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Realistic or Modern The Real World


Boink Bean

Nathaniel Nash

Day : Friday, Time : 6:00AM, Weather : Clear Skies


"Maybe they were right, Happiness is a warm gun." Nathan didn't look towards the guy sitting in his passenger seat as they pulled up to a house. Nathan rubs his forehead slightly as the guy slowly opens his door and steps out. "Keep it up kid, You'll be where you want to be." the guy closes the car door and Nathan exhales the breath he had been holding. He quickly pulls away from the house, his tires screeching against the damp asphalt. He gasses down the neighborhood street, flying past parked cars and narrowly avoiding a car backing out of its driveway.

Nathan cuts a ten minute drive back to his house down to five minutes flat. He sits in his driveway and slowly digests the scenarios in his mind before climbing out of the driver seat. He locks his car and walks towards his front door, unlocking it with his spare key and he slowly climbs the stairs. "
Nathaniel." A familiar voice stops him, he turns to see his mother at the base of the stairs, her face expressed confusion and worry. "You didn't come home last night Nathan, what happened?" The young man stares at her blankly, "We just got caught up and I decided to crash at a friends place." "With who?" Nathan rolls his eyes, "Does it really matter?" he growls under his breath, turning to walk up the stairs. "It does matter Nathan.. I know what you're doing." The young man stops cold, he doesn't feel fear or worry, he doesn't turn to look at his aging mother. "You're oblivious to rules so you're oblivious to consequence, you need to get yourself under control." Nathan growls under his breath, "Yeah, I'll do that as soon as Delilah crawls out of her grave."

Nathan makes it to his room without another word, changing into clothes that don't smell of gunpowder and alcohol. He slips into his black jeans, dark gray shirt and matching shoes. He walks into the bathroom and stares at himself in the mirror, his eyes were dark and he looked tired. He hadn't gotten sleep that night and his head pounded with a hang over.

Nathan turns on the faucet and slowly washes his face before running his wet fingers through his curls. He dries his face, brushes his teeth and leaves the bathroom. He grabs his phone and keys before walking back downstairs. His mother is no where to be seen so he just walks out the front door, Nathan knows shes upset and that he is growing even more distant day after day, but he isn't just doing this for his satisfaction.

The young man walks toward his blacked out Mustang, unlocking it and climbing into his car. By this time its 6:30AM. School starts at 7:30AM. He rolls down his windows and lights a cigarette before backing out of his driveway. He drives the speed limit, blasting music out of his muscle car. Nathan soon pulls up to a small Cafe not far from school.

Nathan gets out of his car and the young lady quickly gets into her car looking at him with concern, causing Nathan to scoff softly.
Typical. He walks into the cafe and orders a drink, the woman behind the counter shamelessly flirting with him. When she hands his drink he notices her number is written on it. He glares at her, "do you happen to have a pen?" he asks as politely as he can muster up. She hands him a sharpie and he crosses her number out right in front of her. He sets the pen on the counter, her face twisted in a frown.

He ignores her sad looks and walks out of the cafe, taking a seat outside and lighting another cigarette. He slips his headphones into his ears and fidgets with his phone as he smokes and drinks his coffee.

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Em put on on a little pink jacket, the finishing touches to her favorite outfit. She slung a backpack shaped like a monkey over both her shoulders, stuck some earphones in her ears and walked out of her bedroom doors. She walked down the carpeted stairs, as softly as she could; trying not to wake her mother. She grabbed some toast, and slid out of the kitchen door silently. Emmy walked over to the garage and took a bike, with a basket on the front of it, out. Em hoped on and sped out of their suburban, paved, driveway.

Emmy stopped in a local coffee shop that she visits regularly. When she walks in, she sees a familiar face but only for a second, before she takes a place behind him to order. She watched as He scratches the number out on his cup. She thought "How rude!" but then took his place in line and ordered her boring cup of coffee. She drinks half of it in the cafe while eating her toast. And she pours the other half in a thermos, and tucks it away in her bags side pocket. She throws away her cup, as she walks out side she notices him. He mind tells her to say something to him, but she talks herself out of it, and walks to her bike. She kicks the kickstand and away she goes off to a school that she loves and a place she loves.

