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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Kimi's fist made contact for a second but as she was landing on him the elemental rammed her midair sending her into the middle of the mat and causing her to feel an intense tingling in her chest where the wolf hit her. Dru then launched two more orbs at her. "Attack me from the air will you?"
"Attacking me both at the same time?! I know its battle royale but that's just not cool" Jin said as he canceled out Dru's lightning blast with a blast of his own and partially blocked Kiki's talons with a lightning shield but was still burned by the fire. "Ouch ouch ouch that really hurts Kiki that burn would last a while if not for my regeneration ability but still that arms useless for 5-10 minutes" He said and then threw a bolt of lightning at her.
(You guys got to take a hit once and a while, you can't dodge everything btw :P )

She groaned, wow that little guy packed a punch. But she noticed the orbs and threw her arms in front of her, her fire deflecting them and sending them right back at dru, she got up and shook her head. Kiki noticed that she was in the middle then smiled "This is why I will win." she said then threw a hand up and the room exploded in fire, completely un avoidable. It wouldn't burn them it would just cause a agonizing pain. She didn't want to scar these people.
(I did take a hit xD hence my useless arm atm I know not to god mod :P )

"Oh shi" Jin said noticing what kiki intended to do and quickly created another lightning shield repelling the bulk of the fire he positioned himself so that the arm that was already useless would take the bulk of the blow while protecting the unharmed parts to the maximum. His left side was still pretty charred and couldn't really from that spot as he only had one usuable leg regeneration would take a while as the wounds were not minor but he could still fight. I bet she thinks she's won after that i'll return the favor with a wide range lightning blast Jin thought to himself. He then used 80% of remaining power that he had left and created an enhanced shockwave that extends around his body and flows outward like a bubble growing bigger with enough power to shock them unconscious but restrained so it wouldn't cause permanent damage targeting the entire room.
The lightning orbs struck Rattles (the little elemental) and he grew a little bigger then the fire wave came and he moved to protect Dru's torso as Dru was coping with the pain the wave of electricity came and he absorbed it with rattles beginning to heal faster. (Dru is a third year student he has to have picked up some tricks)
It was her turn to defend herself "Fuc-" she made a shield, either way this was going to hurt. Sure the shield would defend her but she was about to go flying into the wall, though, that was probably better then what that shock wave was about to do. Right, as it struck her shield she went flying into the wall "Oww!" she screeched which sounded more like a phoenix then a girl. Her eyes were glowing now, and this time it was because she was pissed off. She tried moving but her leg was in tremendous pain, yep I'm screwed. she thought, then he remembered to shift. She shifted and her phoenix side slowly healed her, she flew around the room, there was still fire sitting everywhere no one could walk around without getting burned, well except her. She made the flames that sat on the floor rise to the height of the average man then soared around above it embracing the comforting heat.
"dammit she's still able to fly around and this heat is getting bad and I only have enough power left for one or two more attacks" he muttered to himself. Things are really getting out of hand before one of us really gets hurt we need to stop but she's pissed and this isn't ending till someone gives up or can't fight anymore Jin thought to himself and then said "Ok I give up I'm kinda stuck here in the corner not being able to move I concede defeat.
Naomi blinked a couple times and yawned sitting up she stretched and looked around, she had decided to sleep in a tree since the school scared her too much, grabbing her bag she jumped down and cautiously began walking towards the school

bursting out of the solid rock causing chunks of it to flys at everyone in the room. i form a orb of fire and send it at one of the lightning users.
She stopped, her phoenix side was trying to take dominance, it wanted to win, she knew what would happen if that somehow happened, all hell would break lose. She shook her head, snap out of it, snap out of it, snap out of it. Kiki's human side cam through and she shifted mid air and fell down to the ground forcing the fire to dissipate, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sometimes my phoenix side takes dominance and I can't control myself and, and... I'm so sorry." she said, she knew she should have kept better control but since she was mostly phoenix it was incredibly hard. She ran over to Dru and inspected him, he didn't seem hurt hurt just a lot of pain, she ran her hand down his leg and her healed. Then she ran over to Jason -not many marks but she healed him just to be sure- then she ran over Jin and looked at what she did, his flesh was burned and there were talon marks, "I'm so, so, so sorry!" she said then squatted down beside him and ran her hand over the burn and it healed. The guy who tried to attack again she held her hand up and the air around him became hot and unbreathable "Go away!"
(( My character nearly killed a couple peeps, Jin probably made Jason pass out and know My character feels really horrible ))
stopping the fire mid air he flys over to them, and sighed " over so fast what a shame..." i sigh and look at the injured people " luckly i was flying or i would have gotten hit by that phoe-" i shut up immediatly not wanting to reveal i knew alot about that topic " so you have healing powers?"
"its all good we all got carried away don't worry about it, thanks for the heals would have taken a bit to heal those with just regeneration" Jin replied with a smile. "I had fun I haven't had a battle like that in a long time."
Dru stood up and nodded to Kiki, "thanks for the assistance but I don't always need to be healed kiddo."
(K I'll just go with that)

Jason got up slowly as he say roaring lights fade. Fire maybe? He stood up shaking his head trying to register what just happened. "How... How long was I out?" he asked them. It seemed most people are okay.
"Yes! Now go away before I singe your eyebrows from your face and feed them to the trolls!" she yelled, then turned back to Jin "I really didn't mean to, its just sometimes I can't control it. Since I am so close to pure its harder to control the phoenix instincts." she said, she was showing an emotion so human like, most of the time she was a sarcastic dork but no now she was showing vulnerability, Not something that she showed much.
Jason looked at the floor and walls, they were all scorched. "It's good I have my healing factor, or I could've been screwed," He thought shaking his head again.

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