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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

"A Spar, WONDERUL. You sir." Vince pointed while placing his hat back on. And walking over to the cheetah guy. "My name is Vince Cratus grandson of the great summoner Clyde Cratus. What is your name I would like to know before we battle." he said fixing the cuffs of his sleeves and tilting his hat to the side a little.

"Well, it's because my brother is stubborn to be fair and he speaks up when not supposed to. Like when Gil spoke of our supposed training exercise, it was flawed to begin with and my brother spoke up about it. However it wasn't entirely the fault he tried to point out. Sebastian refused to admit the failures we had but still thought the strategy was wrong. I currently can't agree on either side because both Gil and him were correct. Gil also wishes to get rid of him because Sebastian is set in his ways of old, as am I, however Gil sees Sebastian as more detrimental even though he has pushed our allies farther than our mentor has. Gil expects us to suddenly get things, whilst me and Sebastian offered our hands to help while he wasn't looking at us specifically." Saphira sighed, long winded from the story and continued looking down, Sebastian remained silent, still waiting to be addressed

@Ninja God

Cheetha looked at the guy "I intend to fight no one until I know who is in charge here" he replied the sun still messing with his strength
"Oh sorry sorry please forgive." he shuffled to side of him and placed a hand on his back and pointed to Alya "That right there is our mentor Alya isn't she a beauty." He looked at Cheetah and winked and side swiped back over across from him. "But I'm afraid that's all I know about the higher ups here." He was anxious to try out his ability but the aura of this guy sorta creeped him out and he didn't seem like a person to be irked without consequences.


Astor nodded in complete contemplation assessing every current option "Sebastian what is your take on the situation" Astor asked wanting to hear the story from all sides
Sebastian grunted "I have no take, I care for my team, that's why u speak up, why I train so hard and why I'm so violent. I have never raised a fist to them and I never will. My story doesn't matter for it has been told through the eyes of my sister and she knows me best. Me and my sister train quite brutally in comparison to everyone else and in the eyes of Gil it is wrong to do so... I will not speak ill of him for it will do me no good to seethe over him." He and Saphira sat cross legged now on the ground, still refusing to look up.

@Ninja God

Cheetha shot the guy a look that said remove the hand from my bubble before I remove it from your body he looked at the teacher annoyed she couldn't even answer a simple question how was she to teach he thought "why am I supposed to fight you" he sighed
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Oh, not you too...Look, you guys are weak. Its a fact. If you were perfect, you wouldn't be here, right? Stop worrying about what you thought you knew, and start focusing that energy into learning those things. Its the only way you'll get stronger..." Vincient said with an irritable expression on his face, once again. He turned towards the sun, which had began to set, turning everything a shade of orange.

"Isn't that but human nature though, Vincent? To wish for perfection?" The blonde haired girl's smile became sad. She looked down, looking at the orange shaded grass. "Then we could stop the mess that is taking place below Avalon in mere days....we could stop the darkness spreading across the land...if we were perfect." Realzing she might have not been making sense, Auri sighed, blinking back tears as she thought of all the things she could've done in her past if she had been stronger. Perfect. Knowing she was probably making a scene Auri quickly changed the subject. "Anyway...do you guys know what our room arrangements and such will be? When supper will be ready. I imagine we must all be famished from the exercise."

Astor thought for a time "your sister may say it best and true but I wish to hear your words because without them I cannot fully see things from your point of view" he said from what it sounded to him is that Gill cannot train an individual when he has a class each student is as unique and different as there varying abilities to try to make them all fight on the same level when they clearly are not would only hurt the students overall "it seems the others look up to you what was it you were working on that Gil seems to think you failed so horribly" he asked
Vince was kind of nervous from the look and fixed himself some more then he shrugged it off. "Well of course to get to know each other better, we get to check out what our wonderful teammates are capable of." He looked at Alya "Were will be sparring at exactly don't want to break anything valuable " he said as he looked at the hallway they stood in.


Please let it be someplace with some glass in there. Arizona crossed her fingers and silently prayed for that one wish to come true. "Yes, he is right. Once we fight together, then we can figure out each others strengths and weakness as well as how to cover them." She explained to the other guy who seemed very grumpy.
"Riku looks to us to settle her, to keep her bad nature from showing. We are to ground her.." Sebastian began "And Camila made advancements in her illusion magic through my motivation, Renki, a new student also looks to me and my sister to protect them and help them be stronger as well. Telia sees us as friends and allies. Either way everyone had settled with us and sees us as friends even if I am a rage filled brute and I spar quite brutally with Saphira."

Saphira offered a small nod "We try to help as much as we can, but I am the friendliest of this pair. So Gil sees me as a better student."


