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Fantasy The Return of ☾ℒℯtℴ☽ (Always Open)


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

Leto 300 AGWW,

Attempt after attempt to get to the south side has not gone unseen as "Missing Person/Creature" reports are being processed through the Letonian Telepathic headcourters in Aura (city of Angelics). It started a mere 100 years before, and 200 years after the Great Witch War, that the shadows started to drag Letonians away to their presumed deaths. no one, at first, knew where they went, but soon some elven tracking units found that the shadows crossed the southern border. For 50 years, Letonians have tried crossing that border to find loved ones, to see revenge, or for mere curiosity reasons.

For 50 years, those that ventured either died before making it there, perished at the entrance, or were rejected and probably had their life cut short on the way back. It has become so dire that even the Angelics have decided to step it and "maybe" come from beyond their beloved city. Witch and Elven researchers have been working endlessly to figure out everything they can about these shadows that can assist in venturing to the southern border, but that does not assist in getting more interest in going.

The lack of interest as well as well deserved fear has caused little to no more attempts. The Heads of many civilizations have decided to send out a telepathic message to all corners of the Northern Regions in a last attempt to seek out anyone willing to risk their lives.

Calling the Heros of the North, Your fellow Letonians are in dire need of heroic, daring, and willing individuals of any civilization to come to the aid of those that we have lost. The shadows grow stronger and the south is to pay for it all! It is in your best interest as a Northern Region Dweller to assist us before we are completely consumed by our own fears and weaknesses caused by that of our curropted neighbors! Do not fret for if you are to succeed there are many treasures and glories that await you,If you are a Letonian with the heart and spirit willing to answer this call, come to the trading city of Simul on the night of the three moons, There we shall provide you with the supplies and information on how to with stand the shadows,


All of The Northern Leto

We are counting on you

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Da'Os had just finished reading the letter. In the back of his lair, the pained groan of one of his short lived "experiments" was cut off by a blast of lightning.

This is the chance that he had been waiting for. This so called region of the south had plenty of interesting creatures of darkness. Perhaps he could find a way to dominate them? Nevertheless, after he would complete the task he'd have all the glory he ever wished for. The only problem is that he'd have to be in a public space.

Da'Os found the thickest clock and cowl he could find before setting off to Simul. The trip would be shortened by some of his powers of teleportation, but it would still be long...

(If nothing eventful would happen with other characters... If something does happen I'll retcon the following part)

After having arrived at the city center, Da'Os slowly began to look around for the person who had been hiring. He tried to find anyone of interest and ask them in his guttural voice "Someone is hiring for the journey to the south... Who?"
'My child. . . Please come close. . .' A melancholic voice resounded in her head and she leapt from her seated post in the tall grass and bounded over. Tenderly touching the tips of her fingers to the impossibly smooth bark, Addua inclined her head. 'The shadows near. My power is dying. They consume until there is no more. . . Child, my guardian, my. . . Dearest. I implore you to leave.' Her face contorted. That sort of request was unheard of. They could brave the danger together. 'Seek a way to stop them. Go forth, leave as the sun rises. Escape the valley before nightfall.'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Arched feet left light tracks in the thick grass of the forest she wandered into. She had only left Fallacibus three days prior and began trekking north as per her commands. It was too dangerous to head into the Southern land just yet Kar'Lan had warned. She needed to find assistance in her quest. Addua did not know who she was looking for to help her at the moment, but she hoped that she would find them soon enough.

She allowed her fingers to touch the bark of every tree she passed by. Awestruck by the myriad of them. She had never in her countless years seen so many. They were beautiful things. Part of her felt something new and strange inside of her. In her stomach maybe. She laid a hand atop the warm flesh in curiousity. Addua was sure that these nymphs never felt alone. Why couldn't she have something like this? She furrowed her brow. This feeling made her feel bad. She did not like it, not very much. She shook her head as if to physically remove the ill will.

