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Fantasy The Return of ☾ℒℯtℴ☽ (Always Open)

Da'Os returned from the palace with a scowl. He had been turned away by the guards, who almost mistook him for a monster. Seeing that the day was setting, he decided to find another inn. He couldn't stand another night at the one he had been the night before. He sold some of the trinkets of silver and gold that he looted off of countless bodies back at his lair to get enough gold for one more night. If there was anything he hated most about civilization, it was probably money.
Addua examined each person in their small group of people. Eyes darting from person to person in order to keep track of what was being said and by who. The nymph leaned on Kota for support. Her feet were strangely sore. She blamed the pavement beneath the soles of her feet. It was unnatural. Nothing like the soft blades of grass she was used to running around on. Addua decided she did not like the city very much.

A nudge in her side caught her attention. She tilted her head and peered atop Kota's head. He spoke and she pouted in confusion.
'Draconus?', she questioned. He did not have to answer for her to know that she was correct. She was only left to ponder on it a moment before Kota asked for her direction.

She shrugged and looked around the group. From what she could gather, none of them knew where the meeting would be held. But, she did not even know when the Festival would be, or when it was. She supposed that would be a good place to start.
'Kota would you mind inquiring when the Night of the Three Moons begins?'

Addua figured if the festival was tonight they could be on their way by dawn. If not, she would need to find someplace to stay until then. She, all of them actually, needed the information provided and whatever supplies they had to offer.

@Beowulf @GreenEyedStranger @Veyd Sahvoz @Zayuz @Inmento Riku
Inmento began to look around the area of the city they were in. "We should find an inn, or someplace to stay the night." Inmento spoke towards the people he had 'met'. "Although...we could just kill someone and steal their residence," Inmento spoke softly and experiencing slight bloodlust. "Also..." Inmento turned to face the female who had most recently spoken. "What is the Night of the Three Moons?" Inmento questioned the female.

@Pandacorn @Beowulf @GreenEyedStranger @Veyd Sahvoz @Zayuz
Kerra was about to answer the question of her race - Which she found terribly obvious - Until she realized she seemed to be in the company of a nymph, who actually merited the question being asked to. An armored man accompanied her, with a set of rather heavy looking armor she couldn't imagine herself ever walking around in. He gave her the impression of a knightly figure, which she wound somewhat welcoming. However, it came as somewhat disturbing to hear that the friendly, silver haired person had lost their lover, but such was the way of life.

And a lifestyle she was all too familiar with.

"..Pardon me, stranger. I never caught your name." She says to Da'Os as he returns. ..She was fairly sure she told it her name, but if they were going to be working together it might be wise to know what to call eachother at least. Then again, if they were going to be working together, one might argue they'd end up knowing eachother anyways. ..Actually, their crowd had grown considerably, and Kerra found herself feeling less comfortable in the center of it. She shifted over the the side, partially leaving the group, but still listening. The merchant left the group to find an inn, and it seemed a wise course of action to follow. She tried to determine a way to both greet and excuse herself, which came to her in a fabulous two word revelation. "I think our merchant there has the right idea. If we're not awake for the event we can't experience it.. The night of three moons will come one way or another, no? With that being said, I'm sure we'll all be seeing more of eachother if we truly wish to fulfill this mission. Kerra, out."

She would turn away from the crowd, starting to walk down the street with a confident step. Noticing that Da'Os hadn't seemed to be able to find a place to go on his own, and she hadn't given him a chance to answer her question, she beckons it to follow if it so chooses.

@Beowulf @GreenEyedStranger @Veyd Sahvoz @Pandacorn @Inmento Riku
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Da'Os turned quickly towards Kerra as she spoke to him. He wasn't used to people asking him his name, especially what he thought was kindness. If anything, it made him uncomfortable and paranoid. Anyone with his name knew who to look for revenge if anything went wrong. However, it would make things a lot simpler if they knew each others name. He made a mental note of this moment in case it ever came back to hurt him.

"I am Da'Os. I come from the South, though not as far as it... 'Kerra'...wishes to go. That land is as foreign to me as it."

He says the name with great difficulty, through a thick accent. Names certainly were something he'd rather avoid since they were such a strange concept to him. Even he loosely held onto his name only in respect for his mother. But Kerra deserved knowing his name. Following her, he payed the innkeeper to check in a room.