Nathaniel Nash


He watches as a young lady lets her gaze simmer on him for just a moment too long, he watches as she gets onto her bike and pedals toward school. The heat was rising so he knew biking to school would be rather heated. He shrugs her off his mind and finishes his coffee and tosses his cigarette. He gets into his mustang and sees a blacked out Honda following behind the young lady from before. He furrows his brow at how the car is driving below the speed limit on this road. No hazard lights or pulling over as if the car was having issues, and Nathan knows the how the men in this area act. He whips his mustang out of the parking lot, despite the blaring horns of other cars. He doesn't gas it as the lady and her follower weren't far. He pulls up behind the Honda, Nathan doesn't know if the young lady has seen the car following her. He flashes his brights and illuminating the Honda, signaling that Nathan was behind him. The Honda speeds up and pulls over in front of Emmy. Nathan is on the Honda's ass now, and blares his horn. This gets the attention of a few people outside the coffee shop and a others driving past.

A hand slips out of the Honda's window and the man gives Nathan the middle finger, before taking off. Nathan cruises beside Emmy for a moment, giving her a side glance. He doesn't smile or wave despite his act of protection for her. Why had he stopped the man from possibly committing a crime slipped Nathan's mind and many others. He was so saint but he wasn't going to let anyone harm a female on his terms. His gaze lingers on Emmy for a moment before he gasses it and takes off as well.

Nathan pulls up to school with his good deed slipping his mind. He steps out of his Mustang and throws his black backpack over his shoulder. He slowly approaches the building ignoring the looks from a group of people who believe he is a murderer, but they aren't wrong. He simply keeps walking looking slick and calm like a fox.
@Talley Marks

Daphne Alice Morgan

Daphne gave her mobile phone a hateful stare, as it showed that it was time for her to wake up. Her half awake mind was trying to encourage her to skip school today but she looked at her lock-screen, showing a picture of high buildings and she reminded herself of her goal. To move away from this crappy soul-sucking town. She struggled up and noticed that she had fallen asleep in her jeans and she smiled. She loved the feeling of the morning after the adventure, the ticklish feeling that remained in her stomach and the smell of… smoke and cold air. Daphne grabbed a body mist and started spraying herself from her knees up to her neck, attempting to hide the smell of smoke and giving a prayer to the higher powers that she had succeeded. Her morning routine was easy, walking down to her family and eating breakfast with them, small talking about an unimportant topic, often the weather, grabbing her backpack and start packing as much food but not to much for her parents to ask.

”Goodbye parents, have a good day” Daphne said with her mouth stuffed with egg. Her parents smiled with delight. She had learned that small good things, made the parents overlook the big bad things. Relived that the parents hadn’t noticed the smell, she started to making the short walk to the busstop. As she was outside she glanced at herself in the boutique window and noticed that her messy long hair didn’t look that bad because it fitted with her clothes. She gave of this model-grabbing-a-coffee-vibe, wearing a white t-shirt, loosely tucked in her black ripped jeans and a kaki-green bomber jacket on top of that. The bus-ride went fast and she arrived at her "favorite" place. School. But she didn’t let her attitude affect how she treated people and as she walked to her locker she smiled and greeted everybody that she knew. Arriving at her locker, she noticed Nathaniel. He was hard not to notice, with his dark eyes and striking presence bu she couldn't help to wonder, if it was true, that he was a murderer? It was something she would love to know, but she was unsure if she had the energy to put time into trying to make him tell her. She left that thought for later and quickly grabbed her books .
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Emmy rode her bike for ten seconds before a black shiny car starts to fallow her. Em gets an uneasy feeling, but shrugs it off, "what could ever happen in a sweet little town like this?" She asked herself. Moments later she heard horns honking and two cars buzzed by her. Frightened by the sudden noises, Emmy fell off her bike. Em, watched as the man from the coffee shop, passed by looking at her. She couldn't tell if the look was bad or good.

Emmy Stood up and brushed the dirt off and hoped back onto her bike. A few minutes later she was at school, the heat had been rising and she was a sweaty mess. After locking up her bike, she stepped up the few cement steps, and pushed the heavy school door open.

