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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

Saphira adjusted in Telia's lap and eventually pushed herself up turning to see who had looked after her for the short period she was out "Thanks... I suppose.." she rubbed her head and stomach glaring at Sebastian

Sebastian watched his sister ruse and glared back at her. The two looked like they'd break out into another fight just by the scowls on their faces and this one would probably end up being ten times worse than the one that just finished

@yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu @Kalin Scarlet
Riku looked up at the two as Kalin joined them,"it's about...my parents" she had a grim expression on her face and her words were lifeless "ever since I got my memory back last time...I was able to remember what happened... before..." she took a breath briefly "let's just say... they did something terrible... something no one should ever do, and... I..I... was forced to do something back, but it went wrong and.. they ended up almost doing it... but, someone stopped them..." she was hesitant about speaking at this point "I had to see them killed in front of my face!" tears of fear formed in her eye's "the person spared me because I said I would run... and forget, but.....I don't ever wanna say I survived because I left someone else to die ever again!!" tears fell from her cat face "I know they were bad people, they were horrid... They would have killed hundreds!, no thousands!...but they were my parents" she looked so guilty by this point it was painful to watch "...the thing is..." she looked traumatised by now, "I was the thing that would take the lives...I don't know how but I was! I was going to kill so many people! and in the process of them being stopped I saw so much blood and death!" she shouted "that's why... I don't deserve to be someone who protects people after what I could have done! maybe I still can!... I now your all my fiends... but can you still accept me? knowing that one day I could... take so many lives?..." @Newtype
Sebastian and Saphira's skin had returned back to the ash gray that it was in battle, the aroma of burning cedar filled the air and each bead of sweat evaporated clean off the pair causing a strange steam to hang over them. However, they stopped long enough to gather around the small cat, and the deep fiendish voices they now had spoke before them. Sebastian offered words first "Friends do not exist in this world only comrades that don't kill you after battle. Me and my sister stand by your side no matter what and if you speak the word we can easily put you down."

Saphira added on "What Sebastian is trying to say is, we are your guardians as it stands until spoken otherwise. For Kalin, for Telia and for you... Riku..."

@Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu
@Ninja God

Alya turned to face another student. Bryn wasn't helping by continuing to stand by the girl.

"This one is Alya Artemidoros. That is Bryn, a spirit bear, and this one is a new teacher here...What's that?"

She said/asked as she saw dark clouds covering a person.

Esstella jumped down from the tree a cold blank stare in her eyes she was ready to fight bit knew she needed to control herself she couldn't use her full power or the others could be killed she waited for Shiyam to make the first move


Cheetha ran faster taking his Cheetah form to full speed he saw the teacher he was supposed to be with and jumped turning into his human form in midair and landing right in front of her his hands in his pockets "I'm Cheetha" he said
Riku looked up at the twins terror still in her eye's "I guess it's selfish of me...but I don't want to die...nor do I ever want to see anyone die again, I understand this isn't possible but I have a request for you none the less... If I ever ask to die scream it or summon it upon myself... Don't let me do it, for the one thing I fear more than loneliness, more than pain...is death..." She looked up at them all trying to paw away her tears "thank you...for saying you will guard me...Sebastian and Saphira" she paused before continuing "and thank you Kalin and Telia... for being my friends" she looked less terrified now and attempted a smile towards them. @Newtype @Ninja God @Wings
The twins nodded and went back to their supposed brutal sparring. Saphira and Sebastian never let up on each other, the shard around their necks shrouded them in a deep red aura that moved about them like fire as they hit. Each clashing move caused sparks to fly from the twins armor abound eventually, the chest and gauntlets shattered into nothingness and they were left bare chested. Sebastian's chest was littered in bruises but three pale scars ran down his chest. Claw marks, from top of his right shoulder to the bottom of his left hip. Saphira wore a chest wrap around her, binding down what was hidden beneath the armor and she seemed to share the same scar except it ran from left shoulder to right hip.

The ash skin of the twins covered the whole of their bodies it seemed and the furious fighting only further darkened their skin and the pure white hair had crimson streaks run through it now.

