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Realistic or Modern ♢The Rich Kids of New York♢


From Dusk till Dawn



September 23,2015

The Beginning/Red Carpet Day



It was only 4 o'clock in the afternoon and in two hours I had to leave for the red carpet before my show tomorrow called "Rich Kids of New York". I was shopping all day today and Infound the perfect dress that would rock my world. Me and my mom had the same style and we both loved it. I was in my lovely modern home and was eating some food before getting ready for the carpet. After I have eaten, I walked up to my bedroom and I grabbed my towel and ran to my bathroom and went to shower. After my shower and speed walking down the hall into my room, my make-up artists came along and started doing my hair and make-up to look nice a pretty. After that I put on my shoes and dress and then I grabbed my phone and my purse and I left my room walking down the stairs slowly looking at both of my parents and kissed them goodbye and walked outside into my limo and started driving to the Red Carpet.

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I was with my bestfriend even before I even became like big in the business was helping me out with my red carpet stuff. It was already five o'clock. I knew I had to hurry up with the speed. After I came home from the mall. I ran in the house slamming the door of the mansion and my dad and step mom watch me walk up the stairs and I was in my room grabbing my towel and hoping the in shower. Once I have got up I went over to my room and the hair and make-up was getting done. After me and my bestfriend had left my room. We walked down the stairs and my dad and step mom looked at me and she said to me "You look so beautiful". I wasn't a fan with the whole knew mother thing with my mother (Kristen Stwert) cheated on my dad and he moved on but I didn't. I gave her a nod and I left the house to the limo.

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@Ami the breadling @JaneXJeff



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Sarah shrugged. " I know I need to hurry but I didn't even want to go there...", she said annoyedly. She was currently preparing for a red carpet appearance due to a tvshow she would participate in. She made her hair and make up. As she went to her parents, they told her over and over how beautiful she looked. Sarah knew better than to blindly trust them but she did look quite good. Or at least she hoped so. She went to the limo that would get her to the carpet. She wasn't exited at all. She had done stuff like that a few times before.
Rylie was eating her healthy kale salad which was freshly made by her talented mother. As Rylie goes in for another bite of her delicious herbs her makeup artist grabs it from her and places it on the coffee table in front of her, "Your going to ruin your lipstick and then I will have to redo it." She said annoyingly and Rylie lets out a sigh as she looks at her mother who was feeding her brother James lunch, and Blake looked back at her and let out a small chuckle and shrugged her shoulders up and then back down. Moments later she is done with hair and makeup and goes upstairs to put on her dress since she was fresh out of the shower. She quickly grabbed her kale salad and rushed upstairs while the makeup artists back was turned to her. An hour later she walks downstairs and her mother is there to meet her before she heads off since her father was out acting for another role he got as deadpool and they give a quick hug before Rylie headed off. A limo was waiting out front for her and she got in and headed off to the premier event of the new show she was going to be on.


Evangeline Ryan Beckham
I smiled widely as I thanked the woman behind the counter, finally finding a dress I found fitting for me to wear to the red carpet. I made my way back home, singing along to several songs on the radio before pulling into the driveway. Heading inside, I quickly hugged my brothers and sister quickly before kissing my parents on the cheek. "Gotta hurry," I said with a grin as I ran upstairs and into my room, throwing my dress onto the bed before heading to my bathroom to shower. When I finished, I wrapped the towel around me and ran back to my room, wasting no time in getting dried off and getting dressed before hair and makeup artists came in and began working their magic on me, including someone to do my nails. When they all finished, I saw my hair was in its usual style and freshly shaved on the left side. "Perfect...Thank you," I said happily as I got up, going to my mini-fridge and pulling out a pre-made salad. I quickly scarfed it down, being sure not to mess my makeup up before sliding my shoes on and tying them, looking at the final product in the mirror. I had to admit, that dress looked good on me. I did have great legs and it showed off most of my tattoos without being too much. I grabbed my clutch and headed downstairs, hugging both my parents. "I'll see you guys later," she said happily before heading outside to the limo awaiting her to take her to the red carpet.

Malachi Jackson Urban
I yawned softly as I stepped out of the shower, having enjoyed a rather long one. Wrapping a towel around myself, I headed to my room, deciding to take my time for once. At least that's what I had hoped. I only had less than an hour to get ready. Sighing softly, I dried off and got dressed, rather pleased with how the solid black suit looked on me. I was skeptical at first, but after working on my hair and sliding my shoes on, I had to admit: I looked good. As I headed downstairs, I was met by constant kisses from my mother and my dad laughing hysterically. "Mom, please. Must we do this every time I leave the house?" I asked with a small smile and kissed her cheek gently. "I have to go. I love you both," I told them before heading outside to the limo that was waiting on me.


