoved her to the ground abruptly from behind, causing half of the glass bottles in her basket to be flung out and smash against the brick road. She scraped her palms against the rough floor and a sea of broken glass glinted under the sunlight in front of her. Shocked, she looked up and called out to the back of the retreating figures. "Hey!"

They turned. Pirates, Madeira noted with a jolt. She generally stayed away from their kind, preferring not to mingle with such a rough crowd unless she had to.

The taller one snapped, "What?!"

The other leered down at her, blood dripping steadily from his broken nose. "Looks like the pretty lady needs some help."

Her eyes widened at his injury and the bloodstains splashed across a shirt that had clearly seen much better days. Concern chased away part of her anger but before she could say anything his companion tugged at his ripped sleeve said, "Come on, boss. Ignore her. That bastard might be around here for all we know.”

He mumbled an agreement before saying to Madeira, “Watch where yer step, ay, girlie. We don’t want you go ruining that body of yours, now do we? Yer welcome to play with us any day, you know.” He threw her a wink that had her recoiling on the inside. The uninjured one guffawed and they proceeded to walk off.

Pigs! She thought angrily. Stupid, uncultured pigs! Normally she would hurry after them to help the man with his broken nose but she supposed he must be fine enough if he could make such lewd suggestions.

Still simmering with anger, though managing to keep her expression stolid, she picked up the glass shards and sweeped the crushed pieces of glass onto her handkerchief - she didn’t want to risk any stray animal injuring themselves on the glass. When she was satisfied, she stood up and dusted the dirt off her skirt before glumly picking up her basket and its contents - now half as useful but still the same weight - all the while listing off obscenities at the pair inside her head (or what constitute as obscenities to her anyway). She couldn't go back and buy more bottles; there was no more money for that. The profit she could have made just gotten decidedly smaller and her mood plunged down further.

Thinking of ways to maximize her earnings as she walked, she heard the pair's gruff voices again, this time mix with a woman's softer one.

She rounded a bend to see the two a little ahead of her in a heated discussion with a small woman with long, black hair.

"Apologise," the woman said, her gray eyes cool as she watched them.

"Fuck off, girlie." That was from the shorter idiot, whose nose wasn't dripping as much blood now as before.

She didn't even batted an eyelash. "Apologise."

He spat at her feet. "We don't 'ave to apologise for nothing."

In the next instance she had him dangling in the air with her right hand fisting in his shirt. The taller pirate's jaw dropped while Madeira stared, surprised. The pirate wasn't big but in no way was he small either.

"Apologise, now,” she demanded. The man gulped, visibly shocked by the the petite woman's display of strength. His legs swing uselessly in the air.

"Leggo of him!" The other charged at her but she kicked him in his stomach with her left leg. He kneeled, bent doubled over, clutching at his stomach and letting out a pitiful groan.

Her fist tightened its hold and she repeated, "Apologise, now."

When he didn't immediately say anything she banged his head against the nearest tree and held him there.

"Don't make me repeat myself again." Her voice was still soft, but now there was a hard edge to it.

Maybe it was the way she said it, or the look in her face that stated she could finish him off easily, right there and then, but all the same, the man paled visibly. "I-I'm s-so sorry, mdm,” he stammered, “Sorry for bumping into you. R-really, really sorry."

She released him and he dropped to the ground in a heap. Without saying anything else she swiveled around and headed towards Madeira as if nothing happened.

"Hey," Madeira spoke up when the woman past her. Undeterred by her frown, she continued, "Thank you. In a way."

The woman furrowed her eyebrows before dropping her gaze first to Madeira's basket and the numerous glass shards on top of the bottles, then back at the pirates now frantically running away from them, then forward at the single road in front of her. Madeira knew she understood what had happened to her and the woman shrugged as if to say, whatever, before continuing up the slope.

She knew it was improper of her to feel that way, but she was considerably much happier now, though her problems have not yet been solved. There was a certain lightness to her steps as she headed back home, and her thoughts turned to her ferret, Luco, who must be famished by now.