Em had only been going to this school, for a couple weeks. She hadn't made many friends yet, but she already knows that the head cheerleader has bulimia, several people from the drama club smoke pot down behind the Winn Dixies store, that a girl in her class she doesn't know the name of is having sex with her math teacher. It felt good to know everybody's dirty little secrets. She walked down the crowded hallways, to her locker. On the way she caught a glimpse out of her eye, Him walking into the school from the other entrance. Her mind flashes to back to earlier this morning, and the look he gave her as he passed by. Em in a blind state of petty rage and curiosity, starts to walk towards him. Once directly infront of him, her eyebrows pointed down and her face all hot and sticky, she looks up at him. When her eyes met his, chills ran down her spine, she looked away, her cheeks filling up with blush. HSe just stands there trying to remember the words she was going to say.

@Scarlet Fox

Pamela Mondoux

Pam woke up late, immediately checking her phone for any texts she may have received. She sighed as she stared at her blank lock screen, no new messages. She slumped out of bed and made her way to the kitchen of her mom's small apartment. It was silent, she was alone again. She turned on the TV and listened to the corny telenovela in the background as she made pop tarts for breakfast. She ate them, wishing she had a TV mom that would make her breakfast and wish her a good day at school. She left once she was done, grabbing her bag.

She walked to the bus stop, lighting a cigarette and putting in her headphones. She always wore headphones, that way the asshole wannabe tough guys wouldn't harass her. They still would whistle and make kissy faces, but if she had headphones on they usually didn't try to talk to her. She sat at the bus stop, waiting for the city bus to come. Opening her phone, she looked at car prices, dreaming of owning a nice car so she didn't have to cram onto a bus full of random people to go to school. Suddenly, a black mustang whizzed by her. Damn, what a nice car she thought to herself. She didn't get a good look of who was driving it, but Pam wanted to know them already. The bus arrived and she hopped on, heading towards school.​

Nathaniel Nash

Nathan was not the stereotype of a hard ass, he was the hard ass. He ignored the stares and murmurs of the other students as he walks through
the halls, until someone passes in front of him. His gaze lowers on her, her face expressed anger and possible confusion. His eyes were dark and mysterious as hers met his, and she froze. Nathan watches her calmly, twirling his mustang keys in his hand before stuffing his hand into his pocket. He was becoming impatient, "could I possibly help you?" his gaze examines her, traveling over her body and noting every feature. She was a good girl, dainty and delicate. He inhales quietly when he realizes that this is the young lady he has protected earlier this morning. She couldn't have gone to a different school, huh? He thought.

He noticed the stares and eventually his dark gaze shifted onto another young lady, Daphne. She looked more dangerous than Emmy, more
Interactions : Talley Marks

Mentions : Foxeia

Feeling : Aggressive
adventurous. His gaze quickly turned down to Emmy once more, just as another guy approaches the two. He was one of the Jocks, and known for his smart-ass attitude, thinking he is better than everyone else. "Hey honey, don't you think it's dangerous to be standing in front of a murderer? I mean look at you, you look like a deer in the headlights." The guy slides his arm around Emmy, but quickly receives a shove from Nathan. Nathan towers over the Jock by quite a few inches, and he had just left a kid nearly beaten to death in the bathroom of Chili's. The jock smirks, "Moved on so quickly from your darling-" Nathan had heard enough, He made his actions quick and subtle. Nathan balls his fist and slams his fist against the Jock's jaw only half-force. The jock stumbles and wavers, struggling to remain conscious. "Keep her name out of your Mouth or I'll make sure you never speak again." With that Nathan pulls himself away from Emmy and away from the saucer-eyed students watching the scene unfold in the halls. Nathan was lucky no teachers or principals had been around when he nearly knocked the Jock out, but he didn't care much either way. He simply keeps walking until he is at his first class, History.