Astor heard Kai words "you going to Gil may not be the best idea he cannot handle a class of individuals be patient.... I am having to deal with his problem now instead of teaching you and the others as I should be" the shade Astor said "he thinks you will fall in line like a well trained dog but I think you have a mind of your own that will not flourish in such an oppressive environment he wants everyone on the same level but a great team has many different levels if you ask me" he replied

Leaving the puppet so Kai could reply
"A well trained dog you say? Humph insulting words like that I hear all the time that isn't anything new. Because of my clan people bash on me for the simple reasons. I will show everyone what a Takeshi can do." He said standing there with his arms crossed as he was getting bored.

"We are trained in the art of war, battle tactics, team layouts, flanking plans, and two different hand to hand combat styles. Our weapons are our life and we have been told by our old Sensei that we were once part of a greater being who leveled an entire city when he found us.." Saphira spoke almost sadly

"We are made to be fought, using pain as fuel, and our strength to beat back the opponents. I am built with reflexes no other can match, and my sister has the durability of the most precious gem. I can see through lies of any one and my sister can imbue her weapons with energy to stop or slice through resistance. Sebastian spoke, sad but proud of him and his sister.


Astor nodded again "it seems taking you from the team would be a bad idea but maybe Gil needs to see that for himself..... I purpose we have a tournament your tem verses mine then you two join my team temporarily you train with me and my team and Gil will train the others then we have another tournament if you two are this important to the team there learning will be slowed and they will not do as well as they did with you there the one thing Gil cannot argue with is results what say you to this idea and for God's sakes look me in the eye you are not children being scolded you are proud warriors who's teacher cannot appreciate your talents and abilities if the others have fallen in line so quickly for you then he should be using that advantage not working against it but I can also see his point in not wanting you to help then" Astor said clearly wanting to talk to the other team members


"I think it a bad idea what is your opinion" he asked Kai clearly irritated at the situation he wanted everyone opinion on this
Sebastian and Saphira rose from their sitting position, they were tall and proud looking, built strong and their armor reflected this. A twin set of ember eyes met with Astor's "We will find it difficult to fight the ones who we claim as friends, but we will not fail. Combat is combat and that is where home is.." Spoke Sebastian and Saphira placed a hand on his shoulder "We fight as a pair, our attributes only compliment one another and that's how we are made. Sebastian is fast and strong able to avoid most attacks, I am durable and can imbue my objects with energy to stop and block any attack. Sebastian is not affected by illusions and all pain taken in battle only adds strength to us, the more you hurt us the longer we stand and the harder we hit.." Said the fire haired sister, a sinister grin spread across the siblings faces.

@Ninja God @Wings @RoyalPhoenix32

"I am not stupid I know what sparring is for but I also know how to spot and cover a weakness as well as exploit one my life revolves around that kind of thing" he said unsure about his choice in teams
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"Glad we could Come to an agreement....... allow me to talk to Gil and my team and I will see if we can make this work" Astor said with a smile Gil should have just talked to them instead of pitching a fit like a child Astor dissappered from the Shadow realm

Astor appeared in front of Gil "we have come to an agreement...... we will have a tournament your team versus mine then for a temporary amount of time they will train with me and my team they say the group needs and wants them you say not but results cannot be argued if your team does not do as good as when they were with the twins you need them and need to learn how to deal with them for the good of the team if not......we will figure it out from there it is this agreeable to you as well" he asked knowing this could work


"We may have come to an agreement" Astor said wanting to get Gil word before telling his team
"I agree, I'll inform my team if they perform worse without the twins and with Kai then I'll learn to deal with the twins or rather Sebastian. We do the first battle immediately." Gil replied.

Gil then walked over to Tsumi and said "Since I gave you guys Renki I want Arthur or rather need Arthur. Renki would've been an addition and right now Arthur will be a simple addition. But soon he'll become a decisive part of my team. And I just agreed to a wager I must not lose."

Gil then called for his team to gather and informed them they wil! be facing ofd shortly with Astor's team.

@Kalin Scarlet @Shadora @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie @TheHappyPikachu @Aura Of Twilight @zeroknight @Lunaire
"...'Human nature', huh? Well then, I guess I stopped being human a long time ago." Vincient looked at the girl once again, his glare one of curiosity, rather than ferocity.


"I'll let you have your brother. I just hope you understand that your team is likely to lose in a group battle. One on one is your best bet..." Tsumi said, before walking off to fetch Arthur, who was sitting with Vincient, and one of the newer students. "Arthur, your brother wants you. Auri, if you're joining Gil's team, you should probably go with him."

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"It must be your team and your team only or I will not accept this is an evaluation on us as teachers as well" he said still not comfortable with this Gil seemed far to accepting of this "and I never agreed to give you Kai" he said with a smile "I just said we will see how things play out then I will decide" Astor said not willing to give Gil, Kai he wanted him to much and he wouldn't give him what he wanted so easily it was a set up and he knew it but would say nothing
"Then this doesn't work because if I do have Kai when you have the twins that's just unfair. Why don't you let me speak to Kai directly since you spoke to the twins directly." Gil replied with a frown.


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