Addua enjoyed admiring the new surroundings. The plants and animals that she had never before seen. She wished she had more time to take it all in. Whispers floated on the wind and tickled her ears. She quickly turned around to see if she could finally catch a glimpse of the speakers, but alas, no luck. She knew from experience how skilled nymphs were at keeping themselves hidden, and that when they finally wished to sate their curiosity, they would reveal themselves to her. It would be anytime now. Addua frowned. She never liked to wait.

A soft whinny caught her attention and she threw a glance over her shoulder at Cleon. The horse tapped his hooves nervously. No doubt unnerved by the feeling of countless eyes observing them. This was not their usual sort of setting. In a flash, the tip of his frayed tail brushed her nose and she chased after him. The two seemed to glide over the vegetation, their steps so delicate and swift. The nymph easily ran along Cleon's side, but he was not even attempting to reach his full speed. If so, she would be left in the dust. The two came to a break in the trees. A small clearing. It seemed to give Cleon a sense of ease since he bent his head to graze. Addua sat down and set her belongings in front her.

all of it actually were things that she decided to take from the people who sought Kar'Lan and perished. Back then, she decided such pretty and interesting objects ought not to go to waste with someone who could no longer appreciate them, they could be her precious things instead. Now she could actually put them to use. Emptying the leather satchel, she looked at her goods, very pleased with herself. She had the words for each. She murmured gently to no one in particular, enunciating each slowly, "Compass. . . Map. . . Watch. . . Spoon. . . Book." Now if only she knew how to use them.

A figure approached her and she stood to face it.
'Sister. Where is your ward?' The Dryad spoke without parting his lips as there was no need to. The beings of nature could communicate with one another and make no sound.

'Far in a valley outside of here. I search for an answer to the threat of shadows.' The two Nymphs, a Dryad and a Leimoniad, eyed each other. Taking in the other's strange appearance. He was dark and had flesh stiff and splintered reminiscent of the many trees surrounding them. She puffed out her chest childishly. With his form bared before her, Addua felt proud of the cloth covering her. It did not matter that it was as sheer as a spider's web. It made her feel civilized. Like Titos. Like a human.

Addua could just make out the faces of her other brothers and sisters blending into the woods. She broadened the range of their conversation.
'I beg your help.' She bowed her head. Snowy bangs fell from behind her ear and into her eyes. The Dryads whispered amongst themselves.

'No. None here are permitted to leave the area of their ward. We can offer no assistance.' The Dryad looked past her at the setting sun. Nightfall would soon be among them.

'Then I ask for protection for the night.' Addua requested solemnly. His lips thinned, but he motioned for her follow him. She gathered her possessions and watched as the Dryads dispersed. Fading into their trees for safety from the dark. Leading Addua to a tree, the Dryad scattered into leaves on the breeze.

She touched her palm to the firm trunk. A sort of emptiness filling her. There was no attached essence to this tree. It lost it's guardian. She felt her eyes burn with tears of both frustration for the lack of extended aid and empathy towards the plant. Slowly she sunk inside of it. Tonight, she would be its guardian.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A light scratching on the bark of her temporary tree woke Addua. She ghosted through its barrier into the outside to find Cleon scraping his branch-like antlers against the tree. He, like all of the animals, had found a way to survive the shadows of the night. Addua did not know how, but it did not concern her much as he always came back to her the first light of dawn.

She stroked her deft fingers through fur and settled herself on his back. They had to leave the forest she knew, but she had no idea where to go from there.