Time Skip


The sun has set on the planet of Leto and it is time for another day. It is now the morning before the night of the three moons. The town center of the city is putting on a festival to celebrate another day of protection from the great Gods. There will be many free samples and things available to you during this time. Enjoy your vacation and moment of freedom while it last, because tonight it all comes to pass.

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Inmento hadn't really slept, he just sort of laid on his bed and as soon as the sun came up he got up and left the Inn to go explore. "Might as well make the best of this," He spoke to himself before standing outside and looking around. "Interesting....people actually reside here," Inmento spoke, hoping no one else was out or awake yet as he began to wander around the area that surrounded the Inn.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.7f26a831c82a2c10252fdd0b76c55418.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116455" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.7f26a831c82a2c10252fdd0b76c55418.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

That night turned out restless for Draconus. One of the downsides of his curse, not being able to sleep properly. It wore down his sanity, the more sleep deprived and hungry he became. If only he'd be able to find a witch or alchemist that had a human effigy then he would finally have his normal human appearence back. But alas, that did not break the curse. At the front of an inn he sat, sulking in his armor with the large great sword attached to his back and yet another sword stabbed into the ground on his right. Kota accompanied him by laying close by on his side, a position most animals preferred. His sight was then blinded by a large light which he almost mistook for a light spell. "Sunrise...No matter how long the night stretches on it will always come. Eventually." Said Draconus rehersing a little quote he'd picked up a while back. Eventually the Night of the Three Moons would come too. What to do until then was a decision he'd think after a moments rest.




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"A lovely saying, but not always true." Connor said from one of the upper floors of the inn. "Life, for example, in vampiric lands. There is a pitiful excuse for day, which only makes it slightly brighter then the light of a full moon. And that is if you are lucky. You know, they really should pay you more." Connor dod not know why the armored man was there, he simply assumed he was a guard the inn hired to keep the unsavory types out.
He let out a grunt of laughter at the mysterious man's last sentence. "A true saying my friend, and you are mistaken. Am not working here I'm just about to leave." Replied Draconus, glad that he had another to speak with about quotes. In a few moments time he got up off the dusty ground, using his own sword as if it were a cane and he could not walk. "Have you ever heard of the saying to live a life of fear is living no life at all? I love the morrow of that quote, especially when it holds such relevance to the recent mishaps going on." Draconus hadn't known why he was even there, slowly forgetting by the day but thank the gods' he was in such a busy town where rumors of shadows spread like wild fire because in the end that was the only thibg he could recall.

"But living without fear at all makes for a boring life." he responded. "Now, I do agree with what you say, but within moderation. If you're constantly scared you'll eventually not notice it to much and forget what you're scared of. But fear can be a motivator to get something done quickly." Some could interperste what he said as evil to an extent. But he didn't see it that way, it was the plain truth. People usually did things faster to get away from something they were afraid of. If one didn't mind the qualoty of the work it was a perfect way to get things. "I myself prefer the old quote, 'Live life for tomorrow'. There's just something about it I find rather appealing."
Da'Os had left the inn earlier in the morning. He was used to it, and besides, he was hungry. Of course he couldn't snatch one of the townsfolk here without everyone noticing, so he decided instead to actually buy food at one of the early bird vendors. A few minutes later, he came back into the inn with a biscuit. Da'Os walked back into the inn all the way to his room while carrying the biscuit, he wouldn't want anyone to see him eat. While walking by, he overheard a silly conversation about fear. With nothing better to do, he spoke to the two he passed

"Fear is what makes men men. And what keeps prey alive... At least for a while."

He gave a dark chuckle before continuing to his room.

Once Da'Os finally went inside, he slammed the door and began munching down on the biscuit.

Inmento heard the others talking as he was tempted to turn around and join them. ~That man in the armour....be careful around him~ Inmento thought to himself before continuing his exploration of the city. "Wow....a huge crowd and people are even selling some things that I never thought others would buy, or even sell for that matter." Inmento spoke to no one really as he approached a tree that was nearest to a blacksmith but also had a good view of the Inn incase something happened and sat down under it. "Should I even be here?" Inmento spoke in a softer tone than normal. He was beginning to have second thoughts, and nothing was really happening. Was the threat of shadows even real? Night of three moons, what was that exactly? Food....he needed to feed, but there was no way to feed without causing a panic. "Was this a mistake?!" he almost shouted...a bit surprised at himself he just shut up and closed his eyes, trying to embrace all the sounds and figure out who was saying what and why. It was an interesting way, in his mind, to pass the time without really doing anything.