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Pamela Mondoux

Pam arrived to school late. Thanks public transportation she thought to herself, a little irritated. She put a bright smile on her face, trying to be open and friendly to meeting some new people. She walked into the hall, smiling, waving at a few people she knew. She stopped when she saw some guy punching one of the popular kids. He looked familiar, the other kid, but she wasn't sure how. She smirked a little as he sucker punched that arrogant jock in the jaw. About time someone put that jerk in his place she cheered internally, recalling several times he had harassed her, trying to get her to put out for him. She wouldn't, even though she had gotten with a few different football players, but this guy was the worst. He was mean, and also known for sending everyone nudes of the girls he had been with, so Pam knew better than to fool around with him.

Pam walked to class, still reeking of smoke, when it finally hit her where she knew that guy from. Back a while ago Pam was seeing Raul, a drug dealer and a gang member. She rolled with his crew for a bit, but broke up with him because he slept around a lot. While she dated him, she got to know most of the other gang members, and remembered seeing this guy at a few of the parties. He was going to join the gang, but then something happened and he didn't. Nate, she recalled his name. She wrestled with the idea of asking him about it, but was unsure if he wanted people to know he was a gang banger.​

Moira Darter

Smoke rose up from behind the side of the pick-up that Moira was sitting and leaning against, said pick-up being her dad's old car that she'd been given to drive. The girl wasting little time in taking as many puffs as she could from the less than legal substance, she'd woken up in a less than joyous mood and so a little hit never hurt anyone. Cramming the pipe and the few packets she had with her into the glovebox of her pick-up she closed and locked the door. Not minding the smell that accompanied her, the people she hung out with had gotten used to it by now anyway, along with the fact that they all tended to smell similarly as well. Yawning with a stretch of her arms Moira made her way to the school building, her pick-up sitting across the street as she jogged into the building, late again because of her own habits.

Entering the school only to be presented with a jock, Bryce or Jacob or some other douchebag name she always forgot leaning against one of the lockers with a rather bad bruise. The guy had given her some booze once or twice in exchange for some drugs, not that it would stop her from intentionally stiffling a laugh as she walked past him. Running a hand through her short, brown hair her still somewhat dazed and now high mind tried to recall what class she had first only to remember what class moments later. Haphazardly unlocking and opening her locker as she grabbed a pencil from it, closing and locking the locker again she idly strolled down the corridor, slowly making her way to class.​
Daphne Alice Morgan

As Daphne was struggling to stuff her books into her bag as it was filled with food and snacks, she started to fall deep into her own thoughts. Another day wasted on trying to learn unimportant stuff. She was certain she would never have to use the Pythagorean theorem in her life as she would be busy partying with celebrities like Tyler the Creator. But her daydream was interrupted by a gasp, from a student near by. At least gasp quietly if you’re going to gaps, she thought as she turned her head slightly and noticing Nathaniel walking away from a guy that was moving like he had taken a dozen shots. It didn’t take long for her to figure out what happened. She didn’t feel pity for that guy, but as she walked past him, she jokingly gave him a pat on his back. Her gaze wandered through the hallway and she found her self discouraged by how everybody seemed to give off the same vibe. That was why she rarely hanged out with people from this school, unless they made an effort to make plans with her. She looked at her schedule.”History”. And she started to walking in that direction the classroom where but she started noticing a strange smell. At first she couldn't recognize it but later she knew. It was the same smell the older people she hanged out with smelled. She located it to a boyish looking girl and she got intrigued by her and started walking unnoticeable faster to catch up with the girl.

”You certainly doesn’t make an effort to hide that smell” She said tentatively and tilted her head to look at the girl, noticing the girl's beautiful facial features. ”History?”



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Moira Darter

Moira had been on the verge of losing interest in her task of walking to class. Simply due to the fact that she was just too out of it to be bothered sitting in a room full of a bunch of people for god knows how long it would feel like before moving onto the exact same scenario in a different room. That was until she'd heard someone behind her, a girl. Giving the girl a side-glance as she caught up to her, Moira smiled with a shrug at what she said, replying nonchalantly with, "Yeah well I don't think anyone here cares and I doubt the teachers know what the smell is anyway." She joked in a casual manner, hands in her pockets as she kept her strolling pace down the corridor, giving the girl a good look. She was certainly pretty, and Moira was sure she'd seen her once or twice around town and at school.