Then, by the fortunate stroke of serendipity she heard it. Loud and clear in her mind:

Calling the Heros of the North, Your fellow Letonians are in dire need of heroic, daring, and willing individuals of any civilization to come to the aid of those that we have lost. The shadows grow stronger and the south is to pay for it all! It is in your best interest as a Northern Region Dweller to assist us before we are completely consumed by our own fears and weaknesses caused by that of our corrupted neighbors! Do not fret for if you are to succeed there are many treasures and glories that await you,If you are a Letonian with the heart and spirit willing to answer this call, come to the trading city of Simul on the night of the three moons, There we shall provide you with the supplies and information on how to withstand the shadows,


All of The Northern Leto

We are counting on you

She needed to head there! "Si-mul." Addua sounded out and dug out her map. Pouring over the map intensely, turning it this way and that. Making use of her very limited reading skills, she found the word on the map. The accomplished smile distorted as she realized how little she still knew. How long did she have until the Night of the Three Moons? What was the Night of the Three Moons? How did they get there?

She furrowed her brow and squinted at the map. Doing her best to compare where she thought she was, to the dot indicating the city of Simul. She folded the map and heaved a sigh. She would have to go with her best guess.

Hunkering down and gripping the base of Cleon's antlers, she pointed out a direction and he was off. So blisteringly fast that the dryads could hardly catch a glimpse as they left the forest. The only evidence of them remaining was the warm gust of wind in their wake.

Towel wrapped snugly around her body, Tealy stepped out of the washroom with a dreamy smile. Stumbling over to the worn, but seemingly clean bed, she plopped on down face first into the pillow. Smelly! Snapping back up, Tealy grimaced and tossed the pillow onto the nearby chair. She had booked a night at an inn with an excellent dinner menu and reasonable pricing, but it seems the cleaning service could do with some more motivation. Carefully examining the bed she now gingerly sat upon, Tealy tentatively sniffed around to make sure the rest was acceptable. Simul was a busy town even so late a night, and when Tealy reached the foot of the bed with her flaring nostrils, she saw through the window a passerby among the crowd staring curiously at her. Face reddening, Tealy reached forward and flung the curtains shut.

Putting out the lantern, Tealy slipped into her sleepwear and climbed back into bed. Even with the curtains shut, the moonlight and street lanterns kept the room at a dim glow. It was soothing, and even without a pillow Tealy was able to start drifting off to sleep.

Her dreams that night on the day before The Night of the Three Moons were wildly nostalgic. Her thoughts lately had been centering around Zander, her childhood love. The past year had been aimless exploration around the Albedo forest where Tealy had discovered many new plants and species. Other than the occasional fellow traveler, her time had been mostly spent alone. Most of the time, Tealy embraced the serenity, but every now and then, she felt unbearable loneliness.

The telepathic message shocked her more than any accidental misfiring of a paralysis spell. A call to arms to fight against the Shadows of the South. It hit her hard as she had sat against that drooping riverside willow gazing towards her next destination. Zander would answer this, she had thought. Tealy recalled the childhood memory instantly, that single afternoon where she comforted him as she saw him cry for the first time. She had never seen him like that, the tough, confident, and funny exterior so broken. He had revealed that he was an orphan because his parents were dragged away after being ripped to pieces by an abominable monster, no doubt one of those shadows from the south. He had only survived because he was too small to be of any significance to the creature's hunger. Zander would answer that message if he received it, that thought gave Tealy a surge of hope and she then held onto it for dear life.

Tossing and turning through the night, Tealy kept on dreaming about Zander and about what he would be alike now. Would he remember her?

The next day was fairly uneventful, Tealy roamed the streets and purchased some local herbs and spices, passing time until sundown. She wasn't exactly sure where to go to answer the telepathic message, but Tealy decided she would linger around the city center hoping the answer becomes apparent.
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It was Draconus who had heard the mans voice, slouching in his armor on the ground while sharpening his sword. His helmet was on which made some wonder who was under that set of old armor. "So you're not the only one." Was all he said in a metallic groan under his helm like he didn't care. Everybody wanted to go to the South side for reasons he could only guess, but he'd be a hipocrite to say it was a stupid idea to want to go there because he too was in search of something. Sanity. Days without souls rendered him to slowly becoming insane beyond return. He knew what happened to Hollows if they stopped consuming souls, they became like permanent undead creatures that would devour anything that would come across them. Just thinking about it was what made him go on because the moment he stopped caring was the moment he would become one. Perhaps he could go to one of those Witch's and ask of them a Human Effigy to at least return his human appearence. "I do not know but I'd be glad to find out." Said Draconus while getting up with a strange shield on his forearm and his sword in the other.

