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Fantasy The Return of ☾ℒℯtℴ☽ (Always Open)

The Meeting


Status Report

Date: Sevi 33, 300 AWW

Time: Late Night (8:00 MR)

Temperature: Warm with a cool breeze

The city was still wild with light, fun and fantasy as the sun vanished and with it arose the three moons. People gathered watching as the moons glowed bright in the sky. Many howled and called to the Gods and Goddess as if cheering their summoning. Only once every three months does this occur and it feels the world with a magical strength like an even battle ground for everyone.

In the center of the festival, devoid of any celebration was "The Fountain of Harmony" that was a symbol of the shifter's connection to the animal world as well as the Letonian one. The reason no one was around it was due to the presence of many of the great leaders. There was four of them all showing equal strength and perseverance. You could tell they were powerful and demanded respect from all races.

Alina Dawn was the High Priestess of the Angelic Government. She was one of the many rulers that were set in place to give a form of checks and balances to the people. Her white hair was a common trait among Angelics of older age as a symbol of longevity and healing.

Next to her was the Head White Witch Eetu Theo whom is given power for his proficiency in his field of magic. Witches also work in a council like the Angelics, but with less of a checks and balances and more of a control mechanism. He is quite old for a witch, but his ability to use his magic is quite skilled and so he seems to preserve himself.

The Representative of Simul is a much more approachable woman, but she is just as fierce as the others. Her name is Feronia Malaya and she is a wolf shifter with a very equality view. She keeps Simul very diverse and tries to welcome all without fear. She is much of the reason that Simul is so open and accepting as it is, but it still needs work. Feronia hopes to one day make that happen as well as make it happen across Leto.

Lastly standing partially away from the others, The Elven King Raanan Novan who is the first in his line. The previous line was dethroned and now he has stepped up as ruler and seeks to preserve the creatures that are not represented in Leto. He is a little reclusive with strangers, but he is a kind ruler that tries to put up a strong front.

Today they gather under the three moons to bring aid to the heroes that have heeded their call. Today they get along only for the benefit of the whole of Leto in fear that soon all that is good may perish. It is you they have called and you that they seek for their lives and all those around them depend on your success.

Now they wait for the brave souls that are prepared for this very sacrifice whether it be for selfish reasons or righteous beliefs.

(Everyone gather underneath the fountain
@Darth Gangsta @GreenEyedStranger @Veyd Sahvoz @Inmento Riku @Pandacorn @Beowulf @Zayuz @Rinslette @enoc010201 @animegirl20 @tuocs13 )

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At seeing the congregation, Da'Os let out a breath of relief. Finally, the meeting he had been waiting for. Though he would have to double up on the cloth around his face he was still finally excited to start on his journey. Eager to get this over with, he pushed past the crowd.

"I am one of the few adventurers that will heed the call. Others are just behind me now."

He said as Da'Os waited patiently for everyone else. As he did, he looked up to the moons. On this night, he couldn't feel any strengthening of his power. Whether it was because of its demonic origins or whether his crazy theories of his own magic were true didn't really matter to him, in his mind he was powerful enough.
Inmento noticed the beings of great power and he watched Da'Os walk towards them, so he decided to follow. "Are they the ones who summoned us?" Inmento asked himself before stoping beside Da'Os. "I....feel so small compared to the four," Inmento spoke as he turned his head to face the man he was beside. "What if things get out of control? What if this isn't what we volunteered for?" He questioned, a little afraid of what was really going on.
Connor was not far behind the first two, and so he stepped forward as well. He wasn't to well versed in leadership. But simply seeing Eetu there was enough to confirm that the other three were leaders as well. 'A high angelic priestess, an elf, and from all appearances another witch. Or perhaps she's a vampire. I'll figure it out eventually.' he thought to himself as he examined the other three leaders. "What is it you will have us do?" he asked confidently.
"Then this will be a scene for us to remember either way, will it not?" She replied to Inmento, standing only a few paces to his left - On the opposite side of Da'Os. Kerra straightened her back, looking up to the four leaders in a pose that could only be described as confident. She looked up to meet any of them who bothered to return her look, returning it with a daring and authoritative gaze; standing with her feet spread apart shoulder length, but out of sync.. It would almost seem that she was in a fighting stance, if not for her hands being by her sides. "On behalf of house Lare, I have heard and answered your call to greatness - Please accept my blade into your service, in hopes that the favor may be eventually returned." Her smooth brown hair fell along her shoulders, cascading down to her back where it eventually came to an elegant stop. She had obviously prepared herself for this event, adorned in a few extra gems that she might find inconvenient to wear upon a daily basis - Especially during combat.
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The hours passed on. Quite quickly in Addua's opinion. She was having the most fun, perusing the festival. She was given so much that she could hardly carry it all. She even bought another bag to hold some of her new things. Sometime that afternoon she sat herself down and organized her belongings. Separating the food and sweets in her satchel along with the small things she arrived with, and her pouch of money. Her newest bag strapped around her shoulders and hung on her back, which she thought was neat. In there, she put all of her bigger things. There was even space still left over.

Addua trudged excitedly forward with the crowd. She was tired, her bags were weighing her down, and her full belly made it feel as if she were waddling, but she was determined not to be left behind. The sun had set and with its disappearance over the horizon rose the three moons. Basking them all in a soft glow. The people she was following came to a stop behind a mass encircling something. Addua hopped from foot to foot and held herself up on her tip toes to get a better view. Still, she was unable to see what had everyone so enthralled. Crouching low, she scurried through the small spaces between them. Breaking through the inner edge of people, she could see clearly.

A fountain stood in the very center. Gigantic in size, the spray of its water so forceful that the thrum could even be heard over the chattering of hundreds. In front of it were four. Four people who stood with a natural air of nobility and pride. The nymph stared on in awe. Without any real conscious thought, Addua found herself taking a place beside another woman.

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Draconus stood tall and proud with big broad shoulders in his old knight armor but there was one piece of it missing. His helmet. He didn't need it because his appearance was normal thanks to Connor; in return he had fufilled his end of the deal by getting them both meat pies. The presence of the three moons was a hell of a sight to see and something he would definnately look forward to the next time he came to Simul. Before him and the rest of the brace souls were the four, what he presumed, leaders. His Apostle sword was unsheathed in his right hand and a dark blue talisman with his clans insignia on it was put around his hand, clasped over the hilt of the sword. With no hesitation, Draconus walked 2 steps forward before kneeling down and stabbing his sword into the ground so the hilt pointed up at the moons. "I speak as an Apostle of Xoman here to answer the call of the North. Whatever it is you need I am here to help in any possible way I can." He announced to the leaders and stepped back to his position in the line with the rest, his light golden eyes never leaving their gazes. Kota on the other hand stayed quiet until now 'I am Kota, the black wolf of the west to my kin.' Said the wolf in a calmly manner, resuming to roaming around the people's feet on all fours.
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