@yumiyukifan1 @Kalin Scarlet @TheHappyPikachu

Astor shadow puppet appeared to Kai "what are you doing here you should be with the group" it said completely ignoring the hell hounds
@Ninja God @Wings

Shiyam took a deep breath before running at Estella with semi amazing speed. She didn't want to go full out just off the bat since she had to get a grip on how much control Estella had on the wind. If she had total control, Shiyam would have no choice but to go full out but if Estella didn't, she just had to be careful to not push her to that breaking point.

"This is how I get stronger and let out my anger instead of killing actual humans, I'll regroup after I'm done venting." He said choking a hell hound talking to the shadow as Kai was no afraid. The hell hounds can sense a serious dark aura in Kai that scared them off as he let go of the hell hound for it to escape.


"And what about in the middle of battle when you get like this are you going to try and run of like a child throwing a tantrum then" the shadows puppet asked

" Your asking if I will run in the middle of battle? If my opponent doesn't interest me I simply leave them be as like that hound. I could've ended it's life but I didn't." He said as the puppet can see that Kai was more serious then ever, Kai had something about him that was so negative.


Cheetha just looked at her "I'm assuming your supposed to be the teacher" he asked sick of this pointless conversation and ready to get started.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Esstella waited for her to get close then just like the hell hound launched her up into the air using her wind


"Tell me how do you expect them to trust you then knowing you may leave in the middle of battle" the puppet said
"If they don't trust me then that's on them I only joined this team to become stronger I have no time to goof around. I only aim to kill one person and I wont stop that goal until I complete it." He said even though that won't be the case later on in the rp.


Astor puppet looked at him with soul less eyes "if you want to get stronger learn to deal with your moods first they will hold you back or isn't about feeling anger or the need for revenge it is about feeling nothing at all the less you feel the better you will fight I know from experience" the puppet replied
Gil after thinking for a while decided he would have to trade Sebastian to Astor. Astor deals with Sebastian's kind all the time, he should enjoy having Sebastian with him. Gil drew his twilight sword and through the darkness side he called to Astor. "Astor get over here I would like to discuss a trade. I am willing to trade Sebastian for one of your students. But I want you to give me the rundown on all your students first so I can pick the one I feel would be best for my team."

Jorian floated on the cloud and he was almost nearly recovered from the fight. He could still feel the pain as he moved and he hopped off the cloud grimacing as the impact ran through his body with a long sting. He looked down at the two girls about battle then remembering his staff he looked at it and back at the two girls. He decided to climb down one of the trees which was a little painful and luckily the staff wasn't to far so he grabbed it and walked to Esstella using his staff -Can you boost me back into the tree- he regretted doing that as the staff drain the more of the energy he had regained and he leaned on the staff but trying to make it unnoticeable and widely grinned at Esstella which was meant to mean he was perfectly fine he didn't need anyone feeling bad for him he would get better...eventually.


Vince smiled at the bear "Oh so your a spirit and you talk." He said the last part with a lot of enthusiasm and walked over with them to meet the two new additions to the group. "Why hello my lovely teammates he took off his pink hat placing it on his chest and his other arm was still behind his back he bowed to the two. Still bowing he lifted his head up and a huge Cheshire grin filled his face.

@Wings @Shadora @RoyalPhoenix32

Astor could hear Gil how irritating he thought as a small wooden puppet demon shroud in darkness appeared to Gil "what is it you want" it clacked whit an unearthly earthly sound the kind of sound that children's nightmares were made of

@Ninja God

Esstella wind picked Jorian up lifting him into the tree and giving him energy as well restoring most of what he had lost
"Normally I wouldn't talk to a puppet but since I want to get rid of a member of my squad it's worth it. I offer Astor Sebastian for one of his own." Gil said to the puppet with the voice of lawyer.


"Your constantly bringing running away, the fight was over. I could sense nothing more in that guy I fought I let him win as I went off the train there is nothing for us to speak about anymore." Kai said getting annoyed at this shadow.


The puppet clacked the message to Astor "what student do you want" is what master asked the puppet clicked
Sebastian and Saphira had settled their tempers and sat down now, meditating. The two were still bare chested and their skin was still a deep ash gray, however they breathed smoothly and the focus around them was immense as the stones around them levitated with their breathing. Apparently they had gone past earth columns and saw that levitation was more important.
Astor puppet looked at the boy a huge creepy pointy teeth smile spreading across its eye less and up until recently mouth less face "how would you like to change teams possibly" it asked

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