@Veyd Sahvoz

Da'Os turned and grunted as the man spoke to him. He wasn't used to being directly confronted in conversation, especially by any lowly humans. He spoke with an obvious hint of disgust

"Yes... If only SOMEBODY knew."

The beast obviously didn't want his time wasted, he needed to get things done as quickly as possible.

"Maybe from where the source originated? Where would the signal come from?"
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The nymph stumbled about. The pavement felt gross and unnatural against her naked feet. Her hands unconsciously sifted through the air looking for the feel of familiarity. She found none. Cleon had ejected her from her seat on his back once they were near enough to hear the sounds of the city. He whimpered and ran off. This time she did not follow him. she was to continue forward on her own. This place. This, was where she was supposed to find the people who would aid her.

Enthusiasm and eagerness filled her at first. She had never seen so many people. Heard so much noise. Now, she was beginning to feel overwhelmed.

The people kept bumping into her. Addua could not regain her bearings. She could feel people staring at her. For the life of her, she could not understand why. She was doing the best she could to appear just as they did. All the voices merged together. Every now and then could she make out a word that she understood, but those instances were few and far apart. Addua gripped her satchel tightly to her chest and stopped in the middle of the street.

People grumbled something she could not fully understand and easily rerouted their steps around her. She took deep breathes and attempted to collect herself. She slowly focused on blocking out the sounds around her until it became white noise. Wiping the tears that had yet to fall, she recited the words that she knew aloud. She was going to have to communicate with the people here. She could do this. Addua coached herself mentally. She just had to.

A raspy, harsh sounding voice grated on her ears. Addua looked up and around desperately. They might have been the one. With newfound zest, she shoved through the crowds. Running into and past a woman who smelled strongly of herbs. She raced towards the gravelly voice.
"Me!" She called out with a squeak. Addua froze in her tracks before two imposing figures. Eyes widening in fear at their intimidating visages.

Suddenly, she felt very, very small. Neither, from what she could feel, were nymphs. That was obvious from just their looks. Though, their essences did not give her the feeling of human. At least not any that she had felt before. She reared back as she just managed to catch a glimpse of the face of the hooded figure. She had never seen one so. . . Grotesque. It was true. She had not. Nothing she had ever experienced came close.

This, these, could not be the ones. They could not. She shuffled on her feet. Her voice caught in her throat. Ironic for someone who so badly wanted to be heard. Addua figured since she had approached them, she could not back out now. Maybe they would refute her offer.

She continued slowly, softly. Looking anywhere but at the two. Doing her best not to stumble over her words.
"I. . . Not send send first message." She admitted. "The one in head." She tapped her temple for clarification. "But, I need help to go South."

"Shadows." She stressed seriously. "I give reward at end." She promised.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GreenEyedStranger @Rinslette

The stench of the town was getting to Da'Os. Being near so many perfect beings made him uneasy, and their smell was unbearable to him. The only time he'd stand it was when he was feeding on the lost travelers near his cave. But then he smelled something he hasn't had for a long time. A nymph. He remembered when he was a child that he once saw a nymph during his training. She had seen the horrors that his mother had put him through and tried to save him. But his mother found her first and destroyed the nymph for dinner.

He didn't like it much, the meat was much too dry.

Then he saw her, the nymph approaching her and talking in a strange accent.

He was impatient for many things, including lack of language.

Da'Os growled and grit his teeth. From behind the flimsy hood, the glint of his fangs could be seen.

"What is it?"

He asked, referring to the nymph in a strange fashion.

"It says it has the rewards I've been looking for? Glory, gold, fame, yes?!"