"History? Uh yeah I think so, I hope I got that right anyway. I'm a little out of it this morning." She chuckled, pulling out her phone and checking the time, internally groaning at the sight of it. It was still far too early for her, if this were the Summer or a weekend she'd still be in a deep, deep sleep right now. Or still awake from the night before and ready to go to sleep, but nope school just had to be there to get in the way of everything. "But uh yeah, where are my manners. I'm Moira, and I'm surprised I didn't know sooner but what's your name?" She asked in a jokingly charming tone as the two continued to make their slow way to History, or at least Moira assumed it was history.


Nathaniel Nash

Nathan walks down the halls casually, as if he hadn't nearly broke another guy's jaw. He glances toward his left and his dark gaze landed on
Pamela. His eyes remained dark, mysterious and held an almost dangerous gleam. Nathan recognized her, but his gaze didn't show it. He merely looked at her blankly as if she was just another loud-mouth student within the halls. His gaze only lingered for a second before turning back to watch in front of him. Nate finally arrived at his class, pushing open the door and moving toward his seat in the back. There was no assigned seating so the students could sit where they pleased, and Nathan preferably sat in the back of class. Not many people wanted to be around him, besides his gang banger buddies who sadly weren't attending today. They had business to take care of, messy business that Nate doesn't participate in often.
Interaction : None

Mentions : simkimchild

Feeling : Impatient

He places his phone on his desk, and digs through his backpack. He tosses it to his feet, which were covered by clearly expensive shoes. His attire was clearly expensive all together, dark colors complimenting his mixed skin-tone. His golden chains dangle over his shirt and softly cling as he begins to write the warm up in this notebook. He doesn't look up as more people enter the classroom, they didn't care for him and he didn't care for them. He lifts his gaze toward the board to continue copying the warm up. Suddenly his phone vibrates softly on the desk, he looks up and unlocks his phone.

Are you ready for tonight? I have everything set up.
Yes I am ready, how many people are coming again?
Lots of people from your school, hopefully none of Pirus come and crash the party.
That wouldn't be good, everyone would have to get out fast. We will handle it if they do.

Nathan locks his phone and places it face-down on the desk. He leans back slightly in a relaxed action. The party was at Damon's place tonight and it was unlikely any gang issues would become involved. Yet lots of people are coming tonight, lots of alcohol and drugs will come along. Hopefully no issues, Nate doesn't enjoy using his .45 to end issues, but he has done it more than once.

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Daphne Alice Morgan


Daphne chuckled. The impression she got from Moira was this mature funny person and she found herself putting Moira in her mental list of people she enjoyed having their company.

”People call me Daphne” Daphne said as they walked into the classic classroom. When looking around she understood why teenagers easily lost their motivation to study, the classroom seemed to simply be begging for it. What’s the matter with white walls, plastic floor coverings and fake flowers? It all seemed so melancholic but luckily she spotted a place close to a window and she sat down there, dumping her bag on the floor and grabbing a chocolate bar. As she stared out she slowly chewed on a delicious bite. She needed the sugar from the bar, to stay awake since her ”beauty sleep” didn’t last for more than 2 hours and she knew that she had to stay awake this whole day and endure every lesson.

As she rested her head on her small hands she started searching in her memory for places in the school to sleep but she realized that this was a dangerous activity since it made her more sleepier and she looked curiously around for excitement. But she saw that the classroom wasn’t that full and the people in the classroom were busy working. Her eyes stopped at something shiny. A golden chain belonging to Nathaniel. She rolled her eyes because her opinion on expensive jewelry was that it was something unnecessary and just used for bragging. But she had to admit that this guy had a better clothing style than most guy in this school, neighborhood, town. She let her eyes continue its wandering and let them stay at an ordinary dull guy. He noticed her eyes and looked up at her with a surprised expression on his face. She decided to play around with him a little because she liked the tension between them, the quietness in the classroom and the distance between their seats making it impossible for him to ask her what the matters was. Daphne touched her lips sensually and gave him a provocative gaze . Resulting in that guy attempting to awkwardly bite his lip in order to look sexy and Daphne turned her face away to the window and chuckled quietly amused by her sudden entertainment.