It had only been a mere forty-five seconds since Inmento had closed his eyes and was listening to the sounds around him when he felt a small finger tap him on his right shoulder. Inmento slowly opened his eyes and much to his surprise it was a young female, only about six or seven years of age, and she was smiling. "Why are you in a black cloak? Don't you know how silly that is Mister?" the female asked as Inmento gave her a quick smile, his fangs showing. "Black is my favori-" Inmento was cut off by the look of intrigue and fear on the little girls face before she skipped away and regrouped with the people she was with. "favorite colour," Inmento finished his sentence softly as his eyes closed again.
Da'Os.. An interesting character, and most importantly, the one she happened to know the best out of the larger group. She was fairly sure he was on the same mission, and she still hadn't determined if he was an enemy or not. ..Better to keep him close, no? Minutes after their departure from the clump of people, the two had arrived at an inn, in which they (surprisingly) still accepted him. Kerra payed for a room of her own, and little else of note happened that night..

..In the morning, Kerra woke, bathed, and exited. She happened to have had her own bathroom, which was nice - But expected. She had payed a considerable amount after all. In her pack, Kerra had brought a few extra days worth of rations. Not wishing to go out and try her luck at finding a halfway decent place to eat, she instead resigned to consuming something along the lines of trail mix to start her day. She heard a slam, and decided to ignore it. Not her business. The assassin stepped into the main room, her eyes scanning the figures - The same ones as yesterday. The trader and the knight. At least, that's how she remembered them. Gods, didn't all that armor feel so restricting? The girl walked over, not bothering to conceal her presence as she leaned against a wooden chair beside them. They seemed to be talking about life or whatnot.. She had missed most of the conversation. She made a small bow of her head, signaling that she had entered the conversation (if they would have her) but had nothing yet to say.
After a few minutes of taking in all the sounds and smells of the city, Inmento opened his eyes and stood up before making his way back to the outside of the Inn. Once he arrived he overheard the conversation that was going on as he sat down nearest to the eastern side of the door and just began to listen once again to everything. After a few minutes of self-inflecting he turned to Kerra and gave her a soft smile. "Besides the telepathic message, what're your goals? Are you h-hoping to achieve anything out of this 'quest'?" he asked curiously. Whilst waiting for a response he began to study Da'Os as well as Draconus. ~I wonder what makes them so unique?~ he thought to himself.

A few minutes later, Da'Os stepped outside of his room, coughing up little particles of the biscuit. He never tasted something so stale and tasteless before. Nevertheless, he was satisfied. As he stepped out of the room, he saw the party again. A part of him wished that this would all be over so that he wouldn't have to be near large groups of people again, but he was determined to get the reward. Da'Os wasn't in the mood for conversation, so he just stood behind the crowd and listened to them speak. He looked at Kerra and slowly remembered her name. He would have to get used to names.
Impressive. It was intriguing him that this man knew some meaningful quotes, he was always up for a good little chat. "Motivation is understandable and living life for tomorrow makes sense as well. It's always enjoyable to speak with someone about quotes, especially when it's morning and I'm bored as hell." Draconus chuckled. He hadn't noticed it until Kota nudged his arm that two others had joined them. He couldn't remember their names but he remembered their voices and faces. "You two? So you stayed here as well? Huh." He groaned, already knowing their answer. It was quite obvious.