He approached towards her, becoming more aggressive in tone

"I am ready to depart when it is, but do not waste my time any longer..."
Draconus began to have suspicions of these few people gathered by him, a lady he couldn't tell what she was and a man who obviously saw him as a lowly drunkard of sorts waking up from a midnight stupor, which was false. "We all are heading to the South! And ye be best leaving the young lass alone if you want to make it there with legs!" He shouted but stopped himself after realizing his temper had gotten the best of him. "...Pardon my tongue. What I meant is that if we all need to go then why not do it with more than 3? Surely there's more who come."

@Pandacorn @GreenEyedStranger
Da'Os was certain he could make the trip on his own. Whatever creatures he'd face would be no match for his magic. Besides, he could always create "companions" to fight for him whenever he got tired.

However, these people could be his meat shield if anything goes wrong...

"Hmmm... Fine. I shall accept them as 'companions'..."

He shuddered at the word, it implied all sorts of terrible things

"Are they all ready? I shall no longer wait for it. I must depart immediately."

Calling the Heros of the North, Your fellow Letonians are in dire need of heroic, daring, and willing individuals of any civilization to come to the aid of those that we have lost. The shadows grow stronger and the south is to pay for it all! It is in your best interest as a Northern Region Dweller to assist us before we are completely consumed by our own fears and weaknesses caused by that of our curropted neighbors! Do not fret for if you are to succeed there are many treasures and glories that await you,If you are a Letonian with the heart and spirit willing to answer this call, come to the trading city of Simul on the night of the three moons, There we shall provide you with the supplies and information on how to with stand the shadows,


All of The Northern Leto

We are counting on you

Naumon simply scoffed after reading the letter. Why would they want him to save them? A vampire. But Naumon was heading to Simul either way. The vampire exile sat on his black steed and rode to Simul.

Naumon was cautious of his surroundings, the place seemed eerie . . . almost alive . . . But Naumon was no fool, he didn't keep his sword drawn. If there was something and he kept his sword unsheathed, they obviously would've felt threatened and maybe would've even attacked him. Just stay calm . . . Naumon thought to himself, he slowly breathed in and out. He didn't want to have to resort to using his magic, he hated using magic.
Starfire was stood in her village with a letter in hand. She had read it three times already. She wasn't sure what to do. She had never left home before but part of her always wanted to see more of it. She smiled a little thinking about it. She wondered what a city looked like. Her face fell when she realized how strange it was that these people knew how to reach her. Should she trust it? Well it didn't matter anyway she didn't know the way so she couldn't go anyway. She went into her home and took her bow and arrows and went into the forest. She decided she would do some hunting and try to forget about the letter.

She walked through the forest lost in her thoughts but soon snapped out of it when she heard a trotting sound. She quickly hid blending in with the trees and bushes totally out of site watching to see what was coming. What she saw was nothing out of the ordinary. Some man riding a black horse. Normally she wouldn't bother travelers but this one was a little to close to where her village was. on top of that there was something else about him as well. His skin seemed paler then normal and his eyes seemed to glow. She was thinking to herself trying to figure out what he was when her wolf blaze came running to her. He made some noises which she was sure the man heard. She turned to Blaze shushing him then looked back at the man. Then at that moment it hit her. "Vampire" she whispered with a low growl. "He has to be." She pulled out her arrow and aimed at him then shot it.

@Darth Gangsta
Naumon saw as the arrow came towards him. He jumped off his horse and slapped her bottom to make her run away. What the hell?! Naumon had to study these things, how to tell the races apart. Judging from the looks, it appeared to be a witch. But Naumon couldn't be too sure, considering she hadn't used any magic.

Naumon drew his steel sword and charged at the lady, ready to dodge any attacks.

A shiver raced down her spine and Addua fought her primal instinct to flee. Sharp teeth peeked from behind his snarled lips and she raised her satchel in desperate, but useless attempt to hide herself. She nodded her head frantically in answer to his questions. Her mouth parted in a previous attempt to speak, but her voice failed her out of fear. Even if it had not, his harsh volume would have overpowered her anyway.