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Pamela Mondoux

Pam walked to her class with the other students and sat down in history class. She sat down in the back, history not her best subject, she didn't want the teacher to call on her for a question. Pam went through her phone and checked her texts. She saw a text from her friend Caity, a classic chola.

Yo girl, party tonight at my friend's house!
sure girl, where?
My boy Damon's house come thru

Pam put her phone away with a smile. She was happy to go hang out with her friends and meet new people at this party. She looked around the room, watching one of he popular girls flirt with a guy. Wow, she seems like fun, I should go talk to her after class, Pam thought to herself. @Foxeia
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Kiara Vox
Kiara finally got to school. "Shit!" She swore while looking at her phone, to see that she was late. She had forgotten that she had school so she slept in. Don't ask how she could forget school when she almost has it every day. She then began to run down the hall to her locker to get her books. She looked down at her schedule and saw that she had history. She then felt relaxed, 'Oh it just history' She thought. She finally got to the class and noticed she was interrupting it. "Sorry I'm late!" She said and hurriedly went to a desk in the back of the classroom. She took out her earplugs and put them on, making sure her long hair covered it. She scanned to room to see some familiar faces but turned her head back to her phone.

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Emmy felt someone put an arm around her, but before she could see who it was, Nathan was on top of him punching him. Her mind tried to wrap itself around what just happened. All she could make sense of was "He's a murder?" That was one secret that Em didn't need to know. After the fight dispersed she saw Him walking away. After having a hard morning Emmy rushes to the bathroom to calm her nerves.

(Hey guys, give me some time to catch up and I'll make a better post later!)

Moira Darter

"Well it's been a pleasure, Daphine." Moira said with a little nod and a smile as the two girls walked into the classroom. If one could even call it that, it looked like a newly bought house's spareroom in all honesty, books piled up in random places and furniture just all over the place but complaining would only make her boredom that little bit worse so she shrugged it off and went to go sit at the back of the class as she usually did. Taking the far left corner of the classroom, back row where she had the a nice view out the window all to herself. Window views in the classroom were always the best way to distract oneself in Moira's opinion and it made the whole repetitive learning process all that much easier to go through. She yawned and held her head up off the desk with her hand holding up her cheek.

A pair of tight, black jeans were her choice of clothing for the day. A white tank-top with a faded band logo accompanying it, a pair of black combat boots which were surprisingly comfortable. A hemp necklace with a small American flag attached to it along with a single lined bead necklace that ran longer down than the first one, the beads just being red and black. Three crudely made rope-like bracelets on her right wrist all with differing designs that contrasted slightly with the tattoos that ran all up both arms. It may not have been the most formal or good impression like style but it was one that Moira enjoyed, she took out her phone and started idly browsing through her friends' Snapchat stories, with little else on her mind to occupy her it seemed like the quickest way to kill time and boredom.​
Classes had already started by the time Alex's eyes opened. She looked over at her alarm clock to see it wasn't there. 'Oh yeah...' She thought as she looked around her bare room. 'New house... New school... New people... Be positive...' She stood up and did her morning routine quickly so she wasn't even more late for school. She didn't really have time to think about what to wear so she threw on a white t-shirt, baggy jeans, and her black converse. She stuffed her school stuff in her bag, put her hair in a super messy bun, grabbed her phone, and started to run down sidewalk, which was thankfully empty.

Alex arrived to the school panting heavily, but still had to go to the front office to get her schedule. She was supposed to come Monday, but her parents were home... She still has a bruise on her right cheek, but she's used to it by now. She jogged to the principles office and knocked on the door. She heard a "Come in." and opened the door.

"Ah! Alex, nice to finally meet you! Why weren't here Monday? That's not a good first impression, young man." The principle said as Alex entered the room. "Sorry, I... fell down the stairs and...got hurt?" She said, shaking his hand. He nodded and said, "Yes that would explain the bruise." Alex just smiled weakly, "Yeah... I'm just clumsy." The principle chuckled and handed her her schedule, "You can just head to your first class, now." She nodded and mumbled out a "thank you" before leaving the office and going to her second class. 'History, huh? Well at least I get enjoy my first day... I hope...' She thought as she walked to class.