Eleanor slowly climbed up the slope, the incident with the worthless fools already pushed out of her mind. She had better things to think about, like a certain shop had to pay a visit to.
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Upper Entertainment District, Close to the Castle

Jack was nearing the castle he would soon be infiltrating, when he decided it might be best to take a gander at its walls from afar. Turning down a sudden alley to his left, he began searching for a means to reach the rooftops of the tall buildings that could be seen all throughout the district -- hopefully without drawing too much attention to himself before he needed it. Before long, he spotted a rooftop access ladder leading up to a narrow platform that ran along the side of the building, which in turn led to another, shorter ladder that would allow him to get up to the roof above.

Smiling, his eyes traced around the edge of the roof from the alleyway before checking if the coast was clear. Without another thought, he began to ascend the ladder. Once at the top, he checked his surroundings for any activity before moving further and, once determining he was alone, moved to the other side of the roof. There was a beautiful tree planted in a nearby garden, whose height, branches and leafs granted the young criminal some shade as he looked toward the castle.

"Now, let's see what we're workin' with, here..." muttered Jack, pulling out a small pair of binoculars from within one of his vest's inner pockets, before sliding his blue-tinted sunglasses above his brow as he began surveying the castle's perimeter. Starting from the west-side of the massive structure's outer wall, he took note of the obvious guards and security measures set in place outside. Two guards naturally remained at either side of every main archway leading into the castle's village, but Jack made sure to note that these particular guards were clearly of royal rank; men and women who, while still considered to be a part of the country's law enforcement, reported to the royal house first and foremost. The sudden change in quality of armor and weapons for each guard he spotted remaining stationary at the gates brought a smirk to Jack's lips as he moved his eyes onward, now checking out the patrols atop the wall.

The men and women there were also above your average city guard, but even more-so; they were an even higher rank than that of those who guarded each gate. Naturally, of course, as the ranks above were considered to be among the castle's inner defenses. Each pillar that altered the course of the wall's path had a series of border cannons, snipers, and large knights that kept watch from every corner. As well as all that, for every archway leading into a section of the castle from atop, there were yet another two guards.

"Tch, they sure don't want any undesirables getting through, huh?" said Jack, shrugging a bit. Moving his eyes further toward the right from where he started, taking in more or less of the same security measures he saw elsewhere, he soon spotted a rather tall, somewhat unique tower that stood a bit out of place. It was further past the outer wall, of course, but it was such a magnificent construct that it naturally drew attention. Jack recalled catching a glimpse of it from when he was down on the ground, but he had no idea how much of a sore thumb it was until he got a bird's eye view of the place. Chuckling to himself, he lowered the binoculars for a moment to size the place up for reference, and even still; the tower was clearly the tallest of them all. "Huh..." huffed Jack, bringing the binoculars back up to his eyes. "I wonder what you've got hidden away up in that one, O' Great King?" It was clear to him that whatever the tower was for, it wasn't for lookout. The design, height and large window near the top said otherwise. So, in that case... just what was it being used for?

Putting his curiosity for the tower aside, Jack continued his surveillance of the castle for another few minutes, making sure to keep track of each patrolling guard's route, memorizing them quickly. When he felt he had seen enough, he finally lowered the binoculars, pocketing them once more as he scowled in thought at the large castle far away. He brought a hand to his chin as he began devising a plan of infiltration, but that only lasted a few short seconds before he realized there would be no earthly way possible for him to sneak into the castle -- at least, not unnoticed. Upon coming to that realization, a smirk formed on his face yet again.

"Well," he said, sliding his sunglasses back into place over the bridge of his nose. "If that's the case, then I might as well make as much noise as humanly possible." He gave the castle a nod, as if to agree with his own statement. Without further adieu, Jack looked left and right, searching for something 'loud' in which he could borrow. It was then that he took sight of the nearby single-man firework vessels that would be used for later that night flying about the sky above and around the entertainment district. With that, he smiled broader, knowing what to do.