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Rylie arrived to the premier and her door was opened by her limo driver as he stopped the car. She got out and walked on the red carpet and stopped to pose for the paparazzi's. She did a pose for every flash that was given. Rylie gave off a big and beautiful smile that made the cameras love her even more.
As the limo stopped, the driver opened the door for her. Sarah got out, seeing another girl right before her. She gave the paparazzi a smile and a few shots and then moved further. She did not like these flashing lights but nobody needed to know that.

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Rylie sees a girl walk past her and she looks at her seeing that she didn't stop to take a lot of pictures. She began to walk forward as well since more guest were arriving. "Rylie!" A reported called out, "Care for an interview?" She asked Rylie and she agreed to do the interview. The reporter asked her a few questions as to who she was wearing tonight as in designer and her views on how the show is going to play out. Rylie didn't give detailed answers to the last questions about the show wanting the viewers to wait and see what happens.
Sarah declined as an reporter asked her for an interview as well. She did not feel like talking to someone that would use every slight mistake against her. She quickly went in, seeing the other girl giving an interview. She was a little jealous. Sarah wished she would be so good around paparazzi and reporters as that girl was. She got herself something to drink and waited for stuff to happen.
"I wonder where everyone else is?" She questioned as she looked around seeing that some of her co-stars were not here yet. She heads over to the small bar that was put outside and she orders a bottle of water since that was the only clear thing there since she didn't want to stain her beautiful white outfit. She looked to the side to see the same girl and realized that she was the girl that she would be doing the show with, "Hello, I don't mean to disrupt your quiet time but aren't you in 'Rich Kids of New York' ?" She asked the young girl and gave off a small smile.
Sarah looked at the one speaking to her, giving a smile. "Yes, yes I am. And what about you? The reporters seemed to kill each other just to talk to you. I bet your in it as well. ", she friendly answered. "By the way my name is Sarah. Sarah Kunis."
"Oh how amazing is that, so am I!" Rylie said with excitement and the bar tender handed her a bottle of Figi water and she took a sip of it and then spoke again, "My name is Rylie Anne Reynolds." She put her free hand out so that she could shake Sarah's hand. "It is amazing to finally meet you, I have no idea where the others are." She continued as she let out a small chuckle.

@Ami the breadling @JaneXJeff @AnarchyReins
Sarah nodded and shook her hand. "Got no clue. Maybe there's a traffic jam or something. Everyone wants to get here to not miss them and that makes them unwillingly block them..." Sarah giggled a bit at that thought.
"I guess your right," She laughed along with her and gave a smile and the waiters outside began walking around with these cheese and tomato toast small bites. She took about three off of the platter when he walked pasted her and she ate each one in one bite. Rylie was that type of girl that would eat a whole entire buffet by herself without gaining a single pound. "I was so hungry," She laughed.

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"Your one of those that would never gain weight no matter how much they eat hm? God, I am so envious. I gain a hundred pounds just from drinking a cup of water. Or at least it feels like it.", Clara said and laughed again. In fact, she just like that too but never felt like it.
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"But you look so good, I love your outfit." She told Sarah and smiled and she took another sip of her drink to wash down the small appetizers. (Hey I have to go but I'll be back later)
"Oh. Thanks. You look great as well. It took ages until I found a dress that suited me well...", she said, hoping to not sound superficial or spoiled.
Vashti pushed her brother out the door as she sighed. "?? ??? ?? ??! (idiot you made us late!)" Though small she still pushed him, her brother giving her way as he smirked walking out to their car as he opened the door for her.

"??? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ????.(You kept commenting on my appearance.)" Ira said closing the door behind her before starting the car and driving to their premiere.

Finally making it the two gave their car to the Valet and began to walk the carpet. The smiled and posed together.The "money shot" they were told. Apparently everyone loves some good looking twins. They did some interviews together and some apart. Always regrouping before going off again.

"? ?? ??? ?.(Look it's the others)" Ira said as he nudged his sister, nodding his head over to the ones he saw, only assuming it was them.

Vashti looked at them and smiled, waving at them before she dragged her brother behind her to greet them. She apologized to the press, promising more shots later. Though it was only a formality before going up to her co-stars. "Hello I'm Vashti and this is my brother Ira." She said as she extended her hand. "You must be...Rylie Reynolds and Sarah Kunis. Nice to meet you both." While she shook hands Ira gave both of them a small smile and a wave. Seeing this she elbowed her brother. "??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ? (Be polite do you want to give the wrong impression idiot?)" she said only receiving an eye roll from her brother.

Vashti's Red Carpet Dress

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Ira's Read Carpet Suit

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[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]"Oh. Thanks. You look great as well. It took ages until I found a dress that suited me well...", she said, hoping to not sound superficial or spoiled.