When she got to her classroom she was very hesitant to open the door. But when another student left to go to the bathroom the teacher noticed her. "Excuse me, why are you hovering outside of my classroom, young man?" The teacher, asked as she walked toward Alex. "I'm Alex, my friends call me Al or X, if I actually had any, and I'm new, this is the class on my schedule. Oh, and by the way-" She scanned the room for an empty seat in the back, made her way towards it and sat down, "I'm not a dude. Please be sure to call me a young lady, if anything." The rest of the class snickered or just plainly watched Alex make her way to the seat as far from everyone as she could. 'So much for a good first impression...' She thought as she took out her notebook and pencil, ready to start, but noticed the teacher was just standing there, dumbfounded. "You can start now." Alex said annoyed.

(Sorry for it taking so long and the actual writing being so long! I won't make it as long next time, promise!)

Time Skip ; 3:30PM, Friday.

Nathaniel Nash

He had his head down, breathing rhythmically and silently. He is jolted away by the drilling ringing of the final bell. He slowly lift his head off the desk and yawns, before grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. He stands up and leaves the classroom, joining the horde of teenagers rushing to leave the school grounds. Nathan finally makes it to the parking lot, approaching his blacked out Mustang. He unlocks his car and slides into the driver seat. He turns his music up, and lights a cigarette while still running idle in the school parking lot.
Interactions : None

Mentions : None

Feeling : Cocky

Slowly, a group of boys pass by his Mustang. One of them being the poor Jock he had nearly left unconscious earlier in the day. The dark bruise on his cheek was Nathan's trade mark. The Jock stares at Nathan, if looks could kill Nate would have dropped dead. The Jock keeps walking with his friends, as Nathan exhales smoke he glances over again. The two make eye contact and Nathan smirks, making a finger gun he lifts it and slowly pops it upward as if it shot. With a chuckle Nathan slowly begins to back out of his parking space.

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Alex dropped her pencil at the sound of the bell. 'Finally...' She thought as she stuffed her stuff back in her bag. 'Well... First day back wasn't the worst and I heard about a party that everyone is going to so... I guess I'll go? Just hope Mother and Father don't find out I went...' She sighed for the billionth time as she walked down the crowded hallway. The bright sunlight felt nice compared to the freezing classrooms as she made her way towards the gates. She glanced up to see a black mustang driving by, 'Man... I should really save up for a car...' Then some other kids on bikes rode by. 'I mean, I've always got my skateboard...' She watched in envy as more cars drove past her. She sighed again.


Kiara Vox
Kiara eyes finally opened when the bell rang. She looked around to see a half empty classroom. 'How long was I sleeping?' She though as she wiped away some dribble off her cheek. She finally got up and picked up her belongings. Once she left the classroom, she made her way towards the detention room.'Dammit the party! But I have detention!' She though but then turned around and heading for the exit. 'Who cares about detention, I can do it another day' She thought as she entered her car and sped off, to get ready for the party.

Daphne Alice Morgan


As the school day was ending, Daphne searched for Moira. She had been hearing about this party tonight and decided to go even if high school-parties weren’t her cup of tea but she had this feeling that this party wasn’t a party that she would want to miss. And she didn’t have any plans and she was a little bit curious about the people that would be there. But why was Daphne searching for Moira? Because she wanted to ask Moira, if she wanted to come along. Moira was actually the one of the first person in school Daphne had talked to and not getting bored at. Daphne got very easily bored by people because they were so easily to see through, before she actually would talk to people more than she does today, just to see if she was able to guess what they would say next. She saw Moira outside and walked up to her, knocking her on her back.

”Remember me?” She said and pointed at herself ”I heard about this party tonight and I was thinking if you would like to join me, therefor if it get’s boring, which it will, we could go on our own adventures?” She said charming and gave Moira an adventurous smile. Daphne figured that maybe for other people it would seem weird to ask such a thing to a person you barely know, but Daphne thought that this was the perfect test. If she got weirded out, it would only mean that Moira was a monotonous person, a person that Daphne wouldn’t even want to get to know closer. Or if she said yes, that would mean that she was a fun person, that would give Daphne a fun night. In this situation Daphne could only see win-win.