As he stalked towards her with a growing hostility, she instinctively stepped back. Addua did not know when she wanted to depart. Soon, yes, but something was telling her that her business in Simul was not quite complete. She had no idea how to convey that to the monster-like man who continued to advance. She did not want to say anything more to anger him.
"U-uh. . ." She stuttered, racking her brain for a decent answer.

Another loud voice tore through the two's engagement and Addua jumped. Her heart stopped hammering inside of her chest as she connected the armored figure's words with an attempt to defend her. She exhaled in relief. Understanding his suggestion to wait for more people to accompany them, she nodded vigorously in agreement. Rushing past the scarier of the fellows, she tucked herself away behind the one in armor.
"Let's wait!" peeking her head out from the opposite side, she voiced her consent.

"We. . . We can not leave!" The words tumbled from her mouth in a rush. Addua immediately regretted it, but squared her shoulders and gathered about her wits. She felt safer behind the metallic man. She lightly touched a plate of his armor. She wanted to believe the brutish one would not try anything around him. "We need find them." Addua spoke slowly, doing her best to sound firm. "Need aid for dangerous quest." She tried to explain.

@GreenEyedStranger @Veyd Sahvoz

She wasn't happy about missing and it seemed like he saw her to. Even though Starfire was witch her magic was more of a last resort. Starfire stayed hidden in the shadows and bushes and yelled out to him. "I would stop if I was you!" Then Blaze started growled and came out of the bushes. He showed his fangs and slowly started walking towards him. She then finally came out into the light so you could fully see her now. Part of her hair hung in front of her covering her bare chest. She wore loin cloth, was bare footed and you could see green paint markings on her body. She pulled the arrow back ready to shoot it again. But this time the arrow was different it was made out of fire. She casted a spell that made her arrow out of fire. "Stop right there vampire."

@Darth Gangsta
Naumon stopped, but still kept his sword unsheathed, he knew when he was defeated. Naumon simply growled out of anger, "Fine." as he was about to sheath the sword, he pointed the sword at her. He noticed the primitive clothing and instantly thought that she was a simpleton, "I think you should drop your weapon, before I slit your throat . . . witch!"


Sorry for the short reply, sort of have a writers' block
She looked at him not fazed. Her face was completely serious and she had a killer look in her eyes. Blaze started to walk closer to him but Starfire called him back to her with out taking her eyes off of him. "What are you doing in this forest? You better answer" She shot the fire arrow missing him on purpose. The arrow went right by him almost hitting his face. "I won't miss next time." Saying her spell another fire appeared and she aimed at him again. "Well?"

@Darth Gangsta

Your good (^U^)
@Pandacorn @Veyd Sahvoz

"It can barely speak. Just a little poppet isn't it?"

He let out a hideous chuckle, mixed with a guttural cough.

Da'Os wasn't at all intimidated by the armored soldier nor the small girl. He's faced much worse, but he didn't want to risk so much over two pieces of common meat.

"Then find them. I grow tired of waiting for them to gather strength. It tries my patience."

He finished the sentence with a long hiss before walking over to a nearby bench and sitting down. This was going to take a while, and he knew it. One thing he hated as much as draiks was long waits, Da'Os could never get used to relying on others.
Naumon sighed, but was afraid of the fire. But he couldn't show it, "I'm travelling to the trading city of Simul." he stuffed his hand into his pocket, "According to this letter." He didn't care whether the letter should be kept a secret or not. "I believe the answer is quite obvious why you're in the forest . . . considering your appearance." he didn't try to sound rude. Once he's done acting "nice", he'll kill the poor soul.