Jack made to move on to a taller building; one that the small vessels would frequently float next to. It took him a few minutes to reach such a spot, but once he did, it was all but a matter of time. And sure enough...

"Time to get operation "Heart of Otanis" underway!" said Jack, planting his fist in the palm of his other hand, showing his excitement for the mayhem he was about to cause as his eyes followed the small vessel carrying a large shipment of fireworks toward the rooftop he was currently standing on top of. After about 30 seconds, Jack made his move. With perfect timing, he estimated the distance and required power of the jump he would need to make in order to reach the vessel. Upon kicking off the edge of the rooftop, leaving dirt and dust in the air around the spot his feet had left, he soared through the air. Had anyone been looking up in that particular moment, they might have caught sight of a rather peculiar scene; one that only a few could justly draw accurate assumptions as to just what the hell was going on above them...

With ease, Jack managed to fly into the side of the ship, slamming his chest into the thick wood as he threw his arms down onto the deck for grip. The sound that came from his body colliding with the vessel was more than loud enough for the captain to notice he was being boarded, which he did.

"Hey!" he shouted, immediately turning around and making a beeline toward Jack. But it was too late... "The hell d'you think yer--" the captain began to say, only to be quickly elbowed in the solar plexus, knocking him out instantly. Jack caught the unconscious man with his shoulder, and gently rested him on the deck.

"Sorry, guy..." said Jack, the smile on his face not really showing any apology for his hostile action. "But I'm gonna have to borrow your boat for a bit!" Without any trouble at all, Jack now found himself with a way into the castle: straight into the wall. Of course, there was currently the matter of dealing with the other, unwitting passenger.

Taking the helm, Jack steered the ship into a full U-Turn, bringing it back around to a few feet above the rooftop he had just leaped from. Docking the ship in midair for a moment, he used that time to drop the poor guy whose ship he stole down onto a pile of straw. With that done, Jack gave the sleeping man a salute and spun the wheel of the ship toward the left, altering his course and flying for the castle once more. It wasn't long before he made it within about a hundred yards out from the castle's outer wall. And that was when he needed to act.

Docking the ship yet again for a brief moment in time, he started working on altering the fireworks a bit. 'Making the "fire" in 'em better', as he claimed. Another few minutes down the road, and Jack had managed to concoct himself a dangerous, yet hopefully non-lethal, fire hazard in which he would soon be unleashing upon the castle. A few extra touches, and he had every large firework cannon strapped down and aimed on all sides of the ship. He didn't have any target in particular that he was aiming for -- after all, this was merely a smokescreen...

"Right!" yelled Jack, clasping a hand down on his bicep as he threw a fist in the air. "Here we go!" Without hesitation, Jack lit the long fuse that was tied to a large network of fuses leading to each of the cannons. He smirked at the small flame as it traveled rapidly toward its goal, and then looked onward as he approached the outer wall of the castle. By now, the lookouts would have surely realized that his course was aimed straight for the castle, and that's when Jack struck. Narrowing his eyes with a smirk, the first set of fireworks went off, firing a hail of bright light and smoke toward the line of cannons mounted on the wall ahead, making the guards stationed there yelp in utter surprise as they ducked down to avoid what they must have thought were cannonballs. "Olé!" he said with a quick double-clap of his hands as the booms of the fireworks went off. The distraction of fireballs raining down over the guards' heads gave Jack the time he needed to proceed to the next phase of his plan, which had him quickly heading down into the hull of the ship he was borrowing as shrieking fireworks began setting off from every direction outward of the ship.

The guards all began scrambling. Because of their unprepared reaction to suddenly being attacked, they had lost their chance to shoot down the unknown vessel that was heading for the castle walls -- which had resulted in the very thing flying straight over their heads as it continued firing explosive material not only forward, but now in every direction, creating a large amount of smoke and flare around the ship itself -- masking the presence of the man who had to be on-board, orchestrating the entire plot.