She looked at the posting board and the papers that was hanging on it. Papers informing about school events and extra classes.

”You will need this in the future” Daphne while ripping one of the papers informing about the library and took a pen out of her bag and wrote her telephone number and gave it to Moira.

Daphne started walking to the bus stop, she ”couldn’t wait” to sit on those dirty seats and ”hopefully” sit close to someone who doesn’t shower.


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Nathaniel Nash

Nathan slowly drives past the lot of buses, and out of the parking lot. He drives the normal speed limit, smoking a cigarette with his window down. He comes to a stop light, a few girls carrying a conversation about meaningless nonsense as the walk down the flat median between the streets.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160707_192034.png.1a070ec1e7892455fb7a03153a086297.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160707_192034.png.1a070ec1e7892455fb7a03153a086297.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
"Excuse me." came a soft voice, Nathan to his left to see one of the girls looking him dead in the eye, the other one seemed more hesitant to meet his powerful glare. "What could I possibly help you with, Blondie?" The teenage girl looked taken back, as if she was insulted to be called the color of her hair. "Well." she retorts with less than appropriate manners ;
Interaction : NPC

Mentions : N/a

Feeling : Cautious
"Smoking cigarettes is bad for you, it causes cancer and then you'll die." Nathaniel rolls his eyes as if he hadn't heard the same sentence over one hundred times. "Right, and J-walking is how you get hit by a car.. and then you'll die." at that moment the light turns green and Nathan flicks his cigarette butt onto the teenage girl, who squeals as if it was a nasty bug. Without waiting, Nathan gasses his Mustang and simply drives off.

Not to long later he is slowly pulling into his drive way. He pulls his keys out of the ignition and tosses his book bag into the back seat. As he is opening his door Nathan spots a rather suspicious black Lexus driving down his street. Growing up in the neighborhood where Nathan did, he was able to tell when someone was up to something. He watches the car pass slowly, and doesn't get out until after the car turns down another street. Nate exhales a sigh and gets out of his car, slowly approaching his house. He unlocks the door and steps inside, shutting the door and locking it behind him.



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Julian checked his phone yet again. He'd forgotten how many times he'd done it, but it hadn't relieved his boredom. He sighs, "Maybe I should've gone to school today." He didn't even have a good reason to skip, besides simple boredom and disgust. Dressed in only a pair of black track pants, he stands, and stretches, before checking his phone, yet again. However, to his surprise, after scrolling through social media, he hears about a party. "A party? Not usually my style. But, it could be an experience..." He considers it, and nods before opening his closet.

Nathaniel Nash

Interactions : None // Feeling : High // Mentions : None


It wasn't long before the mixed young man emerges from his house. He is dressed in a black shirt with matching jeans and shoes. Around his neck dangled three golden chains to match with his gold and diamond Rolex. Another chain dangled in his grip but this one was much thinner and more feminine. Everything about Nathan screamed 'Expensive'.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160707_192049.png.59e370328e569bc8fac785c2bf32fd48.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160707_192049.png.59e370328e569bc8fac785c2bf32fd48.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
He tucks the fourth chain into his pocket, and sits on the steps of his porch. The neighborhood was quiet and not much happened where he lived now. He pulls out a swisher which he had emptied and rolled back up containing an illegal herb. He lights it and inhales, allowing the smoke to burn his throat and chest. He pulls the blunt away from his lips, admiring his blacked out Mustang and the way she shined in the sun. He didn't have long before the party began, and a certain part of him was nagging that he possibly shouldn't go. He pushes it away, and allows his fingers to trace his waistline. The hard feel of the .45 tucked into his waistline gave him comfort, this party could end up being dangerous but he had himself covered.

Nathan continued to smoke his blunt, watching cars as they travel by not giving him a glance. He runs his fingers through his curly hair and sighs. Allowing the herb to calm and soothe his troubled mind and block out the painful memories. If shit hit the fan tonight, he may not be able to help anyone, he had to protect himself more than anything.
I need to stop worrying. They wont show up, its just a party.



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