@Zayuz @GreenEyedStranger @Inmento Riku @Beowulf
"It's always enjoyable to have a good chat with someone. Let me amend that, it's enjoyable most of the time. Some people you simply cannot stand because they won't let you get a word in edge wise. But let me come down so we can talk at the same ground level." And with that, Connor disappeared from the window, to appear in the doorway. "Now, shall we walk and talk? I don't want to crowd the door." he said, trying to usher the party along with a sweep of his hands. As it was, a disgruntled man squeezed past him and out into the streets. "Plus it's time for a festival. But not just any festival, the Festival of the Three Moons. I'll bet you my coat that the vendors have brought out nothing but their best. Do you think it's a bit early for a meat pie?"
Would you look at that, someone with the right mind. Thought Draconus, not thinking about it once for who in their right mind would turn down a chat about quotes and meat pie? No one, exactly. "No at all! In fact I was just about to head out to go find myself a human effigy, perhaps the witchs' might have some..." He replied, beginning to walk onto the street so they could be on their way. Wouldn't hurt to see this festival for what it actually was, but first things first before the food. He could handle wearing the armor all the time but he couldn't stand wearing the stuffy helmet.

"Oh? Perhaps I can help you with that. I am, after all, a witch." he said proudly. "I just need the specifics and I could probably save you a few silvers for the ritual. I'll be asking for a meat pie in return, however." He had learned the proper ways and technique for such a things recently. So here was a perfectly good chance for him to practice it. He wouldn't get it wrong, probably. And if he did, nothing to drastic would happen, especially with other witches around.

(haav-ee-ar-n) (er-ehss-worh)

Centuries prior, the forests of Gelus were kind to the boy.

Now, as he returned to the city of Caelum, it was hard to navigate the bustling town.

He couldn't help but wonder if his friends....

That's right...

He had no friends.

It's not like it bothered him.

On the contrary, it was easier to pass through unnoticed.

He did however see a familiar face or two.

He smiled a bit at the memory of the town, though he did not take any action to actually acknowledge it.

Sadly, Haviarn was entirely aware the Inns were now packed.

And then he saw a posted letter.


Calling the Heroes of the North, Your fellow Letonians are in dire need of heroic, daring, and willing individuals of any civilization to come to the aid of those that we have lost. The shadows grow stronger and the south is to pay for it all! It is in your best interest as a Northern Region Dweller to assist us before we are completely consumed by our own fears and weaknesses caused by that of our corrupted neighbors! Do not fret for if you are to succeed there are many treasures and glories that await you,If you are a Letonian with the heart and spirit willing to answer this call, come to the trading city of Simul on the night of the three moons, There we shall provide you with the supplies and information on how to with stand the shadows,


All of The Northern Leto

We are counting on you


A split second decision.

He grabbed the letter.

It was no harm, there were many.

He knew he was prepared.

Haviarn immediately set off to Simul.

He had a day.

He could do it.

((insert dramatic music here))

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Starfire and Naumon had finally made it to town. The journey there though had been kind of frustrating. Starfire half the time was walking behind him in silence staring at him making sure he wasn't going to do anything and they got into a few spats. The moment they got there they noticed a festival was going on and Starfire was in awe with everything she saw. She had never seen a place like Simul before it was all really cool to her. A genuine smile came upon her face. "Wow." She hadn't noticed yet but people who had noticed her were giving her looks because of the lack of clothing she was wearing but she hadn't noticed.

@Darth Gangsta
Naumon grunted, "It's not all pretty, so let's go." He kept his hand on his steel sword just in case the people tried anything. They were a vampire and a witch together. Naumon would've normally attacked Starfire but he felt as of he bonded woth her, despite only knowing her for about an hour (?). "What the hell are we waiting for?" He said rather loudly. That was clearly not directed at Starfire


(haav-ee-ar-n) (er-ehss-worh)

There were fast methods of transport, especially if you knew a warlock.

Haviarn arrived in the large town.

Though he was happy to be adventuring, he was a bit sad he didn't get to Visit Caelum.

His home town.

Honestly, he barely remembered Caelum, so it wasn't heartbreaking.

However, he did remember Simul. Simul was amazing, in his opinion.

Especially the festivals.
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"A witch? Well it would be ever so kind if you could give me a human effigy, with the exchange of a meal of your choice." He agreed, nodding at the male witch. A weight was lifted from his chest once he heard this. Soon he would have his normal appearence back and could remove the armor he wore. Draconus began walking down the street along with the witch, leaving Kota back at the Inn with the others. Kota, on the other hand, was laying on his side sound asleep. His sharp canine teeth noticable every time he took a breath. This would be in an interesting day to say at least.

@Beowulf (Possibly @Inmento Riku @Zayuz)

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