Aio said:
Vashti pushed her brother out the door as she sighed. "늦게 우리를 만든 바보! (idiot you made us late!)" Though small she still pushed him, her brother giving her way as he smirked walking out to their car as he opened the door for her.
"당신은 내 외모 에 대한 주석 유지했다.(You kept commenting on my appearance.)" Ira said closing the door behind her before starting the car and driving to their premiere.

Finally making it the two gave their car to the Valet and began to walk the carpet. The smiled and posed together.The "money shot" they were told. Apparently everyone loves some good looking twins. They did some interviews together and some apart. Always regrouping before going off again.

"그 다른 사람을 봐.(Look it's the others)" Ira said as he nudged his sister, nodding his head over to the ones he saw, only assuming it was them.

Vashti looked at them and smiled, waving at them before she dragged her brother behind her to greet them. She apologized to the press, promising more shots later. Though it was only a formality before going up to her co-stars. "Hello I'm Vashti and this is my brother Ira." She said as she extended her hand. "You must be...Rylie Reynolds and Sarah Kunis. Nice to meet you both." While she shook hands Ira gave both of them a small smile and a wave. Seeing this she elbowed her brother. "잘못된 인상 바보 을주고 싶어 공손 ? (Be polite do you want to give the wrong impression idiot?)" she said only receiving an eye roll from her brother.

Vashti's Red Carpet Dress

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Ira's Read Carpet Suit

View attachment 206741
"Well it really looks nice on you," Rylie told Sarah and she looked past Sarah's shoulders to see that two of their other co-stars have just arrive and now the are standing inches away from her and Sarah. The two twins introduced themselves to them and they shook their hands. "It is a pleasure to meet both of you." She said and shook Vashti and Ira's hand. She gave a great big smile when they shook her hand back.
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Once the limo had pulled up the paparazzi was all over me as always since I am host and character of this show. I took some pictures and then I wanted to head over inside. Once I got in there I saw the other who was casting in the show talking to each other. I smiled and said "Hello everyone, how are you to night". I said with a smile looking at all the talented people in the room.


I got there a little late because of all the traffic that's going on because of the red carpet and once The limo drove up,I got out the limo and went over and got surrounded by the paparazzi and took some nice picture and went inside with the other and saw the host of the show and said "Hey guys sorry I am late" I said with a smile

Evangeline Ryan Beckham
Once the limo pulled up to the red carpet, I got out, immediately being bombarded with pictures, but nothing I wasn't used to. Striking a few poses, she heard one person shouting for an interview. She accepted as she walked over and smiled widely. As he asked questions about her feelings on the show, she answered vaguely but enough to satisfy his taste. "And one last question Eva. How do you feel about your father being named Sexiest Man Alive for People Magazine?" He asked as she made a face and laughed a bit. "It's weird. Like, that's my dad," she said jokingly before shaking her head. "Nah, it's not that bad. He's not being an airhead about it so I can't complain. I'm just really proud of his accomplishments and couldn't be happier that he's my dad," she said with a smile before waving bye and heading inside. She walked over to a small group of girls before taking a small appetizer. "Hey, I'm Evangeline Beckham, but Eva is fine," she said happily before glancing over and noticing a male coming up to the group.

Malachi Jackson Urban
Malachi pulled up to the red carpet and put on a smile as he got out of the limo, met by flashing lights. He began walking, occasionally stopping to take a few pictures before continuing on his way. He heard some request for an interview but he politely declined before heading inside. He picked up a small appetizer and ate it quickly before making his way towards a group of girls. "Hello ladies. I'm Malachi Urban," he said charmingly as he placed his hands in his pockets. In reality, he didn't even completely want to be there, but he knew he didn't really have much of a choice since his parents would have forced him to.
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Sarah looked around the group. "This is getting crowdy...", she said as she took a bit of distance. "Anyway, I'm glad to meet all of you. I'm Sarah. Sarah Kunis. I hope we will get along."
Rylie. Slicked her hair back and she looks at the new co-stars that were entering in the conversation. "Wow, and I thought everyone was lost out there between the paparazzi's." She said jokingly and took a sip of her drink again, almost finishing it.
Vashti smiled slightly at the others retreating slightly behind her brother because of the crowd, as he took hold of the conversation for her. Whispering in her ear from time to time which made her laugh quietly before he spoke to the group.

"Vashti kept commenting on my suit so I kept on having to change. She always so indecisive." He nudge her jokingly making her laugh slightly.
Sarah chuckled. "Well, this one was a good decision, it looks great.", she said and gently smiled at Ira. "You actually all look amazing."

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