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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)


Astor puppet looked at the boy a huge creepy pointy teeth smile spreading across its eye less and up until recently mouth less face "how would you like to change teams possibly" it asked
zeroknight said:
Sebastian and Saphira had settled their tempers and sat down now, meditating. The two were still bare chested and their skin was still a deep ash gray, however they breathed smoothly and the focus around them was immense as the stones around them levitated with their breathing. Apparently they had gone past earth columns and saw that levitation was more important.
(If they are bare chested this means Saphira's oppai are showing)

"I would have to see there talent first to see if they will fit in why do you no longer want them" the puppet clacked

"Change teams?" Kai said confused on what this mysterious puppet was asking him as he was standing there sheathing is blade.

@Ninja God

Arizona pressed her lips together in a thin line and raised an eyebrow at her teammate. Well, he's obviously a flirter. She thought as she introduced herself. "I'm Arizona Skye." She turned to the bear, which was still frightening, and said, "Well, forgive me for screaming. It's not every day that a bear, spirit or not, comes charging in at you."

"I have been offered a deal as to weather I will accept it or not I am unsure but the trainer of another squad has offered me two students in exchange for you I think you will do well here but I want to know your opinion first" the puppet asked not willing to take or break the deal without doing some research first

The puppet clacked then opened a door to the Shadow realm and replyed "I will test them myself is what master says he will not decide until he has had a chance to test them" the puppet clacked more


Astor puppet stared off in the distance "I'm not sure I know there teacher is gil he is far to rash and stupid quiet often" the puppet replied "in all honesty I think I would rather have you bur I plan to test them just in case...... how would you like to fight them with someone else on our team" the puppet asked
"Fine if it'll get rid of Sebastian. Though you only Saphira if she decides to follow Sebastian." Gil replied. Then he brought out his sound sword and used it like an intercomm to transport his words to the twins. "Twins get over here ASAP."

@Shadora @zeroknight @Lunaire

Astor puppet nodded he would only take them as a pair the puppet knew that and the only other one Astor may trade would be Jorian but he and Esstella were to close for that now so it may be a bad idea
With a growl of being disturbed, the twins rose from their cross legged position and walked to Gil's location, they had calmed quite well since last being spoken to and their skin had returned to the usual pigment. The scars on their chests were pale although Saphira's was covered partially by her chest wrap.

As they approached Gil, they spoke in unison "You wished to speak with us?"

"You two are being traded to Astor." Gil told them. Gil then said to the puppet "I don't need an equal trade. I only want Kai, I don't need anyone else from your team. No one else is a much better choice then just keeping the twins. If you want to test them, Sebastian will fight Kai one on one. Think of Saphira as extra to sweeten the deal."

@Shadora @zeroknight @Lunaire

"You will fight Sebastian one on one then you will fight him and his sister with one of your team members I will allow you to choose who so get back to the others because that is where the fight will take place" the puppet responded then dissappered into nothingness
"Mm... we don't fight alone often especially to be moved from a place in which we had settled.." Spoke Saphira. Sebastian simply grunted, arms crossed and ember eyes as defiant as usual until he piped up "He couldn't mentor us anyway, to impatient, nothing like our old Sensei... and he was over two centuries old, only man who could calm us however." Upon finishing, Sebastian stretched and pressed against his gem shard to armor himself fully once more.

@Newtype @zeroknight

The puppet clacked "Astor says he will fight Kai one on one then him and his sister will fight Kai and a team mate of Kai choosing Astor wishes to see all aspects and the gain and losses in the situation before he decides you ate welcome to come but do not tell them they will be traded when it may not be true" the puppet clacked making it perfectly clear Astor had no intention of half ass evaluating them

Kai understood the puppet as he flashstepped into the tree's as a feather was in his place. He finally ended up at the tree with the others as he stands tall. " I'm sorry for leaving you guys so early." He said being absolutely serious. He looked at Thanatos with a smile, the smile was a warm feeling coming from a person with so much hate and anger. "Maybe one day we can have a serious fight." He said happy to hear that out of his mouth he knew who would be the perfect partner.


"Apparently the twins have pet peeve to not fight by themselves. But they can be convinced." Gil told the puppet. Gil the said to Sebastian "Just fight someone one on one, for once if you want to get out of here. You'll be going with your own kind with a teacher who thinks as little of as you do. The other option would be being sent back to frontlines after killing you."

@Shadora @zeroknight @Lunaire
@Archangel Galdrael @Ninja God @Aqua @Kai123

Thanatos gave a cold blank look then looked back at Esstella and the other girl who were fighting

Esstella caught the girl midair "we must put our fight on hold she said as she used her wind to lift them back into the tree

The puppet clacked "it will be one fight just you then one with you and your sister to better evaluate you both because you may know each others weaknesses and be able to cover each other perfectly but if the others don't it will be ineffective for them to try and fight with you because they will be in your way and we can't have that" the puppet replied
"Mm we aren't up for a game, Gil. I don't just fight anyone I can only fight my sister cause she can take the damage and vice versa. I'd kill a kid in a match even if it is an accident." Sebastian began to walk away "Even if you hate me Gil, I'm not leaving that easily, even under your say, unless you suddenly offer me my entire pendant from my family I'm staying. Deal with Saphira if you want but I have training to do and not trying to entertain a kid who couldn't handle me. I'm not brash, I'm telling the truth, even if I'm full of anger, I can actually kill him on accident, it's not happening. Better start searching for my old Sensei or get used to dealing with me, I'm not going anywhere... I may have my eye-" He cut short not wanting to say more, perhaps he almost spoke a secret.


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