"Shit!!" said one guard. "It's headed straight for the castle!!" He and the rest of the frantic guards began making attempts to shoot the vessel down with their own weapons, but to no avail other than sending wooden debris scattering all around, falling toward the ground below. It was at this time that the vessel lost some of its altitude, allowing the deck of the ship to be seen from the wall above and behind it. Jack, now in the hull, chose that moment to unlatch the emergency exit of the ship, which resulted in an light explosion due to the gas in each hinge disengaging, which sent the door of the exit flipping toward the ground some odd 200 feet below. Quickly tying off the end of a rope to an anchor on the ship, Jack tested its resistance, and once satisfied, planted his feet down onto the edge of the gap left behind by the absence of the door.

Looking down over his shoulder, Jack was able to confirm that, judging by the layout of the ground below, he was about to collide with the castle's inner wall. Smirking to himself as his blonde hair blew in the radical wind flying through the ship as it fell, he made a brief comment on hoping he got the angle right. And that's when he pushed off...

Hanging onto the rope with a tight grip, Jack swung underneath the hull of the ship as it reached the wall; the collision of its bow serving as an emergency brake for the brief moment it had before being ripped apart by the impact, which sent Jack's momentum sky-rocketing toward a large, decorated window. Bracing himself, Jack swung his feet straight through, planting them onto the beautiful pane, which shattering into a million pieces as he was flung inside -- the ship now broken into a hail of wood and metal as it plummeted toward the ground outside. Giving a grunt as he righted his position in midair while he let go of the rope that was now rapidly snaking its way back out the window to follow the ship it was tied to, Jack twisted and landed straight on his feet; knees bent, fists clenched and back hunched forward where he remained as he felt the rumblings of his work settle into a muffled heap on the other side of the thick wall behind him. After a moment, he rose up, placed his hands on his hips and looked left and right down the hall he was in.

"Huh..." huffed Jack, furrowing an eyebrow out of thought. "Figured it would have been louder than tha--" The sound of a large explosion below his feet cut Jack off as the walls and floor shook with a heavy quake -- the sound of the fiery explosion launching skyward from the ground outside the window he crashed through reaching his ears, giving him an idea as to what had just happened. Turning around to face the window, he saw pillars of black smoke rising from ground. "Ah... Now that's more like it!" said Jack, grinning proudly as he stared at the result of his handiwork, nodding a bit. Without another moment wasted, Jack dusted his hands off with a couple of loud claps. "Welp, nothing left to see here!" Upon saying that, Jack turned and began making his way down the hall at a leisurely pace, all the while ignoring the frantic state the castle was now in, barely noticing the cries and shouts of the men and women who were looking for the person or persons responsible for the attack, or the scurrying of servants that would pass him by from time to time.
"What was that?" Cher jolted in her seat, her eyes enlarged and hinting at the fact she was rather startled. It was a loud shattering sound, coming from not far away from her bedroom. And it didn't sound like it had just broken into a few, more like a million pieces of glass raining down onto the marble floor in the hallways.

Almost seconds later Cher heard a commotion from just down the hallway. It was the sound of leather boots running along the smooth stone. There was shouting, as well, and she could have sworn she heard someone loading a gun or drawing a sword.

As strongly as she yearned to run outside, or at least peek at what was happening, she didn't even move a muscle. Cher bit her tongue and sat with a blank expression on her pale face that looked like it hadn't seen much sun in a while. For Cher, this quite possibly could be the most exciting thing that had happened, or that will happen in a very, very long time.

She kicked off her shoes and propped her small feet up onto the pillow across from her, in a comfortable manor. She still had an exciting rush of butterflies in her stomach from the loud, sudden and rare occurring noise. She wasn't only surprised by that, but surprised by the fact not so much as one guard or even maid had came in to protect her or take her somewhere..well, 'safe.'

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