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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)


The puppet clacked "it seems your student is to scared to participate in our little tornament to bad" the puppet shrugged "Astor expected more of warriors with a family name such as there's" the puppet clacked as it began to walk into the shadow door that had been opened
Telia overheard the conversation and gasped in shock and sadness. Sebby-sama and Phira-chan were her friends, but even if they were too strong, they're still her friends. She hung her head low. There were too many sad things that had occurred today... Riku's childhood, The team's failure, and now Sebby and Phira were going to leave the team. She was going to miss the two. Camilla walked up to her and asked her what was wrong. "Oh, I don't know... I think Gil is going to send our Sebby-sama and Phira-chan away to another team... But why? Gil is strong so he can handle them, right?..." @Plushie
Gil didn't even acknowledge Sebastian's words. Sebastian walking away means Sebastian has condemned himself to death. Gil said to the puppet "Yes you are very right. I never thought I'd ever agree with Astor or even one of his minions. Sebastian is brat that doesn't like when things don't go his way and refuses to admit his failures. Honestly I tossed them into a drill where the literal solution was to gather under Arthur's abilities, but instead he charges headfirst into the battle and takes a momentary success against an opponent who was not trying to the head, then he nearly ends of fusing with his sister and Arthur had to save their assess from the fusion. Honestly I may not be a teacher longer, I am sure they send you back to the front lines if you end up killing a student. Just wait a while he either accepts or dies or maybe sealed. Yeah near death and sealed away that way I can keep teaching to those who want to learn."

"You know..." Saphira began "Have you even imagined how the team would feel if you got rid of him? I understand he's a bit hard headed and dense but if you haven't noticed, he looks after everyone on the team..." she knew it was a worthless cause but she tried anyway. Saphira didn't want to lose her brother or the team


(I returned at the right time xD , my rode bailed on me so I had to go about the circle instead of the gym. Sorry guys.)

"Astor says you are being just as rash as he" the puppet added it own opinion "it is not a look that suits a teacher talk of killing a student because you have trouble with them is a rash and stupid answer that shows lack of wisdom" the puppet clacked for a time as if he is having a conversation "Astor says he can evaluate the two but he must first know how you trained them and what you have planned he may be able to help but must know these things" the puppet clacked again then fell silent waiting on an answer
"It may be a stupid and rash answer but hey treat a rash person rashly is, he wants act like a beast I'll treat him like a beast and beasts get put down. Anyway, I didn't train him, he has had zero training due to his bratty attitude. Just go for the time being I'll contact you when a decision is reached." Gil said to the puppet.

He turned to Saphira "The team would have to get over him. He may be able to look after the team but how is the team supposed to get better if their being babied through training which makes them fodder on the battlefield. The advice he provides will only turn those he looks after into more of him. Honestly you have proven to be a rather good student as you actually achieved the task of focusing on some other than rage. You know what I'll give you a chance to change his mind about leaving. I did have a plan to shatter his façade but his not worth it. Convince him to go with Astor or I'll get rid of him another way."

@Shadora @zeroknight @Lunaire
"He's not going to leave, even I can't convince him of that. His advice had actually lead the team in better directions... ask them yourself, he helped Camila achieve her illusion magic and even helped reinforce Riku's mind... like I said approach the team about it... and he isn't leaving because I guess he has a mind set on Camila. Either way, you have to either reach an understanding with him or he'll fight you all the way, trust me I grew up with him." Saphira smiled awkwardly, an argument she'd lose bit a valid point she had offered, being the friendly one of the two she had an odd way with words. But sweet words wouldn't steer Sebastian off of his cause.

(Side note: I'm so sorry for being away for so long, I have finals so I can't post anything until then but here's a quick post for Yumi-chan!)

Hearing the decision of Gil sending Sebastian off the squad made her heart twist into knots with a painful '
thump'. To lose a good ally and someone who been there to help her during the training, it would cause a great impact on Camilla to see such a good friend leave. Maybe it was the right choice but to Camilla, she wanted to stop Gil from doing so but what could she do? She was merely just a student who can't disobey a teacher's decision, what's decided by a superior will be done without consideration of the othes. Bottling up her emotions, she gave Telia a smile though it was a weak one on her part as she placed a hand on Telia's shoulder,"I'm not sure, he is a strong leader, but he must have a reasonable purpose to do so." She stated trying to lighten up the mood though her voice cracked slightly in the middle of her sentence, Camilla trying to cover it up with an awkward giggle though it was obvious she was affected by this greatly just as much as the others.

"Then its fight him now and get rid of him now. He taught Camilla something different then what I was going to teach her. Eventually if I just let him be who he is, the team will become a bunch of ragelings too. So there will be no all the way I'll taking him down now." Gil said rising from his chair and then obliterating it with one kick. Gil jumped from in front of Saphira to in front of Sebastian. He drew number 59 and said "One way or another I am not keeping you around."

Sebastian offered no care for him simply running his thumb along the razor whip at his waist "You don't want to do this, you fight me, you put fear in your followers. They won't open to you, and they'll find a way to get me back. I stand for my team and only the ones I wish to see as my team. You personally can't handle me and think killing me is the best way? I dare you to face your students afterwards.." The boy simply crossed his arms as Saphira approached behind him "I'm sorry Gil, but your being as brash as my brother now and I won't let him be cast aside like a beast just cause you can't learn to reason." Slowly she lifted the shield off her back, imbuing it with a deep glow that pulsed red, showing deep energy in it.

Sebastian stayed still however, refusing to move, even to grab his ax. For one so bent on combat, why didn't he move, why didn't he just attack? Gil was set on the decision, yet Sebastian still stood there, no defiance just standing there.