Her facial expression changed when he mentioned where he was going. "Simul? You got the letter to? Why they want some monster helping?" She kept her arrow up still aiming while she was thinking. This guy could lead her to Simul. But she couldn't trust a vampire. He would just kill her when he got the chance. Her fire arrow disappeared and she looked at him. "Ok Vampire listen up your going to take me to Simul it seems like we are both wanted. So I will let you live." She even bother to ask she just demanded like she was in control. She walked up to his face giving him a warning deadly look. "But try anything and I will kill you with out hesitation got it." She then looked at Blaze. "Home Blaze go get my things" The wolf took off. She took steps back away from him. She then started fiddling with her necklace a bit. She wasn't showing it but she was little excited to see something beyond this forest. Then the comment he made hit her. " What did you mean by "considering your appearance"? "

@Darth Gangsta
Naumon shrugged, "I don't know why they chose a vampire to help them. I don't know why I should help them anyways." Naumon put his hands up in a playful gesture, "Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you just because I'm a vampire. Oh, and I meant that you looked quite . . . primitive. I mean you're wearing a loin cloth and using your hair to cover your breasts." Naumon paused for a moment, "Quite attractive now that I think of it."

Draconus growled at the man for his constant demanding of them. If only I weren't in this state I would give em a piece of my mind. He thought whilst turning his head around to the nymph to get a better look at her, moving to face her so better introductions could be exchanged through pleasantries. "I am Draconus, some refer to me as Emily and others call me by whatever they please. I've no doubt you will do the same. . ." Said Draconus but then realizing she could barely speak common so it would be a miracle if she had a clue about anything he said. Nymph's had a difficult language and he probably would end up acting like the other 'wanderer' if he wasn't already familiar with some parts of the language. Not all but some. 'Might I be able to translate mentally?' said a deep voice but with no one around who seemed to speak it. But, if anyone were to look down there was a black wolf by the name of Kota, Draconus' companion and best friend. "Ah, Kota! Good to see you didn't wander off," he exclaimed "Yes please do." One of Kota's many astonishing abilities was his ability to interact and speak to people through telepathy -making his voice be heard in anyone's mind nearby as if he were talking to them vocally. 'Excuse me but you are a Nymph, correct?'

@Pandacorn @GreenEyedStranger
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She looked at him a little confused when he said primitive. "Primitive?" She didn't understand what he meant by that. She then looked down at herself when he pointed out what she was wearing. Though she didn't see what the big deal was. But when he said attractive that caught her off guard. "W-What I wear is normal no different from other women you have seen." She didn't really realize how different women actually dressed. Blaze came back with a bag in his mouth and put it over shoulder.

@Darth Gangsta
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Naumon chuckled, Yup, she's primitive. "No . . . That's not what women wear, I mean it's nice but something bad'll probably happen to you if you end up going in the Southern land. I've been there, it's not fun." Naumon looked at Blaze, "How long have you had a that wolf for? He looks pretty dangerous." he growled as he hated werewolves up until the point where even hated regular wolves as they reminded him of the death of Chashos.

Addua shied away from the man. She did not fully understand what he had said about her, but she would assume it was nothing kind. She had only known him for a mere five minutes, but she could tell that sort of action would be unlike him. His laughter made her cringe. It held no pleasantness inside of it. The nymph watched him with a sharp eye as he turned his back to them and found a spot to sit and wait.

She wrung the sheer material of her dress in her hands nervously. She was scared. The people here in Simul frightened her. She furrowed her brow in frustration.
Find them, Kar'Lan says. Find them, that beast says. She was trying! She was searching! Addua was doing her best! Consumed with her own thoughts, she did not notice the Iron man address her. Only catching half of his words. Her eyes widened anxiously. Trying to decipher what she managed to catch. " 'gain?" She asked pitifully in an effort to have him repeat it.

A new voice penetrated her mind. Startling her. Her eyes darted to and fro until they landed on the wolf. She glanced at the man in Iron and then back at the canine.
'Yes. A nymph of meadows and plains.' She told him proudly.

'Who might you be?'


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