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie
@Newtype @zeroknight

Astor sighed as he heard all this and came out of the shadow door landing in front of Gil standing between him and Sebastian his face blank and cold "stop acting like a child you are a warrior and supposed to be a teacher not a bratty child" he said turning to Sebastian and Saphira "come with me both of you we need to talk" he said shooting Gil a look that said act like a fucking adult
Saphira hitched her shield once more as the energy faded and nodded. Sebastian looked at Astor with Ember eyes "Will we return is the question.. if so I have no issues coming to talk.. I also have no will to fight my mentor either..." Sebastian sighed and unfolded his arms from his chest and faced the shadow mentor. Saphira kept silent still curious about what would happen.

"No I don't have to, this is how I handle beasts. I don't care much for this job, I just wanted a first look at the prospects. I have seen all I have needed to see. You should know Gil of the Hundred Blades took his weapons from special opponents he defeated. Number 60 I took from someone just like him. But I am banishing him with 59 if the best course of action within the rash category. I am purposely being rash, I can treat you just as you me. But Astor wants you guys and I want one of his." Gil said lowering his blade and letting Sebastian go for now. He turned away fro. Astor and secretly smiled the more stupid he appears to Astor the better.

@Shadora @zeroknight

"The choice will be yours if you wish to return or not I personally do not care either way but someone needs to figure out the issues between you two and how to make this work I am good at that also Gil apparently needs time to calm down for a student to act like a bratty child is one thing if indeed you did but for a teacher is something completely different and he needs time to think on whether he should be a teacher or not" Astor replied opening a new door to the Shadow realm
Sebastian and Saphira slowly entered the door of the shadow realm, however Sebastian cast a long glance towards the members of his team before fully entering. A deep longing was in his chest, Sebastian did not want to leave and would refuse to m, even if it meant his death "After this talk, I wish to come back... I refuse to leave my... " the word caught on his tongue but eventually found its way out "friends... behind..."

Shadora said:
@Archangel Galdrael @Ninja God @Aqua @Kai123
Thanatos gave a cold blank look then looked back at Esstella and the other girl who were fighting

Esstella caught the girl midair "we must put our fight on hold she said as she used her wind to lift them back into the tree
Shiyam sheathed her sword before nodding to Estella. She didn't want to fight just yet anyway but...something was off about all this. Mara was in the trees, sitting on a branch, thinking almost the same thing but she could sense what was off.

Astor looked at him for a time "wait till after our talk to decide it would be unwise to go into this without a clear and logical head" he replied as he followed them in Astor glanced back at Gil he still didn't trust the guy and would not give him Kai he wanted him and Astor knew it was for more a reason than to get rid of Sebastian and he didn't like that

The shadow realm withered and changed making a large room with comfy sofas and chairs with a fire place as it turned into a house with a yard and training area and everything the perfect house for a warrior
Ninja God]Jorian floated on the cloud and he was almost nearly recovered from the fight. He could still feel the pain as he moved and he hopped off the cloud grimacing as the impact ran through his body with a long sting. He looked down at the two girls about battle then remembering his staff he looked at it and back at the two girls. He decided to climb down one of the trees which was a little painful and luckily the staff wasn't to far so he grabbed it and walked to Esstella using his staff -Can you boost me back into the tree- he regretted doing that as the staff drain the more of the energy he had regained and he leaned on the staff but trying to make it unnoticeable and widely grinned at Esstella which was meant to mean he was perfectly fine he didn't need anyone feeling bad for him he would get better...eventually. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16457-shadora/ said:

Vince smiled at the bear "Oh so your a spirit and you talk." He said the last part with a lot of enthusiasm and walked over with them to meet the two new additions to the group. "Why hello my lovely teammates he took off his pink hat placing it on his chest and his other arm was still behind his back he bowed to the two. Still bowing he lifted his head up and a huge Cheshire grin filled his face.

@Wings @Shadora @RoyalPhoenix32
Alya grinned but Bryn just cuffed at her.

"Alright. Since we have all come together, our training grounds are still not available to us just yet. So in the mean time, I purpose a small spar with me, so I can get a solid feeling on what we can work on as a team."

Alya said, not once slipping into third.

@Shadora @Wings @TheHappyPikachu
@Kalin Scarlet[/URL]
"Oh, not you too...Look, you guys are weak. Its a fact. If you were perfect, you wouldn't be here, right? Stop worrying about what you thought you knew, and start focusing that energy into learning those things. Its the only way you'll get stronger..." Vincient said with an irritable expression on his face, once again. He turned towards the sun, which had began to set, turning everything a shade of orange.

Saphira and Sebastian took a seat on the floor, heads bowed as if trained to do so in a household, almost like obedient dogs. Perhaps the haunting rules of their childhood, either way, the twins waited to be spoken to.

RoyalPhoenix32 said:
Alya grinned but Bryn just cuffed at her.
"Alright. Since we have all come together, our training grounds are still not available to us just yet. So in the mean time, I purpose a small spar with me, so I can get a solid feeling on what we can work on as a team."

Alya said, not once slipping into third.

@Shadora @Wings @TheHappyPikachu
Arizona cracked her knuckles together. "Well I'm always up for a spar." She grinned. "Although I have a question, what can we bring with us in the match?" Asked Arizona, she planned to use her glass manipulation ability to ease the match.

Astor stood looking at the two for a time assessing them he spoke to Saphira "tell me Saphira what exactly is the reason Gil and Sebastian are fighting and don't leave out any details" he said trying to get the full story from there point of view before deciding how to proceed


Cheetha was getting irritated "are you the teacher" he asked again a calm settling over him as he breathed in the scents of the earth and the rain clouds he had created to cover him

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